300 Please contact the network administrator immediately
400 InterCheck virus detection for Windows 95/98\nVersion %1
418 InterCheck has been unloaded.
419 InterCheck is not currently loaded.
424 Press any key to continue.
428 InterCheck is active.
429 ERROR :
432 The following command line qualifiers are supported:\n\n/address=<text> - Specifies the workstation address.\n/help - Displays this help information.\n/silent - Suppresses screen output.\n/status - Displays InterCheck status.\n/unload - Unloads InterCheck.\n/verbose - Displays additional information.\n/? - Displays this help information.
433 Sweep95 VxD version is %1 and detects %2 viruses
434 Sweep95 VxD version %1
500 Invalid command line argument %1
501 There is no configuration file
502 Invalid configuration file
503 Configuration file error at line %1
504 Error reading the configuration file
511 This version of InterCheck can only run on Windows 95/98.
512 Unable to determine the program directory.
518 The unload function has been disabled.
521 VxD communication failed.
523 An incompatible version of InterCheck is already active.
524 Unable to execute %1
801 InterCheck loaded (version %1)
802 InterCheck updated (version %1)
803 InterCheck installed (version %1)
908 The Sweep95 VxD failed to return version information.