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  66. 6023    CORP\SURVEY:7:49|Approximately how many PCs do you have in your organisation?|<Click to answer>:|1-24:279|25-99:280|100-999:281|1000+:282
  67. 6024    OEM\DATE_PURCHASED|When did you purchase this software?|%DATE%:9
  68. 6025    SURVEY:7:51|What do you use your computer for?|<Click to answer>:|Business:284|Leisure:285|Home:286
  69. 6026    SURVEY:7:52|Do you use a modem?|<Click to answer>:|Yes:287|No:288
  70. 6027    SURVEY:7:53|Do you use a CD-ROM?|<Click to answer>:|Yes:287|No:288
  71. 6028    SURVEY:7:54|Where do you use the Internet?|<Click to answer>:|Work:289|Home:290|Neither:291|Other:292
  72. 6029    SURVEY:7:55|How would you describe your level of computer literacy?|<Click to answer>:|Beginner:293|Intermediate:294|Advanced:295
  73. 6030    END
  75. 10000    |AF|AFG|Afghanistan|4|93|94
  76. 10001    1052|AL|ALB|Albania|8|355|356
  77. 10002    5121|DZ|DZA|Algeria|12|213|216
  78. 10003    |AS|ASM|American Samoa|16|684|685
  79. 10004    |AD|AND|Andorra|20|376|378
  80. 10005    |AO|AGO|Angola|24|244|245
  81. 10006    |AI|AIA|Anguilla|660|1|102
  82. 10007    |AQ|ATA|Antarctica|10||
  83. 10008    |AG|ATG|Antigua and Barbuda|28|1|103
  84. 10009    11274|AR|ARG|Argentina|32|54|55
  85. 10010    |AM|ARM|Armenia|51|374|375
  86. 10011    |AW|ABW|Aruba|533|297|298
  87. 10012    3081|AU|AUS|Australia|36|61|6101
  88. 10013    3079|AT|AUT|Austria|40|43|44
  89. 10014    |AZ|AZE|Azerbaijan|31|994|995
  90. 10015    |BS|BHS|Bahamas|44|1|104
  91. 10016    15361|BH|BHR|Bahrain|48|973|974
  92. 10017    |BD|BGD|Bangladesh|50|880|886
  93. 10018    |BB|BRB|Barbados|52|1|105
  94. 10019    1059|BY|BLR|Belarus|112|375|376
  95. 10020    2060|BE|BEL|Belgium|56|32|33
  96. 10021    10249|BZ|BLZ|Belize|84|501|502
  97. 10022    |BJ|BEN|Benin|204|229|230
  98. 10023    |BM|BMU|Bermuda|60|1|106
  99. 10024    |BT|BTN|Bhutan|64|975|976
  100. 10025    16394|BO|BOL|Bolivia|68|591|592
  101. 10026    |BA|BIH|Bosnia and Herzegowina|70|387|389
  102. 10027    |BW|BWA|Botswana|72|267|268
  103. 10028    |BV|BVT|Bouvet Island|74||
  104. 10029    1046|BR|BRA|Brazil|76|55|56
  105. 10030    |IO|IOT|British Indian Ocean Territory|86||
  106. 10031    |BN|BRN|Brunei Darussalam|96|673|674
  107. 10032    1026|BG|BGR|Bulgaria|100|359|36
  108. 10033    |BF|BFA|Burkina Faso|854|226|227
  109. 10034    |BI|BDI|Burundi|108|257|258
  110. 10035    |KH|KHM|Cambodia|116|855|856
  111. 10036    |CM|CMR|Cameroon|120|237|238
  112. 10037    4105|CA|CAN|Canada|124|1|108
  113. 10038    |CV|CPV|Cape Verde|132|238|239
  114. 10039    |KY|CYM|Cayman Islands|136|1|109
  115. 10040    |CF|CAF|Central African Republic|140|236|237
  116. 10041    |TD|TCD|Chad|148|235|236
  117. 10042    13322|CL|CHL|Chile|152|56|57
  118. 10043    2052|CN|CHN|China|156|86|871
  119. 10044    |CX|CXR|Christmas Island|162|672|6721
  120. 10045    |CC|CCK|Cocos (Keeling) Islands|166|61|62
  121. 10046    9226|CO|COL|Colombia|170|57|58
  122. 10047    |KM|COM|Comoros|174|269|27
  123. 10048    |CG|COG|Congo|178|242|243
  124. 10049    |CD|COD|Congo, The Democratic Republic of The|180||
  125. 10050    |CK|COK|Cook Islands|184|682|683
  126. 10051    5130|CR|CRI|Costa Rica|188|506|507
