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- {
- Copyright: Vlad Karpov mailto:KarpovVV@protek.ru
- Author: Vlad Karpov
- }
- unit VKDBFParser;
- interface
- uses dbcommon, Windows, classes, db,
- {$IFDEF VER140} Variants, {$ENDIF}
- VKDBFUtil;
- type
- PDBFExprNode = ^TDBFExprNode;
- TDBFExprNode = record
- FNext: PDBFExprNode;
- FKind: TExprNodeKind;
- FPartial: Boolean;
- FOperator: TCANOperator;
- FData: Variant;
- FLeft: PDBFExprNode;
- FRight: PDBFExprNode;
- FDataType: TFieldType;
- FDataSize: Integer;
- FDataLen: Integer;
- FDataPrec: Integer;
- FArgs: TList;
- FScopeKind: TExprScopeKind;
- FField: TField;
- end;
- {TVKDBFFilterExpr}
- TVKDBFFilterExpr = class
- private
- FDataSet: TDataSet;
- FFieldMap: TFieldMap;
- FOptions: TFilterOptions;
- FParserOptions: TParserOptions;
- FNodes: PDBFExprNode;
- FFieldName: string;
- FDependentFields: TBits;
- function GetFieldByName(Name: string) : TField;
- public
- constructor Create(DataSet: TDataSet; Options: TFilterOptions;
- ParseOptions: TParserOptions; const FieldName: string; DepFields: TBits;
- FieldMap: TFieldMap);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function NewCompareNode(Field: TField; Operator: TCANOperator;
- const Value: Variant): PDBFExprNode;
- function NewNode(Kind: TExprNodeKind; Operator: TCANOperator;
- const Data: Variant; Left, Right: PDBFExprNode): PDBFExprNode;
- property DataSet: TDataSet write FDataSet;
- end;
- {TVKDBFExprParser}
- TVKDBFExprParser = class(TVKDBFFilterExpr)
- FFilter: TVKDBFFilterExpr;
- FFieldMap: TFieldMap;
- FText: string;
- FSourcePtr: PChar;
- FTokenPtr: PChar;
- FTokenString: string;
- FStrTrue: string;
- FStrFalse: string;
- FToken: TExprToken;
- FPrevToken: TExprToken;
- FNumericLit: Boolean;
- FParserOptions: TParserOptions;
- FFieldName: string;
- FDataSet: TDataSet;
- FDependentFields: TBits;
- FIndexKeyValue: boolean;
- FFields: TList;
- FKeyValues: Variant;
- FKeyFromValues: boolean;
- FFC: Char;
- procedure NextToken;
- function NextTokenIsLParen : Boolean;
- function ParseExpr: PDBFExprNode;
- function ParseExpr2: PDBFExprNode;
- function ParseExpr3: PDBFExprNode;
- function ParseExpr4: PDBFExprNode;
- function ParseExpr5: PDBFExprNode;
- function ParseExpr6: PDBFExprNode;
- function ParseExpr7: PDBFExprNode;
- function TokenName: string;
- function TokenSymbolIs(const S: string): Boolean;
- function TokenSymbolIsFunc(const S: string) : Boolean;
- procedure GetFuncResultInfo(Node: PDBFExprNode);
- procedure TypeCheckArithOp(Node: PDBFExprNode);
- procedure GetScopeKind(Root, Left, Right : PDBFExprNode);
- function Execute(Root: PDBFExprNode): Variant; overload;
- private
- FLastRoot: PDBFExprNode;
- FValue: Variant;
- FKey: String;
- function GetDataLen: Integer;
- function GetDataPrec: Integer;
- public
- constructor Create(DataSet: TDataSet; const Text: string;
- Options: TFilterOptions; ParserOptions: TParserOptions;
- const FieldName: string; DepFields: TBits; FieldMap: TFieldMap);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure SetExprParams(const Text: string; Options: TFilterOptions;
- ParserOptions: TParserOptions; const FieldName: string);
- procedure SetExprParams1(const Text: string; Options: TFilterOptions;
- ParserOptions: TParserOptions; const FieldName: string);
- function Execute: Variant; overload;
- function EvaluteKey: String; overload;
- function EvaluteKey(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; const CF: Char = #$20): String; overload;
- function SuiteFieldList(fl: String; out m: Integer): Integer;
- function GetFieldList: String;
- property IndexKeyValue: boolean read FIndexKeyValue write FIndexKeyValue;
- property Value: Variant read FValue;
- property Key: String read FKey;
- property Len: Integer read GetDataLen; //FLastRoot.FDataLen;
- property Prec: Integer read GetDataPrec; //FLastRoot.FDataPrec;
- end;
- function LikeOperator(const Var1, Var2: Variant; const CaseInsensitive: Boolean; const ManyChars, OneChar: Char): boolean;
- implementation
- uses SysUtils, DBConsts, VKDBFDataSet, ActiveX;
- const
- StringFieldTypes = [ftString, ftFixedChar, ftWideString, ftGuid];
- BlobFieldTypes = [ftBlob, ftMemo, ftGraphic, ftFmtMemo, ftParadoxOle, ftDBaseOle,
- ftTypedBinary, ftOraBlob, ftOraClob];
- function IsNumeric(DataType: TFieldType): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := DataType in [ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftWord, ftFloat, ftCurrency,
- ftBCD, ftAutoInc, ftLargeint];
- end;
- function IsTemporal(DataType: TFieldType): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := DataType in [ftDate, ftTime, ftDateTime];
- end;
- function LikeOperator(const Var1, Var2: Variant; const CaseInsensitive: Boolean; const ManyChars, OneChar: Char): boolean;
- var
- sStr, sPatt: String;
- begin
- if VarIsNull(Var1) or VarIsNull(Var2) then
- Result := False
- else begin
- sStr := Var1;
- sPatt := Var2;
- if CaseInsensitive then
- begin
- sStr := AnsiUpperCase(sStr);
- sPatt := AnsiUpperCase(sPatt);
- end;
- Result := wildc(pChar(sPatt), pChar(sStr), Length(sStr), ManyChars, OneChar);
- end;
- end;
- {TVKDBFFilterExpr}
- constructor TVKDBFFilterExpr.Create(DataSet: TDataSet; Options: TFilterOptions;
- ParseOptions: TParserOptions; const FieldName: string; DepFields: TBits;
- FieldMap: TFieldMap);
- begin
- FFieldMap := FieldMap;
- FDataSet := DataSet;
- FOptions := Options;
- FFieldName := FieldName;
- FParserOptions := ParseOptions;
- FDependentFields := DepFields;
- end;
- destructor TVKDBFFilterExpr.Destroy;
- var
- Node: PDBFExprNode;
- begin
- while FNodes <> nil do
- begin
- Node := FNodes;
- FNodes := Node^.FNext;
- if (Node^.FKind = enFunc) and (Node^.FArgs <> nil) then
- Node^.FArgs.Free;
- Dispose(Node);
- end;
- end;
