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- *************************************************************************
- README.TXT for NetSwitcher for Windows 95 & Windows NT
- Version 2.07
- *************************************************************************
- Description of NetSwitcher:
- NetSwitcher is a utility which addresses a problem in Windows 95/NT which
- afflicts users who need to connect to more than one network. For
- example, if you regularly work in two different locations and use a
- notebook computer with an Ethernet card, you may need to have
- different IP addresses, netmasks, gateways, hostname, etc. MicrosoftÆs
- Network Control Panel allows you to change these but it is a manual,
- time consuming, and error prone process. NetSwitcher solves this
- problem by "memorizing" your networking setups and allowing you to
- restore them when you need to change hookups. If your new setup
- requires a reboot, NetSwitcher will prompt you to reboot. If, however,
- a reboot is not required, then unlike the Network Control Panel, no
- reboot will be requested.
- NetSwitcher also solves a problem with MicrosoftÆs Dial-Up Networking
- utility in Windows 95. If you have more than one ISP (Internet
- Service Provider) where you have to use a different domain name
- server (DNS) for each one, then NetSwitcher will change this part
- of your setup for you without requiring a reboot. You may say,
- "Oh, the Dial-Up Networking connection setup menu has a place for me
- to specify the DNS address for each connection. Why canÆt I just use
- that?" Well, you can say that, and you can use that, but it doesnÆt
- work! So you need to change your Network Control Panel settings each
- time you want to use a different ISP, and do a reboot for it to take
- effect. Or, you can use NetSwitcher to change this setting for you.
- Remember - NetSwitcher is SHAREWARE. You may evaluate NetSwitcher
- for up to 15 days without any registration requirements. After that
- time, you must either register and pay the registration fee or
- discontinue using NetSwitcher. NetSwitcher will not disable itself
- or do any nasty things to your system, however, even if you choose
- to violate the SHAREWARE agreement. It will, however, continue to
- "nag" you to register.
- To register and receive your license key, send cash, check, or
- money order in the amount of US$8 to me at:
- J.W. Hance
- 1950-18 E Greyhound Pass #305
- Carmel, IN 46033 USA
- If you are outside the USA, please send a Postal Money Order or Bank
- Check payable in US Dollars.
- Credit cards can now be accepted (Visa or MasterCard ONLY). See the
- page at http://www.bysnet.com/netsw.html for further details.
- **********************************************************************
- Quick Start
- **********************************************************************
- NOTE: Please follow these instructions even if you are just upgrading
- from an earlier version of NetSwitcher.
- 1) If you aren't running Windows 95, don't bother going any further.
- NetSwitcher work with, and only with, Windows 95.
- 2) After NetSwitcher starts, press the HELP button for more information.
- NetSwitcher is Copyright ⌐ 1996 J.W. Hance - All Rights Reserved
- *************************************************************************
- Special Notes for Windows NT users
- *************************************************************************
- 1) There is a problem with the InstallShield installation program on
- NT 4.0. The NetSwitcher program will not be added to the Start
- Menu. Otherwise, the program is installed correctly. Just add
- it manually to the start menu if you need it there.
- 2) To run NetSwitcher in a useful manner (i.e. to be able to change
- the network settings) you will probably have to be ADMINISTRATOR
- or at least have registry READ & WRITE priviledges over the
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry tree.
- 3) Not all the network setups are modifiable under Windows NT. If
- you notice that some are not changing, then NT does not support
- that operation.
- *************************************************************************
- Release Notes
- *************************************************************************
- Release Notes for Version 2.07
- 1) Fixed a problem with a customer specific version of NetSwitcher.
- Release Notes for Version 2.06
- 1) Fixed a problem with unquoted configuration file directives which
- was created in the new input parsing login in v2.04.
- Release Notes for Version 2.05
- 1) Fixed a problem with the IPX listbox. Some screen resolution/font
- settings caused it to disappear.
- 2) Problem with the WINS settings in the registry. If WINS was disabled
- the Win95 control panel still showed WINS servers ( in the
- dialog box.
- Release Notes for Version 2.04
- 1) Problem with parsing some adapter strings. Repaired the problem.
- Release Notes for Version 2.03
- 1) I'm tired of fooling around with the Microsoft HELP Workshop and the
- new "feature" of not being able to compile help (i.e. RTF) files
- produced by Word 97 or Wordpad. Switched to HTML based help and the
- HELP button should invoke whatever the default HTM file association.
- Release Notes for Version 2.02
- 1) The Dialup Adapter failed for users of the French version of Win95.
- It would report - Improper setup line : "Adapter 'Carte d'accΦs distant'"
- The problem was the ' embedded in the string.
- Release Notes for Version 2.01
- 1) There were a few problems in the network adapter dropdown box. Under
- some conditions the adapter was not being selected even though it
- appeared to be selected in the box.
