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- #
- | README file for
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- | GLoria Synergy
- | Synergy II
- | GLoria II
- |
- | ELSA POWERdraft for AutoCAD R14
- |
- | Version 14.03.13
- |
- | Copyright (c) 1999 ELSA AG, Aachen (Germany)
- |
- | ELSA AG Internet : http://www.elsa.de
- | Sonnenweg 11
- | D-52070 Aachen
- |
- | ELSA Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com
- | 1630 Zanker Road
- | San Jose, CA 95112
- | USA
- |
- | ELSA Asia Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com
- | 7F-11, No. 188, Sec. 5
- | Nanking East Road
- | Taipei 105
- | Taiwan, R. O. C.
- |
- | ELSA Japan Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com
- | Mita Suzuki Building 3F
- | 5-20-14 Shiba, Minato-ku
- | Tokyo 108-0014
- | Japan
- |
- | 12/14/1999, aschlech
- Table of Contents:
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Contents of Directory
- 3 Installation/Uninstallation
- 4 Configuration
- 5 Release Notes
- 6 Updates to the Help file
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Introduction
- This file explains how to install and uninstall POWERdraft
- for AutoCAD R14.
- 1.1 How to determine the driver's version number
- There are several ways to get the version number of this driver.
- 1.1.1 Using the File Manager or Explorer
- Open the properties of the file dselsa14.dll in your driver
- directory with your File Manager or Explorer to read the version
- string.
- 1.1.2 Using the command 'PdVer'
- While AutoCAD is running with POWERdraft configured, you may
- type the command 'PdVer'.
- 1.1.3 Using POWERdraft Settings
- Open the POWERdraft Settings by clicking the 'tool symbol'
- within the ELSA toolbar or by setting up the command 'PdConfig'.
- The index card 'General' holds the current driver version.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2. Contents of Directory
- The driver's setup directory contains the following files:
- README.TXT this file
- LIESMICH.TXT German version of this file
- LANG14EN.HLP Windows help files in English and German
- SETUP.EXE Installation program for Windows
- (all others) files needed by SETUP
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3 Installation/Uninstallation
- 3.1 Prerequisites
- Please check the following list of requirements to allow
- sucessful installation and usage of this driver.
- - operating system Windows NT 4.0
- - actual ELSA Windows graphics driver
- - AutoCAD R14 already installed
- - an ELSA graphics controller mentioned at the top of this
- - write access to AutoCAD's main directory and to the Windows
- system directory
- 3.2 Procedure of Installation
- Please make sure AutoCAD R14 is not running.
- * Installation from CD:
- Start CDSETUP.EXE in the root directory of your WINNERware CD.
- You can double click CDSETUP.EXE in the File Manager or
- Windows Explorer.
- * Installation from floppy disk:
- The POWERdraft installation set consists of several floppy
- disks. Start SETUP.EXE from the first one. During installation
- you will be requested to insert the other disks.
- * Installation from a separate directory:
- The POWERdraft directory contains several subdirectories called
- DISK<n>. Start SETUP.EXE in subdirectory DISK1.
- 3.3 Uninstallation
- The install program records uninstall information in the
- chosen program folder.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4 Configuration
- Setup will add the two icons
- 'Configure POWERdraft'
- and
- 'Configure Original Driver'
- to the program folder.
- Using these icons you can configure either POWERdraft or the
- original driver shipped with AutoCAD (CoolWHIP) as the AutoCAD's
- actual display driver. After Setup has completed successfully,
- POWERdraft is already configured.
- To reconfigure the original driver, click on the 'Configure
- Original Driver' icon, while AutoCAD is _not_ running. To do so
- for POWERdraft, click on the 'Configure POWERdraft' icon.
- If POWERdraft is configured, the ELSA logo will be shown
- at AutoCAD's startup time.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5 Release Notes
- 5.1 Version History
- Version 14.00.00(beta)
- - first Beta Release (speed only release)
- Version 14.00.02(beta)
- - Crashes with Genius are fixed.
- Version 14.00.05(beta)
- - implemented Cockpit with remote control
- - implemented MultiView; now MultiView is able to handle
- non-perspective 3D views
- - Problems with AutoSnap are fixed.
- - Fixed: The cursor wasn't cleared properly on multi processor
- systems.
- Version 14.00.06(beta)
- - Now POWERdraft will be installed in a separate driver
- directory (no longer in the AutoCAD directory)
- - For ease manipulating driver/tool settings, the POWERdraft
- Settings have been implemented.
- - Hotkeys for Pan & Zoom and redraw all. These are configurable
- via the POWERdraft Settings.
- - Display errors with Genius PowerSnap have been fixed.
- - MultiView has been revised regarding its functionality.
- - A crash with AMD 2.0 has been fixed.
- Version 14.00.07(beta)
- - A regen following a pan or zoom operation on raster images
- left behind a kind of "ghost images" among the real images.
- This problem has been fixed.
- - The POWERdraft Settings have been revised.
- Version 14.00.08(beta)
- - Fixed a crash with Genius standard components.
- - Improved the behaviour of Pan/Zoom via the Cockpit.
- - The Cockpit got a new look.
- - Windows 95 is supported.
- Version 14.00.09(beta)
- - ELSA GLoria-XXL is supported.
- Version 14.01.00
- - Fixed problems with the preview, which is saved within the
- .DWG file:
- * Now in the "Open" dialog the quality of the preview is much
- better.
- * Non-drawing elements are not part of the preview any more.
- * Now the file size is much less.
- To fix these problems with a drawing saved with an older version
- of POWERdraft (V14.00.xx(beta)), you may save this drawing again
- after calling AutoCAD's command PURGE, which will reduce the
- file size to a normal level.
