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[Grammar] LangId=1033 Type=CFG [Prompts] Main=Spell it, one character at a time. ;Main.2=Please say the something. - Shorter prompt Where=You are spelling. Unrecognized=Sorry, I didn't understand. Help=You can say instructions, list commands, or any command. Continue=Continue spelling. VerifyPre=I heard: VerifyPost=Is this correct? SpeakingFaster=Speaking faster. SpeakingSlower=Speaking slower. HelpVerify=You can speak yes or no, or press 1 for yes, or 2 for no. BeginSpelling=Here is what you have spelled: EndSpelling=End of spelling. SpellingNothing=You haven't spelled anything. BeginListWords=Here are all the military code words: EndListWords=End of military code words. FixingPrefix=OK, I'll correct that. HeardSame=I heard the same character. Restarting=Starting over. [Instructions] FirstTimeUser=If you are a first time user, please wait for the prompt, ready, and then say instructions. Instructions=((( To interrupt at any time press the star button. For a tutorial say tutorial. To list the commands say list commands. To list the military code-words say list code-words. To list the punctuation symbols say list punctuation. To learn how to spell letters using touch-tone say learn touch-tone. End of instructions. ))) Tutorial=((( To interrupt at any time press the star button. Spell your word one letter, number, or punctuation symbol at a time. After each character, wait for me to tell you what I thought I heard. I can recognize letters better if you also say a common animal name, like "cee as in crocodile", or if you say the corresponding military code-word beginning with the same letter, like "cee as in charlie". Letters are lower-case by default. For a capital letter, say something like "capital cee as in crocodile". To hear what you have spelled so far, say review. If you make a mistake, you can say something like, "No I said f as in fox", and I will make the correction. To delete a letter say backspace. To start over say restart. When you are finished say finished. For a list of help topics say instructions. ))) ListCommands=The commands are delete, review, restart, and finished. You can also say any character, and you can prefix your phrase with "no I said" to make a correction. To access help topics say, instructions. ListPunctuation=((( To interrupt at any time press the star button. Here is a list of all the punctuation symbols. til-duh. forward quote. ex-clamation mark. at sign. hash mark. dollar sign. percent sign. caret. ampersand. asterisk. open parenthesis. close parenthesis. underscore. hyphen. plus sign. equal sign. open curly brace. close curly brace. open square bracket. close square bracket. vertical bar. backslash. colon. semi-colon. double quote. single quote. less than. comma. greater than. period. question mark. forward slash. End of punctuation. ))) LearnTouchtone=I'm not really going to teach you how to do this. [Settings] Verify=1 TimeoutComplete=300 TimeoutIncomplete=600 RejectionThreshold=60 [DTMFString] Count=2 0=0 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=5 6=6 7=7 8=8 9=9 [Internal] tilde="~" squiggle="~" forward-quote="`" ex-clamation-mark="!" at-sign="@" pound="#" hash="#" dollar-sign="$" percent="%" caret="^" circumflex="^" ampersand="&" and-sign="&" star="*" asterisk="*" open-parenthesis="(" close-parenthesis=")" minus-sign="-" dash="-" hyphen="-" underscore="_" underline="_" plus-sign="+" equal-sign="=" open-square-bracket="[" close-square-bracket="]" open-curly-brace="{" close-curly-brace="}" pipe="|" vertical-bar="|" backslash="\" whack="\" colon=":" semi-colon=";" double-quotes=""" single-quote="'" open-angle-bracket="<" close-angle-bracket=">" comma="," period="." full-stop="." dot="." point="." question-mark="?" forward-slash="/" space=" " blank=" " CodeLetters=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz AsIn=as in AsInTemplate=%c. as in %s CapitalAsInTemplate=capital %c. as in %s a=alpha b=bravo c=charlie d=delta e=echo f=fox-trot g=golf h=hotel i=india j=julie-et k=key-low l=leema m=mike n=november o=oscar p=papa q=quebec r=romeo s=sierra t=tango u=uniform v=victor w=whiskey x=x-ray y=yankee z=zulu ;-------------; ; The grammar ; ;-------------; ; you usually won't need to change what's below here [<Start>] <Start>=<AskSpelling> <Start>=<Verify> [<AskSpelling>] <AskSpelling>=(DefaultResponses) <AskSpelling>=no, I didn't say anything "noISaid nothing" <AskSpelling>=[opt] <noISaid> <letterPhrase> <noISaid>=no, I said "noISaid " <noISaid>=no, I mean "noISaid " <noISaid>=no, I meant "noISaid " ; commands <letterPhrase>=nothing "nothing" <letterPhrase>=finished [opt] spelling "finished" <letterPhrase>=done spelling "finished" <letterPhrase>=that's all "finished" <letterPhrase>=that's it "finished" <letterPhrase>=I'm [opt] all done [opt] spelling "finished" <letterPhrase>=delete "delete" <letterPhrase>=scratch [opt] that [opt] out "delete" <letterPhrase>=cross [opt] that [opt] out "delete" <letterPhrase>=back [opt] space "delete" <letterPhrase>=mistake "delete" <letterPhrase>=erase "delete" <letterPhrase>=recap [opt] spelling "recap" <letterPhrase>=review [opt] spelling "recap" <letterPhrase>=what have I spelled [opt] so [opt] far "recap" <letterPhrase>=start over "restart" <letterPhrase>=restart "restart" <letterPhrase>=delete all "restart" <letterPhrase>=delete everything "restart" ; help commands <letterPhrase>=instructions "instructions" <letterPhrase>=list help [opt] topics "instructions" <letterPhrase>=tutorial "tutorial" <letterPhrase>=list commands "listCommands" <letterPhrase>=list [opt] code words "listWords" <letterPhrase>=list punctuation "listPunctuation" <letterPhrase>=list symbols "listPunctuation" <letterPhrase>=learn touch-tone "learnTouchtone" <letterPhrase>=how do I use touch-tone "learnTouchtone" ; characters <CAP>=capital "capital " <CAP>=caps "capital " <CAP>=upper [opt] case "capital " <letterPhrase>=[opt] <CAP> <actualLetter> <letterPhrase>=[opt] <CAP> <asInPhrase> <letterPhrase>=[opt] <thePunctuationGarbage> <punctuationMark> "P" <letterPhrase>=[opt] <theNumberGarbage> <number> "N" <thePunctuationGarbage>=the [opt] punctuation symbol <thePunctuationGarbage>=the [opt] punctuation mark <theNumberGarbage>=the number <theNumberGarbage>=the digit <asInPhrase>=<actualA> as in " as in " <wordForA> <asInPhrase>=<actualB> as in " as in " <wordForB> <asInPhrase>=<actualC> as in " as in " <wordForC> <asInPhrase>=<actualD> as in " as in " <wordForD> <asInPhrase>=<actualE> as in " as in " <wordForE> <asInPhrase>=<actualF> as in " as in " <wordForF> <asInPhrase>=<actualG> as in " as in " <wordForG> <asInPhrase>=<actualH> as in " as in " <wordForH> <asInPhrase>=<actualI> as in " as in " <wordForI> <asInPhrase>=<actualJ> as in " as in " <wordForJ> <asInPhrase>=<actualK> as in " as in " <wordForK> <asInPhrase>=<actualL> as in " as in " <wordForL> <asInPhrase>=<actualM> as in " as in " <wordForM> <asInPhrase>=<actualN> as in " as in " <wordForN> <asInPhrase>=<actualO> as in " as in " <wordForO> <asInPhrase>=<actualP> as in " as in " <wordForP> <asInPhrase>=<actualQ> as in " as in " <wordForQ> <asInPhrase>=<actualR> as in " as in " <wordForR> <asInPhrase>=<actualS> as in " as in " <wordForS> <asInPhrase>=<actualT> as in " as in " <wordForT> <asInPhrase>=<actualU> as in " as in " <wordForU> <asInPhrase>=<actualV> as in " as in " <wordForV> <asInPhrase>=<actualW> as in " as in " <wordForW> <asInPhrase>=<actualX> as in " as in " <wordForX> <asInPhrase>=<actualY> as in " as in " <wordForY> <asInPhrase>=<actualZ> as in " as in " <wordForZ> <wordForA>=alpha "alpha" <wordForB>=bravo "bravo" <wordForC>=charlie "charlie" <wordForD>=delta "delta" <wordForE>=echo "echo" <wordForF>=foxtrot "fox-trot" <wordForG>=golf "golf" <wordForH>=hotel "hotel" <wordForI>=india "india" <wordForJ>=juliet "julie-et" <wordForK>=kilo "key-low" <wordForL>=leema "leema" <wordForM>=mike "mike" <wordForN>=november "november" <wordForO>=oscar "oscar" <wordForP>=papa "papa" <wordForQ>=quebec "quebec" <wordForR>=romeo "romeo" <wordForS>=sierra "sierra" <wordForT>=tango "tango" <wordForU>=uniform "uniform" <wordForV>=victor "victor" <wordForW>=whiskey "whiskey" <wordForX>=x-ray "x-ray" <wordForY>=yankee "yankee" <wordForZ>=zulu "zulu" <actualLetter>=<actualA> <actualLetter>=<actualB> <actualLetter>=<actualC> <actualLetter>=<actualD> <actualLetter>=<actualE> <actualLetter>=<actualF> <actualLetter>=<actualG> <actualLetter>=<actualH> <actualLetter>=<actualI> <actualLetter>=<actualJ> <actualLetter>=<actualK> <actualLetter>=<actualL> <actualLetter>=<actualM> <actualLetter>=<actualN> <actualLetter>=<actualO> <actualLetter>=<actualP> <actualLetter>=<actualQ> <actualLetter>=<actualR> <actualLetter>=<actualS> <actualLetter>=<actualT> <actualLetter>=<actualU> <actualLetter>=<actualV> <actualLetter>=<actualW> <actualLetter>=<actualX> <actualLetter>=<actualY> <actualLetter>=<actualZ> <actualA>=A. "a" <actualB>=B. "b" <actualC>=C. "c" <actualD>=D. "d" <actualE>=E. "e" <actualF>=F. "f" <actualG>=G. "g" <actualH>=H. "h" <actualI>=I. "i" <actualJ>=J. "j" <actualK>=K. "k" <actualL>=L. "l" <actualM>=M. "m" <actualN>=N. "n" <actualO>=O. "o" <actualP>=P. "p" <actualQ>=Q. "q" <actualR>=R. "r" <actualS>=S. "s" <actualT>=T. "t" <actualU>=U. "u" <actualV>=V. "v" <actualW>=W. "w" <actualX>=X. "x" <actualY>=Y. "y" <actualZ>=Z. "z" <number>=one "1" <number>=two "2" <number>=three "3" <number>=four "4" <number>=five "5" <number>=six "6" <number>=seven "7" <number>=eight "8" <number>=nine "9" <number>=zero "0" <punctuationMark>=<punctuation> [opt] <symbolThing> <punctuation>=tilde "tilde" <punctuation>=squiggle "squiggle" <punctuation>=forward quote "forward-quote" <punctuation>=exclamation "ex-clamation mark" <punctuation>=at <symbolThing> "at-sign" <punctuation>=pound "pound" <punctuation>=hash "hash" <punctuation>=number "number" <punctuation>=dollar "dollar-sign" <punctuation>=percent "percent" <punctuation>=carrot "caret" <punctuation>=hat "hat" <punctuation>=circumflex "circumflex" <punctuation>=ampersand "ampersand" <punctuation>=and <symbolThing> "and-sign" <punctuation>=star "star" <punctuation>=asterisk "asterisk" <punctuation>=left parenthesis "open-parenthesis" <punctuation>=open parenthesis "open-parenthesis" <punctuation>=right parenthesis "close-parenthesis" <punctuation>=close parenthesis "close-parenthesis" <punctuation>=minus "minus-sign" <punctuation>=dash "dash" <punctuation>=hyphen "hyphen" <punctuation>=underscore "underscore" <punctuation>=underline "underline" <punctuation>=plus "plus-sign" <punctuation>=equal "equal-sign" <punctuation>=equals "equal-sign" <punctuation>=left [opt] square bracket "open-square-bracket" <punctuation>=open [opt] square bracket "open-square-bracket" <punctuation>=right [opt] square bracket "close-square-bracket" <punctuation>=close [opt] square bracket "close-square-bracket" <punctuation>=left [opt] curly brace "open-curly-brace" <punctuation>=open [opt] curly brace "open-curly-brace" <punctuation>=right [opt] curly brace "close-curly-brace" <punctuation>=close [opt] curly brace "close-curly-brace" <punctuation>=pipe "pipe" <punctuation>=vertical bar "vertical-bar" <punctuation>=back slash "back-slash" <punctuation>=whack "whack" <punctuation>=colon "colon" <punctuation>=semi-colon "semi-colon" <punctuation>=double quote "double-quotes" <punctuation>=double quotes "double-quotes" <punctuation>=single quote "single-quote" <punctuation>=apostrophe "single-quote" <punctuation>=tick "single-quote" <punctuation>=left angle bracket "open-angle-bracket" <punctuation>=open angle bracket "open-angle-bracket" <punctuation>=right angle bracket "close-angle-bracket" <punctuation>=close angle bracket "close-angle-bracket" <punctuation>=less [opt] than "open-angle-bracket" <punctuation>=greater [opt] than "close-angle-bracket" <punctuation>=comma "comma" <punctuation>=period "period" <punctuation>=dot "dot" <punctuation>=point "point" <punctuation>=full stop "full-stop" <punctuation>=question "question mark" <punctuation>=[opt] forward slash "forward-slash" <punctuation>=space "space" <punctuation>=blank "blank" <symbolThing>=mark "" <symbolThing>=point "" <symbolThing>=symbol "" <symbolThing>=sign "" <wordForA>=ant "ant" <wordForB>=bee "bee" <wordForB>=beetle "beetle" <wordForB>=bug "bug" <wordForB>=bumble bee "bumble bee" <wordForB>=butterfly "butterfly" <wordForC>=caterpillar "caterpillar" <wordForC>=centipede "centipede" <wordForC>=clam "clam" <wordForC>=cockroach "cockroach" <wordForC>=crab "crab" <wordForC>=crayfish "crayfish" <wordForC>=cricket "cricket" <wordForD>=dragonfly "dragonfly" <wordForE>=earthworm "earthworm" <wordForE>=earwig "earwig" <wordForF>=firefly "firefly" <wordForF>=flea "flea" <wordForF>=fly "fly" <wordForG>=gnat "gnat" <wordForG>=grasshopper "grasshopper" <wordForG>=grub "grub" <wordForH>=hermit crab "hermit crab" <wordForH>=hornet "hornet" <wordForH>=hydra "hydra" <wordForI>=insect "insect" <wordForJ>=jellyfish "jellyfish" <wordForK>=katydid "katydid" <wordForL>=larva "larva" <wordForL>=leech "leech" <wordForL>=lobster "lobster" <wordForL>=locust "locust" <wordForL>=louse "louse" <wordForM>=maggot "maggot" <wordForM>=mantis "mantis" <wordForM>=mayfly "mayfly" <wordForM>=midge "midge" <wordForM>=millipede "millipede" <wordForM>=mite "mite" <wordForM>=mollusk "mollusk" <wordForM>=mosquito "mosquito" <wordForM>=moth "moth" <wordForM>=mussel "mussel" <wordForO>=octopus "octopus" <wordForO>=oyster "oyster" <wordForP>=plankton "plankton" <wordForP>=prawn "prawn" <wordForS>=scallop "scallop" <wordForS>=scarab "scarab" <wordForS>=scorpion "scorpion" <wordForS>=sea cucumber "sea cucumber" <wordForS>=sea urchin "sea urchin" <wordForS>=shellfish "shellfish" <wordForS>=shrimp "shrimp" <wordForS>=silkworm "silkworm" <wordForS>=slug "slug" <wordForS>=snail "snail" <wordForS>=spider "spider" <wordForS>=squid "squid" <wordForS>=starfish "starfish" <wordForT>=tapeworm "tapeworm" <wordForT>=tarantula "tarantula" <wordForT>=termite "termite" <wordForT>=tick "tick" <wordForU>=urchin "urchin" <wordForW>=wasp "wasp" <wordForW>=weevil "weevil" <wordForW>=worm "worm" <wordForA>=aardvark "aardvark" <wordForA>=anteater "anteater" <wordForA>=antelope "antelope" <wordForA>=ape "ape" <wordForA>=armadillo "armadillo" <wordForA>=ass "ass" <wordForB>=baboon "baboon" <wordForB>=badger "badger" <wordForB>=bat "bat" <wordForB>=bear "bear" <wordForB>=beaver "beaver" <wordForB>=bison "bison" <wordForB>=blue whale "blue whale" <wordForB>=boar "boar" <wordForB>=bobcat "bobcat" <wordForB>=buffalo "buffalo" <wordForC>=camel "camel" <wordForC>=caribou "caribou" <wordForC>=carnivore "carnivore" <wordForC>=cat "cat" <wordForC>=cattle "cattle" <wordForC>=cheetah "cheetah" <wordForC>=chimpanzee "chimpanzee" <wordForC>=chipmunk "chipmunk" <wordForC>=cow "cow" <wordForC>=coyote "coyote" <wordForD>=deer "deer" <wordForD>=dog "dog" <wordForD>=dolphin "dolphin" <wordForD>=dormouse "dormouse" <wordForE>=elephant "elephant" <wordForE>=elk "elk" <wordForF>=ferret "ferret" <wordForF>=fox "fox" <wordForG>=gazelle "gazelle" <wordForG>=gerbil "gerbil" <wordForG>=gibbon "gibbon" <wordForG>=giraffe "giraffe" <wordForG>=gnu "gnu" <wordForG>=goat "goat" <wordForG>=gopher "gopher" <wordForG>=gorilla "gorilla" <wordForG>=grizzly bear "grizzly bear" <wordForG>=groundhog "groundhog" <wordForG>=guinea pig "guinea pig" <wordForH>=hamster "hamster" <wordForH>=hare "hare" <wordForH>=hartebeest "hartebeest" <wordForH>=hedgehog "hedgehog" <wordForH>=herbivore "herbivore" <wordForH>=hippopotamus "hippopotamus" <wordForH>=hog "hog" <wordForH>=horse "horse" <wordForH>=human "human" <wordForH>=hyena "hyena" <wordForJ>=jackal "jackal" <wordForJ>=jackrabbit "jackrabbit" <wordForJ>=jaguar "jaguar" <wordForK>=kangaroo "kangaroo" <wordForK>=killer whale "killer whale" <wordForK>=koala "koala" <wordForL>=lemming "lemming" <wordForL>=lemur "lemur" <wordForL>=leopard "leopard" <wordForL>=lion "lion" <wordForL>=llama "llama" <wordForL>=lynx "lynx" <wordForM>=mammal "mammal" <wordForM>=manatee "manatee" <wordForM>=marmot "marmot" <wordForM>=marsupial "marsupial" <wordForM>=mink "mink" <wordForM>=mole "mole" <wordForM>=mongoose "mongoose" <wordForM>=monkey "monkey" <wordForM>=mouse "mouse" <wordForM>=mule "mule" <wordForM>=muskrat "muskrat" <wordForN>=narwhal "narwhal" <wordForO>=omnivore "omnivore" <wordForO>=opossum "opossum" <wordForO>=oragutan "oragutan" <wordForO>=otter "otter" <wordForO>=ox "ox" <wordForP>=panda "panda" <wordForP>=pig "pig" <wordForP>=platypus "platypus" <wordForP>=polar bear "polar bear" <wordForP>=polecat "polecat" <wordForP>=porcupine "porcupine" <wordForP>=porpoise "porpoise" <wordForP>=primate "primate" <wordForP>=pyouma "pyouma" <wordForQ>=quarter horse "quarter horse" <wordForR>=rabbit "rabbit" <wordForR>=raccoon "raccoon" <wordForR>=rat "rat" <wordForR>=reindeer "reindeer" <wordForR>=rhinocerous "rhinocerous" <wordForR>=rodent "rodent" <wordForS>=seal "seal" <wordForS>=sheep "sheep" <wordForS>=shrew "shrew" <wordForS>=skunk "skunk" <wordForS>=sloth "sloth" <wordForS>=squirrel "squirrel" <wordForS>=swine "swine" <wordForT>=tiger "tiger" <wordForV>=vampire bat "vampire bat" <wordForV>=vole "vole" <wordForW>=walrus "walrus" <wordForW>=warthog "warthog" <wordForW>=weasel "weasel" <wordForW>=whale "whale" <wordForW>=wildcat "wildcat" <wordForW>=wolf "wolf" <wordForW>=wolverine "wolverine" <wordForW>=wombat "wombat" <wordForY>=yak "yak" <wordForZ>=zebra "zebra" <wordForA>=albatross "albatross" <wordForB>=bird "bird" <wordForB>=blackbird "blackbird" <wordForB>=bluebird "bluebird" <wordForB>=bullfinch "bullfinch" <wordForB>=buzzard "buzzard" <wordForC>=canary "canary" <wordForC>=cardinal "cardinal" <wordForC>=carrier pigeon "carrier pigeon" <wordForC>=chicken "chicken" <wordForC>=condor "condor" <wordForC>=crane "crane" <wordForC>=crow "crow" <wordForC>=cuckoo "cuckoo" <wordForD>=dodo "dodo" <wordForD>=duck "duck" <wordForE>=eagle "eagle" <wordForE>=egret "egret" <wordForE>=emu "emu" <wordForF>=falcon "falcon" <wordForF>=finch "finch" <wordForF>=flamingo "flamingo" <wordForF>=fowl "fowl" <wordForG>=goldfinch "goldfinch" <wordForG>=goose "goose" <wordForG>=grouse "grouse" <wordForG>=gull "gull" <wordForH>=hawk "hawk" <wordForH>=hen "hen" <wordForH>=heron "heron" <wordForH>=homing pigeon "homing pigeon" <wordForH>=hummingbird "hummingbird" <wordForJ>=jay "jay" <wordForK>=kestrel "kestrel" <wordForK>=kingfisher "kingfisher" <wordForK>=kite "kite" <wordForK>=kiwi "kiwi" <wordForK>=kookaburra "kookaburra" <wordForL>=lark "lark" <wordForL>=loon "loon" <wordForM>=magpie "magpie" <wordForM>=mallard "mallard" <wordForM>=meadowlark "meadowlark" <wordForM>=mockingbird "mockingbird" <wordForN>=nightingale "nightingale" <wordForO>=oriole "oriole" <wordForO>=osprey "osprey" <wordForO>=ostrich "ostrich" <wordForO>=owl "owl" <wordForP>=parakeet "parakeet" <wordForP>=parrot "parrot" <wordForP>=partridge "partridge" <wordForP>=peacock "peacock" <wordForP>=pelican "pelican" <wordForP>=penguin "penguin" <wordForP>=peregrine "peregrine" <wordForP>=pheasant "pheasant" <wordForP>=pigeon "pigeon" <wordForP>=puffin "puffin" <wordForQ>=quail "quail" <wordForR>=raven "raven" <wordForR>=roadrunner "oadrunnerr" <wordForR>=robin "robin" <wordForS>=sandpiper "sandpiper" <wordForS>=shrike "shrike" <wordForS>=skylark "skylark" <wordForS>=snipe "snipe" <wordForS>=sparrow "sparrow" <wordForS>=starling "starling" <wordForS>=stork "stork" <wordForS>=swallow "swallow" <wordForS>=swan "swan" <wordForS>=swift "swift" <wordForT>=tern "tern" <wordForT>=thrush "thrush" <wordForT>=titmouse "titmouse" <wordForT>=toucan "toucan" <wordForT>=turkey "turkey" <wordForV>=vulture "vulture" <wordForW>=warbler "warbler" <wordForW>=whip-poor-will "whip-poor-will" <wordForW>=whooping crane "whooping crane" <wordForW>=woodpecker "woodpecker" <wordForW>=wren "wren" <wordForA>=anchovy "anchovy" <wordForA>=angelfish "angelfish" <wordForB>=barracuda "barracuda" <wordForB>=bass "bass" <wordForB>=blowfish "blowfish" <wordForC>=carp "carp" <wordForC>=catfish "catfish" <wordForC>=cod "cod" <wordForD>=devilfish "devilfish" <wordForE>=[opt] electirc eel "eel" <wordForF>=fish "fish" <wordForF>=flounder "flounder" <wordForF>=flying fish "flying fish" <wordForG>=goldfish "goldfish" <wordForG>=great white [opt] shark "great white shark" <wordForH>=haddock "haddock" <wordForH>=halibut "halibut" <wordForH>=hammer-head [opt] shark "hammer-head shark" <wordForH>=herring "herring" <wordForL>=lamprey "lamprey" <wordForM>=mackerel "mackerel" <wordForM>=marlin "marlin" <wordForM>=minnow "minnow" <wordForP>=perch "perch" <wordForP>=pike "pike" <wordForP>=piranha "piranha" <wordForP>=puffer [opt] fish "puffer fish" <wordForR>=ray "ray" <wordForS>=salmon "salmon" <wordForS>=shark "shark" <wordForS>=sole "sole" <wordForS>=spearfish "spearfish" <wordForS>=sprat "sprat" <wordForS>=stingray "stingray" <wordForS>=sturgeon "sturgeon" <wordForS>=swordfish "swordfish" <wordForT>=trout "trout" <wordForT>=tuna "tuna" <wordForA>=adder "adder" <wordForA>=alligator "alligator" <wordForA>=amphibian "amphibian" <wordForA>=anaconda "anaconda" <wordForA>=asp "asp" <wordForB>=basilisk "basilisk" <wordForB>=boa [opt] constrictor "boa" <wordForB>=bullfrog "bullfrog" <wordForC>=chameleon "chameleon" <wordForC>=cobra "cobra" <wordForC>=constrictor "constrictor" <wordForC>=copperhead "copperhead" <wordForC>=crocodile "crocodile" <wordForD>=death adder "death adder" <wordForD>=diamondback "diamondback" <wordForD>=dragon "dragon" <wordForF>=frog "frog" <wordForG>=garter snake "garter snake" <wordForG>=gecko "gecko" <wordForG>=gila monster "gila monster" <wordForG>=grass snake "grass snake" <wordForI>=iguana "iguana" <wordForK>=kingsnake "kingsnake" <wordForL>=lizard "lizard" <wordForN>=newt "newt" <wordForP>=python "python" <wordForR>=rattlesnake "rattlesnake" <wordForR>=reptile "reptile" <wordForS>=salamander "salamander" <wordForS>=sidewinder "sidewinder" <wordForS>=snake "snake" <wordForS>=snapping turtle "snapping turtle" <wordForT>=terrapin "terrapin" <wordForT>=toad "toad" <wordForT>=tortoise "tortoise" <wordForT>=turtle "turtle" <wordForU>=unicorn "unicorn" <wordForV>=viper "viper" <wordForW>=water snake "water snake" <wordForM>=mammoth "mammoth" <wordForT>=tyrannosaurus rex "tyrannosaurus rex" <wordForW>=woolly mammoth "woolly mammoth" <wordForI>=impala "impala" <wordForQ>=queen bee "queen bee" <wordForR>=rattler "rattler" <wordForT>=tazmanian devil "tazmanian devil" <wordForN>=nuthatch "nuthatch" <wordForV>=velociraptor "velociraptor" <wordForD>=dromedary "dromedary" <wordForF>=feline "feline" <wordForO>=oranguatan "oranguatan" <wordForV>=vixen "vixen" <wordForR>=rooster "rooster" <wordForT>=tapir "tapir" <wordForC>=chupacabra "chupacabra" <wordForF>=flying fox "flying fox" <wordForN>=nematode "nematode" <wordForK>=killer bee "killer bee" <wordForL>=lamb "lamb" <wordForR>=roach "roach" <wordForN>=nutcracker "nutcracker" <wordForN>=nyala "nyala" ; need dinosaur names ; need male, female animal names ; ********************************************************************** ; all controls should have these default responses [(DefaultResponses)] =[opt] (DefaultJunkBegin) (ValidDefault) [opt] (DefaultJunkEnd) [(ValidDefault)] -3=(AskOperator) -4=(AskHangUp) -5=(AskBack) -10=(AskWhere) -11=(AskHelp) -12=(AskRepeat) -13=(AskSpeakFaster) -14=(AskSpeakSlower) [(DefaultJunkBegin)] =could you =I want [opt] to =please [(DefaultJunkEnd)] =please =now [opt] please [(AskOperator)] =[opt] (TalkToOperator) (OperatorName) [(TalkToOperator)] =talk to =speak with =connect me to =give me [(OperatorName)] =[opt] an operator =someone real =real person =living person =warm body [(AskHangUp)] =hang up =goodbye [(AskBack)] =scratch that =go back =undo that =I made a mistake =never mind [(AskWhere)] =where am I =where were we =what am I doing =what's going on [(AskHelp)] =[opt] some help [opt] me =give me help =what can I say =what are my options =tell me what I can say [(AskRepeat)] =what =what did you say =repeat [opt] that =huh [(AskSpeakFaster)] =speak faster =talk faster =speak more quickly =talk more quickly [(AskSpeakSlower)] =speak slower =talk slower =speak more slowly =talk more slowly ; entries necessary for verification to work [<Verify>] <Verify>=(YesNo) <Verify>=(DefaultResponses)