- Release Notes for Version 2.00
- 1) When AutoApply was used and no reboot was required, the NetSwitcher
- windows would still open up even though it was not needed. This is
- changed so that nothing will appear if AutoAPPLY is used and no
- reboot is needed. If a reboot is needed, the reboot dialog box will
- appear. If AutoReboot is specified, then the reboot will happen.
- Release Notes for Version 1.99p
- 1) In some cases NetSwitcher would continue to run (sometimes hogging
- system resources) even after the windows had closed. Fixed this.
- Release Notes for Version 1.99o
- 1) If the IPX/SPX frametype was not installed, then users received a warning
- about it every time they ran NetSwitcher. This was annoying. That dialog
- now includes a "Don't show me this again" check box to inhibit further
- messages about this subject.
- 2) Fixed a problem reported on an IBM adapter where the device was not being
- found due to the DeviceID key needing to have the CardType prepended before
- finding the ENUM key.
- Release Notes for Version 1.99n
- 1) Fixed a problem which causes NetSwitcher to continue running as an
- invisible window if the user closed NetSwitcher from the window close
- button in the top right-hand corner of the application.
- 2) Removed the Cancel button as it was doing the same thing as the OK
- button and users were being confused by what the difference was.
- 3) Renamed the OK button to Done to better reflect what was going on.
- 4) Made NetSwitcher come up in a simplified (i.e. smaller) window by
- default. The user can now choose a "More Details" button to see all
- the parameters.
- Release Notes for Version 1.99m
- 1) When an adapter didn't have the IPX/SPX protocol bound to it and it
- was selected from the adapter selection combobox, NetSwitcher would
- abort even though the only control affected was the IPX FrameType.
- Changed things so that if IPX is not bound to the adapter, just
- the IPX FrameType listbox is disabled and NetSwitcher continues.
- Release Notes for Version 1.99l
- 1) Added the AutoReboot directive to the setup file. This causes
- NetSwitcher to automatically reboot the computer (i.e. it
- doesn't prompt the user if it's OK) if necessary after
- applying the new setup file. USE WITH CAUTION if you run
- NetSwitcher from a batch file or from your StartUp folder. It's
- possible to cause an infinite reboot loop if you use this option
- carelessly.
- 2) Added support for the IPX/SPX protocol FrameType setting in both
- the NetSwitcher dialog and the setup file. This allows those users
- who have network cards which don't auto detect the IPX frametype
- (auto is the Win95 default) to specify this as a part of their
- setup.
- Release Notes for Version 1.99k
- 1) Again fixed the 3COM driver problem. It was not fully
- fixed the first time.
- Release Notes for Version 1.99j
- 1) Fixed problem reported with newer 3COM Etherlink III 3C589 card
- drivers where NetSwitcher reported that the adapter was not
- found.
- Release Notes for Version 1.99i
- 1) Fixed problem with OEM branded version where the license key timed
- out after the 10-day evaluation.
- Release Notes for Version 1.99h
- 1) Added the RunCommand directive to the setup file. This will attempt to
- execute the given command (as well as any arguments) specified after the
- APPLY button is clicked or automatically if the AutoApply directive is
- specified.
- Release Notes for Version 1.99g
- 1) Support for Windows NT Workstation 4.0. Not all the items which are shown
- on the screen can be changed under NT. Currently only the following can be
- changed:
- IP Address, NetMask, Gateway, DNS Server, DNS Enable, Use DHCP,
- DNS order, Hostname, Domain Name, LM Hosts File, WINS servers,
- WINS Enable, WINS ScopeID, ComputerName.
- 2) The Windows NT Support should be considered BETA at this time and
- should be evaluated carefully.
- Release Notes for Version 1.99f
- 1) Added the ability to specify a FORCE to the reboot windows dialog.
- Some users had noted that certain programs including MacAfee
- Viruscan prevented NetSwitcher from rebooting Windows 95.
- Release Notes for Version 1.99e
- 1) Added more meaningful error messages when the user does not have
- the TCP/IP Protocol bound to the selected network adapter. Previously,
- NetSwitcher gave the "Adapter Not Found" message. This is not correct,
- the adapter is found, it's just not configured correctly.
- Release Notes for Version 1.99d
- 1) Changed build environment from Symantec C++ 7.2 over to Microsoft
- Visual C++ 4.2. Hopefully everything still works OK.
- 2) Added check box for "Use DHCP". This has the same effect as setting
- IP Address = and Netmask =
- 3) Added check box for "Use DHCP for WINS".
- 4) The EDIT mode is ON by default for registered users.
- 5) Tied several of the dialog controls together where it made sense.
- - If DHCP is enabled, IP and Netmask are read-only and set to
- - If Use "DHCP for WINS" is set, then "Use DHCP" is also set.
- - If "Use DHCP" is cleared, then "DHCP for WINS" is also clear.
- - If "WINS Enabled" is set, "DHCP for WINS" is clear.
