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- object Form3: TForm3
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- Caption = 'TCP/IP Swapper 97'
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- object Label1: TLabel
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- Caption = '� �smo Software 1994-97'
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- Lines.Strings = (
- 'TCP/IP Swapper 97'
- '� �smo Software 1994-97'
- '----------------------------------------------------------------' +
- '----------------------------------'
- '1. Add DialUp Network Profile.'
- '2. Add Netcard Profile.'
- ''
- '1.1 In the listview and choose new DialUp connection. You ' +
- 'will '
- ' now see the standard New DialUp Profile dialog. Choo' +
- 'se a '
- ' name for the new connection, press next and insert t' +
- 'he '
- ' telephone numbers then press finish and you have no' +
- 'w '
- ' created a new standard DUN Entry.'
- ' '
- ' '
- '1.2 You should now see the new entry in the listview. Pres' +
- 's the'
- ' properties button and you can now enter all your spec' +
- 'ific data'
- ' IP Address Mask and more, When you are ready press th' +
- 'e'
- ' Accept button.'
- ''
- '1.3 To choose this profile you must Swap to this by pressing' +
- ' the '
- ' Swap button.'
- ''
- '1.4 You can now call the provider by double click on the pro' +
- 'file'
- ' icon in the listview.'
- ''
- ''
- '2.1 In the listview choose new Netcard connection. You will' +
- ' '
- ' now see a dialog with one list and a editbox. In the l' +
- 'ist choose'
- ' the netcard you want to use. In the editbox type a nam' +
- 'e for '
- 'the'
- ' new profile. Press OK.'
- ' '
- '2.2 Press the Properties button to edit the networkdata.'
- ''
- '2.3 To swap se 1.3'
- ''
- ''
- '----------------------------------------------------------------' +
- '----------------------------------'
- 'Standard Profiles.'
- ''
- 'Default Profile -> The profile used before you run TCP/IP Swa' +
- 'pper'
- ' first time. To use this you must ' +
- 'Swap to this '
- ' first. The current Windows 95 Net' +
- 'work settings'
- ' will be lost! ' +
- ' '
- ''
- '----------------------------------------------------------------' +
- '----------------------------------'
- 'Uninstall.'
- ''
- 'To uninstall this program, go to the contol panel and choose '
- 'Add&Remove program select the TCP/IP Swapper.'
- ''
- '----------------------------------------------------------------' +
- '----------------------------------'
- ''
- ''
- 'If you register this shareware you get free updates (by email) a' +
- 'nd free '
- 'email - '
- 'support.'
- 'It'#39's only cost 10$US!'
- ''
- 'International: '
- ''
- 'If you want register this program on a bank.'
- 'Insert 10$US to SWIFT address PGSI SE SS with number 413 48 '
- '93-9 '
- ''
- 'My address is '
- ''
- 'Christer Jansson'
- 'Torgvagen 19'
- '148 30 Osmo'
- ''
- 'Don'#39't forget to leave your email address to me!'
- ''
- ''
- 'Norden: '
- ''
- 'To Register insert 70SKr to postgiro 413 48 93-9 Sweden.'
- 'Don'#39't forget to leave your email address to me!'
- ''
- ''
- 'Email: softis@algonet.se'
- 'Web: http://www.algonet.se/~softis'
- ''
- 'New Implementations:'
- ''
- '970207 Autostart + Tray start'
- '970312 Netcard version (Beta)'
- '970312 Can change all TCP/IP DUN&Netcard addresses.'
- '970314 Can uninstall program in Control Panel Add & Remove '
- 'program.'
- '970606 Using TCP/IP swapper profile for Netscape & Ms Explorer '
- 'startup profile.'
- '970609 A new GUI interface!'
- '970619 A little better version....(much)'
- ''
- 'Fixed Bugs:'
- ''
- '970207 Access Violation on startup fixed.'
- '970219 Program hangs with MS Office fixed'
- '970220 Problem with Ras entries fixed. '
- '970314 Forgotten Workgroup. You can'#39't leave Computername and '
- 'Workgroup empty.'
- '970410 MS Internet explorer crash this program fixed.'
- ''
- ''
- 'Waiting for:'
- 'Better documentation!'
- 'More users. :-)'
- 'Better Summer...'
- '')
- ScrollBars = ssVertical
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- end