- function TVKDBFFilterExpr.NewCompareNode(Field: TField; Operator: TCANOperator;
- const Value: Variant): PDBFExprNode;
- var
- ConstExpr: PDBFExprNode;
- begin
- ConstExpr := NewNode(enConst, coNOTDEFINED, Value, nil, nil);
- ConstExpr^.FDataType := Field.DataType;
- ConstExpr^.FDataSize := Field.Size;
- Result := NewNode(enOperator, Operator, Unassigned,
- NewNode(enField, coNOTDEFINED, Field.FieldName, nil, nil), ConstExpr);
- end;
- function TVKDBFFilterExpr.NewNode(Kind: TExprNodeKind; Operator: TCANOperator;
- const Data: Variant; Left, Right: PDBFExprNode): PDBFExprNode;
- var
- Field : TField;
- begin
- New(Result);
- with Result^ do
- begin
- FNext := FNodes;
- FKind := Kind;
- FPartial := False;
- FOperator := Operator;
- FData := Data;
- FLeft := Left;
- FRight := Right;
- FDataLen := 0;
- FDataPrec := 0;
- FDataType := ftUnknown;
- FArgs := nil;
- end;
- FNodes := Result;
- if Kind = enField then
- begin
- Field := GetFieldByName(Data);
- if Field = nil then
- DatabaseErrorFmt(SFieldNotFound, [Data]);
- Result^.FDataType := Field.DataType;
- Result^.FDataSize := Field.Size;
- Result^.FField := Field;
- end;
- end;
- function TVKDBFFilterExpr.GetFieldByName(Name: string) : TField;
- //var
- // I: Integer;
- // F: TField;
- // FieldInfo: TFieldInfo;
- begin
- // Result := nil;
- // if poFieldNameGiven in FParserOptions then
- // Result := FDataSet.FieldByName(UpperCase(FFieldName))
- // else if poUseOrigNames in FParserOptions then begin
- // for I := 0 to FDataset.FieldCount - 1 do
- // begin
- // F := FDataSet.Fields[I];
- // if GetFieldInfo(F.Origin, FieldInfo) and
- // (AnsiCompareStr(Name, FieldInfo.OriginalFieldName) = 0) then
- // begin
- // Result := F;
- // Exit;
- // end;
- // end;
- // end;
- // if Result = nil then
- Result := FDataSet.FieldByName(UpperCase(Name));
- // if (Result <> nil) and (Result.FieldKind = fkCalculated) and (poAggregate in FParserOptions) then
- // DatabaseErrorFmt(SExprNoAggOnCalcs, [Result.FieldName]);
- // if (poFieldDepend in FParserOptions) and (Result <> nil) and
- // (FDependentFields <> nil) then
- // FDependentFields[Result.FieldNo-1] := True;
- end;
- {TVKDBFExprParser}
- constructor TVKDBFExprParser.Create(DataSet: TDataSet; const Text: string;
- Options: TFilterOptions; ParserOptions: TParserOptions; const FieldName: string;
- DepFields: TBits; FieldMap: TFieldMap);
- begin
- FFieldMap := FieldMap;
- FStrTrue := STextTrue;
- FStrFalse := STextFalse;
- FDataSet := DataSet;
- FDependentFields := DepFields;
- FIndexKeyValue := false;
- FFilter := TVKDBFFilterExpr.Create(DataSet, Options, ParserOptions, FieldName,
- DepFields, FieldMap);
- if Text <> '' then
- SetExprParams(Text, Options, ParserOptions, FieldName);
- FFields := nil;
- FKeyFromValues := false;
- FFC := #$20; //' '
- end;
- destructor TVKDBFExprParser.Destroy;
- begin
- FFilter.Free;
- end;
- procedure TVKDBFExprParser.SetExprParams(const Text: string; Options: TFilterOptions;
- ParserOptions: TParserOptions; const FieldName: string);
- var
- Root, DefField: PDBFExprNode;
- begin
- FParserOptions := ParserOptions;
- if FFilter <> nil then
- FFilter.Free;
- FFilter := TVKDBFFilterExpr.Create(FDataSet, Options, ParserOptions, FieldName,
- FDependentFields, FFieldMap);
- FText := Text;
- FSourcePtr := PChar(Text);
- FFieldName := FieldName;
- NextToken;
- Root := nil;
- if FToken <> etEnd then Root := ParseExpr;
- FValue := NULL;
- if Root <> nil then begin
- if FToken <> etEnd then DatabaseError(SExprTermination);
- if (poAggregate in FParserOptions) and (Root^.FScopeKind <> skAgg) then
- DatabaseError(SExprNotAgg);
- if (not (poAggregate in FParserOptions)) and (Root^.FScopeKind = skAgg) then
- DatabaseError(SExprNoAggFilter);
- if poDefaultExpr in ParserOptions then
- begin
- DefField := FFilter.NewNode(enField, coNOTDEFINED, FFieldName, nil, nil);
- if (IsTemporal(DefField^.FDataType) and (Root^.FDataType in StringFieldTypes)) or
- ((DefField^.FDataType = ftBoolean ) and (Root^.FDataType in StringFieldTypes)) then
- Root^.FDataType := DefField^.FDataType;
- if not ((IsTemporal(DefField^.FDataType) and IsTemporal(Root^.FDataType))
- or (IsNumeric(DefField^.FDataType) and IsNumeric(Root^.FDataType))
- or ((DefField^.FDataType in StringFieldTypes) and (Root^.FDataType in StringFieldTypes))
- or ((DefField^.FDataType = ftBoolean) and (Root^.FDataType = ftBoolean))) then
- DatabaseError(SExprTypeMis);
- Root := FFilter.NewNode(enOperator, coASSIGN, Unassigned, Root, DefField);
- end;
- if not (poAggregate in FParserOptions) and not(poDefaultExpr in ParserOptions)
- and (Root^.FDataType <> ftBoolean ) then
- DatabaseError(SExprIncorrect);
- FValue := Execute(Root);
- end;
- FLastRoot := Root;
- end;
- procedure TVKDBFExprParser.SetExprParams1(const Text: string;
- Options: TFilterOptions; ParserOptions: TParserOptions;
- const FieldName: string);
- var
- Root: PDBFExprNode;
- begin
- FParserOptions := ParserOptions;
- if FFilter <> nil then
- FFilter.Free;
- FFilter := TVKDBFFilterExpr.Create(FDataSet, Options, ParserOptions, FieldName,
- FDependentFields, FFieldMap);
- FText := Text;
- FSourcePtr := PChar(Text);
- FFieldName := FieldName;
- NextToken;
- Root := nil;
- if FToken <> etEnd then Root := ParseExpr;
- if Root <> nil then
- if FToken <> etEnd then DatabaseError(SExprTermination);
- FLastRoot := Root;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.NextTokenIsLParen : Boolean;
- var
- P : PChar;
- begin
- P := FSourcePtr;
- while (P^ <> #0) and (P^ <= ' ') do Inc(P);
- Result := P^ = '(';
- end;
- procedure TVKDBFExprParser.NextToken;
- type
- ASet = Set of Char;
- var
- P, TokenStart: PChar;
- L: Integer;
- StrBuf: array[0..255] of Char;