- Version 14.01.01
- - The Cockpit now performs dynamic zooming and panning also
- for models in paperspace.
- - Fully support of subentities. As a consequence of this item,
- a problem with marking sketch planes has been solved.
- Version 14.01.02
- - A problem with wrong colors on hidden layers has been fixed.
- - Shaded entities have not ever been removed correctly. This
- problem has been fixed.
- Version 14.02.00(beta)
- - Instabilities under AMD + Genius are fixed.
- - Fixed startup problems with some Arx applications.
- - Highlight/Select operations became faster and need less
- memory.
- - Fixed: Drawing entities were drawn top of a rendered scene.
- Version 14.02.01(beta)
- - Eliminated occasional regen requests after totally zooming out
- via cockpit.
- - The hotkey functions "zoom in" and "zoom out" changed; now
- the cursor position is used as zoom fix point, whereas
- the new new hotkey functions "zoom in center" and
- "zoom out center" take the viewport's center point as zoom
- fix point.
- - The new hotkey function "pan to center" pans the view from
- the current cursor position to the viewport's center point.
- Version 14.02.02(beta)
- - The MagniView tool has been implemented.
- Version 14.02.03(beta)
- - A problem with damaged POWERdraft Settings under Windows
- NT 3.51 has been solved.
- - Now the preview bitmap (stored within the .DWG file) includes
- all entities (prior versions of POWERdraft didn't include
- TT fonts and raster images).
- Version 14.02.04(beta)
- - Display errors with Genius' shaft generator have been fixed.
- - Layer operations have been fixed.
- - TT fonts and raster images now will be displayed correctly
- within the print preview.
- - Viewport border flickering now will be avoided in most
- cases.
- - Fixed: moving viewports in paperspace sometimes left garbage
- on screen.
- - The SAVEIMG command is fully supported.
- - Instabilities with COPYCLIP, EXPORT WMF and EXPORT DWF have
- been fixed. Nevertheless, these commands are not fully
- supported yet.
- Version 14.02.06
- - A problem with ELSAview 3D's in-viewport-feature is fixed with
- v1.03.08 (or higher) of ELSAview. MultiView did not restore
- history views while render mode was active.
- Version 14.02.07
- - Deadlocks on multi processor systems are fixed.
- - No more flickering while resizing the MagniView window.
- Version 14.03.00(beta)
- - ELSAinfo support
- Version 14.03.01(beta)
- - ELSA Synergy II is supported.
- - The display update modes have been reworked completely.
- Version 14.03.02(beta)
- - True Type Fonts are fully supported by POWERdraft
- (with one restriction regarding Slide files - see section
- æKnown Problems and RestrictionsÆ)
- - Fix for Mechanical Desktop: In the Desktop Browser's Scene
- mode selected parts weren't highlighted in the viewport.
- Version 14.03.03
- - Slide files (command MSLIDE) are supported by POWERdraft
- (with one restriction regarding TT fonts - see section
- æKnown Problems and RestrictionsÆ)
- Version 14.03.04
- - Support of Windows Metafiles (filename *.wmf, commands
- - Fix: Under Windows 95 and Window 98 the preview bitmap was
- not stored with the DWG file.
- - Fix: With 8bpp color depth the preview bitmap stored with
- the DWG file had wrong colors.
- - Fix: Wrong colors with 8bpp color depth on Synergy II.
- Version 14.03.05
- - Fix: Under Windows 98 multiscreen in certain situations the
- MultiView showed empty history buttons.
- Version 14.03.06
- - Fix: Launching ELSAview 3D (EVSTART) on a Synergy II caused
- AutoCAD to crash.
- Version 14.03.07
- - Fix: Anomaly with AutoCADs object snap.
- Version 14.03.08
- - POWERdraft's toolbar loading mechanism changed in order to
- reduce interference with other applications during AutoCAD's
- startup phase.
- Version 14.03.13
- - Multi-screen operation with ELSA Synergy II under Windows
- NT 4.0 is supported.
- - ELSA Synergy Force is supported.
- - ELSA GLoria II is supported.
- - ELSA GLoria II Pro is supported.
- - Fix: In special rare cases, after Cockpit Pan/Zoom a wrong
- view has been restored.
- - Fix: In special cases, a Regen was extremly slow.
- - Fixed refresh problems in Print Preview.
- 5.2 Known Problems and Restrictions
- - Raster images will always be drawn beneath the remaining
- graphics.
- - Raster images will not be displayed within the Aerial View
- window nor by MagniView.
- - With the use of raster images the background color may become
- slightly falsified.
- - Together with OpenGL applications (e.g. Autodesk Mechanical
- Desktop) display errors may occur. So far, these errors have
- been observed on a GLoria-XL board only. Such kind of errors
- can be suppressed by turning on the 'Force Buffer Blit' option
- within the 'GLoria Settings' in 'Display Properties'. At
- runtime the display can be repaired immediate by pressing the
- hotkey for the redraw action, <shift><F2> for default.
- - During some commands (PLINE, MLINE, SPLINE) MultiView views
- cannot be recalled.
- - The contents of viewports in paperspace will not be displayed
- by MagniView.
- - Inside a Slide file (filename *.sld, command MSLIDE) TT text
- is always outlined, unless you configure 'Whip Compatibility'
- in the 'TT Fonts' tab of the POWERdraft Settings.
- - Windows NT 4.0 with ELSA Synergy or ELSA GLoria II only:
- When heavily dragging a windowed DOS box above AutoCAD's
- drawing area with the Display Properties option 'Show window
- contents while dragging' enabled, then this DOS box may be
- damaged by POWERdraft drawing onto it. This can then easily be
- repaired e.g. by maximizing and restoring the DOS box.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6 Updates to the Help file
- none