Chip 1998 February
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Text File
255 lines
Option Explicit
' Shell object
Dim m_wshShell
Set m_wshShell=WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
' Some defaults
Dim m_strServername, m_strDir, m_strLoginID, m_strPassword
Dim m_strErrLogFile, m_strBadArgument
' Argument prefix length
Call GetCommandLineArgs
' Name of the script and welcome message
Dim m_strSource, m_strWelcome
m_strSource = "Exploration Air Database Install v1.04.1003"
If m_strBadArgument = "True" Then
m_strWelcome = vbTab & vbTab & "Incorrect Parameter Entered" & vbCRLF & _
vbTab & vbTab & "Unable to continue" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF
m_strWelcome = ""
End If
m_strWelcome = m_strWelcome & vbTab & vbTab & "**** PLEASE READ ****" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
"This script builds up the SQL Server databases for Exploration Air." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
"Usage is: BuildExAir.cmd [-S:server] [-U:login ID] [-P:password] [-D:dir]" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
"Where: " & vbCRLF & _
vbTab & "[server] name of the server where SQL Server resides (default is '" & m_strServername & "')." & vbCRLF & _
vbTab & "[login ID] is the SQL Server admin login (default is 'sa')." & vbCRLF & _
vbTab & "[password] is the login ID password (default is no password)." & vbCRLF & _
vbTab & "[dir] is the location of SQL Server (default is 'c:\mssql')." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
"Note: Any existing database named ExAir or ExAirBenefits will be deleted." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF
If m_strBadArgument = "True" Then
m_strWelcome = m_strWelcome & "To build up the SQL Server databases for Exploration Air, rerun with correct parameters."
Msgbox m_strWelcome, vbOKOnly, m_strSource
m_strWelcome = m_strWelcome & "Do you wish to continue?"
If Msgbox(m_strWelcome,vbYesNo + vbQuestion, m_strSource) = vbNo Then
Err.Raise 1,m_strSource,"Execution halted by the user."
End If
Call BuildDatabases
Call BuildDSN
MsgBox "Database Setup is completed!",vbInformation+vbOK,m_strSource
End If
' GetCommandLineArges parses the command line
Sub GetCommandLineArgs
' Set defaults
m_strErrLogFile = "ExAirLog."
m_strBadArgument = "False"
Dim wshNet
set wshNet = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
m_strServername = wshNet.ComputerName
' Get argument object
Dim wshArg, str
'Set wshArg=Wscript.Arguments
For each str in Wscript.Arguments
Select Case UCase(Left(str,ARG_PREFIX_LEN))
Case "-S:"
m_strServerName = PruneOffPrefix(str)
Case "-P:"
m_strPassword = PruneOffPrefix(str)
Case "-D:"
m_strDir = PruneOffPrefix(str)
Case "-U:"
m_strLoginID = PruneOffPrefix(str)
Case Else
m_strBadArgument = "True"
Exit Sub
End Select
End Sub
' PruneOffPrefix removes the -X: from a
' command-line option
Function PruneOffPrefix(str)
If Len(str) > ARG_PREFIX_LEN Then
PruneOffPrefix = Mid(str, ARG_PREFIX_LEN+1)
PruneOffPrefix = ""
End If
End Function
' ExecuteBCP executes a .BCP file
' Throws an exception on failure
Sub ExecuteBCP(strDatabase,strTable, strSwitch)
Dim strComment
strComment = " Populating " & strTable
WScript.echo strComment
dim strCommand
strCommand = "bcp " & strDatabase & ".." & strTable & _
" in " & strTable & ".bcp" & _
" -S" & m_strServerName & _
" -U" & m_strLoginID & _
" -P" & m_strPassword & _
" -o " & m_strErrLogFile & _
" -c"
If strSwitch <> "" Then
strCommand = strCommand & strSwitch
End If
Dim ret
If ret <> 0 Then
Err.Raise 1,m_strSource,"BCP failed, please look at the " & m_strErrLogFile & " file for any errors."