- function IsKatakana(const Chr: Byte): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (SysLocale.PriLangID = LANG_JAPANESE) and (Chr in [$A1..$DF]);
- end;
- procedure Skip(TheSet: ASet);
- begin
- while TRUE do
- begin
- if P^ in LeadBytes then
- Inc(P, 2)
- else if (P^ in TheSet) or IsKatakana(Byte(P^)) then
- Inc(P)
- else
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Litr(ltr: Char);
- begin
- Inc(P);
- L := 0;
- while True do
- begin
- if P^ = #0 then DatabaseError(SExprStringError);
- if P^ = ltr then
- begin
- Inc(P);
- if P^ <> ltr then Break;
- end;
- if L < SizeOf(StrBuf) then
- begin
- StrBuf[L] := P^;
- Inc(L);
- end;
- Inc(P);
- end;
- SetString(FTokenString, StrBuf, L);
- FToken := etLiteral;
- FNumericLit := False;
- end;
- begin
- FPrevToken := FToken;
- FTokenString := '';
- P := FSourcePtr;
- while (P^ <> #0) and (P^ <= ' ') do Inc(P);
- if (P^ <> #0) and (P^ = '/') and (P[1] <> #0) and (P[1] = '*')then
- begin
- P := P + 2;
- while (P^ <> #0) and (P^ <> '*') do Inc(P);
- if (P^ = '*') and (P[1] <> #0) and (P[1] = '/') then
- P := P + 2
- else
- DatabaseErrorFmt(SExprInvalidChar, [P^]);
- end;
- while (P^ <> #0) and (P^ <= ' ') do Inc(P);
- FTokenPtr := P;
- case P^ of
- 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_', #$81..#$fe:
- begin
- TokenStart := P;
- if not SysLocale.FarEast then
- begin
- Inc(P);
- while P^ in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '.', '[', ']'] do Inc(P);
- end
- else
- Skip(['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '.', '[', ']']);
- SetString(FTokenString, TokenStart, P - TokenStart);
- FToken := etSymbol;
- if CompareText(FTokenString, 'LIKE') = 0 then { do not localize }
- FToken := etLIKE
- else if CompareText(FTokenString, 'IN') = 0 then { do not localize }
- FToken := etIN
- else if CompareText(FTokenString, 'IS') = 0 then { do not localize }
- begin
- while (P^ <> #0) and (P^ <= ' ') do Inc(P);
- TokenStart := P;
- Skip(['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z']);
- SetString(FTokenString, TokenStart, P - TokenStart);
- if CompareText(FTokenString, 'NOT')= 0 then { do not localize }
- begin
- while (P^ <> #0) and (P^ <= ' ') do Inc(P);
- TokenStart := P;
- Skip(['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z']);
- SetString(FTokenString, TokenStart, P - TokenStart);
- if CompareText(FTokenString, 'NULL') = 0 then
- FToken := etISNOTNULL
- else
- DatabaseError(SInvalidKeywordUse);
- end
- else if CompareText (FTokenString, 'NULL') = 0 then { do not localize }
- begin
- FToken := etISNULL;
- end
- else
- DatabaseError(SInvalidKeywordUse);
- end;
- end;
- '[':
- begin
- Inc(P);
- TokenStart := P;
- P := AnsiStrScan(P, ']');
- if P = nil then DatabaseError(SExprNameError);
- SetString(FTokenString, TokenStart, P - TokenStart);
- FToken := etName;
- Inc(P);
- end;
- '''': Litr('''');
- '"': Litr('"');
- '-', '0'..'9':
- begin
- if (FPrevToken <> etLiteral) and (FPrevToken <> etName) and
- (FPrevToken <> etSymbol)and (FPrevToken <> etRParen) then
- begin
- TokenStart := P;
- Inc(P);
- while (P^ in ['0'..'9', '.', 'e', 'E', '+', '-']) do
- Inc(P);
- //if ((P-1)^ = ',') and (DecimalSeparator = ',') and (P^ = ' ') then
- // Dec(P);
- SetString(FTokenString, TokenStart, P - TokenStart);
- FToken := etLiteral;
- FNumericLit := True;
- end
- else
- begin
- FToken := etSUB;
- Inc(P);
- end;
- end;
- '(':
- begin
- Inc(P);
- FToken := etLParen;
- end;
- ')':
- begin
- Inc(P);
- FToken := etRParen;
- end;
- '<':
- begin
- Inc(P);
- case P^ of
- '=':
- begin
- Inc(P);
- FToken := etLE;
- end;
- '>':
- begin
- Inc(P);
- FToken := etNE;
- end;
- else
- FToken := etLT;
- end;
- end;
- '=':
- begin
- Inc(P);
- FToken := etEQ;
- end;
- '>':
- begin
- Inc(P);
- if P^ = '=' then
- begin
- Inc(P);
- FToken := etGE;
- end else
- FToken := etGT;
- end;
- '+':
- begin
- Inc(P);
- FToken := etADD;
- end;
- '*':
- begin
- Inc(P);
- FToken := etMUL;
- end;
- '/':
- begin
- Inc(P);
- FToken := etDIV;
- end;
- ',':
- begin
- Inc(P);
- FToken := etComma;
- end;
- #0:
- FToken := etEnd;
- '.':
- begin
- TokenStart := P;
- Skip(['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '.', '[', ']']);
- SetString(FTokenString, TokenStart, P - TokenStart);
- if CompareText(FTokenString, '.T.') = 0 then FTokenString := 'TRUE';
- if CompareText(FTokenString, '.F.') = 0 then FTokenString := 'FALSE';
- if CompareText(FTokenString, '.AND.') = 0 then FTokenString := 'AND';
- if CompareText(FTokenString, '.OR.') = 0 then FTokenString := 'OR';
- if CompareText(FTokenString, '.XOR.') = 0 then FTokenString := 'XOR';
- if CompareText(FTokenString, '.NOT.') = 0 then FTokenString := 'NOT';
- FToken := etSymbol;
- end;
- '!':
- begin
- Inc(P);
- FTokenString := 'NOT';
- FToken := etSymbol;
- end;
- else
- DatabaseErrorFmt(SExprInvalidChar, [P^]);
- end;
- FSourcePtr := P;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.ParseExpr: PDBFExprNode;
- begin
- Result := ParseExpr2;
- while TokenSymbolIs('OR') do
- begin
- NextToken;
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enOperator, coOR, Unassigned,
- Result, ParseExpr2);
- GetScopeKind(Result, Result^.FLeft, Result^.FRight);
- Result^.FDataType := ftBoolean;
- end;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.ParseExpr2: PDBFExprNode;
- begin
- Result := ParseExpr3;
- while TokenSymbolIs('AND') do
- begin
- NextToken;
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enOperator, coAND, Unassigned,
- Result, ParseExpr3);
- GetScopeKind(Result, Result^.FLeft, Result^.FRight);
- Result^.FDataType := ftBoolean;
- end;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.ParseExpr3: PDBFExprNode;
- begin
- if TokenSymbolIs('NOT') then
- begin
- NextToken;
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enOperator, coNOT, Unassigned,
- ParseExpr4, nil);
