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- Desktop Themes v1.4
- (c) 1997 Jonathan Potter
- Left Side Software
- This software requires Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 or later to run.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This program is distributed under the Shareware concept. If you like and use
- this program, please register by sending $US15/$AUD20 ( + $US8 for checks not
- drawn on an Australian bank) to:
- Left Side Software
- PO Box 2252
- Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012
- You can send also Mastercard/Visa information to sales@lss.com.au, or online
- at http://www.lss.com.au.
- Your contribution will help fund the further development of this and other
- great software. You will be given priority when asking for technical support,
- and also receive notifcation of new releases of this and other software.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Introduction
- The Plus! pack for Windows 95 adds many additional features to Windows - some
- things that really should have been included with Windows 95 itself. One of
- these is Desktop Themes. A Theme is a collection of sounds, icons, pointers
- (cursors), along with wallpaper, colour and font settings and a screensaver.
- Basically, it's all the things about the Windows interface you can configure
- through the Control Panel, brought together into one package.
- There are literally hundreds of Themes available, and until now you needed
- the Plus! pack to use them. Without it, it was necessary to install all the
- components manually, a difficult and time-consuming process. Then, if you
- didn't like the finished product, you had to manually change all your
- settings back again.
- The Desktop Themes application is a direct replacement for the Desktop Themes
- control panel provided with the Plus! pack. It offers the same functionality
- as the Plus! version with a few additional features. Even if you have Plus!
- you might want to consider switching to using Desktop Themes for the additional
- features.
- v1.1 of Desktop Themes also allows you to edit the Theme components directly,
- to easily create new Themes to distribute to others.
- 2. About Themes
- A Theme is described by a .theme file, which is basically a .INI file
- containing all the settings for that particular theme. Desktop Themes can read
- this file and make all the necessary configuration changes in one hit.
- You can find hundreds of themes on the net. Some good places to start looking
- are:
- Dale's Windows95 Themes Page http://www.bitshop.com/~dale/
- Windows95.com http://www.windows95.com/apps/desktop.html
- Gionet's Win95 Plus Themes http://www.95themes.com/
- Spike's Windows 95 Themes Page http://www.algonet.se/~spike/
- 3. Installation
- No special installation is necessary to run Desktop Themes - simply copy the
- .EXE to wherever you want to keep it (eg C:\Program Files). You can then
- create a shortcut to it and put this on your Desktop, in your Start menu, etc.
- The first time you run Desktop Themes, it looks to see if Plus! themes have
- already been installed on your system. If they haven't, a dialog appears
- prompting you to create a directory to store themes in. This is necessary for
- the proper functioning of the program.
- The theme path defaults to "c:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes", because this is
- what Plus! itself uses. If you ever install Plus! in the future, the themes
- you currently have installed should work with no input from you. You can,
- however, store the themes anywhere you like.
- Desktop Themes also adds two items to the context menu for Theme files -
- Apply Settings, and Install Theme. Once these is installed, you can apply a
- theme instantly by right-clicking on it and choosing Apply Settings (or by
- double-clicking on its icon). You can install a theme by right-clicking on it
- and choosing Install Theme.
- Themes that you install with Desktop Themes can automatically be uninstalled,
- either using Desktop Themes, or with the Add & Remove Programs control panel.
- For this to work, the Desktop Themes executable must remain in the place it
- was when it was first run. That is, you should copy it to its 'final resting
- place' before running it for the first time. If you move the Desktop Themes
- executable after it has installed itself, you can update the context menus
- by clicking the 'Update' button on the Miscellaneous page. However, any themes
- you have installed will no longer be uninstallable from Add & Remove Progrems
- (uninstalling them through Desktop Themes will still work).
- If you have previously installed the 'Theme Installer' application by the
- same author, you should remove this (by double-clicking on its icon again).
- Desktop Themes completely replaces Theme Installer as the installer/uninstaller
- for themes.
- 4. Usage
- Start the Desktop Themes program by double-clicking on its icon. A dialog will
- appear containing several pages, the first of which allows you to select a
- theme from those installed.
- A drop-down list is used to choose a theme. This list contains the names
- of all themes present in the specified directory. It also has two special
- entries at the top of the list:
- (current settings)
- This refers to the current configuration of your desktop. You can
- select this at any time to return to your current configuration.
- (original settings)
- This refers to the configuration of your desktop when the Desktop
- Themes program was run. You can use this to return to the original
- settings, which allows you to undo any changes you have made with
- the Apply button. Note that the Cancel button does not undo the
- effects of pressing Apply.
- When Desktop Themes first runs, it also automatically saves your current
- settings to a theme called "My Original Settings". This way you will always
- be able to return to your old settings after having installed other themes.
- The "Save As" button allows you to save the current settings to a new theme.
- You can use this to preserve your configuration before you start playing with
- new ones. You can also use it to create themes to distribute to other people.
