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- Thank you for using DLL Master. We hope you will find it a
- useful Windows tool. The shareware version is provided for
- your evaluation. Individuals who decide to keep using it are
- requested to pay the registration fee. Companies and other
- organizations MUST register after a 30 day evaluation period.
- DLL Master lists all modules currently loaded in Windows'
- memory, and allows you to load, unload, or decrement the use
- count of DLLs--at your own risk, of course. Module path,
- datetime, filesize and internal version and header info are
- shown; multiple lists are kept, lists can be compared,
- printed, saved to and restored from disk. Specific DLLs can
- also be loaded at Windows' startup. DLL Master 4.1 and higher
- requires Windows 95 or Windows NT. Use DLL Master 3.3 for
- Windows 3.1.
- If you have received this product on diskette, it contains
- both Win95/NT and Win31 versions.
- DLL Master is written in Visual Basic, and as such requires
- the VB 3.0 runtime module VBRUN300.DLL as well as certain
- other modules in order to run. Since these files take up a lot
- of space and increase download time, the large VBRUN300.DLL is
- not included in the shareware versions available from online
- services. VBRUN300.DLL is available on many bulletin boards
- and online services including Compuserve. If you can't get hold
- of it send us $3.00 for shipping/handling and we'll send it to
- you.
- The registered version of DLL Master, DLLMSTRG.ZIP, contains
- all the necessary files, since it is normally provided on
- diskette by mail.
- 1) Create a temporary directory on your hard disk. For example:
- md c:\dllmtemp
- 2) Using PKUNZIP, unzip the file into the new directory. For example:
- pkunzip a:dllmst40 c:\dllmtemp
- 3) Go into Windows, select the File/Run menu, and run SETUP:
- c:\dllmtemp\setup.exe
- Setup will properly install DLL Master as a Windows application,
- into the directory of your choice. After this has been done you
- may delete the temporary directory and its contents.
- This zipfile contains only the program, helpfile, supporting DLLs
- and some accompanying text files. It does not contain VBRUN300.DLL,
- required for running DLL Master. If you are reading this README file
- having unzipped it from DLLMSSW.ZIP, you have already completed the
- installation. Just run DLL Master from the File/Run menu or set
- up an icon for it.
- DLL Master was compiled in the presence of the following (or later)
- VBX versions:
- THREED VBX 64432 07-16-93 3:28p
- CMDIALOG VBX 18688 04-28-93 12:00a
- GRID VBX 44656 04-28-93 12:00a
- Older versions of THREED.VBX in particular can cause problems. If
- you experience problems which you think might be caused by outdated
- DLLs or VBXs, download DLLMST40.ZIP (Windows 95) or DLLMST33.ZIP
- (Windows 3.1), which contain adequate versions of all needed files.
- These zipfiles can be found on Compuserve in the WinShare and MSSDK
- forums. You might also find them in shareware repositories on the
- Internet which mirror the SimTel repository.
- Sometimes the SETUP program cannot install a newer version of a DLL
- or other module because an existing version of the module is in use
- and Windows will not allow it to be overlaid. In this case, you will
- want to install the module manually. Here are the steps to do this:
- 1) Exit from Windows.
- 2) Use the EXPAND utility to decompress the file from the temporary
- directory. The compressed version of the file has an underscore
- as the last character of the extension. For example, THREED.VBX
- will appear as THREED.VB_. (In fact, THREED.VBX may very well
- be in use when you run install DLL Master.) In this example, you
- would expand the file by running the following command from the
- DOS prompt:
- expand c:\dlltemp\threed.vb_ \windows\system\threed.vbx
- The various file extensions are transformed as follows: any VB_
- extension becomes VBX, DL_ becomes DLL, EX_ becomes EXE, etc.
- EXPAND.EXE should exist on your system in both the \WINDOWS and
- \DOS directories.
- 3) Verify that the new version was indeed expanded and copied, and
- then restart Windows.
- Please contact us if you have any questions, problems or suggestions
- for improvements to DLL Master. We also request that you register
- your copy if you find yourself continuing to use DLL Master (please
- read the Registration topic in the Help file or LICENSE.TXT).
- THREED.VBX, a module used by DLL Master, underwent several revisions
- in 1993. Also, a separate version was apparently included with certain
- versions of printer software accompanying laser printers from a very
- excellent company which shall remain nameless. Which one is the "right"
- one? We don't know. If, when the mouse pointer rests on one of the
- toolbar icons for over half a second, a yellow 'tool tip' or help
- balloon does not pop up just beneath the pointer, then you probably
- have a version of THREED.VBX on your machine which is slightly
- incompatible with the one used when DLL Master was compiled. Another
- symptom is that the toolbar and the logo that displays at startup are
- white instead of gray. You can download the most current version of
- THREED.VBX from Compuserve ('GO SHERIDAN'). DLL Master ships with
- the 7/16/93 version (filesize 64432, internal version 3.0.1) or later.
- If you display version information for CPQHQV08.EXE version 3.10.00
- (this is a Compaq QVision display driver), the Language combo will
- list 8 languages. However, no matter which one you select, the
- string file information still displays in English. This is not a
- DLL Master bug. The version resource inside CPQHQV08.EXE actually
- contains a subsection for each of the languages--all identical, all
- in English.
- (DLL Master is a trademark of Shaftel Software. Windows and Visual
- Basic are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.)