- Result^.FDataType := ftBoolean;
- end else
- Result := ParseExpr4;
- GetScopeKind(Result, Result^.FLeft, Result^.FRight);
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.ParseExpr4: PDBFExprNode;
- const
- Operators: array[etEQ..etLT] of TCANOperator = (
- coEQ, coNE, coGE, coLE, coGT, coLT);
- var
- Operator: TCANOperator;
- Left, Right: PDBFExprNode;
- begin
- Result := ParseExpr5;
- if (FToken in [etEQ..etLT]) or (FToken = etLIKE)
- or (FToken = etISNULL) or (FToken = etISNOTNULL)
- or (FToken = etIN) then
- begin
- case FToken of
- etEQ..etLT:
- Operator := Operators[FToken];
- etLIKE:
- Operator := coLIKE;
- Operator := coISBLANK;
- Operator := coNOTBLANK;
- etIN:
- Operator := coIN;
- else
- Operator := coNOTDEFINED;
- end;
- NextToken;
- Left := Result;
- if Operator = coIN then
- begin
- if FToken <> etLParen then
- DatabaseErrorFmt(SExprNoLParen, [TokenName]);
- NextToken;
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enOperator, coIN, Unassigned,
- Left, nil);
- Result.FDataType := ftBoolean;
- if FToken <> etRParen then
- begin
- Result.FArgs := TList.Create;
- repeat
- Right := ParseExpr;
- if IsTemporal(Left.FDataType) then
- Right.FDataType := Left.FDataType;
- Result.FArgs.Add(Right);
- if (FToken <> etComma) and (FToken <> etRParen) then
- DatabaseErrorFmt(SExprNoRParenOrComma, [TokenName]);
- if FToken = etComma then NextToken;
- until (FToken = etRParen) or (FToken = etEnd);
- if FToken <> etRParen then
- DatabaseErrorFmt(SExprNoRParen, [TokenName]);
- NextToken;
- end else
- DatabaseError(SExprEmptyInList);
- end else
- begin
- if (Operator <> coISBLANK) and (Operator <> coNOTBLANK) then
- Right := ParseExpr5
- else
- Right := nil;
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enOperator, Operator, Unassigned,
- Left, Right);
- if Right <> nil then
- begin
- if (Left^.FKind = enField) and (Right^.FKind = enConst) then
- begin
- Right^.FDataType := Left^.FDataType;
- Right^.FDataSize := Left^.FDataSize;
- end
- else if (Right^.FKind = enField) and (Left^.FKind = enConst) then
- begin
- Left^.FDataType := Right^.FDataType;
- Left^.FDataSize := Right^.FDataSize;
- end;
- end;
- if (Left^.FDataType in BlobFieldTypes) and (Operator = coLIKE) then
- begin
- if Right^.FKind = enConst then Right^.FDataType := ftString;
- end
- else if (Operator <> coISBLANK) and (Operator <> coNOTBLANK)
- and ((Left^.FDataType in (BlobFieldTypes + [ftBytes])) or
- ((Right <> nil) and (Right^.FDataType in (BlobFieldTypes + [ftBytes])))) then
- DatabaseError(SExprTypeMis);
- Result.FDataType := ftBoolean;
- if Right <> nil then
- begin
- if IsTemporal(Left.FDataType) and (Right.FDataType in StringFieldTypes) then
- Right.FDataType := Left.FDataType
- else if IsTemporal(Right.FDataType) and (Left.FDataType in StringFieldTypes) then
- Left.FDataType := Right.FDataType;
- end;
- GetScopeKind(Result, Left, Right);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.ParseExpr5: PDBFExprNode;
- const
- Operators: array[etADD..etDIV] of TCANOperator = (
- coADD, coSUB, coMUL, coDIV);
- var
- Operator: TCANOperator;
- Left, Right: PDBFExprNode;
- begin
- Result := ParseExpr6;
- while FToken in [etADD, etSUB] do
- begin
- if not (poExtSyntax in FParserOptions) then
- DatabaseError(SExprNoArith);
- Operator := Operators[FToken];
- Left := Result;
- NextToken;
- Right := ParseExpr6;
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enOperator, Operator, Unassigned, Left, Right);
- TypeCheckArithOp(Result);
- GetScopeKind(Result, Left, Right);
- end;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.ParseExpr6: PDBFExprNode;
- const
- Operators: array[etADD..etDIV] of TCANOperator = (
- coADD, coSUB, coMUL, coDIV);
- var
- Operator: TCANOperator;
- Left, Right: PDBFExprNode;
- begin
- Result := ParseExpr7;
- while FToken in [etMUL, etDIV] do
- begin
- if not (poExtSyntax in FParserOptions) then
- DatabaseError(SExprNoArith);
- Operator := Operators[FToken];
- Left := Result;
- NextToken;
- Right := ParseExpr7;
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enOperator, Operator, Unassigned, Left, Right);
- TypeCheckArithOp(Result);
- GetScopeKind(Result, Left, Right);
- end;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.ParseExpr7: PDBFExprNode;
- var
- FuncName: string;
- begin
- case FToken of
- etSymbol:
- if (poExtSyntax in FParserOptions)
- and NextTokenIsLParen and TokenSymbolIsFunc(FTokenString) then
- begin
- Funcname := FTokenString;
- NextToken;
- if FToken <> etLParen then
- DatabaseErrorFmt(SExprNoLParen, [TokenName]);
- NextToken;
- if (CompareText(FuncName,'count') = 0) and (FToken = etMUL) then
- begin
- FuncName := 'COUNT(*)';
- NextToken;
- end;
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enFunc, coNOTDEFINED, FuncName,
- nil, nil);
- if FToken <> etRParen then
- begin
- Result.FArgs := TList.Create;
- repeat
- Result.FArgs.Add(ParseExpr);
- if (FToken <> etComma) and (FToken <> etRParen) then
- DatabaseErrorFmt(SExprNoRParenOrComma, [TokenName]);
- if FToken = etComma then NextToken;
- until (FToken = etRParen) or (FToken = etEnd);
- end else
- Result.FArgs := nil;
- GetFuncResultInfo(Result);
- end
- else if TokenSymbolIs('NULL') then
- begin
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enConst, coNOTDEFINED, Null, nil, nil);
- Result.FScopeKind := skConst;
- end
- else if TokenSymbolIs(FStrTrue) then
- begin
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enConst, coNOTDEFINED, True, nil, nil);
- Result.FScopeKind := skConst;
- end
- else if TokenSymbolIs(FStrFalse) then
- begin
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enConst, coNOTDEFINED, False, nil, nil);
- Result.FScopeKind := skConst;
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enField, coNOTDEFINED, FTokenString, nil, nil);
