Extensis PhotoTools for Windows is a collection of eight powerful productivity and everyday effects tools for Adobe Photoshop 3.0 and 4.0. PhotoTools includes a powerful WYSIWYG text formatting module for creating and modifying type at the character level, and four modules for automating the creation of commonly used special effects. PhotoTools also includes customizable toolbars, Photoshop 3.0 and 4.0 Tips & Tricks by Deke McClelland, and Intellihance Lite - an RGB only version of Extensis' intelligent image enhancement tool.
If you are not familar with Extensis, we have been building software that extends the productivity of all major graphics arts applications for over three years. Our other award winning products include:
PageTools 2.0 for PageMaker
Intellihance 2.0 for Photoshop
We offer full functioning demos of all our products at our web site. Please visit us soon at www.extensis.com and download our productivity enhancing software.
Contacting Extensis:
To reach us for technical support or general questions,
please use one of the following methods:
Ph: #31 (0)30 247 50 50
Fax: #31 (0)30 241 2039
America OnLine: Extensis
Compuserve: 70242,33
Internet: extensis@euronet.nl
World Wide Web: www.extensis.com
Extensis Europe
Zonnebaan 34
3606 CB Maarssen
Installing PhotoTools
PageMaker 3.0.5 or higher must be installed on the PC prior to installing PhotoTools.
PhotoTools version 1.1 requires Photoshop 3.0.5 (or later) and Windows 95
or Windows NT 4.0.
Software Technical Notes:
* PhotoTools is not compatible with other Photoshop plug-in compliant applications.
PhotoText -
1. Anti-aliasing does not work in 256 colors. PhotoTools generally works most optimially in thousands of colors or more.
2. Copying/Cutting and Pasting between text blocks in PhotoText is best accomplished if you highlight the text you want to copy then go to the other text block and paste when the insertion point is active.
3. When using PhotoText in CMYK mode, please note that the color samples in the color picker will be converted from RGB to CMYK. Use the Photoshop color picker for more accurate CMYK color choices.
4. Please note that TrueType and PostScript fonts will give you the best results in PhotoText. Other fonts have been know to give unexpected results when applying to your images.
5. You must have text highlighted in your text block before applying Leading values.
What's Installed Where for Windows 95 or NT:
Plug-in directory (Photoshp\Plugins) will contain:
PhotoBars directory (PageBars toolbars)
Category directory (PageBars categories)
The Windows 95 or NT System Directory will contain:
Program Files Directory will contain:
Extensis\PhTools directory
DelsL1.isu (uninstall script file)
Using the UnInstall utility under Windows 95 or NT:
In order to remove PageTools you will need to run the
Add/Remove Programs option from the Control Panel.
The following files are not removed when using the Uninstall Utility:
Registry entries
⌐1997 Extensis Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Extensis and PageTools are trademarks of Extensis Corporation.
All other company and product names are trademarks or registered