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/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ $Workfile: DFA.CL $ $Header: T:/sc/addin/datefunc/dfa.clv 1.5 10 Aug 1999 14:47:12 NN $ Description: StarCalc Datefunc AddIn Example (c) Copyright 1998 - 2000, Sun Microsystems, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char datefunc_Id[]="@(#) StarCalc Datefunc AddIn (c) 1998-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc."; #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <xlang.h> #include <addin.h> #include <dfa.hrc> /** * the current language the Addin is using */ static USHORT _nLanguage=LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; /** * Get text resource for current language. * Remember that 8-bit characters are shown in * system dependend code pages! * To get correct results you will have to distuinguish * for example between UNIX and WIN and OS2 target systems. */ static char* getText( int nResource ) { switch( nResource ) { case DFA_PAR_DATE1_NAME: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Datum 1" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Date 1"); } break; case DFA_PAR_DATE2_NAME: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Datum 2" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Date 2"); } break; case DFA_PAR_MODE_NAME: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Art" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Calculation Mode"); } break; case DFA_PAR_DATE_NAME: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Datum" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Date"); } break; case DFA_PAR_DATE_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Interne Zahl des Datums" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "represents the internal date value"); } break; case DFA_WEEK_NAME: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Wochen" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Weeks"); } break; case DFA_WEEK_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Bestimmt die Wochendifferenz zweier Daten" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "returns the number of weeks between two dates"); } break; case DFA_WEEK_PAR1_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "J\374ngeres Datum f\374r die Wochendifferenz" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "represents the older date of the week difference"); } break; case DFA_WEEK_PAR2_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "\304lteres Datum f\374r die Wochendifferenz" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "represents the more recent date of the week difference"); } break; case DFA_WEEK_PAR3_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Art der Differenzbildung Art=0 hei\337t Intervall, Art=1 hei\337t in Kalenderwochen" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "calculation mode: mode=0 calculates the week interval, mode=1 claculates the interval in calendar weeks"); } break; case DFA_MONTHS_NAME: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Monate" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Months"); } break; case DFA_MONTHS_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Bestimmt die Monatsdifferenz zweier Daten" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Determines the number of months between two dates"); } break; case DFA_MONTHS_PAR1_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "J\374ngeres Datum f\374r die Monatsdifferenz" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Represents the older date for calculating the the months' difference "); } break; case DFA_MONTHS_PAR2_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "\304lteres Datum f\374r die Monatsdifferenz" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Represents the more recent date for calculating the months' difference"); } break; case DFA_MONTHS_PAR3_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Art der Differenzbildung Art=0 hei\337t Intervall, Art=1 hei\337t in Kalendermonaten" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Calculation mode: Mode=0 means months' interval (normal calulation mode, mode=1 