home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 Solid
- 1 BW Patterns
- 2 Color Patterns
- 3 BW Hatched
- 4 Hatched
- 5 Series #%d
- 6 Value #%d
- 7 &Area Lines
- 8 None
- 9 Rectangle
- 10 Circle
- 11 Triangle
- 12 Marble
- 13 Cube
- 14 Variable
- 15 Original Color
- 16 <Default>
- 17 Fill
- 18 Border
- 19 &None
- 21 Chart FX 98 files|*.CHD|Chart FX 98 templates (no data)|*.CHD|Text files (data only)|*.TXT|Metafile pictures|*.EMF|Bitmap pictures|*.BMP|
- 22 Chart FX 98 files and templates|*.CHD|Text files (data only)|*.TXT|All files|*.*|
- 23 Styles
- 24 %s\n%l\nX: %x, Y: %v
- 25 %s\n%l\n%v
- 26 %s\n%l - %l\n%v - %v
- 27 %s\n%l\n%v out of %t\n(%p%%)
- 28 %s\n%l\nFrom %i to\n%v
- 29 %l\nHigh: %v3 - Low: %v1\nClose %v2
- 31 %l\nOpen: %v2\nHigh: %v4 - Low: %v1\nClose: %v3
- 32 None
- 33 Horiz.
- 34 Vertical
- 35 Both
- 36 Syde by side
- 37 Stacked
- 38 Stacked 100%
- 39 3D Line's Shape
- 40 3D Bar's shape
- 41 No. of s&ides:
- 42 3D Line &thick:
- 43 Page %d of %d
- 44 No Data Available
- 45 Auto
- 46 None (unlit)
- 47 Fixed angle
- 48 Realistic
- 49 Chart area
- 50 Plot area
- 51 Data series
- 52 Y Axis
- 53 Secondary Y axis
- 54 X Axis
- 55 Secondary X Axis
- 56 &From:
- 57 &Value
- 58 << New >>
- 59 << All series >>
- 60 &To
- 61 &Label
- 62 Chart FX 98.
- 63 ChartFX_98_API.chm
- 64 ChartFX_98_GUI.hlp
- 65 Cfx4032
- 66 General
- 67 Chart FX. General Properties.
- 68 Series
- 69 Chart FX. Series properties.
- 70 Axes
- 71 Chart FX. Axes Properties.
- 72 3D
- 73 Chart FX. 3D Properties.
- 74 Scale
- 75 Chart FX. Axis scale Properties.
- 76 Labels
- 77 Chart FX. Axis labels Properties.
- 78 Grid lines
- 79 Chart FX. Grid lines properties.
- 80 Stripes
- 81 Chart FX. Constant lines and color stripes Properties.
- 82 Legend
- 83 Transparent
- 84 Next
- 85 Previous
- 86 Series Legend
- 87 Palette
- 88 None
- 89 Number
- 90 Currency
- 91 Scientific notation
- 92 Percentage
- 93 Date
- 94 Long Date
- 95 Time
- 96 Date/Time
- 97 Custom
- 98 None
- 99 3D Frame
- 100 Math
- 101 Flat Frame
- 102 Markers
- 103 Marker fill
- 104 Lines
- 105 &Same color as markers
- 106 Invalid file format or version
- 300 &X-Axis labels
- 301 &Y-Axis labels
- 302 &Constant lines
- 303 Legend &box
- 304 &Point labels
- 305 &Point markers
- 306 &Open Chart
- 307 &Save Chart
- 308 Open Template
- 309 Print
- 310 Print preview
- 311 Save Template
- 312 &Gallery
- 313 StatusBar
- 314 Color
- 315 Menu
- 316 3D/2D
- 317 Rotate
- 318 Z-Clustered.
- 319 &Search
- 320 Zoom
- 321 &Values legend
- 322 &Series legend
- 323 Vertical grid
- 324 Horizontal grid
- 325 &About ChartFX
- 326 Fonts
- 327 Properties ...
- 328 As a &Bitmap
- 329 As a &Metafile
- 330 As &Text (data only)
- 331 Copy to clipboard
- 332 &Toolbar
- 333 &PaletteBar
- 334 P&atternBar
- 335 &Tools
- 336 &Left title
- 337 &Right title
- 338 &Top title
- 339 &Bottom title
- 340 E&xit
- 341 &File
- 342 &Edit
- 343 &View
- 344 &Help
- 345 &Contents
- 346 Separator
- 347 As &OLE Object
- 348 &2 Levels
- 349 &Rotated
- 350 &Edit title
- 351 Series
- 352 Background
- 353 Axis
- 354 Title
- 355 &Font ...
- 356 &Point labels
- 357 AutoSize
- 358 Fixed
- 359 Floating
- 360 Left
- 361 Top
- 362 Right
- 363 Bottom
- 364 Bar
- 365 &Hide
- 366 Toolbars
- 367 &Data Editor
- 368 Line
- 369 Area
- 370 Curve
- 371 Area-Curve
- 372 Step
- 373 Bubble
- 374 Scatter
- 375 Bar
- 376 Gantt
- 377 Cube
- 378 Candlestick
- 379 Open-High-Low-Close
- 380 High-Low-Close
- 381 Pareto
- 382 Pie
- 383 Doughnut
- 384 Pyramid
- 385 Radar
- 386 Contour/Spectral
- 387 Surface
- 400 Print ...
- 401 &Paste data