<% If Request("DontFrame")<>1 Then Response.Redirect "/iissamples/sdk/asp/docs/SampFram.asp?ovfile=/iishelp/iis/htm/sdk/samp3reb.asp&srcfile=Database/LimitRows" %>
In an Internet environment, it is often desirable to limit the amount of information that a database query returns to a client browser. This example demonstrates how a script, using ASP and ADO, can limit the number of rows returned.</p>
The sample first creates an instance of the <b>Connection</b> object, and opens the ODBC connection with the this object's <b>Open</b> method. <b>CreateObject</b> is used again to instantiate an empty <b>Recordset</b> object. The <b>ActiveConnection</b> property of the new <b>Recordset</b> object is set to point at the open ODBC connection, an SQL source string is assigned, and cursor type specified. The key to limiting the results lies with the <b>Recordset</b> object's <b>PageSize</b> property. For this example, the value is set to 10, which indicates that ADO is to return at most 10 records. Finally, the <b>Open</b> method is called, and ADO searches for the first 10 records that fulfill the SQL search string. </p>
When ADO has returned and placed the results of the search into the <b>Recordset</b> object, the script loops through the page, displaying all fields of each record in a table. The script then performs the typical housecleaning operations, closing both the recordset and the connection. </p>
It is important to realize that if the SQL query had returned more than 10 records, this script would not display them. The property <b>PageCount</b> would need to be accessed to discover how many logical pages of data were returned. </p>
<b>Note</b> ODBC must be properly configured on the server before this sample will run properly. </p>