- Result.FScopeKind := skField;
- end;
- etName:
- begin
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enField, coNOTDEFINED, FTokenString, nil, nil);
- Result.FScopeKind := skField;
- end;
- etLiteral:
- begin
- if FNumericLit then begin
- if DecimalSeparator <> '.' then
- FTokenString := StringReplace(FTokenString, '.', DecimalSeparator, []);
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enConst, coNOTDEFINED, FTokenString, nil, nil);
- Result^.FDataType := ftFloat;
- end else begin
- Result := FFilter.NewNode(enConst, coNOTDEFINED, FTokenString, nil, nil);
- Result^.FDataType := ftString;
- end;
- Result.FScopeKind := skConst;
- end;
- etLParen:
- begin
- NextToken;
- Result := ParseExpr;
- if FToken <> etRParen then DatabaseErrorFmt(SExprNoRParen, [TokenName]);
- end;
- else
- DatabaseErrorFmt(SExprExpected, [TokenName]);
- Result := nil;
- end;
- NextToken;
- end;
- procedure TVKDBFExprParser.GetScopeKind(Root, Left, Right : PDBFExprNode);
- begin
- if (Left = nil) and (Right = nil) then Exit;
- if Right = nil then
- begin
- Root.FScopeKind := Left.FScopeKind;
- Exit;
- end;
- if ((Left^.FScopeKind = skField) and (Right^.FScopeKind = skAgg))
- or ((Left^.FScopeKind = skAgg) and (Right^.FScopeKind = skField)) then
- DatabaseError(SExprBadScope);
- if (Left^.FScopeKind = skConst) and (Right^.FScopeKind = skConst) then
- Root^.FScopeKind := skConst
- else if (Left^.FScopeKind = skAgg) or (Right^.FScopeKind = skAgg) then
- Root^.FScopeKind := skAgg
- else if (Left^.FScopeKind = skField) or (Right^.FScopeKind = skField) then
- Root^.FScopeKind := skField;
- end;
- procedure TVKDBFExprParser.GetFuncResultInfo(Node : PDBFExprNode);
- begin
- Node^.FDataType := ftString;
- if (CompareText(Node^.FData, 'COUNT(*)') <> 0 )
- and (CompareText(Node^.FData,'GETDATE') <> 0 )
- and ( (Node^.FArgs = nil ) or ( Node^.FArgs.Count = 0) ) then
- DatabaseError(SExprTypeMis);
- if (Node^.FArgs <> nil) and (Node^.FArgs.Count > 0) then
- Node^.FScopeKind := PDBFExprNode(Node^.FArgs.Items[0])^.FScopeKind;
- if (CompareText(Node^.FData , 'SUM') = 0) or
- (CompareText(Node^.FData , 'AVG') = 0) then
- begin
- Node^.FDataType := ftFloat;
- Node^.FScopeKind := skAgg;
- end
- else if (CompareText(Node^.FData , 'MIN') = 0) or
- (CompareText(Node^.FData , 'MAX') = 0) then
- begin
- Node^.FDataType := PDBFExprNode(Node^.FArgs.Items[0])^.FDataType;
- Node^.FScopeKind := skAgg;
- end
- else if (CompareText(Node^.FData , 'COUNT') = 0) or
- (CompareText(Node^.FData , 'COUNT(*)') = 0) then
- begin
- Node^.FDataType := ftInteger;
- Node^.FScopeKind := skAgg;
- end
- else if (CompareText(Node^.FData , 'YEAR') = 0) or
- (CompareText(Node^.FData , 'MONTH') = 0) or
- (CompareText(Node^.FData , 'DAY') = 0) or
- (CompareText(Node^.FData , 'HOUR') = 0) or
- (CompareText(Node^.FData , 'MINUTE') = 0) or
- (CompareText(Node^.FData , 'SECOND') = 0 ) then
- begin
- Node^.FDataType := ftInteger;
- Node^.FScopeKind := PDBFExprNode(Node^.FArgs.Items[0])^.FScopeKind;
- end
- else if CompareText(Node^.FData , 'GETDATE') = 0 then
- begin
- Node^.FDataType := ftDateTime;
- Node^.FScopeKind := skConst;
- end
- else if CompareText(Node^.FData , 'DATE') = 0 then
- begin
- Node^.FDataType := ftDate;
- Node^.FScopeKind := PDBFExprNode(Node^.FArgs.Items[0])^.FScopeKind;
- end
- else if CompareText(Node^.FData , 'TIME') = 0 then
- begin
- Node^.FDataType := ftTime;
- Node^.FScopeKind := PDBFExprNode(Node^.FArgs.Items[0])^.FScopeKind;
- end;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.TokenName: string;
- begin
- if FSourcePtr = FTokenPtr then Result := SExprNothing else
- begin
- SetString(Result, FTokenPtr, FSourcePtr - FTokenPtr);
- Result := '''' + Result + '''';
- end;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.TokenSymbolIs(const S: string): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (FToken = etSymbol) and (CompareText(FTokenString, S) = 0);
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.TokenSymbolIsFunc(const S: string) : Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (CompareText(S, 'UPPER') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'LOWER') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'SUBSTRING') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'SUBSTR') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'ALLTRIM') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'TRIM') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'TRIMLEFT') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'LTRIM') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'TRIMRIGHT') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'RTRIM') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'DTOS') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'DTTOS') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'STR') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'YEAR') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'MONTH') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'DAY') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'HOUR') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'MINUTE') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'SECOND') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'GETDATE') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'DATE') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'TIME') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'IF') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'IIF') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'LEFT') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'RIGHT') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'SPACE') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'STRZERO') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'SUM') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'MIN') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'MAX') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'AVG') = 0) or
