107 The address entered is not a valid internet address. They must be of the form <user mailbox>@domainname.type. For example JohnSmith@widgets.org.
108 Sent
109 The host %s could not be found.\nPlease ensure that you have the correct name.
110 The host %s was not reachable.\nPlease ensure that you have the correct name.
111 APOP is not support on the system %s\nthat you are attempting to connect to.
112 The login ID or password was incorrect on the system %s.
113 Connect To
114 Connecting to %s
115 A needed library RASAPI32.dll could not be found\nor could not be loaded. Please make sure that you have correctly\ninstalled Dial Up Networking.
116 You are already connected to account %s. Do you wish to disconnect from this account\n before connecting to this new account?
117 Dialing
118 Verifying user name and password
119 Connected to Internet mail....
120 Retrieving messages
121 Retrieving message %d of %d
122 Logging in to Internet mail
123 Inbox opened
124 The Dial Up Networking dialog could not be launched.
125 Do you wish to disconnect from Dial Up Networking?
126 Sending mail via account %s on server %s
127 Internet mail message sent.
128 Error sending message.
129 Retrieving message list
130 Scanning for new messages
131 You have no new messages.
132 Unable to send message because the server %s can't be found.The cause could be that an Internet connection is not in place. The message has been placed in your Internet mail outbox to be sent the next time a connection exists.
133 Sending queued outbox message %d of %d
134 Unable to send message to %s. Do you wish to delete this message?
135 Error creating temporary file for internet mail. The cause could\nbe that your drive is full. Please check your disk space\nand try again
136 Disconnecting, please wait...
137 The message has been sent successfully, but it has not been moved to the Sent folder. To avoid sending the message again, please use Windows Explorer to remove the file %s from the Outbox folder.\n