L_NOTIMPLEMENTED_ERRORMESSAGE = "This feature is not yet implemented."
L_SECURE_TEXT = "Secure Communications"
L_ONCEKEYCERT_TEXT = "Once a valid Key Certificate from a Certificate Authority is installed on this Virtual Server, you can require that access to this Virtual Directory take place on a secure channel."
L_IFSECURECHANNEL_TEXT = "If a Secure Channel is required for this Virtual Directory, access can also be limited by the strength of the encryption. Default strength is 40-bit encryption."
L_REQUIRE128_TEXT = "Require 128-bit Encryption"
L_CANCEL_TEXT = "Cancel"
REM path = trim(Session("path"))
REM set currentobj = GetObject(path)
set currentObj = Server.CreateObject("Nntpadm.VirtualServer.1")