Labels:box | car | crt screen | dialog box | earth | fence | monitor | plant | road | rock | seat | sidewalk | sky | stop sign | window OCR: Network statistics HTTP traffic ID traffic and RIP Opened ports Disks Utilization Network stations MAC traffic matrix Protocols Point-to-point tests Broadcasts and Packeb SIZeS Net Errors subprotocols and ICMP TCP port usage UDP ports usage TCP/UDP port: hu station TCP ports total Port name Port number frames Total data Share netbios -ssn (NETBIOS Session Service 20089 15.5 M %8666 pop3 [Post Office Protocol Vers sion 11 0.07 TCE ports received/transmitted Port aweu Port num Received fra Received data Transmitted fr... Transmitted d netbios -ssn (NETBIOS Session Servicel 9859 10230 14.7M pop3 [Post Office Protocol Version 3.0 k 8.2 K TCP ports by transmitted TCP ports by frames transmitted Legend Legend: os-ssn INE TBIOS Session Service] :-ssr INE TBIOS Session Service] 66 93% 99.55% HIIP ...