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- KEYCODE.EXE for Tera Term
- T. Teranishi
- Copyright (C) 1994-1998 T. Teranishi
- All Rights Reserved.
- KEYCODE.EXE is a utility which displays key codes used in the
- Tera Term's keyboard setup file. This text describes the usage of
- KEYCODE.EXE and the format of keyboard setup file.
- Please read this text and Tera Term help for changing the keyboard
- configuration. Please do not ask the author questions about the
- keyboard configuration.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you are using Windows 3.1 or NT 3.X, install KEYCODE.EXE
- in Program Manager with its icon. If you are using Windows 95
- or Windows NT 4.0, create a shortcut for KEYCODE.EXE in a folder
- of your choice, in the Start menu or on the desktop.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2. USAGE
- When you run KEYCODE.EXE, the message "Push any key" will be displayed
- in the window. When you press a key or a combination of keys (such as
- Ctrl+key), the message "Key code is XXXX." will be displayed. XXXX is a
- decimal number.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The keyboard setup file assigns keys on PC keyboard for various functions
- such as VT terminal functions, sending user defined character strings,
- executing Tera Term commands and executing macro files.
- The default keyboard setup stored in the file KEYBOARD.CNF is almost
- compatible with VT terminal keyboard. You can modify key assignments
- by editing the file.
- The file name of keyboard setup file to be loaded by Tera Term can be
- specified as a command line parameter of Tera Term (see Tera Term help).
- If you omit the file name extension, the default extension ".CNF" is used.
- If you omit the file name, the default file KEYBOARD.CNF is loaded.
- ...............................................................................
- Each key or key combination has a unique key code, which is called
- "PC key code".
- The keyboard setup file has six sections: [VT editor keypad],
- [VT numeric keypad], [VT function keys], [X function keys], [Shortcut keys]
- and [User keys].
- 1) [VT editor keypad] section
- In this section, VT editor keys are assigned to PC keys.
- Format:
- <VT editor key name>=<PC key code>
- where:
- <VT editor key name>
- Up, Down, Right, Left, Find, Insert, Remove, Select,
- Prev, Next
- <PC key code>
- PC key code (decimal number)
- Example:
- Up=328
- 2) [VT numeric keypad] section
- In this section, VT numeric keys are assigned to PC keys.
- Format:
- <VT numeric key name>=<PC key code>
- where:
- <VT numeric key name>
- Num0, Num1, Num2, Num3, Num4, Num5, Num6, Num7, Num8,
- Num9, NumMinus, NumComma, NumPeriod, NumEnter, PF1,
- PF2, PF3, PF4
- <PC key code>
- PC key code (decimal number)
- Example:
- Num0=82
- 3) [VT function keys] section
- In this section, VT function keys are assigned to PC keys.
- Format:
- <VT function key name>=<PC key code>
- where:
- <VT function key name>
- (Function keys of VT terminal)
- Hold, Print, Break, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12,
- F13, F14, Help, Do, F17, F18, F19, F20
- ("User defined keys" of VT terminal)
- UDK6, UDK7, UDK8, UDK9, UDK10, UDK11, UDK12, UDK13,
- UDK14, UDK15, UDK16, UDK17, UDK18, UDK19, UDK20
- <PC key code>
- PC key code (decimal number)
- Example:
- F6=64
- 4) [X function keys] section
- In this section, Xterm F1-F5 keys are assigned to PC keys.
- Format:
- <Xterm function key name>=<PC key code>
- where:
- <Xterm function key name>
- XF1, XF2, XF3, XF4, XF5
- <PC key code>
- PC key code (decimal number)
- Example:
- XF1=59
- 5) [Shortcut keys] section
- In this section, Tera Term functions are assigned to PC keys.
- Format:
- <Shortcut key name>=<PC key code>
- where:
- <Shortcut key name> Function
- --------------------------------------------
- EditCopy [Edit] Copy command
- EditPaste [Edit] Paste command
- EditPasteCR [Edit] Paste<CR> command
- EditCLS [Edit] Clear screen command
- EditCLB [Edit] Clear buffer command
- ControlOpenTEK [Control] Open TEK command
- ControlCloseTEK [Control] Close TEK command
- LineUp Scrolls up screen by 1 line
- LineDown Scrolls down by 1 line
- PageUp Scrolls up by 1 page
- PageDown Scrolls down by 1 page
- BuffTop Scrolls screen to buffer top
- BuffBottom Scrolls screen to buffer bottom
- NextWin Moves to the next Tera Term window
- PrevWin Moves to the previous Tera Term window
- LocalEcho Toggles the local echo status
- <PC key code>
- PC key code (decimal number)
- Example:
- LineUp=1352
- 6) [User keys] section
- This section defines user keys for functions, sending a character
- string, executing a macro file or executing a menu command.
