You'll find ImageForge contains advanced features which will make it your first choice for basic image editing. ImageForge is easy to use -- you don't have to be a techician to produce stunning results with your own pictures and photos. --FEATURES: Use clipart as brushes; Soft brushes, Smudge, Scatter; Special Effect filters; Support for scanners and other Twain-compliant devices; Automatic palette optimization; Color-replacement Fill and Eraser; AVI animation; Crop and Enlarge Canvas; Resize and Resample; Rotate by Degree; Tools for producing your own stand-alone library album programs (complete with viewer utility, editor, slide show, install program, etc.). The ultimate freeware paint.
Requires Windows 95/98/NT4, Pentium-class CPU with 16+MB RAM, Hi-Color or True Color display.
Before you can begin using ImageForge you must run the ImageForge
Setup program from Windows. To install ImageForge, follow the steps below:
1. Start Windows.
2. Extract the installation files from the ZIP file and place the files in a working directory on your hard disk (if you downloaded a self-extracting EXE file, simply place it into a temporary working folder, and run the EXE).
3. Click on the Windows Start button (or open your file manager).
4. Select "Run..." from the "Start" menu or run "Setup.exe" from your file manager.
5. In the "Command Line" field enter one of the following:
- type: C:\DIRNAME\SETUP (Remember to replace DIRNAME with the name
of the directory where you uncompressed the ImageForge files).
6. Follow the instructions on the screen.
7. If you decide not to continue to use ImageForge, open the Windows
Control Panel and click on the Add/Remove Programs icon, then
select ImageForge from the list to remove it from your system.
CursorArts Company provides its paying customers with free
technical support. This software, however, is freeware, and
we cannot afford to provide free tech support for this
product. Software development and support are very expensive
and we need your help if we are to continue to provide
quality programs at affordable prices.
If you should encounter a technical problem or question not
covered in the on-line Help, we will attempt to provide an
answer if you send a complete description of the problem by
e-mail to (we regret that telephone, fax
and other support are not available for freeware).
Please first consult the Frequently Asked Questions page of
our site at prior to
contacting us, as the answer may already have been posted there.
Also include the following information in your message:
* Brand name and model of your computer system, mouse, video
adapter and monitor.
* Windows version numbers (right-click on "My Computer" and
select "Properties").
* A listing of the contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT,
* A listing of the programs in your StartUp folder (if you
are running under NT, we also need to know the Services
which are being run).
* A description of the problem, how it occurred, and how to
reproduce it.
You may also wish to try the enhanced features found in our "ImageForge PRO" program. You will get such additional features as the ability to paint with material from other images, natural tools (watercolor, oil paint, chalk, more); layers for merging vector objects and other images; options for making clickable image maps and other internet web imaging functions; access to GIF and other formats, animation creation tools, and many other enhancements.
You may download a trial version of ImageForge PRO from our web site at
The fastest way to purchase ImageForge PRO is through one of our on-line resellers. Visit our web page at for links to their sites. You'll also save shipping charges when purchasing electronically.
To obtain ImageForge PRO on diskette/CD, or to obtain a Site License, call CursorArts Company at (541) 383-7156. We can process your order with VISA, MasterCard/Eurocard, American Express/Optima or Discover/Novus over the phone. The purchase price of ImageForge PRO is only $28.95 + $3 U.S. Mail or $9 FedEx 2 Day for shipping & handling.
For international shipments please include:
$4 Air Mail for Canada and Mexico;
$8 Air Mail for all other nations.
(see ImageForge's Help for other shipping options)
If you prefer, FAX your order to us at (541) 388-7366. If you would like to mail a check or money order, make sure it's drawn against a U.S. bank in U.S. funds.
Our address is:
CursorArts Company
P.O. Box 1379
Bend, Oregon 97709-1379
You may also purchase ImageForge PRO bundled with our other products, from any of our many dealers worldwide. For a list of retailers see the ImageForge.HLP file.
Your use of ImageForge is governed by the following conditions.
Please read this before you use ImageForge. By using ImageForge
you are agreeing to the following conditions:
You may use ImageForge on your system free of charge for as
long as you like. You may also give copies of ImageForge to
your friends and family.
ImageForge and IconForge are trademarks of CursorArts Company.
Other trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned are the
property of their respective owners. The ImageForge software
is copyrighted and may not be modified or included with
another product without the express, written permission of
CursorArts Company. You may not decompile, disassemble or
otherwise reverse engineer this product. Your use of
ImageForge is at your own risk. CursorArts Company shall not
be held liable for consequential, special, indirect or other
similar damages or claims, including loss of profits or any
other commercial damages. CursorArts Company specifically
disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied,
including but not limited to implied warranties of
merchantibility and fitness to a particular purpose.
CursorArts Company is not obligated in any fashion to provide
technical assistance or other support with regard to your use
of this product.
Your use of this software constitutes your acknowledgement
and acceptance of these conditions.
Copyright CursorArts Company 1997, 1999. All Rights Reserved. This software and all accompanying documentation are protected by both United States and International Copyright laws and treaties.
ImageForge, IconForge, FileWrangler, ActivIcons, ActivLibrary and CursorArts are trademarks of CursorArts Company. All other brand names are trademarks of their respective owners.
Evaluation copies of most CursorArts Company products can be obtained from better vendors or downloaded from most major on-line services, as well as on the Internet ( For additional information, pricing or dealer information contact the CursorArts Sales Department at (541) 383-7156.
Thank you for supporting CursorArts Company products!