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- ;***********************************************
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; Automated install is a feature that allows
- ; users to run the Lotus Install program
- ; without the user interface. This feature
- ; is particularly useful for system administrators
- ; who manage installs and upgrades for
- ; large groups of users.
- ;
- ; System administrators use this feature
- ; by filling in the fields in this response
- ; file (instorg.rsp), and then making this
- ; file available to end users. The information
- ; you supply in this file provides input
- ; to the Install program so it can run without
- ; user intervention.
- ;
- ; NOTE: Only system administrators should edit
- ; this file. Individual users should use the
- ; response file provided to them by their system
- ; administrator.
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ; 1) Prepare the Response File:
- ;
- ; a) Back up this file by copying it
- ; to a new name (instorg.sav, for example)
- ; so you can start fresh at any time.
- ; b) In this file, provide the information
- ; for each field. Examine each default
- ; value to make sure it is the value you
- ; want. Read the comments for each field
- ; for information about legal values and
- ; possible interactions with other fields.
- ; c) Validate your response file by running
- ; an install that uses this file as input.
- ; (See the command line information below).
- ; The Install program displays any errors
- ; that occur. Remember that if you are
- ; testing node installs, you must run a
- ; server install first.
- ;
- ; 2) Make the Response File Available to
- ; End Users
- :
- ; When your response file has no errors
- ; and performs the install as you intended,
- ; make it available to your users with
- ; instructions about how to run the Install
- ; program. You might want to tell them
- ; what command line to type, or you might
- ; choose a different method. The best
- ; distribution strategy depends on the tools
- ; you have available at your site.
- ;
- ;
- ; Choose Run from the Start menu (Windows 95) or
- ; Windows NT 4.0) or choose File Run from the
- ; Windows Program Manager (Windows NT 3.51),
- ; and type the install command:
- ;
- ; <path>\install /A <ResponseFilePath> [/U ["UserName"]]
- : [/O [<LogFilePath>]] [/?]
- ;
- ; where:
- ; path is the location of the install program
- ; executable.
- ; /A turns on the automated install feature.
- ; ResponseFilePath is the full path and
- ; name of the response file. If you do
- ; not specify a path, this defaults to
- ; the directory in which your install
- ; executable resides.
- ; /U allows you to specify the name of the user.
- ; "UserName" is the name of the user to which
- ; this copy of the program is registered.
- ; See the comments for the UserName field
- ; below for information about defaults.
- ; /O allows you to specify the status log file
- ; path and filename.
- ; LogFilePath is the full path and name of the
- : status log file. If you do not specify a
- ; path, this defaults to \<windowsdir>\lotinst.log.
- ; /? brings up the command line usage message.
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ; Do not change the field names to the left
- ; of the equal signs (=) in this file.
- ; Changing the field names will cause errors.
- ;
- ; Do not remove fields from this file.
- ; Removing fields will cause errors.
- ;
- ; If you perform a standard or node
- ; install to add another language to
- ; this product, the Install program does
- ; not use the directory fields in this file.
- ; The additional language is added to the
- ; existing copy of the product. For more
- ; information about multilingual install,
- ; see the Network Administrator's Guide
- ; (readnet.txt).
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- [User Registration]
- ; The [User Registration] section is for
- ; information about the end user of this copy
- ; of the product.
- ;
- ; Type the user's name in the "UserName" field.
- ; Type the company's name in the "CompanyName"
- ; field. This information will become a
- ; permanent part of the user's copy of this
- ; program. If you do not supply this
- ; information, the program will attempt
- ; to find the user and company name from
- ; a previously installed version
- ; of this program (if there is one), or
- ; from the Windows registration information.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- UserName =
- CompanyName =
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- [General Information]
- ; The [General Information] section specifies the
- ; type of install you want to perform and the program
- ; group to which you want to add the product icon.
- ;
- ; Use the "InstallType" field to specify the kind of
- ; install you want to perform.
- ; 1 Standalone Install
- ; 2 Server Install
- ; 3 Distribution Install
- ; 4 Node install
- ;
- ; Remember that if you want to run a node install,
- ; you must run a server install first, and use the
- ; install.exe generated by the server install.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- InstallType = 1
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; Use the "AddiconOption" field to specify whether
- ; Install should add program icons to your
- ; program group or start menu.
