New Specific (Seed) Game = ┐¬╩╝╓╕╢¿░µ├µ (╓╓╫╙) ╡─╙╬╧╖
MOD music enabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. = MOD ─ú╫Θ╥⌠└╓╥╤╞⌠╢», ─π▒╪╨δ╓╪╨┬╞⌠╢»│╠╩╜íú
Can't find needed external DLL (npmod32.dll). Please install it in your Kyodai directory and retry. You can find it on the Kyodai website at : = ╬▐╖¿╒╥╡╜╨Φ╥¬╡─╤╙╔∞ DLL ╡╡░╕ (npmod32.dll), ╟δ╜½╦ⁿ░▓╫░╡╜│╠╩╜─┐┬╝╧┬╘┘╓╪╩╘íú─π┐╔╥╘╘┌ ╨╓╡▄┬Θ╚╕╡─═°╒╛╒╥╡╜┤╦╡╡░╕:
This feature is only available on the Solitaire board. = ╒Γ╣ª─▄╓╗╩╩╙├∞╢ Solitaire ░µ├µíú
Registration reminder = ╫ó▓ß╠ß╨╤
; This is the text in the reminder...
Please, remember to register ! = ░▌═╨, ╟δ╝╟╡├╚Ñ╫ó▓ß !
Only your participation can help me = ╓╗╙╨─π╡─░∩├ª─▄╚├╬╥
continue to improve KYODAI for you ! = ╝╠╨°╬¬─π╝╙╟┐ ╨╓╡▄┬Θ╚╕╡─╣ª─▄ !
Registration will remove all these = ╫ó▓ßßß╜½╗ß╥╞│²╒Γ╨⌐
nasty reminders and give you access = ╖│╚╦╡─╠ß╨╤╩╙┤░▓ó╕°─π
to perpetual FREE upgrades... Thank you ! = ├Γ╖╤╔²╝╢╡─╚¿└√... ╨╗╨╗─π !
; Text under the tiles in the "View Tiles" menu...
Craks (4 times each) = ═≥╫╙┼╞ (├┐╓╓ 4 ╒┼)
Bamboos (4 times each) = ╦≈╫╙┼╞ (├┐╓╓ 4 ╒┼)
Dots (4 times each) = ═▓╫╙┼╞ (├┐╓╓ 4 ╒┼)
Flowers (once each) = ╗¿┼╞ (├┐╓╓ 1 ╒┼)
Seasons (once each) = ╗¿┼╞ (├┐╓╓ 1 ╒┼)
Winds (4 times each) = ╖τ┼╞ (├┐╓╓ 4 ╒┼)
Dragons (4 times each) = ╫╓┼╞ (├┐╓╓╦─╒┼)
And the winner is... PLAYER 1 ! = ╚╗ßß, ╙«╝╥╩╟... ╡┌ 1 ╬╗═µ╒▀ !
And the winner is... PLAYER 2 ! = ╚╗ßß, ╙«╝╥╩╟... ╡┌ 2 ╬╗═µ╒▀ !
Same score for both players ! = ┴╜╬╗═µ╒▀╖╓╩²╧α═¼ !
Your final score is = ─π╫ε╓╒╡─│╔╝¿╩╟
Your final time is = ─π╫ε╓╒╡─╩▒╝Σ╩╟
You reached the top ! Great ! = ─π╡╓┤∩╡╜╢Ñ╡π┴╦ ! ▓╗┤φ !
Please choose a name for your layout file = ╟δ╬¬─π╡─┼╞╨═╡╡╚í├√
Please choose a Background bitmap file = ╟δ╤í╘±▒│╛░═╝╞¼
Please choose a Tileset bitmap file = ╟δ╤í╘±┼╞╫Θ═╝╞¼
LAY Layout files = LAY ┼╞╨═╬─╝■
Background files = ▒│╛░═╝╞¼╬─╝■
Tileset files = ┼╞╫Θ═╝╞¼╬─╝■
; These ones are followed by a file name and a question mark.