- Format:
- <User key name>=<PC key code>,<Control flag>,
- <Character string>
- where:
- <User key name>
- User1, User2, User3,...., User99
- Maximum number of user keys is 99.
- For example, if you want to define ten user keys,
- you must use the first ten names, from "User1" to "User10".
- <PC key code>
- PC key code (decimal number)
- <Control flag>
- Control flag which specifies how <character string>
- is treated when the PC key is pressed.
- 0 <Character string> is sent as it is.
- 1 New-line codes in <Character string>
- are converted by Tera Term and
- the converted string is sent.
- 2 A macro file which has the name of
- <Character string> is executed.
- 3 A Tera Term menu command specified
- by the menu ID <Character string> is
- executed.
- <Character string>
- If <Control flag> is 0 or 1, <Character string>
- represents the character string to be sent.
- A non-printable character (control character) in
- the string can be expressed as a "$" and ASCII code
- in two-character hex number. For example, CR character
- is expressed as "$0D". "$" itself is expressed as "$24".
- See "Appendix A ASCII CODE TABLE".
- If <Control flag> is 2, <Character string> specifies
- the macro file name to be executed.
- If <Control flag> is 3, <Character string> is the menu
- ID which specifies the menu command to be executed.
- The menu ID should be expressed as a decimal number.
- See "Appendix B LIST OF MENU IDs".
- Example:
- User1=1083,0,telnet myhost
- User2=1084,0,$0D$0A
- User3=1085,1,$0D
- User4=1086,2,test.ttl
- User5=1087,3,50110
- ...............................................................................
- 3.2 NOTE
- You can use a PC key code only once in the setup file.
- If you use a PC key code for multiple key assignments,
- the warning message "Key code XXX is used more than once" is
- displayed when the file is loaded by Tera Term. In this case,
- one of the assignments becomes effective and others are ignored.
- If you don't want to assign a key item to any PC key,
- use the word "off" like the following:
- EditCopy=off
- ...............................................................................
- The following key combinations are acceptable to Tera Term and KEYCODE.EXE:
- Shift+key
- Ctrl+key
- Shift+Ctrl+key
- Shift+Alt+key
- Ctrl+Alt+key
- Shift+Ctrl+Alt+key
- Since some combinations (such as Alt+key) are used as shortcut keys of
- Tera Term and Windows, they don't have PC key codes and can't be specified
- in the keyboard setup file.
- ...............................................................................
- 3.4 Q & A
- If you are in trouble with the keyboard configuration, please
- read this text and Tera Term help carefully.
- Please do not ask the author questions about the keyboard configuration.
- Q. Everytime I run Tera Term, the warning message
- "Key code XXX is used more than once" is displayed.
- A. See "3.2 NOTE".
- Q. I want to use the PC "F1" key as the VT100 PF1 key. I edit the
- keyboard setup file like the following but it does not work:
- [VT function keys]
- F1=PF1 (This is wrong.)
- A. The left hand side can not be the name of a **PC key** but
- the name of a **VT terminal key**. The right hand side can not be
- the name of a key but a PC key code.
- You should also be careful not to specify a PC key code more than
- once in the setup file (see "3.2 NOTE").
- Edit the keyboard setup file like the following:
- [VT function keys]
- PF1=59 (59 is the keycode for the F1 key.)
- [X function keys]
- ;XF1=59 (Avoid specifying 59 twice.)
- XF1=off (Replace 59 by "off".)
- Q. How to edit the keyboard setup file to assign the F1 key
- for sending the escape sequence "ESC [ A"?
- A. You can send any character string by using a user key.
- You should also be careful not to specify a PC keycode more than
- once in the setup file (see "3.2 NOTE").
- Edit the keyboard setup file like the following:
- [X function keys]
- ;XF1=59 (59 is the keycode for the F1 key.)
- (Avoid specifying 59 twice.)
- XF1=off (Replace 59 by "off".)