- ;
- ; 0 Do not add program icons
- ; 1 Add program icons
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- AddiconOption = 1
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; Use the "ProgramGroup" field to name the program
- ; group to which you want to add this product's icon.
- ; This field is only used if you are doing a standard,
- ; server, or node install on Windows NT 3.51 and the
- ; AddiconOption field is set to 1. It is not used on
- ; Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, or if the AddiconOption
- ; field is set to 0.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ProgramGroup = Lotus SmartSuite
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; Use the "StartmenuFolder" field to name the folder
- ; to which you want to add this product's icon.
- ; This field is only used if you are doing a standard,
- ; server, or node install on Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0.
- ; It is not used on Windows NT 3.51 or if the AddiconOption
- ; field is set to 0.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- StartmenuFolder = Lotus SmartSuite
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- [Datalens]
- ; The [Datalens] section provides information
- ; about where to install the Datalens
- ; drivers. The fields in this section are only
- ; used if the products you are installing use
- ; the Datalens drivers, and only during a
- ; server install (InstallType 2).
- ;
- ; Use the "SQLServerName" field to specify the name
- ; of your SQL server.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- SQLServerName =
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; Use the "PARADOXNetInfo" field to specify the
- ; path to the PARADOX server.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- PARADOXNetInfo =
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- [ORG]
- ; The [ORG] section provides information
- ; specific to Organizer.
- ;
- ;
- ; The "BASEDIR" field specifies the base directory
- ; for a single product. Your main product directory,
- ; work directory, and all other directories
- ; associated with this product will be created
- ; under this base directory. We recommend that you
- ; use the same base directory for all of the
- ; Lotus products you install. This field is used
- ; only in standalone, file server, and node installs.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- BASEDIR= c:\lotus\
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; If you don't want to use the default directories
- ; based on "BASEDIR" edit these 3 directories
- ; and set "SizeOfInstall" to 3 (Custom).
- ;
- ; Use the "ORGDIR" field to specify the main
- ; product directory for Organizer 5.0.
- ;
- ; Use the "ORGWORKDIR" field to specify the
- ; directory in which users store their work.
- ; Standard and Node only.
- ;
- ; Use the "ORGBACKUPDIR" field to specify the
- ; directory in which users store their backup
- ; files. Standard and Node only.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ORGDIR = c:\lotus\organize\
- ORGWORKDIR = c:\lotus\work\organize\
- ORGBACKUPDIR = c:\lotus\backup\organize\
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; Use the "SizeOfInstall" field to specify the
- ; size of the Organizer install:
- ; 1 Default install
- ; 2 Minimum install
- ; 3 Custom install
- ;
- ; This field is only used during standard
- ; and file server installs (InstallType 1 and 2).
- ; For file server installs, you can only use
- ; SizeOfInstall 1 or 3.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- SizeOfInstall = 1
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; Use "ORGRemovePreviousProdFiles" to remove any
- ; files from previous releases of Organizer 2.x
- ; 0 = Don't delete; 1 = Delete
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ORGRemovePreviousProdFiles = 0
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; Do not edit PimOnly = 1
- PimOnly = 1
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- [CustomizeORG]
- ; The [CustomizeORG] section lets you select
- ; which features of Organizer you want to install.
- ; This section is only used if the
- ; "SizeOfInstall" field in the [ORG] section
- ; is 3 (custom install).
- ;
- ;
- ; Organizer
- ; Choose the feature you want to install.