calculates between two month numbers."); } break; case DFA_YEARS_NAME: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Jahre" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Years"); } break; case DFA_YEARS_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Bestimmt die Jahresdifferenz zweier Daten" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Determines the number of years between two dates"); } break; case DFA_YEARS_PAR1_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "J\374ngeres Datum f\374r die Jahresdifferenz" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Represents the older date for calculating the year difference"); } break; case DFA_YEARS_PAR2_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "\304lteres Datum f\374r die Jahresdifferenz" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Represents the more recent date for a year difference"); } break; case DFA_YEARS_PAR3_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Art der Differenzbildung Art=0 hei\337t Intervall, Art=1 hei\337t in Kalenderjahren" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Calculating differences: Mode=0 means year interval, mode=1 means by calendar years."); } break; case DFA_ISLEAPYEAR_NAME: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "IstSchaltJahr" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "IsLeapYear"); } break; case DFA_ISLEAPYEAR_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Liefert 1(WAHR) wenn das Jahr ein Schaltjahr ist sonst 0(FALSCH)" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Returns 1 if the date represents a leap year, otherwise (FALSE)"); } break; case DFA_DAYSINMONTH_NAME: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "TageImMonat" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "DayInMonth"); } break; case DFA_DAYSINMONTH_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Bestimmt die Anzahl an Tagen im Monat zu einem Datum" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Determines the number of days in a given month for a date"); } break; case DFA_DAYSINYEAR_NAME: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "TageImJahr" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "DaysInYear"); } break; case DFA_DAYSINYEAR_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Bestimmt die Anzahl an Tagen im Jahr zu einem Datum" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Determines the number of days in a given year for a date"); } break; case DFA_WEEKSINYEAR_NAME: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "WochenImJahr" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "WeeksInYear"); } break; case DFA_WEEKSINYEAR_DESC: switch( _nLanguage ) { case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return( "Bestimmt die Anzahl an Wochen im Jahr zu einem Datum" ); case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: default: return( "Determines the number of weeks in a given year for a date"); } break; default: break; } return(""); } /** * Get neutral language for specific language. * This simplifies the getText switch cases and allows to handle * previously unknown language derivates due to foreign installations. * If you want to distinguish between some dialects change this function * to return the desired nLang before doing the bit masking stuff. * See xlang.h for defined LANGUAGE_* */ static USHORT GetNeutralLanguage( USHORT nLang ) { USHORT nPrimLang; /* ignore LANGUAGE_USER* */ if ( (nLang & 0x03FF) >= 0x0200 ) return nLang; nLang &= 0x03FF; nPrimLang = nLang | 0x0400; switch ( nPrimLang ) { case LANGUAGE_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL: nLang = LANGUAGE_CHINESE; break; case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US: nLang = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; break; case LANGUAGE_NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL: nLang = LANGUAGE_NORWEGIAN; break; case LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN: nLang = LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE; break; default: nLang = nPrimLang; break; } return nLang; } /** * StarCalc calls this function to set a new current Language