<DD>To combine the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack with the new technology delivered in Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0 to deliver the most current information from your site to your customer's desktop.</DD>
<DD>Windows NT Server 4.0; Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0; Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0; Active Server Pages (ASP) </DD>
If InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER-AGENT"), "MSIE") Then
MachPath = "../mm/iiscpb3m.asp"
MachPath = "iimmnscp.htm"
End If %>
<td width="4%"></td>
<td width="19%" valign="top"><br><br>
<center><a href="<%= MachPath%>"><img src="iimm.gif" border=0 alt="Using Internet Explorer 4.0 Channels"></a></center>
<li>Use Visual Interdev to create a user interface that enables customers to select Internet Explorer 4.0 channels.</li>
<li>Use Visual Interdev to write the ASP code that creates a channel definition format (CDF) file. This is the file from which Internet Explorer 4.0 gleans information about a channel.</li>
<h2><A NAME="H2_37668480">Result</a></h2>
<p>When customers using Internet Explorer 4.0 select a link to find out about available channels on your site, they are able to select an install a new channel on the Active Desktop. So, when the channel has new information, the Active Desktop informs customers of of the new content, which they peruse at their leisure.</p>