- The "Active Components" list allows you to choose which components in the
- currently loaded theme will be installed in your system when you choose Apply
- or Ok. By default they are all switched on, meaning that a new theme will
- totally overwrite your existing settings. You can selectively disable parts of
- the theme through these switches.
- 5. Previewing a theme
- To preview a theme, you must first Install it. See the description of the
- Install page below for more information about this.
- You can preview the components of a Theme before you Apply it to your desktop.
- The "Display", "Sounds" and "Pointers" pages allow you to see or hear the
- various components of the current theme. Each page contains a list of
- components - for the graphical ones, just click on its name to display it.
- To hear a sound, select the appropriate sound by name and click the play button.
- 6. Miscellaneous settings
- The "Miscellaneous" page contains several additional options that Plus!
- provides. Some of these might not work on a standard Windows 95 system, but
- feel free to play around with them. The "Stretch desktop wallpaper to fit the
- page" feature is emulated by Desktop Themes, but some of the others seem to
- require Plus! to work. If you change the 'Show icons using all possible colours'
- setting, you will need to reset Windows for the change to take effect.
- This page also has a field labelled "Path to Themes". You can use this to
- modify the path that themes are stored in. If you enter a directory that does
- not exist, it will be created automatically.
- 7. Installing Themes
- The "Install" page allows you to install a new theme. Themes are usually
- distributed in ZIP format, so you must unzip the theme to a temporary directory.
- You MUST use a ZIP program that supports long filenames (like WinZip). Once
- you have done this, you must enter the full name of the .theme file in the
- Install page. Use the Browse button to help you find it.
- Theme Installer will also attempt to install any TrueType fonts that have
- been included as part of the theme.
- Themes that have been installed with Desktop Themes can also be uninstalled
- automatically. To uninstall a theme, select it in the list and click the
- Uninstall button. You can also uninstall themes via the Add & Remove Progrems
- control panel. If an error occurs while uninstalling a theme, it is usually
- because one or more of the theme components is in use by something, and can
- not be deleted.
- Some third-party themes are not constructed correctly. The .theme file which
- contains the references to the theme components uses a notation that allows
- non-specific path names for components. For example, it can specify :
- %themedir%MyTheme\MyComputer.ico
- instead of
- c:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes\MyTheme\MyComputer.ico
- This means that wherever your themes directory is on your system, the theme
- will still be able to find its components.
- Some themes do not use the %themedir% notation - instead, they use absolute
- paths to theme components, often paths on the theme author's own system.
- You might see something like :
- d:\work\mytheme\MyComputer.ico
- This is plainly not going to work on any computer other than the theme
- author's.
- A future version of Desktop Themes will try to get around this problem. For
- the mean time, themes that are not constructed correctly will not work.
- Note that if you want to create a theme for distribution, you should use
- the 'Distribution' option on the 'Edit Theme' page (described below), or
- else you might run into this problem as well.
- 8. Installing Startup and Shutdown screens
- Startup and Shutdown screens are not officially part of a Theme, but you often
- find them distributed with themes. The "Screens" page allows you to easily
- install startup and shutdown screens, and optionally to backup your old screens.
- Use the Browse button to locate the three screens in question. They often have
- the following names:
- Startup - Logo.sys
- Shutdown Wait - LogoW.sys
- Shutdown Safe - LogoS.sys
- Note that you do not need to provide all three screens; Desktop Themes will
- only install the ones you select.
- You can also select the "Backup old Startup/Shutdown screens" option to have
- your old screens preserved. If you do this, you can restore your old screens
- later using the Restore button. Note that you can only restore the last
- backed-up set of screens, so if you are testing several sets of screens you
- should Restore the old set in between installing each new set.
- Press the Install button once you have selected the screen files, and they will
- be copied to the appropriate locations automatically.
- Note that Windows NT 4.0 does not support the startup/shutdown screen concept
- and so this page is unavailable when running on an NT system.
- 9. Editing Themes
- Note that the 'Edit Theme' page contains a reminder that Desktop Themes is a
- shareware program. If you register, you will receive an unlock program that
- removes this reminder page.
- The 'Edit Theme' page allows you to create a Theme for distribution to others.
- The tree view contains a list of all the Theme components; creating a theme is
- simply a matter of going through the items in the tree and supplying the
- appropriate settings or files. Note that you do not need to provide a file for
- every single item in the list.
- Once you have set the components of your theme, you should select 'Distribution'
- from the list. You can then select an empty directory to create the theme in.
- Use the Browse button to locate the directory and give the theme a name, and
- then press the Save button. Desktop Themes will then write the Theme file to
- this directory, and copy all your components from wherever they are stored on
- your system.
- Using this method is better than the 'Save As' option from the 'Theme' page as
- the Theme file will be created with the correct %ThemeDir% and %WinDir% notation.
- It also provides a convenient way of gathering all the theme components together.
- Once the theme file has been saved, all you need to do is ZIP the directory using
- WinZip or a similar program, and it is ready for distribution.
