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- ClipMate 5.1 Release Notes
- Version 5.1.08 - Build 130
- September 16, 1999
- This Document Contains:
- -----------------------
- Introduction
- New Features In Version 5.1
- Fixes/Changes Since 5.1.0
- Known Issues
- Upgrade Notes
- Reporting Bugs
- Obtaining New Releases
- Introduction - The Ultimate Clipboard!
- --------------------------------------
- If you copy and paste data in Windows or on the internet, this utility
- is for you! ClipMate is an award-winning Windows clipboard enhancement
- tool, and has been reviewed in periodicals such as PC Magazine,
- Windows Magazine, PC World, InfoWorld, and more. ClipMate was
- honored with the 1997 Shareware Industry Award for "Best Utility".
- With ClipMate as your Windows companion, you'll take the familiar
- underpowered clipboard and turn it into an unexpectedly powerful
- timesaver.
- ClipMate works alongside the regular Windows clipboard and remembers
- every piece of data (both text and graphics) that you cut or copy.
- Once your data is saved in ClipMate, you can select an item and it is
- automatically placed back on the clipboard or directly into an
- application. You can create an unlimited number of collections
- to store your data, and you have full control over the retention
- rules so that your collections fit your personal work process.
- For example, you can use a "Short-Term" collection as a catch-all
- and create "Long-Term" collections for topics like Tips & Tricks,
- Frequently Used Letter Closings, Clip Art, Hot Internet Web Pages,
- Project Research, or whatever you wish.
- New Features In Version 5.1
- ---------------------------
- 1) QuickPaste 5.1
- QuickPaste has been tremendously enhanced. Many of you asked for
- it to be more like it was in 4.5 - we listened, and borrowed the
- best features of QuickPaste in 4.5, and 5.0.
- If you aren't familiar with QuickPaste, press Ctrl+Shift+Q while
- in any application, and ClipMate springs up in a special "QuickPaste"
- mode, ready to select any clip, and paste it automatically into
- the target application, right where you were working.
- QuickPaste 5.1 features:
- A) Dual Clip Lists - we brought back the "split screen" in
- v4.5, so that you have your current collection at the top,
- and an "alternate" collection below. Tab between the two
- to pick clips. This gives you easy access to clips from
- all of your collections, without your having to switch to
- another collection prior to pasting, or having to switch
- back when you're done.
- B) The "Favorite Collection" method of 5.0 still works here.
- In either Clip List, you can press F6 to load the next
- collection marked as Favorite.
- C) There is a collection selection button dedicated to picking
- alternate collections, while in QuickPaste. So you can pick
- ANY collection to be in the lower-pane, not just the ones
- tagged as Favorite. This setting is remembered from one
- session to the next.
- D) There are now some QuickPaste toolbar buttons which can
- send tabs and linefeeds to the target app, without
- having to leave QuickPaste. And there is a button that
- will paste the clip into the target app, without leaving
- or terminating QuickPaste.
- E) There is a QuickPaste indicator on the status bar that
- lights up, to tell you definitively, whether or not you
- are in QuickPaste mode.
- F) In case you liked the QuickPaste better in 5.0, or if you
- need to preview a clip, you can press Ctrl+F11, or pick
- the option from the View menu, to go back to the
- ClipList / Preview style of ClipMate 5.0.
- 2) Source URL
- If you copy from web pages using IE or Netscape,
- then ClipMate will remember the page that you copied from.
- You can then easily revisit the page by clicking on the
- URL in the new "Source URL" column of ClipMate Explorer,
- or by right-clicking on the clip, and launching.
- 3) Collapsible Toolbars
- You'll notice a little "bumpy spot" on
- each of the toolbars. Click it, and the toolbar folds away,
- leaving a horizontal "bumpty spot" that you can click on, to
- get the toolbar back. This can be used to save desktop space,
- and replaces the "cycle window sizes - (F11 Hotkey)" option from
- ClipMate 5. The F11 function was the source of lots of confusion,
- and we decided that this fit the bill much more appropriately.
- 4) Bottom Of Screen
- ClipMate 5 was unfriendly to those who liked to park the window
- at the bottom of the screen. Whenever you dropped-down the
- ClipList, either manually or through QuickPaste, it would
- fall off the bottom of the screen, and not be visible.
