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- File-Ex (tm) version 2.1 for Windows 95
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyright 1996 by Cottonwood Software All Rights Reserved
- Thank you for trying File-Ex!
- File-Ex adds file management functions like Find, Copy, Delete,
- Rename, and MakeDir to the Open and Save dialogs of Windows
- applications automatically. File-Ex also enlarges file dialogs
- to any size desired, adds Recent and Favorite file/folder lists,
- and allows long file names to be used with 16-bit applications.
- If you have just installed File-Ex and are reading this from
- the Notepad program, try it out now by selecting File from the
- menu, then Open. You should see buttons and the 'Recent...'
- and 'Favorite...' lists at the bottom of the Open dialog,
- and the dialog should be larger to allow more files to be listed.
- (The default is still fairly small -- it can be as large as the
- screen if you like.)
- If you need help, click the 'File-Ex' button, and then the
- Help button from that dialog.
- File-Ex runs as a taskbar tray icon in Windows 95 -- you should
- see a small File-Ex icon at the far right of the taskbar. Right-
- click on this for the main menu, or double-click on it to bring
- up a dialog with configuration, help, & option functions.
- Enjoy!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- There will be cases where File-Ex causes problems with a dialog,
- particularly in the placement of special controls added by an
- application, due to File-Ex resizing and enhancing the dialog.
- Such issues are unavoidable due to the wide variety of program
- designs, but there is a way to work around most problems.
- To fix this (and other problems, including possible fatal errors),
- you should be familiar with disabling File-Ex functions for specific
- application dialogs. Please refer to the Help file for details.
- MS Office 97 users (Word, Excel, etc.): Since the file dialogs of
- these applications already have most of the functionality that
- File-Ex adds, File-Ex has not been pre-trained for these programs.
- If you prefer the File-Ex dialogs, you may still train File-Ex for
- these programs (see the help file for training information).
- Network users: The current version of File-Ex cannot create files
- with long names (for 16-bit applciations) if the file you are saving
- or opening is located on a network (remote) drive. This only applies
- to 16-bit applications using File-Ex to get long file name support.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Our freeware program "Delayer" is also included with this package.
- While Delayer can be used for other purposes as you like, it was
- included here to combat a problem caused by some programs that
- prevent File-Ex from working. This problem happens when some
- other programs (such as Excite's "Direct" program) run after or
- at the same time as File-Ex, typically during Windows start-up.
- Please see the "Troubleshooting" section of the Help file for
- notes about using Delayer.
- Also see the Delayer help and text files for more information.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Important note for users of a Windows 3.1 version of File-Ex **
- The File-Ex Setup routine will not overwrite a FILEEX.DAT file
- if it already exists in the program directory -- this is to avoid
- erasing your trained applications when upgrading.
- However, if you used the Windows 3.1 version and install the Win95
- version in the same directory, this will prevent the new FILEEX.DAT
- file from being installed. Applications trained in Windows 3.1
- will not be recognized in Windows 95, so this is a problem.
- To avoid the problem, either delete the old FILEEX.DAT file before
- installing the Win95 version, or install the Win95 version to a
- new directory.
- (Note: It is not necessarily recommended to do a Complete Removal
- of the old File-Ex, since this will also delete file histories and
- configuration preferences.)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Readme.txt Contents:
- --------------------
- File Packing List
- System Requirements
- Installation
- About the Evaluation Period
- Giving Copies to Friends -- (Please Do!)
- Support
- Ordering
- Site licenses & multiple-user pricing
- Troubleshooting
- Un-installing File-Ex
- ASP Ombudsman statement
- Warranty & License info
- Distribution by Vendors, BBS's, etc.
- File Packing List
- -----------------
- These files should be included in this distribution set.
- If any are missing, please contact Cottonwood Software or your
- distributor for a complete set. (You can download the latest
- version from Compuserve or our Web page -- see the Support
- section)
- README.TXT This file
- SETUP.EXE Installation program
- REMOVE.EXE Removal (un-install) program
- FILEEX.EXE Main program (please run Setup before using!)