- Note that this procedure will not copy files from c:\Windows\Media or
- c:\Windows\Cursors. It will also not copy the COOL.DLL file. If you have files
- in these directories that you want to distribute as part of your theme, you
- will have to copy them yourself using Explorer.
- 10. Wallpaper Notes
- Support for JPEG Wallpaper files in Desktop Themes is implemented by
- converting the JPEG to a temporary BMP file. If you Apply a theme that uses a
- JPEG for wallpaper, the picture is converted to a permanent BMP file in your
- Windows directory. This file is overwritten each time you Apply a theme that
- uses JPEGs, so you only ever have the one converted picture. Since BMP files
- take much more room than JPEGs, you should ensure you have enough space on
- your Windows drive (approximately 3mb is required for an average size 24bit
- picture). This is the same mechanism as Plus! uses.
- The JPEG conversion itself requires about 1mb of memory - if a wallpaper
- isn't appearing, and it's a JPEG file, then you probably do not have enough
- memory. In this case, try closing some open applications and try again.
- Desktop Themes also emulates the Wallpaper stretching that Plus! performs.
- This is very useful as it allows you to use practically any size bitmap to
- fill your screen, instead of leaving an ugly border around the outside.
- Unfortunately, Desktop Themes' stretching isn't as transparent as Plus!'s is;
- it has to convert the original size image to a BMP file in your Windows
- directory (much like the JPEG conversion - of course if you are stretching a
- JPEG file you only get the one BMP!). This can take a bit of time, and requires
- some hard drive space. It generally works very well though.
- Because stretching is implemented via a converted BMP file, if you change
- screen resolution the stretched image will no longer be the correct size.
- To remedy this, run Desktop Themes and select the Miscellaneous tab. Turn off
- 'Stretch wallpaper to fit the screen' and click the Apply button. Then turn it
- back on and click the Apply button again. You will also have to do this if you
- change Wallpaper through the Display Properties, and want to stretch it to full
- screen.
- 11. Other Notes
- If you have Plus! installed when you run Desktop Themes, it won't install itself
- in the registry as the default theme handler. If you decide you want to switch to
- using Desktop Themes, just go to the "Miscellaneous" page and click the "Update"
- button. This will force it to install itself as the default handler, overrinding
- Plus!.
- The previous version of Desktop Themes seemed to have a bug in the way the desktop
- window was refreshed after the icons had been changed. Some people reported losing
- all their icons, others reported their icons going black and white. Until a
- permanent solution to this problem has been found, you need to click on the
- desktop window and press F5 to refresh the icon display manually.
- 12. Command line switches
- Desktop Themes supports several command line switches. In practice you will
- never need to use these, but they are listed here for reference.
- /s <filename.theme> - Apply the given theme
- /conv <source.jpg> <dest.bmp> - Convert a JPG to a BMP
- /stretch <source> <dest.bmp> - Stretch a BMP or JPG to full screen
- For example,
- "Desktop Themes.exe" /s "C:\program files\plus!\themes\my_theme.theme"
- - This would apply the settings in the supplied theme
- "Desktop Themes.exe" /conv picture1.jpg picture2.jpg
- - This would convert the supplied JPG picture to a BMP
- "Desktop Themes.exe" /stretch picture1.jpg picture-stretched.bmp
- - This would stretch the supplied picture to be full screen
- 13. Uninstalling
- To uninstall the Desktop Themes application, simply delete the file. To
- uninstall themes themselves, use either the "Install" page of Desktop Themes,
- or the Add & Remove Programs control panel.
- 14. Copyrights
- Desktop Themes is (c) 1997 by Jonathan Potter / Left Side Software.
- Based on Desktop Themes in Microsoft Plus! (c) Microsoft Corp.
- Uses The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software (v6a)
- 15. Release History
- v1.0 Oct 96 - First public release
- v1.1 Nov 96 - Added ability to install Startup/Shutdown screens
- - Added Edit Theme page
- - If you changed the theme path in the Miscellaneous
- section, the theme list wasn't being updated
- automatically
- - Applying changes to the system colours wasn't saving
- the changes permanently (they would revert to the
- previous settings next reboot)
- v1.11 Dec 96 - Now need to click on desktop window and press F5 to
- refresh the icon display - hopefully a solution to this
- will be found soon
- - Automatically saves a "My Original Settings" theme when
- it first runs, enabling you to recover your original
- settings at any time.
- v1.2 May 97 - Desktop Themes now runs properly under Windows NT 4.0
- without crashing on exit.
- - The 'Screens' tab is unavailable when running under NT
- as NT does not support startup/shutdown screens.
- v1.3 Jun 97 - Several people reported problems installing Themes, and
- this was traced to the fact that they had had the Plus!
- demo installed before installing Desktop Themes. The
- Plus! demo was setting a registry key incorrectly, which
- stopped the theme install working. Desktop Themes now
- resets this key automatically.
- v1.4 Jul 97 - A problem in the later versions of Plus! prevented
- themes created by Desktop Themes from working on
- systems that used Plus!. This has been fixed.