- Now, ClipMate "pushes off" of the bottom of the screen,
- moving up high enough to display completely. When you roll
- the drop-down back up, then it moves back to its original spot.
- 5) Data Storage
- Instead of silently assuming that it is ok to use the data
- storage location recommended by the registry, new installations
- of ClipMate will ask where you would like to store your data.
- In addition, changing the data storage location is now easier,
- via the DATA tab of the User Preferences dialog box.
- 6) Offline Data Sources
- You can now easily configure ClipMate to not load certain
- data sources (directories with collections inside) via the
- DATA tab of the User Preferences dialog box. Simply un-check
- the checkbox next to the data source, and it will not load
- the next time that Windows runs (only applicable if you have
- multiple data sources defined.)
- Also, you now can easily open the data source folder into
- Windows Explorer, via a button.
- 7) The BINARY tab in the Preview/Edit pane of ClipMate Explorer
- is now hidden by default, but can be shown via an option
- in the ADVANCED tab of User Preferences. It wasn't very
- useful for most users.
- 8) New sound for Auto-Glue captures. Sounds like "pip-pop".
- 9) Added a "refresh" option to the File menu, for those who
- have shared data sources.
- 10)Added Empty Trash option under the Help menu, to empty the trash
- without shutting down.
- Fixes/Changes/Additions Since Last Release
- ------------------------------------------
- (5.1.08) build 130 - September 16
- Fixed problem with "picture" items (Windows Metafiles - commonly
- used for clip art and other drawings) where if you moved one
- from one collection to another, the data file couldn't be found.
- This affected the trashcan collection as well.
- (5.1.07) build 129 - September 2
- Fixed two problems with trashcan - one where the trashcan wouldn't
- empty when you performed and "empty trash", and the other where
- if you tried to drag 'n' drop an item OUT of the trash, you would
- get "list index out of bounds". Both are fixed.
- Enhanced the System Tray Icon so that it will restore itself if
- Explorer crashes.
- (5.1.06) build 127 - August 19
- The Drag 'n' drop parent/child fix in the last build was a bit too
- restrictive - it was never intended to restrict clips, only collections
- from being dropped on decendants - fixed.
- One user reported getting a "chain error" at shutdown. A fix is in for this.
- (5.1.05) build 125 - August 17
- The main executable - ClipMt51.exe is now compressed. This is to prevent
- reverse-engineering by software pirates (well, the amateur ones, anyway)
- and will also result in quicker load times at start-up, and about a half
- MB disk space savings.
- Added a diagnostic feature - Trace Paste, where you can actually see
- what formats are pasted by an application. This is useful when trying
- to optomize the Application Profile. There is extensive online help
- for this topic.
- Added a Capture Special feature, to support the Trace Paste. This allows
- you to override the Application Profile, and capture a "fat clip", with
- any or all formats present. Again, see the online help.
- Provided a way to scroll the ClipList during drag 'n' drop operations.
- As the mouse moves over the first or last 15 pixels (about 1 row in height)
- of the ClipList, it'll scroll by 4 rows. Keep moving the mouse over this
- area - even side to side, and it'll continue to scroll. It isn't very
- pretty yet, but it will do the job.
- Fixed problem with purging collections with "0 Days" retention. It would
- prematurely purge during move operations, or File | Save. As a result,
- purging is only performed at shutdown now.
- The Auto-Save feature is now enabled by default. There have been too many
- users losing data due to operating system crashes. You can it disable in
- the Data tab of User Preferences, if you need to.
- Minor change in DLL loading for Windows2000, to avoid loading one particular
- DLL that was needed under NT4, but is not needed on Windows2000.
- Fixed a font attribute problem with printing.
- Sometimes page 2, would be bolded, after page 1 was not.
- Also removed the separator line from printouts where only one clip
- appeared on a page. This should help users who use it to print labels.
- Fixed a problem with moving clips from the Search Results pseudo-collection.
- It would fail to move the corresponding data files, which resulted in
- corrupted clips.