This file already exists. Do you want to erase = ╒Γ╕÷╡╡░╕╥╤╛¡┤µ╘┌, ╥¬▓╗╥¬╔╛│²
Are you sure you want to erase = ─π╚╖╢¿─π╥¬╔╛│²
Please confirm = ╟δ╚╖╚╧
Layout saved as "Temporary.lay". Click on "Edit layout" to call the layout editor and save it under a definitive name. = ┼╞╨═╥╤┤µ│╔ "Temporary.lay"íú ═Ω│╔ßß░┤╧┬ "▒α╝¡┼╞╨═" ┼Ñ║⌠╜╨┼╞╨═▒α╝¡╞≈, ╘┘╜½╦ⁿ╙├╛÷╢¿╡─├√│╞┤ó┤µíú
You haven't finished building the layout yet ! The "Tiles left" indicator must be a multiple of 4... = ─π╗╣╬┤╜¿═Ω┤╦┼╞╨═ ! "╨Φ╥¬" ╓╕╩╛╞≈▒╪╨δ╩╟ 4 ╡─▒╢╩²...
This layout is not playable ! Please make more free moves... = ╒Γ╕÷┼╞╨═▓╗─▄═µ ! ╟δ╖┼╥╗╨⌐┐╔╥╞│²╡─┼╞...
No more moves. Do you want to give up ? (If you reply Yes and made a good score, you'll enter the hall of fame. If you reply No, the game will go back one move) = ├╗╡╪╖╜┐╔╥╞┴╦, ╥¬═╢╜╡┬≡ ? (╚τ╣√─π╙╨║├│╔╝¿╢°╤í "╩╟", ─╟├┤─π╜½╜°╚δ┼┼╨╨░±íú╚τ╣√─π╤í "╖±", ╙╬╧╖╜½╗ß░∩─π╖┤╗┌╥╗▓╜)
If you want to change the game mode, you'll have to restart your game. Do you wish to continue ? = ╚τ╣√╧δ╟╨╗╗╙╬╧╖─ú╩╜, ╛═▒╪╨δ╓╪╨┬┐¬╩╝╙╬╧╖íú╥¬╝╠╨°┬≡ ?
Vertical Variation = ┤╣╓▒▒Σ╠σ═µ╖¿
Specific Board started. Random Seed # = ╥╤╞⌠╢»╓╕╢¿░µ├µíú╦µ╗·╓╓╫╙▒α║┼ #
; This one is for showing text like "Layout Traditional selected."
You are running the game in 256-color mode (or even worse). It is strongly recommended to switch to 16-bit or 24-bit color depth modes. Otherwise, you should should select No Background and a tileset with few colors. Thanks for listening ! = ╟δ╫ó╥Γ ! ─·╒²╘┌ 256 ╔½ (╗≥╕ⁿ╘π) ╡─╟Θ╨╬╧┬╓┤╨╨╙╬╧╖íú╟┐┴╥╜¿╥Θ╟╨╗╗╡╜ 16bit ╗≥ 24bit ╓┤╨╨íú─·╥▓┐╔╥╘╤í╘±╡Ñ╔½▒│╛░║═╔½▓╩╩²╔┘╡─┼╞╫Θ╥╘╡├┴╝║├╨º╣√íú
; This one says "About Kyodai x.x" in the About Box...
About = ╣╪╙┌
This will launch your Web browser to the Kyodai registration page. Do you want to continue ? = ╒Γ╜½╗ß╞⌠╢»─π╡─Σ»└└╞≈, ▓ó░╤─π┤°═∙ ╨╓╡▄┬Θ╚╕ ╡─╫ó▓ß═°╥│, ╥¬╝╠╨°┬≡ ?
You launched Kyodai for the first time ! ;-) = ─π╡┌╥╗┤╬╞⌠╢»╨╓╡▄┬Θ╚╕ ! ;-)
You launched Kyodai twice ! ;-) = ─π╞⌠╢»╨╓╡▄┬Θ╚╕┴╜┤╬┴╦ ! ;-)
SORRY, NO MORE MOVES !! = ╢╘▓╗╞≡ú¼├╗╙╨┐╔╥╞╢»╡─┼╞┴╦ !!
Do you really want to remove the Hall of Fame entries for this layout ? = ─π╒µ╡─╥¬╜½┤╦┼╞╨═╡─┼┼╨╨╝╟┬╝╔╛│²┬≡ ?
