<DD>To provide your employees with a high-performance, Web-based human resources application.</DD>
<DD>Windows NT Server 4.0; Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0; Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS); Active Server Pages (ASP); ADO; Microsoft SQL Server ; Internet Explorer version 3.02 with Authenticode 2 update, or later versions of Internet Explorer</DD>
<DD>Intranet, secured; Windows NT network</DD>
If InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER-AGENT"), "MSIE") Then
MachPath = "../mm/iisctr3m.asp"
MachPath = "iimmnscp.htm"
End If %>
<td width="4%"></td>
<td width="19%" valign="top"><br><br>
<center><a href="<%= MachPath%>"><img src="iimm.gif" border=0 alt="Creating a Human Resources Application" align="top" border=0></a></center>