for the Addin * * @param *nLanguage * */ void CALLTYPE SetLanguage( USHORT* nLanguage ) { _nLanguage = GetNeutralLanguage( *nLanguage ); } /** * Null Date, initialized in GetFunctionCount * * StarCalc uses a BaseDate 12/30/1899 * If not specified otherwise in the Settings for the Spreedsheet Document. * * There's no way to get the Spreadsheet settings from whithin a simple addin, * so this Addin can only be used by documents using the default BaseDate setting. * * The functions in this Addin use a BaseDate 01/01/0001 * The nNullDate Variable is the StarCalc BaseDate converted to * this internal date representation. * * @see #GetFunctionCount * */ static ULONG nNullDate=0; #define NULLDATE_Year 1899 #define NULLDATE_Month 12 #define NULLDATE_Day 30 /** * Array holding values for month length, used in DaysInMonth() function * * @see #DaysInMonth * */ static USHORT aDaysInMonth[12] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; /** * Check if a year is a leap year in the Gregorian calendar * * @param nYear the year which should be checked * @return true if the year is a leap year, false otherwise. * * @see #DaysInMonth, #IsLeapYear, * @see #ScDate_DaysInMonth, #ScDate_IsLeapYear, #ScDate_WeeksInYear * */ static BOOL IsLeapYear( USHORT nYear ) { return (((nYear % 4) == 0) && ((nYear % 100) != 0) || ((nYear % 400) == 0)); } /** * Get the number of days in a specified month * * @param nMonth the number of the Month * @param nYear the year * @return number of days * */ static USHORT DaysInMonth( USHORT nMonth, USHORT nYear ) { if ( nMonth != 2 ) return aDaysInMonth[nMonth-1]; else { if ( IsLeapYear(nYear) ) return aDaysInMonth[nMonth-1] + 1; else return aDaysInMonth[nMonth-1]; } } /** * Convert a date to a count of days starting from 01/01/0001 * * The internal representation of a Date used in this Addin * is the number of days between 01/01/0001 and the date * this function converts a Day , Month, Year representation * to this internal Date value. * * @param nDay the day of the Month * @param nMonth the number of the Month * @param nYear the Year * @return count of days from 01/01/0001 to the date specified * */ static long DateToDays( USHORT nDay, USHORT nMonth, USHORT nYear ) { long nDays; USHORT i; nDays = ((ULONG)nYear-1) * 365; nDays += ((nYear-1) / 4) - ((nYear-1) / 100) + ((nYear-1) / 400); for( i = 1; i < nMonth; i++ ) nDays += DaysInMonth(i,nYear); nDays += nDay; return nDays; } /** * Convert a count of days starting from 01/01/0001 to a date * * The internal representation of a Date used in this Addin * is the number of days between 01/01/0001 and the date * this function converts this internal Date value * to a Day , Month, Year representation of a Date. * * @param nDay count of days from 01/01/0001 * @param *pDay pointer to a variable for the day of the month * @param *pMonth pointer to a variable for the month * @param *pYear pointer to a variable for the year * */ static void DaysToDate( long nDays, USHORT *pDay, USHORT *pMonth, USHORT *pYear ) { long nTempDays; long i = 0; BOOL bCalc; do { nTempDays = (long)nDays; *pYear = (USHORT)((nTempDays / 365) - i); nTempDays -= ((ULONG) *pYear -1) * 365; nTempDays -= (( *pYear -1) / 4) - (( *pYear -1) / 100) + ((*pYear -1) / 400); bCalc = FALSE; if ( nTempDays < 1 ) { i++; bCalc = TRUE; } else { if ( nTempDays > 365 ) { if ( (nTempDays != 366) || !IsLeapYear( *pYear ) ) { i--; bCalc = TRUE; } } } } while ( bCalc ); *pMonth = 1; while ( (ULONG)nTempDays > DaysInMonth( *pMonth, *pYear ) ) { nTempDays -= DaysInMonth( *pMonth, *pYear ); (*pMonth)++; } *pDay = (USHORT)nTempDays; } /** * Get week difference between 2 dates * * new Weeks(date1,date2,mode) function for StarCalc * * Two modes of operation are provided. * The first is just a simple division by 7 calculation. * * The second calculates the diffence by week of year. * * The International Standard IS-8601 has decreed that Monday * shall be the first day of the week. * * A week that lies partly in one year and partly in annother * is assigned a number in the the year in which most of its days lie. * * That means that week 1 of any year is the week that contains the 4. January * * The internal representation of a Date used in the Addin is the number of days based on 01/01/0001 * * A WeekDay can be then calculated by substracting 1 and calculating the rest of * a division by 7, which gives a 0 - 6 value for Monday - Sunday * * Using the 4. January rule explained above the formula * * nWeek1= ( nDays1 - nJan4 + ( (nJan4-1) % 7 ) ) / 7 + 1; * * calculates a number between 0-53 for each day which is in the same year as nJan4 * where 0 means that this week belonged to the year before. * * If a day in the same or annother year is used in this formula this calculates * an calendar week offset from a given 4. January * * nWeek2 = ( nDays2 - nJan4 + ( (nJan4-1) % 7 ) ) / 7 + 1; * * The 4.January of first Date Argument can thus be used to calculate * the week difference by calendar weeks which is then nWeek = nWeek2 - nWeek1 * * which can be optimized to * * nWeek = ( (nDays2-nJan4+((nJan4-1)%7))/7 ) - ( (nDays1-nJan4+((nJan4-1)%7))/7 ) * * Note: All calculations are operating on the long integer data type * % is the modulo operator in C which calculates the rest of an Integer division * * * @param *r - return value for the StarCalc function * @param d1 - date value (in StarCalc representation based 12/30/1899), usually the older date * @param d2 - date value (in StarCalc representation based 12/30/1899), usually the younger date * @param dMode - mode of operation * * mode 0 is the interval between the dates in month, that is days / 7 * * mode 1 is the difference by week of year * */ void CALLTYPE ScDate_GetDiffWeeks(double *r, double *d1, double *d2, double *dMode) { long nDays1=0; long nDays2=0; int nMode=0; if ( d1 ) nDays1=(long)floor(*d1)+nNullDate; if ( d2 ) nDays2=(long)floor(*d2)+nNullDate; if ( dMode) nMode=(int)*dMode; if ( nMode == 1 ) { USHORT nDay,nMonth,nYear; long nJan4; DaysToDate(nDays1,&nDay,&nMonth,&nYear); nJan4=DateToDays(4,1,nYear); *r=(double) ( ( (nDays2-nJan4+((nJan4-1)%7))/7 ) - ( (nDays1-nJan4+((nJan4-1)%7))/7 ) ); } else { *r= (double) ( (nDays2 - nDays1) / 7 ) ; } } /** * Get month difference between 2 dates * =Month(start, end, mode) Function for StarCalc * * two modes are provided * * @param *r - return value for the StarCalc function * @param d1 - date value, start date * @param d2 - date value, end date * @param dMode - mode of operation * * mode 0 is the interval between the dates in month * * mode 1 is the difference in calendar month * */ void CALLTYPE ScDate_GetDiffMonths(double *r, double *d1, double *d2, double *dMode) { USHORT nDay1,nMonth1,nYear1; USHORT nDay2,nMonth2,nYear2; long nDays1=0; long nDays2=0; int nMode=0; if ( dMode) nMode=(int)*dMode; if ( d1 ) nDays1=(long)floor(*d1)+nNullDate; if ( d2 ) nDays2=(long)floor(*d2)+nNullDate; DaysToDate(nDays1,&nDay1,&nMonth1,&nYear1); DaysToDate(nDays2,&nDay2,&nMonth2,&nYear2); *r=(double) ( nMonth2 - nMonth1 + (nYear2 - nYear1) * 12 ); if ( nMode == 1 || nDays1 == nDays2 ) return; if ( nDays1 < nDays2 ) { if ( nDay1 > nDay2 ) { *r -= 1; } } else { if ( nDay1 < nDay2 ) { *r += 1; } } } /** * Get Year difference between 2 dates * * two modes are provided * * @param *r - return value for the StarCalc function * @param d1 - date value, start date * @param d2 - date value, end date * @param dMode - mode of operation * * mode 0 is the interval between the dates in years * * mode 1 is the difference in calendar years * */ void CALLTYPE ScDate_GetDiffYears(double *r, double *d1, double *d2, double *dMode) { USHORT nDay1,nMonth1,nYear1; USHORT nDay2,nMonth2,nYear2; long nDays1=0; long nDays2=0; int nMode=0; if ( dMode) nMode=(int)*dMode; if ( d1 ) nDays1=(long)floor(*d1)+nNullDate; if ( d2 ) nDays2=(long)floor(*d2)+nNullDate; DaysToDate(nDays1,&nDay1,&nMonth1,&nYear1); DaysToDate(nDays2,&nDay2,&nMonth2,&nYear2); if ( nMode != 1 ) { ScDate_GetDiffMonths(r,d1,d2,dMode); *r= (double) ( ((int) *r) / 12 ); } else { *r=(double) ( nYear2 - nYear1 ); } } /** * Check if a Date is in a leap year in the Gregorian calendar * * @param *r - return value for the StarCalc function * @param d - date value (in StarCalc representation based 12/30/1899) * */ void CALLTYPE ScDate_IsLeapYear(double *r, double *d) { ULONG nDays; USHORT nDay, nMonth, nYear; double v=0.0; if ( d ) v=*d; nDays=(int) v + nNullDate; DaysToDate(nDays,&nDay,&nMonth,&nYear); *r=(double) ( IsLeapYear(nYear) ); } /** * Get the Number of Days in the month for a date * * @param *r - return value for the StarCalc function * @param d - date value (in StarCalc representation based 12/30/1899) * */ void CALLTYPE ScDate_DaysInMonth(double *r, double *d) { ULONG nDays; USHORT nDay, nMonth, nYear; double v=0.0; if ( d ) v=*d; nDays=(int) v + nNullDate; DaysToDate(nDays,&nDay,&nMonth,&nYear); *r=(double) ( DaysInMonth( nMonth, nYear) ); } /** * Get number of weeks in the year for a date * * Most years have 52 weeks, but years that start on a Thursday * and leep years that start on a Wednesday have 53 weeks * * The International Standard IS-8601 has decreed that Monday * shall be the first day of the week. * * A WeekDay can be calculated by substracting 1 and calculating the rest of * a division by 7 from the internal date represention * which gives a 0 - 6 value for Monday - Sunday * * @param *r - return value for the StarCalc function * @param d - date value (in StarCalc represantaion based 30.12.1899) * * @see #IsLeapYear #WeekNumber * */ void CALLTYPE ScDate_WeeksInYear(double *r, double *d) { ULONG nDays; USHORT nDay, nMonth, nYear; double v=0.0; long nJan1WeekDay; if ( d ) v=*d; nDays=(int) v + nNullDate; DaysToDate(nDays,&nDay,&nMonth,&nYear); nJan1WeekDay= ( DateToDays(1,1,nYear) - 1) % 7; if ( nJan1WeekDay == 3 ) { /* Thursday */ *r=(double) 53; return; } else if ( nJan1WeekDay == 2 ) { /* Wednesday */ *r= (double) ( IsLeapYear(nYear) ? 53 : 52 ); } else { *r= (double) 52; } } /** * Get number of days in the year of a date specified * * @param *r - return value for the StarCalc function * @param d - date value (in StarCalc represantaion based 30.12.1899) * */ void CALLTYPE ScDate_DaysInYear(double *r, double *d) { ULONG nDays; USHORT nDay, nMonth, nYear; double v=0.0; if ( d ) v=*d; nDays=(int) v + nNullDate; DaysToDate(nDays,&nDay,&nMonth,&nYear); *r=(double) ( IsLeapYear(nYear) ? 366 : 365 ); } /** * Tell StarCalc how many new functions this Addin provides. * * It's called before any of these new functions is actually * executed and is also used to initialize the NullDate here. * * StarCalc uses a Date Base 12/30/1899 * If not specified otherwise in the Options for the Spreedsheet Document * * * @param *nCount - returns the number of functions which are exported to StarCalc * */ void CALLTYPE GetFunctionCount( USHORT *nCount ) { /* initialize nNullDate Value 0 is 12/30/1899 */ nNullDate=DateToDays(NULLDATE_Day, NULLDATE_Month, NULLDATE_Year); *nCount = 7; } /** * Provides neccessary data for each new function to StarCalc * * @param *nNo Input: Function number between 0 and nCount - 1 * @param *pFuncName Output: Functionname which should be called in the AddIn-DLL * @param *nParamCount Output: Number of Parameter. Must be greater than 0, because there's always a return-Value. Maximum is 16. * @param *peType Output: Pointer to arrray with exactly 16 variables of typ Paramtype. nParamCount Entries are set to the type of the corresponding Parameters. * @param *pInternalName Output: Functionname as seen by the Spreadsheet user * * @see #GetFunctionCount, #GetParameterDescription * */ void CALLTYPE GetFunctionData( USHORT * nNo, char * pFuncName, USHORT * nParamCount, ParamType * peType, char * pInternalName ) { switch( *nNo ) { case 0: SO_StringCopy( pInternalName, getText(DFA_WEEK_NAME) ); SO_StringCopy( pFuncName, "ScDate_GetDiffWeeks" ); peType[0] = PTR_DOUBLE; peType[1] = PTR_DOUBLE; peType[2] = PTR_DOUBLE; peType[3] = PTR_DOUBLE; *nParamCount=4; break; case 1: SO_StringCopy( pInternalName, getText(DFA_MONTHS_NAME) ); SO_StringCopy( pFuncName, "ScDate_GetDiffMonths" ); peType[0] = PTR_DOUBLE; peType[1] = PTR_DOUBLE; peType[2] = PTR_DOUBLE; peType[3] = PTR_DOUBLE; *nParamCount=4; break; case 2: SO_StringCopy( pInternalName, getText(DFA_YEARS_NAME) ); SO_StringCopy( pFuncName, "ScDate_GetDiffYears" ); peType[0] = PTR_DOUBLE; peType[1] = PTR_DOUBLE; peType[2] = PTR_DOUBLE; peType[3] = PTR_DOUBLE; *nParamCount=4; break; case 3: SO_StringCopy( pInternalName, getText(DFA_ISLEAPYEAR_NAME) ); SO_StringCopy( pFuncName, "ScDate_IsLeapYear" ); peType[0] = PTR_DOUBLE; peType[1] = PTR_DOUBLE; *nParamCount=2; break; case 4: SO_StringCopy( pInternalName, getText(DFA_DAYSINMONTH_NAME) ); SO_StringCopy( pFuncName, "ScDate_DaysInMonth" ); peType[0] = PTR_DOUBLE; peType[1] = PTR_DOUBLE; *nParamCount=2; break; case 5: SO_StringCopy( pInternalName, getText(DFA_DAYSINYEAR_NAME) ); SO_StringCopy( pFuncName, "ScDate_DaysInYear" ); peType[0] = PTR_DOUBLE; peType[1] = PTR_DOUBLE; *nParamCount=2; break; case 6: SO_StringCopy( pInternalName, getText(DFA_WEEKSINYEAR_NAME) ); SO_StringCopy( pFuncName, "ScDate_WeeksInYear" ); peType[0] = PTR_DOUBLE; peType[1] = PTR_DOUBLE; *nParamCount=2; break; default: *nParamCount = 0; *pFuncName = 0; *pInternalName = 0; break; } } /** * Provides descriptions for each new function to StarCalc * which are shown is the autopilot * * @param *nNo Input Parameter, Function number between 0 and nCount - 1 * @param *nParam Parameter Number * @param *pName Output: Name of the parameter * @param *pDesc Output: Description of the parameter * * @see #GetFunctionCount, #GetParameterDescription */ void CALLTYPE GetParameterDescription( USHORT* nNo, USHORT* nParam, char* pName, char* pDesc ) { *pName = 0; *pDesc = 0; switch ( *nNo ) { case 0: /* Weeks */ switch ( *nParam ) { case 0: SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_WEEK_DESC)); break; case 1: SO_StringCopy(pName,getText(DFA_PAR_DATE1_NAME)); SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_WEEK_PAR1_DESC)); break; case 2: SO_StringCopy(pName,getText(DFA_PAR_DATE2_NAME)); SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_WEEK_PAR2_DESC)); break; case 3: SO_StringCopy(pName,getText(DFA_PAR_MODE_NAME)); SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_WEEK_PAR3_DESC)); break; } break; case 1: /* Months */ switch ( *nParam ) { case 0: SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_MONTHS_DESC)); break; case 1: SO_StringCopy(pName,getText(DFA_PAR_DATE1_NAME)); SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_MONTHS_PAR1_DESC)); break; case 2: SO_StringCopy(pName,getText(DFA_PAR_DATE2_NAME)); SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_MONTHS_PAR2_DESC)); break; case 3: SO_StringCopy(pName,getText(DFA_PAR_MODE_NAME)); SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_MONTHS_PAR3_DESC)); break; } break; case 2: /* Years */ switch ( *nParam ) { case 0: SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_YEARS_DESC)); break; case 1: SO_StringCopy(pName,getText(DFA_PAR_DATE1_NAME)); SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_YEARS_PAR1_DESC)); break; case 2: SO_StringCopy(pName,getText(DFA_PAR_DATE2_NAME)); SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_YEARS_PAR2_DESC)); break; case 3: SO_StringCopy(pName,getText(DFA_PAR_MODE_NAME)); SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_YEARS_PAR3_DESC)); break; } break; case 3: /* IsLeapYear */ switch ( *nParam ) { case 0: SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_ISLEAPYEAR_DESC)); break; case 1: SO_StringCopy(pName,getText(DFA_PAR_DATE_NAME)); SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_PAR_DATE_DESC)); /* StarCalc Value */ break; } break; case 4: /* DaysInMonth */ switch ( *nParam ) { case 0: SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_DAYSINMONTH_DESC)); break; case 1: SO_StringCopy(pName,getText(DFA_PAR_DATE_NAME)); SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_PAR_DATE_DESC)); /* StarCalc Value */ break; } break; case 5: /* DaysInYear */ switch ( *nParam ) { case 0: SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_DAYSINYEAR_DESC)); break; case 1: SO_StringCopy(pName,getText(DFA_PAR_DATE_NAME)); SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_PAR_DATE_DESC)); /* StarCalc Value */ break; } break; case 6: /* WeeksInYear */ switch ( *nParam ) { case 0: SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_WEEKSINYEAR_DESC)); break; case 1: SO_StringCopy(pName,getText(DFA_PAR_DATE_NAME)); SO_StringCopy(pDesc,getText(DFA_PAR_DATE_DESC)); /* StarCalc Value */ break; } break; } }