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- // This grammar is for built-in grammars for continuous dictation
- [Grammar]
- langid=1033
- type=cfg
- ; need a <start> rule. This is activated when SR Mode = Dct+Cmd
- [<Start>]
- <Start> = <StartDctCmd>
- <Start> = <StartDctOnly>
- <Start> = [!CFG] (ChangeSelect)
- [<StartDctCmd>]
- <StartDctCmd> = (CrossOutCmd)
- <StartDctCmd> = (Capitalize)
- <StartDctCmd> = (Navigate)
- <StartDctCmd> = (CorrectionWindow)
- <StartDctCmd> = (TypeDate)
- <StartDctCmd> = (Selection)
- <StartDctCmd> = (ChooseMode)
- <StartDctCmd> = (Spelling)
- <StartDctCmd> = (Bullets)
- <StartDctCmd> = (Move)
- ; need a <startdctonly> rule. This is activated when SR Mode = Dct only
- ; this allows the user to say computer before a command
- [<StartDctOnly>]
- <StartDctOnly> = (CrossOut)
- <StartDctOnly> = (Choose)
- <StartDctOnly> = (DictationOnOff)
- <StartDctOnly> = computer <StartDctCmd>
- <StartDctOnly> = [!CFG] computer (ChangeSelect)
- <StartDctOnly> = [!CFG] (ChangeSelect)
- [<1..99a>]
- <1..99a>=a "1"
- <1..99a>=<1..99>
- [<1..99>]
- <1..99>=<1..9>
- <1..99>=ten "10"
- <1..99>=eleven "11"
- <1..99>=twelve "12"
- <1..99>=thirteen "13"
- <1..99>=fourteen "14"
- <1..99>=fifteen "15"
- <1..99>=sixteen "16"
- <1..99>=seventeen "17"
- <1..99>=eighteen "18"
- <1..99>=nineteen "19"
- <1..99>=twenty "20"
- <1..99>=thirty "30"
- <1..99>=forty "40"
- <1..99>=fifty "50"
- <1..99>=sixty "60"
- <1..99>=seventy "70"
- <1..99>=eighty "80"
- <1..99>=ninety "90"
- <1..99>=twenty "2" <1..9>
- <1..99>=thirty "3" <1..9>
- <1..99>=forty "4" <1..9>
- <1..99>=fifty "5" <1..9>
- <1..99>=sixty "6" <1..9>
- <1..99>=seventy "7" <1..9>
- <1..99>=eighty "8" <1..9>
- <1..99>=ninety "9" <1..9>
- [<1..9>]
- <1..9>=one "1"
- <1..9>=two "2"
- <1..9>=three "3"
- <1..9>=four "4"
- <1..9>=five "5"
- <1..9>=six "6"
- <1..9>=seven "7"
- <1..9>=eight "8"
- <1..9>=nine "9"
- [(WordUnit)]
- 0x100=word
- 0x100=words
- 0x300=sentence
- 0x300=sentences
- 0x500=paragraph
- 0x500=paragraphs
- 0x700=character
- 0x700=characters
- [(WordUnit2)]
- 0x500=line
- 0x500=lines
- [(CrossOut)]
- 1=cross out
- 1=scratch that
- 5=cross out phrase
- [(CrossOutCmd)]
- =(CrossDelete) (CrossOut2)
- [(CrossOut2)]
- ;1=(ThisThat)
- 1=[opt] the selection
- 2=<1..99> (WordUnit)
- 2=(LastPrevious) [opt] <1..99> (WordUnit)
- 3=[opt] the next [opt] <1..99> (WordUnit)
- 4=[opt] a (WordUnit)
- 4=[opt] this (WordUnit)
- [(ThisThat)]
- =this
- =that
- [(CrossDelete)]
- =cross out
- =delete
- =remove
- [(LastPrevious)]
- =[opt] the last
- =[opt] the previous
- [(Capitalize)]
- =(Caps) (Capitalize2)
- [(Capitalize2)]
- 11=that
- 13=[opt] the next [opt] <1..99> (WordUnit)
- 14=(LastPrevious) [opt] <1..99> (WordUnit)
- 15=this [opt] (WordUnit)
- [(Caps)]
- 0xA000=capitalize
- 0xB000=lower case
- 0xB000=uncapitalize
- 0xC000=toggle case on
- 0xD000=all caps
- 0xE000=remove spaces from
- 0xF000=compress
- [(Back)]
- =back
- =backwards
- [(Forward)]
- =forward
- =forwards
- [(Navigate)]
- 20=go (Back) <1..99a> [opt] (WordUnit)
- 22=go (Forward) <1..99a> [opt] (WordUnit)
- =go to [opt] the (Navigate2)
- [(Navigate2)]
- 21=<Begin> of [opt] the (WordUnit)
- 23=end of [opt] the (WordUnit)
- 24=<Begin> [opt] <NavigateJunk>
- 25=end [opt] <NavigateJunk>
- [<Begin>]
- <Begin>=begin
- <Begin>=beginning
- <Begin>=top
- <Begin>=start
- [<NavigateJunk>]
- <NavigateJunk>=of [opt] the document
- [(Choose)]
- 30=choose <1..9>
- [(CorrectionWindow)]
- 40=show [opt] the [opt] correction window
- 41=hide [opt] the [opt] correction window
- [(DictationOnOff)]
- 50=start dictating
- =stop (DictationOnOff2)
- 54=start listening for commands
- [(DictationOnOff2)]
- 51=dictating
- 51=dictation
- 52=listening [opt] (ForCommands)
- ; adds one to the listening
- [(ForCommands)]
- 1=for commands
- [(TypeDate)]
- 60=type in [opt] <WhatDate> date
- 60=today's date
- [<WhatDate>]
- <WhatDate>=the
- <WhatDate>=today's
- [(Selection)]
- =select (Selection2)