- (CompareText(S, 'COUNT') = 0);
- end;
- procedure TVKDBFExprParser.TypeCheckArithOp(Node: PDBFExprNode);
- begin
- with Node^ do
- begin
- if IsNumeric(FLeft.FDataType) and IsNumeric(FRight.FDataType) then
- FDataType := ftFloat
- else if (FLeft.FDataType in StringFieldTypes) and
- (FRight.FDataType in StringFieldTypes) and (FOperator = coADD) then
- FDataType := ftString
- else if IsTemporal(FLeft.FDataType) and IsNumeric(FRight.FDataType) and
- (FOperator = coADD) then
- FDataType := ftDateTime
- else if IsTemporal(FLeft.FDataType) and IsNumeric(FRight.FDataType) and
- (FOperator = coSUB) then
- FDataType := FLeft.FDataType
- else if IsTemporal(FLeft.FDataType) and IsTemporal(FRight.FDataType) and
- (FOperator = coSUB) then
- FDataType := ftFloat
- else if (FLeft.FDataType in StringFieldTypes) and IsTemporal(FRight.FDataType) and
- (FOperator = coSUB) then
- begin
- FLeft.FDataType := FRight.FDataType;
- FDataType := ftFloat;
- end
- else if ( FLeft.FDataType in StringFieldTypes) and IsNumeric(FRight.FDataType )and
- (FLeft.FKind = enConst) then
- FLeft.FDataType := ftDateTime
- else
- DatabaseError(SExprTypeMis);
- end;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.Execute(Root: PDBFExprNode): Variant;
- function EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode: PDBFExprNode): Variant;
- var
- V: PDBFExprNode;
- l, r, Vr: Variant;
- i, j, k: Integer;
- S, S1: String;
- Year, Month, Day: Word;
- Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word;
- dt: TDateTime;
- ff: boolean;
- Code: Integer;
- kk: Int64;
- function VarIsString(const V: Variant): Boolean;
- var
- tp: Integer;
- begin
- tp := VarType(l);
- Result := (tp = varString) or (tp = varOleStr);
- end;
- procedure UpperCaseLR;
- begin
- if VarIsString(l) then
- l := AnsiUpperCase(l);
- if VarIsString(r) then
- r := AnsiUpperCase(r);
- end;
- function PartialEQ(AForce: Boolean): Boolean;
- var
- sL, sR: String;
- ln, lnL, lnR: Integer;
- partial: Boolean;
- begin
- if VarIsString(l) and VarIsString(r) then begin
- sL := l;
- sR := r;
- lnL := Length(sL);
- lnR := Length(sR);
- if l <> '' then begin
- partial := False;
- if sL[lnL] = '*' then begin
- partial := True;
- Dec(lnL);
- end;
- if r <> '' then begin
- if sR[lnR] = '*' then begin
- partial := True;
- Dec(lnR);
- end;
- if partial or AForce then begin
- ln := lnR;
- if ln > lnL then
- ln := lnL;
- if (foCaseInsensitive in FOptions) then
- Result := AnsiStrLIComp(PChar(sL), PChar(sR), ln) = 0
- else
- Result := AnsiStrLComp(PChar(sL), PChar(sR), ln) = 0;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (foCaseInsensitive in FOptions) then
- Result := AnsiCompareText(sL, sR) = 0
- else
- Result := sL = Sr;
- end
- else begin
- UpperCaseLR;
- Result := l = r;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Result := Unassigned;
- case ANode^.FKind of
- enField:
- begin
- if not FKeyFromValues then
- Result := (ANode^.FField).Value
- else begin
- ff := false;
- for i:=0 to FFields.Count - 1 do
- if TField(FFields[i]).FieldName = (ANode^.FField).FieldName then begin
- if VarIsArray(FKeyValues) then begin
- if (VarArrayLowBound(FKeyValues, 1) <= i) and (i <= VarArrayHighBound(FKeyValues, 1)) then
- Result := FKeyValues[i]
- else
- Result := Null;
- end else
- Result := FKeyValues;
- if (not VarIsNull(Result)) then
- case TField(FFields[i]).DataType of
- ftString, ftFixedChar : Result := VarAsType(Result, varString);
- ftWideString : Result := VarAsType(Result, varOleStr);
- ftSmallint : Result := VarAsType(Result, varSmallint);
- ftInteger, ftWord, ftAutoInc : Result := VarAsType(Result, varInteger);
- ftLargeint :
- begin
- Val(Result, kk, code);
- if code <> 0 then
- Result := Null
- else begin
- {$IFDEF VER130}
- TVarData(Vr).VType := VT_DECIMAL;
- Decimal(Vr).lo64 := kk;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER140}
- Vr := kk;
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := Vr;
- end;
- end;
- ftBoolean : Result := VarAsType(Result, varBoolean);
- ftFloat : Result := VarAsType(Result, varDouble);
- ftCurrency, ftBCD : Result := VarAsType(Result, varCurrency);
- ftDate, ftTime, ftDateTime : Result := VarAsType(Result, varDate);
- end;
- ff := true;
- if (not VarIsNull(Result)) and (ANode^.FDataType in [ftString, ftFixedChar, ftWideString]) and (Length(Result) < ANode^.FDataLen) then
- Result := Result + StringOfChar(' ', ANode^.FDataLen - Length(Result));
- break;
- end;
- if not ff then Result := Null;
- end;
- if FIndexKeyValue then begin
- if ANode^.FDataType in [ftFloat, ftCurrency] then begin
- ANode^.FDataLen := TVKSmartDBF((ANode^.FField).DataSet).GetLen(ANode^.FField);
- ANode^.FDataPrec := TVKSmartDBF((ANode^.FField).DataSet).GetPrec(ANode^.FField);
- end else begin
- ANode^.FDataLen := TVKSmartDBF((ANode^.FField).DataSet).GetLen(ANode^.FField);
- ANode^.FDataPrec := 0;
- end;
- if VarIsNull(Result) then begin
- case ANode^.FDataType of
- ftString, ftWideString: Result := StringOfChar(FFC, ANode^.FDataSize);
- ftFloat, ftLargeint, ftInteger, ftWord, ftCurrency, ftBCD, ftSmallint: Result := 0;
- ftBoolean: Result := false;
- //ftDateTime: Result := StringOfChar(FFC, 8);
- end;
- end else
- if ANode^.FDataType in [ftString, ftWideString] then
- if Length(Result) < ANode^.FDataSize then
- Result := Result + StringOfChar(FFC, ANode^.FDataSize - Length(Result));
- end;
- end;
- enConst:
- Result := ANode^.FData;
- enOperator:
- case ANode^.FOperator of
- begin
- (ANode^.FRight^.FField).Value :=
- EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FLeft);
