Chip 1998 February
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349 lines
// Implementatation of CoolScroll class
// Applet to load and scroll a series of images
// and have URLs associated with them
// It loads the images and URLs and places the details
// in a vector of ImageJump objects. The images then scroll in a sequential
// order and when they come to rest the user can select one by
// clicking the mouse and hence jump to the URL in question.
// ********************************************************
// Note that the applet must be the same size as the images
// ********************************************************
// This is a part of the Internet Information Server SDK Samples
// Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the Software
// Development Kit Reference and related electronic documentation provided.
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import ImageJump;
public class CoolScroll extends Applet implements Runnable
// default size of applet images
private int m_xsize = 240;
private int m_ysize = 240;
// all the possible scrolling directions
static private final int SCROLL_LEFT = 0;
static private final int SCROLL_RIGHT = 1;
static private final int SCROLL_DOWN = 2;
static private final int SCROLL_UP = 3;
static private final int SCROLL_LEFT_UP = 4;
static private final int SCROLL_LEFT_DOWN = 5;
static private final int SCROLL_RIGHT_UP = 6;
static private final int SCROLL_RIGHT_DOWN = 7;
// main worker thread
private Thread m_Thread = null;
// has the image stopped scrolling?
private boolean m_fImageAtRest = true;
// information about the images
private int m_iNumItems = 0;
private int m_iCurrentItem = 0;
private Vector m_vectItems;
private String m_strURLPrefix;
// what's the scroll rate and delay
private int m_iScrollRate = 50;
private int m_iDelay = 4;
// info about the 'click here' message
private String m_strClickHere="Click Here";
private Font m_font;
private FontMetrics m_fm;
// constants used to parse <param> tags
private final String PARAM_NumItems = "NumItems";
private final String PARAM_ScrollRate = "ScrollRate";
private final String PARAM_Delay = "Delay";
private final String PARAM_ClickHereMessage = "ClickHereMsg";
private final String PARAM_URLPrefix="URLPrefix";
// ctor
public CoolScroll()
m_vectItems = new Vector();
m_iCurrentItem = 0;
public String getAppletInfo()
return "Name: CoolScroll\r\n" +
"Author: Michael Howard (mikehow@microsoft.com)\r\n" +
"Created with Microsoft Visual J++ Version 1.1";
public String[][] getParameterInfo()
String[][] info =
{ PARAM_NumItems, "int", "Number of items" },
{ PARAM_ScrollRate, "int", "Scroll delay (msec)" },
{ PARAM_Delay, "int", "How long to wait until next image shows (secs)" },
{ PARAM_ClickHereMessage,"String","Text to display when image comes to rest"},
{ PARAM_URLPrefix, "String","Prefix for all .htm or .asp files"},
return info;
public void init()
String param;
// get the data from the <param> tags
param = getParameter(PARAM_NumItems);
if (param != null)
m_iNumItems = Integer.parseInt(param);
param = getParameter(PARAM_ScrollRate);
if (param != null)
m_iScrollRate = Integer.parseInt(param);
param = getParameter(PARAM_Delay);
if (param != null)
m_iDelay = Integer.parseInt(param);
param = getParameter(PARAM_ClickHereMessage);
if (param != null)
m_strClickHere = param;
param = getParameter(PARAM_URLPrefix);
if (param != null)
m_strURLPrefix = param;
// store the size of the applet
Dimension d = size();
m_xsize = d.width;
m_ysize = d.height;
m_font = new Font("Helvetica",Font.BOLD,14);
m_fm = getFontMetrics(m_font);
// getImages
// Read all the images from the param tags
private void getImages()
// may be a slow link
MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
for (int i=0; i<m_iNumItems; i++)
String strImage = getParameter("Image"+i);
String strURL = getParameter("URL"+i);
if (strImage != null)
// build up a new ImageJump object
Image img = getImage(getDocumentBase(),strImage);
m_vectItems.addElement(new ImageJump(strURL,img));
// wait for the images to load
try { tracker.waitForAll(); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { }
// paintItems
// Does all of the scrolling work. Is called by run() only.
// iImage is the image index in the vector
private void paintItems(int iImage)
// some defaults
int iScrollType = SCROLL_LEFT;
int iScrollOptions = 4;
// if the image is a square then we support diagonal scrolling also
if (m_ysize == m_xsize)
iScrollOptions = 8;
// choose a scrolling method
switch((int)(Math.random() * iScrollOptions))
case 0 : iScrollType = SCROLL_LEFT; break;
case 1 : iScrollType = SCROLL_RIGHT; break;
case 2 : iScrollType = SCROLL_DOWN; break;
case 3 : iScrollType = SCROLL_UP; break;
case 4 : iScrollType = SCROLL_LEFT_UP; break;
case 5 : iScrollType = SCROLL_LEFT_DOWN; break;
case 6 : iScrollType = SCROLL_RIGHT_UP; break;
default : iScrollType = SCROLL_RIGHT_DOWN; break;
// get the image
Image img = ((ImageJump)m_vectItems.elementAt(iImage)).getImage();
if (img == null)
showStatus("No images!");
// determine how many iterations
int iIterations = m_ysize;
// if rectangle and scrolling left or right then iterations is width
if (m_ysize != m_xsize)
if (iScrollType == SCROLL_LEFT || iScrollType == SCROLL_RIGHT)
iIterations = m_xsize;
// do the scrolling
for (int i=0; i<=iIterations; i++)
int x,y;
case SCROLL_LEFT : x=m_xsize-i; y=0; break;
case SCROLL_RIGHT : x=i-m_xsize; y=0; break;
case SCROLL_DOWN : x=0; y=i-m_ysize; break;
case SCROLL_UP : x=0; y=m_ysize-i; break;
case SCROLL_LEFT_UP : x=m_xsize-i; y=m_ysize-i; break;
case SCROLL_LEFT_DOWN : x=m_xsize-i; y=i-m_ysize; break;
case SCROLL_RIGHT_UP : x=i-m_xsize; y=m_ysize-i; break;
default : x=i-m_xsize; y=i-m_ysize; break;
// pause a moment
try {Thread.sleep(m_iScrollRate);} catch (InterruptedException e){}
// draw the image
if (m_Thread!=null)
private void drawAdvert(Image img, int x, int y)
public void start()
if (m_Thread == null)
m_Thread = new Thread(this);
public void stop()
m_Thread = null;
// run
// Called when thread is created. Counts through each element in the vector
// and gets them scrolled by paintImages
public void run()
int iSize = m_vectItems.size();
while (m_Thread != null)
// loop through all images
m_fImageAtRest = false;
if (m_Thread != null)
m_fImageAtRest = true;
// allow user to read message
try { m_Thread.sleep(m_iDelay * 1000); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { }
// redraw the image to clean up the message
if (m_Thread != null)
// drawAtRestMessage
// When an image comes to rest a small message is displayed in the bottom-right
// corner to inform the user they can click on the image
private void drawAtRestMessage()
Graphics g = getGraphics();
int iWidth = m_fm.stringWidth(m_strClickHere);
int iHeight = m_fm.getLeading() + m_fm.getMaxAscent() + m_fm.getMaxDescent();
// draw the white background
// draw a blue border around the background
// draw the text
// mouseDown
// If user clicked mouse then....
public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y)
// only valid if image has come to rest (ie; not scrolling)
if (m_fImageAtRest)
// Jump to the detail page
String strSampleURL = m_strURLPrefix + "/" + (((ImageJump)m_vectItems.elementAt(m_iCurrentItem)).getURL());
getAppletContext().showDocument(new URL(strSampleURL));
catch(MalformedURLException e)
return true;