- - If "WINS Enabled" is clear, WINS Servers and ScopeID are cleared.
- 6) Added config file directives "DHCPWINS" and "NODHCPWINS".
- Release Notes for Version 1.99c
- 1) Fixed problem with spaces in ComputerName, WorkGroup, and
- NTDomain fields. If these strings contain spaces they
- MUST be enclosed in single quotes ('). For example:
- ComputerName 'MY COMPUTER'
- Release Notes for Version 1.99b
- 1) NT Domain logon was not working correctly.
- Release Notes for Version 1.99a
- 1) Added support for Windows NT Domain Logon for Windows 95 Clients.
- 2) If you find that your previously registered version is no longer
- registered. Please re-enter your registration key following the
- original instructions.
- Release Notes for Version 1.98b
- 1) APPLY in Edit Mode (registered version only) didn't display
- the reboot menu when changes were made to setups.
- 2) Added suspend mode choice to the reboot menu. This works as
- well as a reboot on those machines which support suspend/resume.
- Release Notes for Version 1.95
- 1) Fixed a problem with Xircom Network adapters
- Release Notes for Version 1.92BETA
- 1) Added the capability to change the setups for the MS Windows
- networking ComputerName and Workgroup for this who use them. Note that
- changing either of these require a reboot to take effect.
- Release Notes for Version 1.91BETA
- 1) Fixed a problem which occurred with dual function (i.e. modem &
- network) PCMCIA cards.
- Release Notes for Version 1.9BETA
- 1) Fixed (hopefully for all cases this time) a problem with some ISA
- plug-and-play and PCMCIA ethernet adapters.
- 2) Added capability to handle multiple network adapters of the same type
- in the system.
- 3) Added the REGDUMP utility to help in extracting the relevant registry
- data for debugging any remaining cases where #1 above is still not
- working.
- Release Notes for Version 1.85BETA
- 1) Fixed problem which occurs when an network adapter is PCI or ISA
- plug-and-play. Note that if you have more than one network
- adapter of the SAME TYPE installed in the system, NetSwitcher will
- probably give you a message like:
- "Multiple Adapter Enumerations - See the file 'README.TXT'"
- If this happens to you, follow the instructions at the end of this
- file titled "Dumping your Registry".
- 2) Added "AutoApply" directive to the ".nsw" file. If present, and
- everything else is OK, NetSwitcher will change setups without
- even appearing on the screen. If a reboot is required, however,
- you will be prompted before it actually happens. I could add an
- auto-reboot option as well so someone could run NetSwitcher from
- a startup script or something. Let me know if this could be useful.
- Release Notes for Version 1.8BETA
- 1) Added ScopeID field needed for WINS servers.
- 2) Added Adapter line to config file which will automatically select
- that adapter when the .nsw file is loaded.
- 3) Renamed application to netsw.exe from netswitcher.exe as some users
- were having trouble unzipping the long filenames.
- Release Notes for Version 1.7BETA
- 1) I think the problem with failing to find the correct settings for a
- PCMCIA adapter has been fixed.
- 2) There seem to be problems reboot some computers. If you get a message
- about a failure in ExitWindowsEx(), please EMAIL me the error code.
- 3) Removed the -force switch and replaced it with the -install switch.
- 4) Added feature to remember the last selected adapter.
- 5) Added -noadapter switch to disable auto selection of last adapter. This
- might be useful if you swap out adapters and NetSwitcher fails to start.
- Release Notes for Version 1.6BETA
- 1) Problem finding the correct network adapter settings on a very few
- machines. Seems to be involved with portable computers having
- PCMCIA network adapters.
- 2) This version will "time out" after the 10-day evaulation period. After
- that time it will "nag" the user to register the program.
- 3) Added the -force switch to reregister the "nsw" file type with
- Windows 95 in case the user moved NetSwitcher's home directory.
- ***********************************************************************
- Dumping Your Registry
- ***********************************************************************
- NetSwitcher uses several settings in your Windows 95 registry to figure
- out what your current setup is and modifies these to make the changes
- you request. Unfortunately, Microsoft has chosen not to document much
- of this information. In developing NetSwitcher, I have tried to
- anticipate as much of what might be in the registry but it is not an
- exact science. If you get a message directing you here, please follow
- these instructions for dumping out the contents of your registry so that
- I can analyze it and correct NetSwitcher to take your situation into
- account.
- To dump the registry do the following:
- 1) Click the START menu, then choose Run...
- 2) Click the Browse button and navigate to the NETSW home directory.
- You should see the program "regdump.exe".
- 3) Double click on "regdump.exe" and click OK.
- 4) Regdump will ask you to input your EMAIL address.
- 5) Regdump will write it's output to a file called "regdump.out"
- in the NetSwitcher directory.
- 6) EMAIL the regdump.out (preferrably compressed with ZIP) file
- to me at: joe@bysnet.com.