  127. 10052    |CI|CIV|Cote D'ivoire|384||
  128. 10053    1050|HR|HRV|Croatia (Local Name, Hrvatska)|191|385|386
  129. 10054    |CU|CUB|Cuba|192|53|5399
  130. 10055    |CY|CYP|Cyprus|196|357|358
  131. 10056    1029|CZ|CZE|Czech Republic|203|42|4201
  132. 10057    1030|DK|DNK|Denmark|208|45|46
  133. 10058    |DJ|DJI|Djibouti|262|253|254
  134. 10059    |DM|DMA|Dominica|212|1|110
  135. 10060    7178|DO|DOM|Dominican Republic|214|1|111
  136. 10061    |TP|TMP|East Timor|626||
  137. 10062    12298|EC|ECU|Ecuador|218|593|594
  138. 10063    3073|EG|EGY|Egypt|818|20|212
  139. 10064    17418|SV|SLV|El Salvador|222|503|504
  140. 10065    |GQ|GNQ|Equatorial Guinea|226|240|241
  141. 10066    |ER|ERI|Eritrea|232|291|297
  142. 10067    1061|EE|EST|Estonia|233|372|373
  143. 10068    |ET|ETH|Ethiopia|231|251|252
  144. 10069    |FK|FLK|Falkland Islands (Malvinas)|238|500|501
  145. 10070    1080|FO|FRO|Faroe Islands|234|298|299
  146. 10071    |FJ|FJI|Fiji|242|679|680
  147. 10072    1035|FI|FIN|Finland|246|358|359
  148. 10073    1036|FR|FRA|France|250|33|3302
  149. 10074    |FX|FXX|France, Metropolitan|249||
  150. 10075    |GF|GUF|French Guiana|254|594|595
  151. 10076    |PF|PYF|French Polynesia|258|689|690
  152. 10077    |TF|ATF|French Southern Territories|260|590|591
  153. 10078    |GA|GAB|Gabon|266|241|242
  154. 10079    |GM|GMB|Gambia|270|220|221
  155. 10080    |GE|GEO|Georgia|268|995|0
  156. 10081    1031|DE|DEU|Germany|276|49|500
  157. 10082    |GH|GHA|Ghana|288|233|234
  158. 10083    |GI|GIB|Gibraltar|292|350|351
  159. 10084    1032|GR|GRC|Greece|300|30|31
  160. 10085    |GL|GRL|Greenland|304|299|30
  161. 10086    |GD|GRD|Grenada|308|1|112
  162. 10087    |GP|GLP|Guadeloupe|312|590|5901
  163. 10088    |GU|GUM|Guam|316|671|672
  164. 10089    4106|GT|GTM|Guatemala|320|502|503
  165. 10090    |GN|GIN|Guinea|324|224|225
  166. 10091    |GW|GNB|Guinea-Bissau|624|245|246
  167. 10092    |GY|GUY|Guyana|328|592|593
  168. 10093    |HT|HTI|Haiti|332|509|51
  169. 10094    |HM|HMD|Heard and Mc Donald Islands|334||
  170. 10095    |VA|VAT|Holy See (Vatican City State)|336|39|380
  171. 10096    18442|HN|HND|Honduras|340|504|505
  172. 10097    3076|HK|HKG|Hong Kong|344|852|853
  173. 10098    1038|HU|HUN|Hungary|348|36|370
  174. 10099    1039|IS|ISL|Iceland|352|354|355
  175. 10100    |IN|IND|India|356|91|92
  176. 10101    1057|ID|IDN|Indonesia|360|62|63
  177. 10102    |IR|IRN|Iran (Islamic Republic of)|364|98|994
  178. 10103    2049|IQ|IRQ|Iraq|368|964|965
  179. 10104    6153|IE|IRL|Ireland|372|353|354
  180. 10105    |IL|ISR|Israel|376|972|973
  181. 10106    1040|IT|ITA|Italy|380|39|40
  182. 10107    8201|JM|JAM|Jamaica|388|1|113
  183. 10108    1041|JP|JPN|Japan|392|81|82
  184. 10109    11265|JO|JOR|Jordan|400|962|963
  185. 10110    |KZ|KAZ|Kazakhstan|398|7|706
  186. 10111    |KE|KEN|Kenya|404|254|255
  187. 10112    |KI|KIR|Kiribati|296|686|687
  188. 10113    |KP|PRK|Korea, Democratic People's Republic of|408|850|852
  189. 10114    1042|KR|KOR|Korea, Republic of|410|82|84
  190. 10115    13313|KW|KWT|Kuwait|414|965|966
  191. 10116    |KG|KGZ|Kyrgyzstan|417|7|708
  192. 10117    |LA|LAO|Lao People's Democratic Republic|418|856|86
  193. 10118    1062|LV|LVA|Latvia|428|371|372
  194. 10119    12289|LB|LBN|Lebanon|422|961|962