- [User keys]
- User1=59,0,$1B[A (The ASCII code for ESC is $1B.)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- For example, the ASCII code for "A" is $41.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Char Code | Char Code | Char Code | Char Code |
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- NUL (^@) $00 | DLE (^P) $10 | SPACE $20 | 0 $30 |
- SOH (^A) $01 | DC1 (^Q) $11 | ! $21 | 1 $31 |
- STX (^B) $02 | DC2 (^R) $12 | " $22 | 2 $32 |
- ETX (^C) $03 | DC3 (^S) $13 | # $23 | 3 $33 |
- EOT (^D) $04 | DC4 (^T) $14 | $ $24 | 4 $34 |
- ENQ (^E) $05 | NAK (^U) $15 | % $25 | 5 $35 |
- ACK (^F) $06 | SYN (^V) $16 | & $26 | 6 $36 |
- BEL (^G) $07 | ETB (^W) $17 | ' $27 | 7 $37 |
- BS (^H) $08 | CAN (^X) $18 | ( $28 | 8 $38 |
- HT (^I) $09 | EM (^Y) $19 | ) $29 | 9 $39 |
- LF (^J) $0A | SUB (^Z) $1A | * $2A | : $3A |
- VT (^K) $0B | ESC (^[) $1B | + $2B | ; $3B |
- FF (^L) $0C | FS (^\) $1C | , $2C | < $3C |
- CR (^M) $0D | GS (^]) $1D | - $2D | = $3D |
- SO (^N) $0E | RS (^^) $1E | . $2E | > $3E |
- SI (^O) $0F | US (^_) $1F | / $2F | ? $3F |
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Char Code | Char Code | Char Code | Char Code |
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- @ $40 | P $50 | ` $60 | p $70 |
- A $41 | Q $51 | a $61 | q $71 |
- B $42 | R $52 | b $62 | r $72 |
- C $43 | S $53 | c $63 | s $73 |
- D $44 | T $54 | d $64 | t $74 |
- E $45 | U $55 | e $65 | u $75 |
- F $46 | V $56 | f $66 | v $76 |
- G $47 | W $57 | g $67 | w $77 |
- H $48 | X $58 | h $68 | x $78 |
- I $49 | Y $59 | I $69 | y $79 |
- J $4A | Z $5A | j $6A | z $7A |
- K $4B | [ $5B | k $6B | { $7B |
- L $4C | \ $5C | l $6C | | $7C |
- M $4D | ] $5D | m $6D | } $7D |
- N $4E | ^ $5E | n $6E | ~ $7E |
- O $4F | _ $5F | o $6F | DEL $7F |
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ...............................................................................
- See "3.1 FORMAT OF THE KEYBOARD SETUP FILE" for specifying a menu ID.
- Menu IDs may be changed in future.
- 1) VT window
- Menu command ID
- -------------------------------------
- [File] New connection 50110
- [File] Log 50120
- [File] Send file 50130
- [File] Transfer/Kermit/Receive 50141
- [File] Transfer/Kermit/Get 50142
- [File] Transfer/Kermit/Send 50143
- [File] Transfer/Kermit/Finish 50144
- [File] Transfer/XMODEM/Receive 50145
- [File] Transfer/XMODEM/Send 50146
- [File] Transfer/ZMODEM/Receive 50151
- [File] Transfer/ZMODEM/Send 50152
- [File] Transfer/B-Plus/Receive 50153
- [File] Transfer/B-Plus/Send 50154
- [File] Transfer/Quick-VAN/Receive 50155
- [File] Transfer/Quick-VAN/Send 50156
- [File] Change dir 50170
- [File] Print 50180
- [File] Disconnect 50190
- [File] Exit 50199
- [Edit] Copy 50210
- [Edit] Copy table 50220
- [Edit] Paste 50230
- [Edit] PasteCR 50240
- [Edit] Clear screen 50250
- [Edit] Clear buffer 50260
- [Setup] Terminal 50310
- [Setup] Window 50320
- [Setup] Font 50330
- [Setup] Keyboard 50340
- [Setup] Serial port 50350
- [Setup] TCPIP 50360
- [Setup] General 50370
- [Setup] Save setup 50380
- [Setup] Restore setup 50390
- [Setup] Load key map 50395
- [Control] Reset terminal 50410
- [Control] Are you there 50420
- [Control] Send break 50430
- [Control] Reset port 50440
- [Control] Open TEK 50450
- [Control] Close TEK 50460
- [Control] Macro 50470
- [Window] Window 50810
- [Help] Index 50910
- [Help] Using 50920
- [Help] About 50990
- 2) TEK window
- Menu command ID
- -------------------------------------
- [File] Print 51110
- [File] Exit 51190
- [Edit] Copy 51210
- [Edit] Copy screen 51220
- [Edit] Paste 51230
- [Edit] PasteCR 51240
- [Edit] Clear Screen 51250
- [Setup] Window 51310
- [Setup] Font 51320
- [VTWin] 51410
- [Window] Window 50810
- [HELP] Index 51910
- [HELP] Using 51920
- [HELP] About 51990