- Result := (ANode^.FRight^.FField).Value;
- end;
- coOR:
- Result := Boolean(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FLeft)) or
- Boolean(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FRight));
- coAND:
- Result := Boolean(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FLeft)) and
- Boolean(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FRight));
- coNOT:
- Result := not Boolean(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FLeft));
- coEQ, coNE, coGE, coLE, coGT, coLT:
- begin
- l := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FLeft);
- r := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FRight);
- if (foCaseInsensitive in FOptions) and
- not (foNoPartialCompare in FOptions) then
- UpperCaseLR;
- case ANode^.FOperator of
- coEQ:
- if foNoPartialCompare in FOptions then
- Result := l = r
- else
- Result := PartialEQ(ANode^.FPartial);
- coNE: Result := l <> r;
- coGE: Result := l >= r;
- coLE: Result := l <= r;
- coGT: Result := l > r;
- coLT: Result := l < r;
- end;
- end;
- coLIKE:
- begin
- Result := LikeOperator( EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FLeft), EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FRight),
- foCaseInsensitive in FOptions, '%', '_');
- end;
- begin
- if ANode^.FLeft^.FKind = enField then
- Result := ANode^.FLeft^.FField.IsNull
- else
- //Result := StrIsNull(EvaluteNodeValue(ANode^.FLeft));
- Result := VarIsNull(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FLeft));
- if ANode^.FOperator = coNOTBLANK then
- Result := not Result;
- end;
- coIN:
- begin
- Result := False;
- l := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FLeft);
- for i := 0 to ANode^.FArgs.Count - 1 do
- begin
- r := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[i]));
- if foNoPartialCompare in FOptions then
- Result := l = r
- else
- Result := PartialEQ(ANode^.FPartial);
- if Result then Break;
- end;
- end;
- coADD:
- begin
- Result := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FLeft) + EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FRight);
- if FIndexKeyValue then begin
- if ANode^.FLeft.FDataLen > ANode^.FRight.FDataLen then
- ANode^.FDataLen := ANode^.FLeft.FDataLen + 1
- else
- ANode^.FDataLen := ANode^.FRight.FDataLen + 1;
- if ANode^.FLeft.FDataPrec > ANode^.FRight.FDataPrec then
- ANode^.FDataPrec := ANode^.FLeft.FDataPrec
- else
- ANode^.FDataPrec := ANode^.FRight.FDataPrec;
- //if ANode^.FDataLen > 14 then ANode^.FDataLen := 14;
- //if ANode^.FDataPrec + 1 > ANode^.FDataLen then ANode^.FDataPrec := ANode^.FDataLen - 3;
- end;
- end;
- coSUB:
- begin
- Result := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FLeft) - EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FRight);
- if FIndexKeyValue then begin
- if ANode^.FLeft.FDataLen > ANode^.FRight.FDataLen then
- ANode^.FDataLen := ANode^.FLeft.FDataLen
- else
- ANode^.FDataLen := ANode^.FRight.FDataLen;
- if ANode^.FLeft.FDataPrec > ANode^.FRight.FDataPrec then
- ANode^.FDataPrec := ANode^.FLeft.FDataPrec
- else
- ANode^.FDataPrec := ANode^.FRight.FDataPrec;
- if ANode^.FDataLen > 14 then ANode^.FDataLen := 14;
- if ANode^.FDataPrec + 1 > ANode^.FDataLen then ANode^.FDataPrec := ANode^.FDataLen - 3;
- end;
- end;
- coMUL:
- begin
- Result := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FLeft) * EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FRight);
- if FIndexKeyValue then begin
- ANode^.FDataLen := ANode^.FLeft.FDataLen + ANode^.FRight.FDataLen;
- ANode^.FDataPrec := ANode^.FLeft.FDataPrec + ANode^.FRight.FDataPrec;
- if ANode^.FDataLen > 14 then ANode^.FDataLen := 14;
- if ANode^.FDataPrec + 1 > ANode^.FDataLen then ANode^.FDataPrec := ANode^.FDataLen - 3;
- end;
- end;
- coDIV:
- begin
- Result := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FLeft) / EvaluteNodeValueComplex(ANode^.FRight);
- if FIndexKeyValue then begin
- if ANode^.FLeft.FDataLen > ANode^.FRight.FDataLen then
- ANode^.FDataLen := ANode^.FLeft.FDataLen
- else
- ANode^.FDataLen := ANode^.FRight.FDataLen;
- if ANode^.FLeft.FDataPrec > ANode^.FRight.FDataPrec then
- ANode^.FDataPrec := ANode^.FLeft.FDataPrec
- else
- ANode^.FDataPrec := ANode^.FRight.FDataPrec;
- if ANode^.FDataLen > 14 then ANode^.FDataLen := 14;
- if ANode^.FDataPrec + 1 > ANode^.FDataLen then ANode^.FDataPrec := ANode^.FDataLen - 3;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- enFunc:
- begin
- S := AnsiUpperCase(ANode^.FData);
- if (CompareText(S, 'UPPER') = 0) then
- Result := AnsiUpperCase(VarToStr(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]))))
- else if (CompareText(S, 'LOWER') = 0) then
- Result := AnsiLowerCase(VarToStr(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]))))
- else if (CompareText(S, 'DTOS') = 0) then begin
- Vr := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]));
- if VarType(Vr) = varDate then begin
- if not VarIsNull(Vr) then
- Result := DtoS(VarToDateTime(Vr))
- else
- Result := StringOfChar(FFC, 8);
- end else
- Result := StringOfChar(FFC, 8);
- end else if (CompareText(S, 'DTTOS') = 0) then begin
- Vr := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]));
- if VarType(Vr) = varDate then begin
- if not VarIsNull(Vr) then
- Result := DTtoS(VarToDateTime(Vr))
- else
- Result := StringOfChar(FFC, 14);
- end else
- Result := StringOfChar(FFC, 14);
- end else if (CompareText(S, 'STR') = 0) then begin
- V := PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]);
- Vr := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(V);
- if not VarIsNull(Vr) then begin
- S1 := '';
- case ANode^.FArgs.Count of
- 1: Str(Vr:V.FDataLen:V.FDataPrec, S1);
- 2:
- begin
- j := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[1]));