  195. 10120    |LS|LSO|Lesotho|426|266|267
  196. 10121    |LR|LBR|Liberia|430|231|232
  197. 10122    4097|LY|LBY|Libyan Arab Jamahiriya|434|218|220
  198. 10123    5127|LI|LIE|Liechtenstein|438|41|42
  199. 10124    1063|LT|LTU|Lithuania|440|370|371
  200. 10125    4103|LU|LUX|Luxembourg|442|352|353
  201. 10126    |MO|MAC|Macau|446|853|855
  202. 10127    |MK|MKD|Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of|807|389|39
  203. 10128    |MG|MDG|Madagascar|450|261|262
  204. 10129    |MW|MWI|Malawi|454|265|266
  205. 10130    |MY|MYS|Malaysia|458|60|61
  206. 10131    |MV|MDV|Maldives|462|960|961
  207. 10132    |ML|MLI|Mali|466|223|224
  208. 10133    |MT|MLT|Malta|470|356|357
  209. 10134    |MH|MHL|Marshall Islands|584|692|7
  210. 10135    |MQ|MTQ|Martinique|474|596|597
  211. 10136    |MR|MRT|Mauritania|478|222|223
  212. 10137    |MU|MUS|Mauritius|480|230|231
  213. 10138    |YT|MYT|Mayotte|175|269|2691
  214. 10139    2058|MX|MEX|Mexico|484|52|53
  215. 10140    |FM|FSM|Micronesia, Federated States of|583|691|692
  216. 10141    |MD|MDA|Moldova, Republic of|498|373|374
  217. 10142    |MC|MCO|Monaco|492|33|34
  218. 10143    |MN|MNG|Mongolia|496|976|977
  219. 10144    |MS|MSR|Montserrat|500|1|114
  220. 10145    6145|MA|MAR|Morocco|504|212|213
  221. 10146    |MZ|MOZ|Mozambique|508|258|260
  222. 10147    |MM|MMR|Myanmar|104|95|960
  223. 10148    |NA|NAM|Namibia|516|264|265
  224. 10149    |NR|NRU|Nauru|520|674|675
  225. 10150    |NP|NPL|Nepal|524|977|98
  226. 10151    1043|NL|NLD|Netherlands|528|31|32
  227. 10152    |AN|ANT|Netherlands Antilles|530|599|60
  228. 10153    |NC|NCL|New Caledonia|540|687|688
  229. 10154    5129|NZ|NZL|New Zealand|554|64|65
  230. 10155    19466|NI|NIC|Nicaragua|558|505|506
  231. 10156    |NE|NER|Niger|562|227|228
  232. 10157    |NG|NGA|Nigeria|566|234|235
  233. 10158    |NU|NIU|Niue|570|683|684
  234. 10159    |NF|NFK|Norfolk Island|574|672|673
  235. 10160    |MP|MNP|Northern Mariana Islands|580||
  236. 10161    1044|NO|NOR|Norway|578|47|48
  237. 10162    8193|OM|OMN|Oman|512|968|971
  238. 10163    |PK|PAK|Pakistan|586|92|93
  239. 10164    |PW|PLW|Palau|585|680|681
  240. 10165    6154|PA|PAN|Panama|591|507|508
  241. 10166    |PG|PNG|Papua New Guinea|598|675|676
  242. 10167    15370|PY|PRY|Paraguay|600|595|596
  243. 10168    10250|PE|PER|Peru|604|51|52
  244. 10169    |PH|PHL|Philippines|608|63|64
  245. 10170    |PN|PCN|Pitcairn|612||
  246. 10171    1045|PL|POL|Poland|616|48|49
  247. 10172    2070|PT|PRT|Portugal|620|351|352
  248. 10173    20490|PR|PRI|Puerto Rico|630|1|122
  249. 10174    16385|QA|QAT|Qatar|634|974|975
  250. 10175    |RE|REU|Reunion|638|262|263
  251. 10176    1048|RO|ROM|Romania|642|40|41
  252. 10177    1049|RU|RUS|Russian Federation|643|7|705
  253. 10178    |RW|RWA|Rwanda|646|250|251
  254. 10179    |KN|KNA|Saint Kitts and Nevis|659|1|115
  255. 10180    |LC|LCA|Saint Lucia|662|1|123
  256. 10181    |VC|VCT|Saint Vincent and The Grenadines|670|1|117
  257. 10182    |WS|WSM|Samoa|882|685|686
  258. 10183    |SM|SMR|San Marino|674|378|379
  259. 10184    |ST|STP|Sao Tome and Principe|678|239|240
  260. 10185    1025|SA|SAU|Saudi Arabia|682|966|967
  261. 10186    |SN|SEN|Senegal|686|221|222
  262. 10187    |SC|SYC|Seychelles|690|248|249
