201 You are already logged into %ws as %ws. Do you want to login as %ws?
202 Novell Directory Services
203 IntranetWare Servers
204 You have no accounting privileges. See your System Administrator for assistance.\n
205 You have no account balance.\nSee your System Administrator for assistance.\n
206 You have exceeded your credit limit. See your System Administrator for assistance.\n
207 Intruder detection lockout has disabled this account. See your System Administrator for assistance.\n
208 Attempting to simultaneously login to too many work stations. The System Administrator has limited the number of active connections you may have. See your System Administrator for assistance.\n
209 Attempting to login during an unauthorized time period. The System Administrator has limited the times that you may login.\n
210 Attempting to login from an unapproved station. The System Administrator has limited the stations from which you are allowed to login.\n
211 This account has expired or been disabled by the System Administrator. See your System Administrator for assistance.\n
212 Your password has expired. You have no grace logins remaining. See your System Administrator for assistance.\n
213 IntranetWare Login Error
215 IntranetWare Expired Password Warning
216 Your password has expired for NDS Tree %ws.\nYou have %d grace logins remaining.\nDo you wish to change your password now?
217 Attempt to change password for NDS Tree %ws failed.\nPassword cannot be updated now!
218 The New Password and Confirm Password do not match. Please enter again.
219 Incorrect Old Password given on %ws.\nNo passwords have been changed.\nPlease re-enter Old Password again.
220 Unable to obtain connection to IntranetWare server %ws.\nPassword cannot be updated now!
221 Unable to login to NDS Tree %ws with Old Password.\nPassword cannot be updated now!
222 To Change Password for %ws on NDS Tree %ws
223 To change password(s) for the user(s) listed below on selected resource(s):
228 Change Password
229 Password updated successfully for NDS Tree %ws.\n\nREMINDER: Use the User Manager utility to update\nyour password on your local NT workstation.
230 Your password has expired for IntranetWare resource %ws.\nYou have %d grace login(s) remaining.\nDo you wish to change your password now?
231 Attempt to change password for server %ws failed.\nError code: 0x%lx
232 Unable to login to Intranetware server %ws with Old Password.\nPassword cannot be updated now!
234 Password changes completed.\n\nREMINDER: Use the User Manager utility to update\nyour password on your local NT workstation.
236 Your local NT password has changed since you \nlast used IntranetWare resources.\n\nDo you wish to update IntranetWare passwords now?
237 Password updated successfully for NDS Tree %ws.
238 Resource: %ws\nUser: %ws\n\nThe password entered is too short.\nPassword not changed.
239 Resource: %ws\nUser: %ws\n\nThe password entered has been used before.\nNew password must be unique.\nPassword not changed.
240 OK
241 Cancel
242 &Help
243 Cannot login to server. Server Name, User Name, or Password may be invalid.
244 Login failed.\nError code:
245 You are already authenticated to %ws through Directory Services as %ws.\n\nIn order to force a Bindery attachment as %ws, the system must clear your current connection.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
246 You have not selected any resources!\n\nIf you do not wish to change passwords now, select Cancel.
247 The System Administrator has disabled the login function for this server.\n
248 Your password has expired for IntranetWare resource %ws.\nDo you wish to change your password now?
250 The Old Password and New Password are the same. Please pick a different New Password.
251 Change Password Precheck
252 You are not allowed to change the password on %ws.\nNo passwords have been changed.\nDeselect that item from the list to continue.
253 The new password is too short on %ws.\nYour password must be at least %d characters.\nNo passwords have been changed.\nPlease pick a longer password.
254 You are required to have a password on %ws.\nNo passwords have been changed.\nPlease enter a new password or deselect that item from the list to continue.
255 (NT)
256 Password Synchronization Errors
257 Password(s) for the following resources did not synchronize. A brief explanation is given as to why they did not synchronize. Any other selected resources synchronized successfully.
258 The password entered was too short.
259 The password entered has been used before. New passwords must be unique.
260 The attempt to change the password failed. The error code was 0x%lx (%d).
261 The Old Password entered was invalid.
262 &Close
263 Passwords for all selected resources were successfully changed.
264 &WhoAmI
265 &Change Context...
266 &Logout
267 Login to NDS &Tree...
268 &Authenticate...