- 76=un-select [opt] this
- 76=de-select [opt] this
- 76=no selection
- 76=clear selection
- 76=de-select [opt] the selection
- 77=extend [opt] the selection by <1..99a> (WordUnit) [opt] (ToTheRightLeft)
- 77=extend [opt] the selection (ToTheRightLeft) by <1..99a> (WordUnit)
- 86=reduce [opt] the selection by <1..99a> (WordUnit) [opt] (FromTheRightLeft)
- 86=reduce [opt] the selection (FromTheRightLeft) by <1..99a> (WordUnit)
- 108=find next
- 109=find previous
- [(Selection2)]
- 69=[opt] this (WordUnit)
- 70=(LastPrevious) [opt] <1..99> (WordUnit)
- 71=[opt] the next [opt] <1..99> (WordUnit)
- 72=[opt] the rest of [opt] (ThisThe) (WordUnit)
- 72=to [opt] the end of [opt] (ThisThe) (WordUnit)
- 73=to [opt] the end [opt] <NavigateJunk>
- 74=to [opt] the <Begin> [opt] <NavigateJunk>
- 75=[opt] the first part of [opt] (ThisThe) (WordUnit)
- 75=[opt] the start of [opt] (ThisThe) (WordUnit)
- 75=to [opt] the <Begin> of [opt] (ThisThe) (WordUnit)
- 79=all
- 79=[opt] the entire document
- 79=[opt] the whole document
- [(ToTheRightLeft)]
- 0=to [opt] the right
- 1=to [opt] the left
- [(FromTheRightLeft)]
- 0=from [opt] the right
- 1=from [opt] the left
- [(ThisThe)]
- =this
- =the
- [(ChooseMode)]
- 90=begin spell mode
- 91=end spell mode
- [(ChangeSelect)]
- ;101=select ...2
- ;101=correct ...2
- ;101=corrected ...2
- ; Won't recognize properly: 102=(Caps) ... 2
- 103=go to ...2
- 104=search for ...2
- [(Spelling)]
- 120=type in [1+] <SpellCharAlpha>
- 120=type in [1+] <SpellChar>
- 121=insert <1..99a> ":" <SpellChar>
- 121=insert <1..99a> ":" <SpellCharAlpha>
- [<SpellChar>]
- <SpellChar>=capital <CapLetter>
- <SpellChar>=<LowerLetter>
- <SpellChar>=<Symbol>
- <SpellChar>=<Spell0..9>
- <CapLetter>=A. "A"
- <CapLetter>=B. "B"
- <CapLetter>=C. "C"
- <CapLetter>=D. "D"
- <CapLetter>=E. "E"
- <CapLetter>=F. "F"
- <CapLetter>=G. "G"
- <CapLetter>=H. "H"
- <CapLetter>=I. "I"
- <CapLetter>=J. "J"
- <CapLetter>=K. "K"
- <CapLetter>=L. "L"
- <CapLetter>=M. "M"
- <CapLetter>=N. "N"
- <CapLetter>=O. "O"
- <CapLetter>=P. "P"
- <CapLetter>=Q. "Q"
- <CapLetter>=R. "R"
- <CapLetter>=S. "S"
- <CapLetter>=T. "T"
- <CapLetter>=U. "U"
- <CapLetter>=V. "V"
- <CapLetter>=W. "W"
- <CapLetter>=X. "X"
- <CapLetter>=Y. "Y"
- <CapLetter>=Z. "Z"
- <LowerLetter>=A. "a"
- <LowerLetter>=B. "b"
- <LowerLetter>=C. "c"
- <LowerLetter>=D. "d"
- <LowerLetter>=E. "e"
- <LowerLetter>=F. "f"
- <LowerLetter>=G. "g"
- <LowerLetter>=H. "h"
- <LowerLetter>=I. "i"
- <LowerLetter>=J. "j"
- <LowerLetter>=K. "k"
- <LowerLetter>=L. "l"
- <LowerLetter>=M. "m"
- <LowerLetter>=N. "n"
- <LowerLetter>=O. "o"
- <LowerLetter>=P. "p"
- <LowerLetter>=Q. "q"
- <LowerLetter>=R. "r"
- <LowerLetter>=S. "s"
- <LowerLetter>=T. "t"
- <LowerLetter>=U. "u"
- <LowerLetter>=V. "v"
- <LowerLetter>=W. "w"
- <LowerLetter>=X. "x"
- <LowerLetter>=Y. "y"
- <LowerLetter>=Z. "z"
- [<SpellCharAlpha>]
- <SpellCharAlpha>=capital <CapLetterAlpha>
- <SpellCharAlpha>=<LowerLetterAlpha>
- <SpellCharAlpha>=<Symbol>
- <SpellCharAlpha>=<Spell0..9>
- <CapLetterAlpha>=alpha "A"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=bravo "B"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=charlie "C"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=delta "D"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=echo "E"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=foxtrot "F"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=golf "G"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=hotel "H"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=india "I"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=juliet "J"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=kilo "K"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=lima "L"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=leema "L"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=mike "M"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=november "N"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=oscar "O"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=papa "P"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=quebec "Q"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=romeo "R"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=sierra "S"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=tango "T"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=uniform "U"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=victor "V"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=whiskey "W"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=x-ray "X"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=yankee "Y"
- <CapLetterAlpha>=zulu "Z"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=alpha "a"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=bravo "b"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=charlie "c"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=delta "d"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=echo "e"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=foxtrot "f"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=golf "g"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=hotel "h"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=india "i"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=juliett "j"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=kilo "k"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=lima "l"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=leema "l"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=mike "m"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=november "n"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=oscar "o"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=papa "p"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=quebec "q"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=romeo "r"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=sierra "s"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=tango "t"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=uniform "u"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=victor "v"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=whiskey "w"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=x-ray "x"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=yankee "y"
- <LowerLetterAlpha>=zulu "z"
- [<Spell0..9>]
- <Spell0..9>=zero "0"
- <Spell0..9>=one "1"
- <Spell0..9>=two "2"
- <Spell0..9>=three "3"
- <Spell0..9>=four "4"
- <Spell0..9>=five "5"
- <Spell0..9>=six "6"
- <Spell0..9>=seven "7"
- <Spell0..9>=eight "8"
- <Spell0..9>=nine "9"
- [<Symbol>]
- <Symbol>=tilde "~"
- <Symbol>=exclamation-point "!"
- <Symbol>=bang "!"
- <Symbol>=at symbol "@"
- <Symbol>=at sign "@"
- <Symbol>=number sign "#"
- <Symbol>=pound sign "#"
- <Symbol>=dollar sign "$"
- <Symbol>=percent [opt] sign "%"
- <Symbol>=caret "^"
- <Symbol>=ampersand "&"
- <Symbol>=asterisk "*"
- <Symbol>=open paren "("
- <Symbol>=close paren ")"
- <Symbol>=left-paren "("
- <Symbol>=open paren "("
- <Symbol>=close angle ">"
- <Symbol>=open angle "<"
- <Symbol>=greater than ">"
- <Symbol>=less than "<"
- <Symbol>=underline "_"
- <Symbol>=underscore "_"
- <Symbol>=dash "-"
- <Symbol>=minus "-"
- <Symbol>=plus [opt] sign "+"
- <Symbol>=equals "="
- <Symbol>=open brace "{"
- <Symbol>=close brace "}"
- <Symbol>=open bracket "["
- <Symbol>=close bracket "]"
- <Symbol>=vertical bar "|"
- <Symbol>=back-slash "\"
- <Symbol>=slash "/"
- <Symbol>=space " "
- <Symbol>=tab " "
- [(Bullets)]
- 140=bullet item "-"
- 140=item <1..99> "."
- [(Move)]
- =move [opt] the selection (MoveWhere)
- [(MoveWhere)]
- 150=(Back) <1..99a> (WordUnit)
- 150=up <1..99a> (WordUnit)
- 151=(Forward) <1..99a> (WordUnit)
- 151=down <1..99a> (WordUnit)
- 152=to [opt] the <Begin> of [opt] the (WordUnit)
- 154=to [opt] the end of [opt] the (WordUnit)
- 155=to [opt] the <Begin> [opt] <NavigateJunk>
- 156=to [opt] the end [opt] <NavigateJunk>