- Fixed problem with drag 'n' drop collection management. If you dropped
- a "parent" onto its "child", it would attempt to build this unnatural
- relationship, causing a flurry of disk activity, as it built a folder
- tree, hundreds of levels deep. Now, it won't let you drop a parent or
- other ancestor, onto a child/grandchild folder.
- Fixed a few minor documentation issues.
- (5.1.04) build 119 - July 2
- Modifications to the way that Metafiles (Pictures) are handled.
- They'll now be stored as Enhanced Metafiles (EMF) on disk,
- which solves some problems with faithfully reproducing the original.
- Changed the scaling algorithm for Bitmaps and Pictures, in the
- Preview window. The original aspect ratio will be preserved now,
- when viewing a scaled image. Before, it was simply stretched to the
- window dimentions, usually distorting the displayed image. (the data
- was ok, it just looked funny.) With Bitmaps, the scaling percentage
- is displayed on the status bar.
- MAXimize Button - Enhanced
- Previous 5.1 versions disabled the MAXimize button on the titlebar,
- as Traditional View can't be maxed. There is a new scheme:
- If you maximize the window while in Traditional View, it will
- simply switch to ClipMate Explorer view - but you won't yet be
- full screen. Maximize again, and you'll be in ClipMate Explorer,
- full screen. Once you are full screen, you can use the "restore"
- button (takes the place of the MAXimize button) to go back to
- a non-maximized state. Whether you go back to non-maxed Explorer,
- or the smaller, Traditional view, depends on whether or not you
- hit the MAX button twice in succession, within a 5 second interval.
- i.e. if you start in Traditional view, and quickly maximize twice,
- then restore will take you back to Traditional view. However, if
- you go slower, or use the Explorer button to get into Explorer,
- and then MAX from there, then the Restore button will take you back
- to non-maximized Explorer. Play around with it - it's very cool.
- Fixed problem of "source url" determination with items copied from
- Internet Explorer. If multiple instances of Explorer were running,
- the wrong URL would be associated with the clip. This seems to be a
- bug, or at least a shortcoming, with the DDE implementation of IE.
- Anyway, we're taking the URL from the "HTML Format" data type, if
- present. This will be much more reliable.
- Fixed problem with QuickPaste, where if you normally had the "tack"
- set in Traditional View, popping in and out of QuickPaste would
- collapse the window anyway, regardless of the tack setting. So now,
- if you have the window "tacked", and use QuickPaste, you'll return to
- the state you were in.
- Fixed font problem with the Alternate list in QuickPaste. Now it has
- the same font as the regular ClipList.
- Fixed problem in URL determination, to allow characters such
- as ~, ?, &.
- (5.1.03) build 115 - June 11
- Fixed problem with the "copy to other collection" function, where
- images (or any other non-text format) would arrive in the new
- collection, without any data. Move was fine, only Copy was affected.
- Fixed related problem where the "purge" routine would be invoked when
- moving items from one collection to another, thus performing the
- "end of day" purging. This was a big problem if you had retention
- limits set to "zero days" - all of your data would be purged in that
- case.
- Fixed registration key problem which affected users with names over
- 20 characters.
- Fixed problem where if you edited a clip, then immediately performed
- a multiple-selection, the editing would be lost.
- The "serial number" column of the ClipList wouldn't retain its width,
- if you manually adjusted it. Fixed.
- Added a "no data to display" label to the Preview/Edit pane, which
- is more user-friendly than just a blank grey panel. You'll see it
- if you have no clip selected, a clip with no displayable formats,
- or during a multiple-selection.
- (5.1.02) build 114 - May 20
- Fixed Access Violation which could occur at end of QuickPaste,
- if no items were in the cliplist, or no item was selected.
- There was a problem with the Explorer View remembering the
- size/position when switching back and forth with Traditional View.
- Only seemed to happen if the ClipList was empty.
- Fixed problem with Maximized Explorer view not Maximizing properly
- upon return. Related to above bug.
- Input focus wasn't returning to ClipMate after using the buttons
- on the QuickPaste toolbar, during QuickPaste operation.
- Fixed problem with Data Sources. If you drop the default data source,
- and add a new one, it wouldn't re-build empty short-term and long-term
- collections. Now it does.
- (5.1.01) build 112 - May 19
- Fixed problem with "Show Main Menu When In Traditional View" menu,
- where it wouldn't turn back on if you tried to enable it from
- Explorer view.