  263. 10188    |SL|SLE|Sierra Leone|694|232|233
  264. 10189    4100|SG|SGP|Singapore|702|65|66
  265. 10190    1051|SK|SVK|Slovakia (Slovak Republic)|703|42|43
  266. 10191    1060|SI|SVN|Slovenia|705|386|387
  267. 10192    |SB|SLB|Solomon Islands|90|677|678
  268. 10193    |SO|SOM|Somalia|706|252|253
  269. 10194    7177|ZA|ZAF|South Africa|710|27|290
  270. 10195    |GS|SGS|South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands|239||
  271. 10196    1034|ES|ESP|Spain|724|34|350
  272. 10197    |LK|LKA|Sri Lanka|144|94|95
  273. 10198    |SH|SHN|St. Helena|654|290|291
  274. 10199    |PM|SPM|St. Pierre and Miquelon|666|508|509
  275. 10200    |SD|SDN|Sudan|736|249|250
  276. 10201    |SR|SUR|Suriname|740|597|598
  277. 10202    |SJ|SJM|Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands|744||
  278. 10203    |SZ|SWZ|Swaziland|748|268|269
  279. 10204    1053|SE|SWE|Sweden|752|46|47
  280. 10205    2055|CH|CHE|Switzerland|756|41|4101
  281. 10206    10241|SY|SYR|Syrian Arab Republic|760|963|964
  282. 10207    1028|TW|TWN|Taiwan, Province of China|158|886|90
  283. 10208    |TJ|TJK|Tajikistan|762|7|709
  284. 10209    |TZ|TZA|Tanzania, United Republic of|834|255|256
  285. 10210    |TH|THA|Thailand|764|66|670
  286. 10211    |TG|TGO|Togo|768|228|229
  287. 10212    |TK|TKL|Tokelau|772|690|691
  288. 10213    |TO|TON|Tonga|776|676|677
  289. 10214    11273|TT|TTO|Trinidad and Tobago|780|1|118
  290. 10215    7169|TN|TUN|Tunisia|788|216|218
  291. 10216    1055|TR|TUR|Turkey|792|90|91
  292. 10217    |TM|TKM|Turkmenistan|795|7|711
  293. 10218    |TC|TCA|Turks and Caicos Islands|796|1|120
  294. 10219    |TV|TUV|Tuvalu|798|688|689
  295. 10220    |UG|UGA|Uganda|800|256|257
  296. 10221    1058|UA|UKR|Ukraine|804|380|381
  297. 10222    14337|AE|ARE|United Arab Emirates|784|971|972
  298. 10223    2057|GB|GBR|United Kingdom|826|44|45
  299. 10224    1033|US|USA|United States|840|1|101
  300. 10225    |UM|UMI|United States Minor Outlying Islands|581|1|20
  301. 10226    14346|UY|URY|Uruguay|858|598|599
  302. 10227    |UZ|UZB|Uzbekistan|860|7|81
  303. 10228    |VU|VUT|Vanuatu|548|678|679
  304. 10229    8202|VE|VEN|Venezuela|862|58|590
  305. 10230    |VN|VNM|Viet Nam|704|84|850
  306. 10231    |VG|VGB|Virgin Islands (British)|92|1|107
  307. 10232    |VI|VIR|Virgin Islands (U.S.)|850|1|20
  308. 10233    |WF|WLF|Wallis and Futuna Islands|876|681|682
  309. 10234    |EH|ESH|Western Sahara|732|685|686
  310. 10235    9217|YE|YEM|Yemen|887|967|968
  311. 10236    |YU|YUG|Yugoslavia|891|381|385
  312. 10237    |ZM|ZMB|Zambia|894|260|261
  313. 10238    |ZW|ZWE|Zimbabwe|716|263|264
  314. 14000    JP|http://regj.symantec.co.jp/cgi-bin/lrisapi.dll
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  319. 15003    BE|+32 (800) 97301
  320. 15004    DK|+45 (803) 02001
  321. 15005    FI|+358 (0800) 93040
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  323. 15007    DE|+49 (0130) 725602
  324. 15008    IE|+353 1 (800) 660044
  325. 15009    IT|+39 (167) 318128
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  328. 15012    ES|+34 (900) 467613
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  332. 15016    GB|+44 (0800) 0130039
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