- FILEEX32.EXE 32-bit portions of the program
- FXHOOK32.DL_ Part of the main program
- FXHOOK.DL_ Part of the main program
- COMMEX.DL_ "CommEx" portion
- FXCOMN.DL_ File-Ex common functions
- FILEEX.HLP Help file
- FILEEX.DAT Data file for 'trained' not-so-common dialogs
- FILEEX20.BIN Registration file (purchased version only)
- REVISION.TXT Program revision history
- ORDER.TXT Text form for ordering File-Ex (trial version only)
- FILE_ID.DIZ Short description file (trial version only)
- VENDINFO.DIZ Vendor info (trial version only)
- DELAYER.EXE Delayer utility program
- DELAYER.HLP Help file for Delayer
- DELAYER.TXT 'readme' text file for Delayer
- System Requirements
- -------------------
- File-Ex will work with any version of Windows 95
- Windows NT users:
- ------------------------
- Do NOT install this version of File-Ex if you run Windows NT!
- There should be an NT version of File-Ex available in mid-1997.
- Let us know if you need an upgrade to the NT version.
- Just E-mail, FAX, or mail your address to us, and we will let
- you know when it is released.
- Installation
- ------------
- If you're not familiar with File-Ex, please read the
- 'Overview' section in the Help file after installation.
- To install File-Ex, run SETUP.EXE from Windows:
- 1. From the Start Menu, select Run...
- 2. In the Command Line box, type d:\path\SETUP, where 'd' is
- the letter of the drive and 'path' is the directory where
- the File-Ex files are.
- For example:
- 3. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
- 4. After File-Ex installation is complete, it will need to
- validate some files. This will happen automatically the
- first time File-Ex is invoked, so you don't need to do
- anything special for this to happen.
- 5. If you're not familiar with File-Ex, open the Help file
- and read through the Overview sections.
- Technical information on installation
- -------------------------------------
- The installation procedure does the following:
- Copy appropriate files to the Program and Data directories.
- Add a File-Ex group with appropriate icons.
- Add File-Ex to the startup group.
- Verify that the operations succeeded.
- Run File-Ex if requested.
- Run notepad to display the readme.txt file if requested.
- When File-Ex is actually invoked for the first time (through a
- File/Open or File/Save command, or by automatically loading
- File-Ex), it validates the information files (fileex.hlp,
- readme.txt, order.txt). This ensures that File-Ex cannot be
- modified and re-distributed with different company contact/order
- information.
- What files should be where, after installation
- ----------------------------------------------
- These files should be in your File-Ex program directory :
- FILEEX20.BIN (if it's a purchased copy)
- The file FILEEX.DAT will be copied to the 'Data' directory.
- (This is usually the same as your Program directory, but may
- be different, for instance, in a network environment where the
- Program directory is shared. The FILEEX.DAT file should be in
- a place not shared by users, similar to INI files.)
- These files are not copied anywhere, and are not needed by
- File-Ex after setup:
- The files COMMEX.INI and FILEEX.INI will be created by the
- Setup program, and will be placed in the Windows directory.
- The file FILEEX.LOG will be created in the Windows directory,
- and is useful for troubleshooting. If everything works after
- installation, this may be deleted.
- About the Evaluation Period
- ---------------------------
- File-Ex is distributed as a shareware trial version. This
- means that you are free to try it out for 30 days. It will
- be fully functional during that time, so you can try all of
- its functions.
- After using it for 30 days (not necessarily calendar days, but
- when it's been used on 30 different days), some of the functions
- will be unavailable. You will still be able to use the file
- management functions like Copy and Delete, but the recent/favorite
- functions, dialog sizing, and some other features will not be
- available unless you register (purchase) the program.
- Giving Copies to Friends -- (Please Do!)
- ----------------------------------------
- Shareware works best when you 'share' it with other people! If
- you like this program, we would appreciate it if you spread it
- around. Give copies to friends and co-workers, or even upload
- it to your favorite BBS.
- Please only distribute the original compressed (.ZIP) file that
- you received File-Ex in. This is the only way to have the
- complete file set needed to install File-Ex, since the File-Ex
- directory after installation does not contain all of the
- necessary installation files.