- ;
- ; ORGEXE = Lotus Organizer
- ;***********************************************
- ORGEXE = 1
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; Organizer Compact Utility
- ; Choose the feature you want to install.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; Help and Samples
- ; Choose the help and samples you want to install.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ; Organizer 5.0 Help files
- ORGHELP1 = 1
- ; Tour files
- ORGHELP2 = 1
- ; Reference files
- ORGHELP3 = 1
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; Organizer Event Sounds
- ; Choose the feature you want to install.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; Layouts
- ; Choose the layouts you want to install.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ; De-select all with ORGREP = 0
- ; or deselect individual items
- ; Calendar
- ORGREP1 = 1
- ; Calls
- ORGREP2 = 1
- ; To Do
- ORGREP3 = 1
- ; Contacts
- ORGREP4 = 1
- ; Notepad
- ORGREP5 = 1
- ; Anniversary
- ORGREP6 = 1
- ; Planner
- ORGREP7 = 1
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; Paper
- ; Organizer Paper Layout Files Section
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ; De-select all with ORGPAPER = 0
- ; or deselect individual items
- ; "2x10-Labels 1 x 4 in"
- ; "2x3-Labels 3 1/3 x 4 in"
- ; "2x4 Rolodex« 2 1/6 x 4 in"
- ; "2x5-Labels 2 x 4 in"
- ; "2x7-Labels 1 1/3 x 4 in"
- ; "3x10-Labels 1 x 2 5/8 in"
- ; "A4 210 x 297 mm"
- ; "A5 148 x 210 mm"
- ; "Avery« L7902 (A5)"
- ORGPAPER13 = 1
- ; "Avery« L7901 (Filofax«)"
- ORGPAPER14 = 1
- ; "Avery« L7162 (16)"
- ORGPAPER15 = 1
- ; "Avery« L7163 (14)"
- ORGPAPER16 = 1
- ; "Avery« L7159 (24)"
- ORGPAPER17 = 1
- ; "Avery« L7666"
- ORGPAPER18 = 1
- ; "B5 176 x 250 mm"
- ORGPAPER19 = 1
- ; "Day-Timer« Desk"
- ORGPAPER20 = 1
- ; "Day-Timer« Jotter"
- ORGPAPER21 = 1
- ; "Day-Timer« Folio"
- ORGPAPER22 = 1
- ; "Day-Timer« Portable"
- ORGPAPER23 = 1
- ; "DayRunner« Classic(TM)"
- ORGPAPER24 = 1
- ; "DayRunner« Entrepreneur(TM)"
- ORGPAPER25 = 1
- ; "DayRunner« Running Mate«"
- ORGPAPER26 = 1
- ; "Envelope #10 4 1/8 x 9╜ in"
- ORGPAPER27 = 1
- ; "Envelope #9 3 7/8 x 8 7/8 in"
- ORGPAPER28 = 1
- ; "Filofax«"
- ORGPAPER29 = 1
- ; "Franklin Day Planner« Classic (L)"
- ORGPAPER30 = 1
- ; "Franklin Day Planner« Classic (P)"
- ORGPAPER31 = 1
- ; "Franklin Day Planner« Monarch"
- ORGPAPER32 = 1
- ; "Legal 8╜ x 14 in"
- ORGPAPER33 = 1
- ; "Letter 8╜ x 11 in"
- ORGPAPER34 = 1
- ; "Time Manager«"
- ORGPAPER35 = 1
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- [CustomizeNodeOptionsORG]
- ; The [CustomizeNodeOptionsORG] section
- ; is used both during file server installs
- ; (InstallType 2) and during node installs
- ; (InstallType 4). Please read the comments
- ; below for more details.
- ;
- ; For a file server install (InstallType 2),
- ; the [CustomizeNodeOptionsORG] section allows
- ; network administrators to specify which
- ; features *can* be copied to a node user's
- ; machine during a node install. This section
- ; corresponds to the Node User Feature Access
- ; dialog box in the file server install.
- ;
- ; Use the following values in these fields for
- ; a server install:
- ; 0 Do not allow the feature to be copied
- ; to the user's machine
- ; 1 Allow the feature to be copied the
- ; user's machine
- ;
- ; For a node install (InstallType 4), the
- ; [CustomizeNodeOptionsORG] section allows
- ; you to specify which features *will* be
- ; copied to the node user's machine during the
- ; node install.
- ;
- ; Use the following values in these fields for
- ; a node install:
- ; 0 Do not copy the feature to the user's
- ; machine
- ; 1 Copy the feature to the user's machine
- ;
- ; Features will be copied to the user's machine
- ; during a node install only if they were selected
- ; in this section or in the Node User Feature Access
- ; dialog box during the server install.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ORGEXE = 0
- ORGREP = 0
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- [Shared Components]
- ; The [Shared Components] section provides information
- ; about Lotus shared components (such as Spell
- ; Check).
- ;
- ; The "COMPONENTSDIR" field is used only during a
- ; server install.
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- COMPONENTSDIR = c:\lotus\compnent
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ; The fields below allow you to select and
- ; deselect the Lotus shared components.
- ; These fields are only used if the "SizeOfInstall"
- ; field in the [ORG] section is set to 3.
- ;
- ; To select a shared component, set its value
- ; to 1 (one). To deselect a shared component,
- ; set its value to 0 (zero).
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;***********************************************
- ;***********************************************
- ;
- ;End of Response File