Thanks again ! You're now registered. = ╘┘╢╚╨╗╨╗─π ! ─π╥╤╛¡╫ó▓ß═Ω▒╧┴╦íú
Sorry, wrong password. Please check out if you entered the user name and password exactly as I gave them to you. = ╢╘▓╗╞≡, ├▄┬δ┤φ╬≤... ╟δ╝∞▓Θ╩╣╙├╒▀├√│╞║═├▄┬δ, ▒╪╨δ║═╬╥╕°─π╡─╥╗─ú╥╗╤∙íú
; This is the registration reminder shown when Kyodai is launched...
Welcome to KYODAI MAHJONGG ! = ╗╢╙¡╜°╚δ ╨╓╡▄┬Θ╚╕ !
If you like Mahjongg Solitaire games, I hope = ╚τ╣√─π╧▓╗╢┬Θ╜½┼Σ╢╘╙╬╧╖╡─╗░, ╬╥╧α╨┼
you'll love this version. As a true fan, I worked = ─π╜½╗ß╧▓░«╒Γ╕÷░µ▒╛íú ╔φ╬¬┐±╚╚╒▀, ╬╥╬¬╦ⁿ
for thousands of hours on it, trying to improve it = ╣ñ╫≈┴╦╝╕╟º╨í╩▒, ├┐╠∞╩╘╓°╕─┴╝╘÷╜°
every day. If you like Kyodai, please register. = ╦ⁿ╡─╣ª─▄íú ╚τ─π╧▓╗╢╨╓╡▄┬Θ╚╕, ╟δ╫ó▓ßíú
First, you will get rid you of this message and = ╩╫╧╚, ─π╜½┐╔┼╫╞·╒Γ╕÷╩╙┤░, ║═╙╬╧╖╓╨
all the reminders during the game, and it will = ╦∙╙╨╡─╫ó▓ß╠ß╩╛, ╢°╒Γ╥▓┐╔╥╘░∩╓·╬╥
help me improve it again. And you won't have to = ╝╠╨°╤╨╖ó╒Γ╕÷│╠╩╜íú ╓╪╥¬╡─╩╟, ─π╘┘╥▓
pay anymore for the next versions to come ! = ▓╗▒╪╬¬╨┬╡─░µ▒╛╕╢╖╤╔²╝╢┴╦ !
Kyodai is my only income, so I won't be able to = ╨╓╡▄┬Θ╚╕╩╟╬╥╬¿╥╗╡─╩╒╚δ, ╦∙╥╘╚τ╣√─π▓╗╫ó▓ß,
work on it forever if you don't pay the registration = ╬╥╛═╬▐╖¿╥╗╓▒╤╨╖ó╒Γ╕÷│╠╩╜íú
fee. To find out how to register, just go to the Help = ╥¬╓¬╡└╚τ║╬╫ó▓ß, ╓╗╥¬╟░═∙ "╕¿╓·╦╡├≈"
menu, click on Contents, then Help, and follow the = ╤í╡Ñ, ░┤╧┬ "─┌╚▌", ╜╙╓° "Help", ╚╗ßß
instructions. Thanks again, and enjoy this game ! = ╒╒╓°╓╕╥²╫÷íú ╘┘╢╚╕╨╨╗, ╧φ╩▄╙╬╧╖░╔ !
If you experience any problems, please read the = ╚τ╣√─π╖ó╔·╚╬║╬╬╩╠Γ, ╟δ╘┌╦═│÷╙╩╝■╟░
help file extensively before sending a mail ! = ╧Ω╧╕╘─╢┴═Ω╦╡├≈╬─╝■ !
And remember : Kyodai is 100% customizable ! = ╝╟╫í : ╨╓╡▄┬Θ╚╕╩╟ 100% ┐╔╫╘╢¿╡─ !
Make sure you read the help files and the menus ! = ╚╖╚╧─π╥╤╧Ω╧╕╘─╢┴╣ª─▄▒φ║═╦╡├≈╬─╝■ !
; New Text.
This feature is only available on Solitaire, Rivers and Memory. = This feature is only available on Solitaire, Rivers and Memory.
Pause = ╘▌═ú
Continue = ╝╠╨°
Play = ╜°╨╨╙╬╧╖
Please choose a name for your saved game = ╟δ╤í╘±╙√▒ú┤µ╙╬╧╖╡─├√╫╓