<% If Request("DontFrame")<>1 Then Response.Redirect "/iissamples/sdk/asp/docs/SampFram.asp?ovfile=/iishelp/iis/htm/sdk/samp0zlf.asp&srcfile=Components/BrowserCap" %>
To maintain usability and compatibility between all browsers and your Web applications, it is important that you keep in mind that not all browsers were created equal. To make the task of accounting for differences easier, ASP provides the Browser Capabilities component. This component provides your scripts with a description of the capabilities of the client browser through the <b>BrowserType</b> object. </p>
This sample illustrates how easy the Browser Capabilities component is to use. First, an instance of the <b>BrowserType</b> object must be created and assigned to an object variable, <i>bc</i>. Then, each property is requested, in turn, from the object using the <i>object.property</i> syntax. Run the example, and see what your browser can do.</p>