<DD>If you're running a public Web site or extranet, security is critical to your business. You can use IIS 4.0 to secure your site, providing the right people the appropriate access to the information you want them to have.</DD>
<DD>Windows NT Server 4.0; Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0; Active Server Pages (ASP); ADO; Microsoft SQL Server; Internet Explorer version 3.02 with Authenticode 2 update, or later versions of Internet Explorer</DD>
<DD>Internet, secured</DD>
If InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER-AGENT"), "MSIE") Then
MachPath = "../mm/iiscpb1m.asp"
MachPath = "iimmnscp.htm"
End If %>
<td width="4%"></td>
<td width="19%" valign="top"><br><br>
<center><a href="<%= MachPath%>"><img src="iimm.gif" border=0 alt="Security for the Public Web Site Demonstration"></a></center>
<li>Use Microsoft Certificate Server to issue certificates to your clients.</li>
<li>Enable Secure Sockets Layer.</li>
<li>Use Visual Interdev to write Active Server Pages scripts to determine the content of a client certificate, and issue or deny access on the basis of those contents. </li>
<h2><A NAME="H2_37667623">Result</a></h2>
<p>A customer with the right certificate sees confidential information.</p>
<p>A person lacking the appropriate certificate is so informed.</p>