End If
End Sub
' ExecuteSQLScript executes a .SQL file
' Throws an exception on failure
Sub ExecuteSQLScript(strWhich, strComment, strSQLScript, strOption)
WScript.echo vbCRLF & strComment
Dim strCommand
strCommand = "isql -U" & m_strLoginID & _
" -P" & m_strPassword & _
" -S" & m_strServerName & _
" -i " & strSQLScript & _
" -o " & m_strErrLogFile & strWhich & " " & strOption
Dim ret
If ret <> 0 Then
Err.Raise 1,m_strSource,"ISQL failed, please look at the " & m_strErrLogFile & strWhich & " file for any errors."
End If
End Sub
' ExecuteISQL executes the SQL statement in strSQL
' Throws an exception on failure
Sub ExecuteISQL(strWhich, strComment, strSQL, strOption)
WScript.echo vbCRLF & strComment
Dim strCommand
strCommand = "isql -U" & m_strLoginID & _
" -P" & m_strPassword & _
" -S" & m_strServerName & _
" /Q " & chr(34) & strSQL & chr(34) & _
" -o " & m_strErrLogFile & strWhich & " " & strOption
Dim ret
If ret <> 0 Then
Err.Raise 1,m_strSource,"ISQL failed, please look at the " & m_strErrLogFile & strWhich & " file for any errors."
End If
End Sub
' BuildDatabases builds and populates all the data
Sub BuildDatabases
' Nuke old stuff
ExecuteSQLScript "1", "Clearing old data", "NukeDev.sql", ""
' Build main ExAir database
ExecuteISQL "2", "Creating ExAir database device", "disk init name='ExAirDev', physname='" & m_strDir & "\Data\ExAirDev.Dat', vdevno=42, size=2048", "-b"
ExecuteSQLScript "2", "Building ExAir database (this can be time-consuming!)", "ExAir.sql", "-b"
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Ads", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "AdsInterests", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Company", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Destination", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "FlightSchedule", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "InterestCategories", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Interests", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Member", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Membership", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "MembershipType", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "MembersInterests", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Promotions", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "PromotionsInterests", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Special", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "TakeANumber", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Transactions", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "TransactionType", ""
' Build Benefits database
ExecuteISQL "3", "Creating Benefits database device", "disk init name='ExAirBenefitsDev', physname='" & m_strDir & "\Data\ExAirBenefitsDev.Dat', vdevno=43, size=2048", "-b"
ExecuteSQLScript "3", "Building Benefits database (this can be time-consuming!)", "ExAirBenefits.sql", "-b"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "BenefitStatus", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "EBDStatus", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "EDStatus", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "EmployeeStatus", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "PlanStatus", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "QualifierStatus", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Benefit", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "DependentType", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Field", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Gender", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "GeoArea", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Physician", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Plans", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "QualifierClass", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "TaxStatus", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "BenefitPlan", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "BenefitTaxStatus", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Dependent", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Employee", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "PlanField", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "PlanGeoArea", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Qualifier", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "BenefitQualifier", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "EmployeeBenefit", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "EmployeeDependent", ""
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "EmployeeQualifier", " -E"
ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "EmployeeBenefitDependent", ""
End Sub
' BuildDSN builds the two File DSN's
Sub BuildDSN
WScript.echo vbCRLF & "Building ODBC data sources (DSNs)"
WriteOneDSN "SQLFreq.dsn", "ExAir"
WriteOneDSN "SQLBenefits.dsn", "ExAirBenefits"
End Sub
Sub WriteOneDSN(strDSNName, strDatabase)
Dim obFileSys, obDSN
Set obFileSys = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set obDSN = obFileSys.CreateTextFile("c:\Program Files\Common Files\ODBC\Data Sources\" & strDSNName)
obDSN.WriteLine("DRIVER=SQL Server")
obDSN.WriteLine("UID=" & m_strLoginID)
obDSN.WriteLine("PWD=" & m_strPassword)
obDSN.WriteLine("DATABASE=" & strDatabase)
obDSN.WriteLine("WSID=" & m_strServername)
obDSN.WriteLine("APP=Microsoft Win32")
obDSN.WriteLine("SERVER=" & m_strServername)
End Sub