<% If Request("DontFrame")<>1 Then Response.Redirect "/iissamples/sdk/asp/docs/SampFram.asp?ovfile=/iishelp/iis/htm/sdk/samp0ur7.asp&srcfile=Applications/Session" %>
You can use the <b>Session</b> object to store variables that will remain available for the length of the session, and, therefore, have session scope. For instance, if you have created an on-line shopping application, you could define <b>Session</b> object variables that allow you to track how much merchandise the shopper has purchased or how much money they owe. This example uses the variable <i>SessionCount</i> to store the number of times you have clicked the <i>Click here to visit it again </i>link. </p>
<b>Note</b> If you visit this sample several times, visit another section of the documentation, and then visit this sample again, the count will pick up where you left off. This is because the <b>Session</b> object has not yet been destroyed. </p>