- Note: If this is a purchased copy, please DON'T distribute
- it! The registered copy contains your registration key file,
- and giving this to someone else is illegal. Please only
- distribute the shareware trial version!
- Support
- -------
- For support, contact Cottonwood Software by phone, fax, mail, or
- E-mail. (E-mail is preferred, and will get a fast response.)
- Mail: Cottonwood Software
- P.O. Box 6546
- Leawood, KS 66206-0546 USA
- Phone: (913) 663-3022
- FAX: (913) 663-3747
- Internet: info@cottonwoodsw.com
- CompuServe: 75264,1630
- WW Web: http://www.cottonwoodsw.com
- In the U.K. contact:
- Mail: The Thompson Partnership
- Lion Buildings
- Market Place
- Uttoxeter
- Staffs
- ST14 8HZ
- England
- Phone: +44 (0) 1889 564601
- Fax: +44 (0) 1889 563219
- Internet: sales@ttp.co.uk
- CompuServe: 100530,2050
- Please see the Help file for more information.
- Ordering File-Ex
- ----------------
- For complete ordernig information please see the text file ORDER.TXT,
- or the File-Ex Help file.
- Site licenses & multiple-user pricing
- -------------------------------------
- Please see the Help file for complete information.
- Troubleshooting
- ---------------
- Please see the Help file for complete information, but here
- are some important notes about programs that File-Ex will
- not work with:
- File-Ex does not cooperate well with some other programs that
- do the same thing (modify the file dialogs). If you have these,
- then you should disable them when running File-Ex. These include:
- - Instant File Access (don't load it at the same time)
- - Long File Names (some reported problems, but usually works)
- - LFNs Now (don't load it at the same time)
- - Norton File Assist / LFN Enabler (disable it from the desktop options)
- - Q.E.D. (can't co-exist with File-Ex since it changes the common dialogs)
- Excite Direct will disable File-Ex, unless File-Ex is started AFTER
- Excite Direct is loaded. This is a bug in Excite Direct, but can
- be avoided by using the Delayer program included with File-Ex.
- AutoCAD R12 can't handle long file names, even with File-Ex's help.
- Apparently it doesn't accept the short-name aliases because of the
- tilde ('~') character.
- Some NetRoad versions prior to 1.41 will crash with File-Ex
- Corel Office 7 apps (Word Perfect, Quattro Pro, etc.) have some trouble
- even when trained. For best results, configure for "Add Button", optionally
- with "Automatically Open..." selected. They will not operate properly
- if the "Initially Hide" option is selected, or if configured for "Replace".
- If a 16-bit program forces the file name into lower case, then it
- cannot use long filenames. (One known case is Codewright's Save dialog.)
- If File-Ex does not seem to work when it's in the StartUp group,
- but does work if you close it and re-start it, then there is
- probably some program in the StartUp group (or started from
- WIN.INI) that is interfering. Please see the Help file for more
- informaion on using the Delayer program to fix this.
- If you discover other problems, please let us know.
- For the latest information on known problems, please see our web
- site: http://www.cottonwoodsw.com
- Un-installing File-Ex
- ---------------------
- If you encounter insurmountable problems, or just don't like
- the new functions that File-Ex provides, you may need to
- un-install it.
- A Remove program is provided for your convenience. Its icon
- is installed in your File-Ex program group. Please see the
- help file for more information on this.
- ASP Ombudsman statement
- -----------------------
- _______
- ____|__ | (R)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- Cottonwood Software is a member of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
- principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-
- related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member
- directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you
- resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not
- provide technical support for members' products. Please write
- to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI USA
- 49442-9427, Fax 616-788-2765, or send a CompuServe message via
- CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
- Warranty and license info
- -------------------------
- Complete Warranty and license information may be found in the
- Help file, FILEEX.HLP.
- Distribution by Vendors, BBS's, etc.
- ------------------------------------
- Commercial vendors please refer to the VENDINFO.DIZ file for
- complete details. If this file is not present, please contact
- Cottonwood Software for a replacement copy.