269 Ma&p Network Drive...
270 Intranet&Ware Connections
271 IntranetWare Change &Password
272 Changes IntranetWare Password(s)
273 Map &Search Drive...
274 Maps Search drive
276 IntranetWare &Login
280 Displays connection status
281 Changes default NDS Context
282 Logs you out from NDS Tree
283 Logs you in to NDS Tree
284 Displays connection status
285 Logs you in to server
286 Logs you out from server
287 Authenticates you to server
288 Assigns drive letter
289 Lists IntranetWare connections
290 Novell Directory Services
291 NDS Class:
292 Organization
293 Organizational Unit
294 Country
295 IntranetWare Server Information
296 IntranetWare Volume Information
297 Send message to the selected user(s):
298 Send message to users in selected group(s):
299 Status
300 Conn No.
301 User Name
302 Group Name
303 Send Message Results
304 Show &Groups
305 Show &Users
306 You must enter message text before sending a message.
307 No user was selected
308 No group was selected
309 No users from the selected group(s) are currently logged on.
310 IntranetWare Message Error
311 Sent
312 Not Sent
313 From: %s[%d] %s
314 Sen&d Message
315 Send Messages to Users
316 Set &Default Context
317 Sets NDS default context here
318 Lo&gin to Server...
319 Resource
321 Conn No.
322 Type
323 User Name
324 NDS Tree
325 IntranetWare Connection Information
326 NDS Tree Name: %ws\nLogged in as: %ws\nDefault Context: %ws
327 Server Name: %s\nServer Version: %s\nLogged in as: %s\nConnection Type: %s\nConnection Number: %d\n
328 NDS Authenticated
329 Bindery Authenticated
330 Attached - Not Authenticated
331 Attempt to logout of NDS Tree:\n\n%ws\n\nfailed.\n\nERROR: Could not create context\n
332 Attempt to logout of NDS Tree:\n\n%ws\n\nfailed.
333 Set Default IntranetWare Context
334 Tree Name: %ws\n\nNew Default Context: %ws\n
335 Error: Attempt to set Default Context to:\n\n%ws\n\nfailed.\n\nError code = %d
336 Set C&urrent Tree
337 Sets Current NDS Tree
338 Set Current NDS Tree
339 Novell Directory Services Current Tree set to:\n\n%ws\n\nThis tree will be now be used as the current tree for applications\nwhich are not enabled for multiple tree support.
340 Error: Attempt to set Current Tree to:\n\n%ws\n\nfailed.\n\nError code = 0x%lx (%d)
341 Directory Services
342 Bindery
343 Not Authenticated
344 Authenticates you to NDS Tree
345 This connection must be maintained for Novell Directory Services use on tree %ws.\nIt can only be removed after logging out of Directory Services on the tree.\n\nDo you wish to log out of Directory Services on tree %ws now?
346 Unable to obtain connection to server %s.\nYou cannot attach to this server now.\n
347 Locality
348 You are not allowed to change the password.
349 A minimum password age restriction has been set on your account. You cannot change your NT password at this time.
350 The queue could not be found.\nMake sure you typed the path correctly and try again.
351 %ws is already connected to %ws.\nDo you want to connect %ws to %ws instead?
352 %ws is reserved for %ws.\nDo you want to connect %ws to %ws instead?
353 Access to queue %ws was denied.
354 No capture path was entered.\nEnter a path and try again.
355 Capture Settings for %ws
356 %ws was successfully captured to:\n%ws.
357 Device %ws is in use or has open files.\nPort not disconnected.
358 Captures printer port
359 Disconnects a network printer
360 &Capture Printer Port...
361 End C&apture...
362 Your New Password is too long for Windows NT.\nWindows NT passwords have a limit of 14 characters.\nNo passwords have been changed.\n\nPlease pick a shorter New Password or deselect\nyour Windows NT resource from the list to continue.
363 To change your password:\n\n1. Select the user account(s) for which you want to change the password.\nThis box displays Novell Directory Services trees, IntranetWare servers,\nand Windows NT connections.\n2. In the Old Password box, type your current password.\n3. In the New Password box, type the new password.\n4. In the Confirm New Password box, type the new password again.\n5. Choose OK.
364 The connection was completed successfully.\nHowever, your password has expired for this IntranetWare resource.\nYou have %d grace logins remaining.\n
365 NetWare Services
366 No server or tree is selected.\n\nPlease select a server or tree.
450 Unknown IntranetWare Error
451 The IntranetWare Provider is not closing
452 Unable to log out of the server!
453 You are not authorized as a print queue user\nfor this print queue. Use PCONSOLE to determine\nwhat users are authorized to use this queue.\nIf you are an authorized user and the problem persists,\ncheck with your System Administrator.
454 Attempt to connect to Directory Services Tree\n%s failed!\nTree Name is invalid or Tree is currently unavailable.\n
455 The Directory Context:\n\n%s\n\nis invalid in NDS Tree %s.