- Other Fixes since 5.0
- ---------------------
- Fixed problem with purging items. The collection would grow past
- the user-defined limit (say 100) if auto-save happened between
- the last update, and shutdown. So now collections should no longer
- mysteriously grow past the limit.
- Added a set of "Open" buttons to the Log pane of User Preferences,
- to make it easy to find the log files.
- Eliminated QP dislike of Outlook Express.
- Added "hide main toolbar" option to the View menu, for those
- who don't want to show the main toolbar. Note that when you
- do this, you lose some hotkeys. See the System menu, or
- systray menu, to turn it back on.
- When viewing regular TEXT in the HTML tab, the tab now says
- "TEXT as HTML". To help differentiate.
- Added "empty trash" command to File menu. Before, trash was only
- emptied upon exiting.
- Added "refresh" command to file menu. Handy if you are sharing
- a data source on a network, and need to pull in new update.
- Not useful beyond that.
- Fixed problem where if you stretched the splitter bars in CM Explorer
- all the way, they'd get "stuck". Now they don't. This was an old bug.
- Fixed problem with Export, where if you opted to "copy pathname to
- clipboard", it would overwrite the top clip! Ouch! Fixed.
- Added warning message to the "move to top/bottom of sort"
- option for clips. If you're not currently sorting on the MySort
- key, then this isn't useful, so it tells you that, and quits.
- Clip Item Properties - added new dialog, available on right-
- click on a clip in the ClipList. Gives info about the clip,
- gives a 4th way of changing the title (but I'll still get
- lots of questions, just wait) and you can directly edit the
- MySort value, which is handy if you want a clip to always
- float to the top after reloading - just give it a huge
- number, like 900 million.
- New sound for Auto-Glue captures. Sounds like "pip-pop".
- Upper/Lower case conversions now work for non-western characters
- like ─╓▄▀.
- Fixed problem where the Collection Tree wouldn't highlight
- properly during drag 'n' drop operations.
- Fixed problem when QuickPasting into the command box (DOS
- box) on NT.
- Known Issues
- ------------
- The Trace Paste feature sometimes produces invalid data -
- we've seen it with Metafile (Pictures). But since this is
- just a diagnostic, that's ok. You'll see the target app
- requesting the data type, which is what you're trying to
- find out in the first place. The target app will just
- complain about it.
- System Folders -
- In directory selection dialogs, you cannot pick customized
- folders where you've set the system flag to make Win98
- recognize custom icons.
- Upgrade Notes From 5.x
- ----------------------
- Just install over any previouis 5.x version. If you are
- registered, it will remember your key.
- Upgrade Notes From 4.x
- ----------------------
- ClipMate 5 is completely oblivious to ClipMate 4, except that
- the installer will attempt to find and remove the shortcut to
- ClipMate 4 in the startup folder, so that you don't have
- two versions running.
- ClipMate 5 will not harm your ClipMate 4 data! It installs into
- a different location, and keeps data in a separate place. You can
- import your ClipMate 4 data into ClipMate 5 through the File menu.
- This is a one-way import, and basically just copies old collections
- into the new location.
- Registered Users of ClipMate 4:
- Registered users of ClipMate 4 that purchased on or after
- October 17th, 1998 will receive ClipMate 5 for free.
- (Already have, by now!)
- All other registered users will need to purchase an upgrade.
- There are 2 options for upgrading:
- 1. If you want a diskette and manual shipped to you, the cost is $12
- plus shipping ($2 to North America, $4 to rest of world).
- 2. If you want to download the software from the WWW and receive a
- registration key to "unlock" it, but DON'T want a diskette or
- manual shipped to you, then you can save some money... the cost
- is $10 and no shipping charge (because nothing is physically shipped).
- Reporting Bugs
- --------------
- Please use the included bugrep.txt, and
- Include the word BUG on the Subject line.
- Mail to support@thornsoft.com
- If you don't, then the mail will go to the wrong place!
- Obtaining New Releases
- ----------------------
- The primary source for new releases is our web site at:
- http://www.thornsoft.com
- There is a menu option under the Help menu to check for
- new releases.