- Str(Vr:j:V.FDataPrec, S1);
- end;
- 3:
- begin
- j := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[1]));
- k := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[2]));
- Str(Vr:j:k, S1);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- S1 := StringOfChar(FFC, V.FDataLen);
- Result := S1;
- end else if (CompareText(S, 'STRZERO') = 0) then
- begin
- j := Integer(Trunc(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]))));
- S1 := '';
- case ANode^.FArgs.Count of
- 1:
- begin
- FmtStr(S1, '%d', [j]);
- Result := StringOfChar('0', 10 - Length(S1)) + S1;
- end;
- 2:
- begin
- k := Integer(Trunc(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[1]))));
- FmtStr(S1, '%d', [j]);
- Result := StringOfChar('0', k - Length(S1)) + S1;
- end;
- end;
- end else if (CompareText(S, 'SPACE') = 0) then
- begin
- Result := StringOfChar(FFC, Integer(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]))));
- end else if (CompareText(S, 'RIGHT') = 0) then
- begin
- S1 := VarToStr(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0])));
- j := Integer(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[1])));
- k := Length(S1) - j + 1;
- if k <= 0 then k := 1;
- Result := Copy(S1, k, j);
- end else if (CompareText(S, 'LEFT') = 0) then
- begin
- S1 := VarToStr(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0])));
- Result := Copy(S1, 1, Integer(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[1]))));
- end else if ((CompareText(S, 'IF') = 0) or (CompareText(S, 'IIF') = 0)) then
- begin
- if EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0])) then
- Result := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[1]))
- else
- Result := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[2]));
- end else if ((CompareText(S, 'SUBSTRING') = 0) or (CompareText(S, 'SUBSTR') = 0)) then
- begin
- S1 := VarToStr(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0])));
- Result := Copy(S1, Integer(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[1]))),
- Integer(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[2]))));
- end else if ( CompareText(S, 'ALLTRIM') = 0 ) then
- Result := Trim(VarToStr(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]))))
- else if ((CompareText(S, 'TRIMLEFT') = 0) or (CompareText(S, 'LTRIM') = 0)) then
- Result := TrimLeft(VarToStr(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]))))
- else if ((CompareText(S, 'TRIMRIGHT') = 0) or (CompareText(S, 'RTRIM') = 0) or (CompareText(S, 'TRIM') = 0)) then
- Result := TrimRight(VarToStr(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]))))
- else if (CompareText(S, 'YEAR') = 0) then
- begin
- DecodeDate(VarToDateTime(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]))), Year, Month, Day);
- Result := Year;
- end else if (CompareText(S, 'MONTH') = 0) then
- begin
- DecodeDate(VarToDateTime(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]))), Year, Month, Day);
- Result := Month;
- end else if (CompareText(S, 'DAY') = 0) then
- begin
- DecodeDate(VarToDateTime(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]))), Year, Month, Day);
- Result := Day;
- end else if (CompareText(S, 'HOUR') = 0) then
- begin
- DecodeTime(VarToDateTime(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]))), Hour, Min, Sec, MSec);
- Result := Hour;
- end else if (CompareText(S, 'MINUTE') = 0) then
- begin
- DecodeTime(VarToDateTime(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]))), Hour, Min, Sec, MSec);
- Result := Min;
- end else if (CompareText(S, 'SECOND') = 0) then
- begin
- DecodeTime(VarToDateTime(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]))), Hour, Min, Sec, MSec);
- Result := Sec;
- end else if (CompareText(S, 'GETDATE') = 0) then
- Result := StrToDate(VarToStr(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0]))))
- else if (CompareText(S, 'DATE') = 0) then
- Result := Integer(Trunc(VarToDateTime(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0])))))
- else if (CompareText(S, 'TIME') = 0) then
- begin
- dt := VarToDateTime(EvaluteNodeValueComplex(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[0])));
- Result := dt - Trunc(dt);
- end;
- {(CompareText(S, 'SUM') = 0)
- (CompareText(S, 'MIN') = 0)
- (CompareText(S, 'MAX') = 0)
- (CompareText(S, 'AVG') = 0)
- (CompareText(S, 'COUNT') = 0)}
- end;
- else
- Result := Null;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Result := EvaluteNodeValueComplex(Root);
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.Execute: Variant;
- begin
- FValue := Null;
- if FLastRoot <> nil then
- FValue := Execute(FLastRoot);
- Result := FValue;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.EvaluteKey: String;
- var
- sign: boolean;
- vType: Integer;
- i64: Int64;
- begin
- FValue := Null;
- if FLastRoot <> nil then
- FValue := Execute(FLastRoot);
- vType := VarType(FValue);
- {$IFDEF VER130}
- if (vType = 14) then begin
- i64 := Decimal(FValue).lo64;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER140}
- if (vType = varInt64) then begin
- i64 := FValue;
- {$ENDIF}
- if i64 >= 0 then
- sign := false
- else begin
- sign := true;
- i64 := -i64;
- end;
- FmtStr(Result, '%d', [i64]);
- Result := StringOfChar('0', FLastRoot.FDataLen - Length(Result)) + Result;
- if sign then
- ReplSign(Result);
- end else if (vType in [varDouble, varInteger, varSmallint, varSingle, varCurrency] ) then begin
- if FValue >= 0 then
- sign := false
- else begin
- sign := true;
- FValue := -FValue;
- end;
- // use $U- for escape GPF
- Str(FValue:FLastRoot.FDataLen:FLastRoot.FDataPrec, Result);
- //
- ReplBlanks(Result);
- if sign then
- ReplSign(Result);
- end else if (vType = varBoolean) then begin
- if FValue then
- Result := 'T'
- else
- Result := 'F';
- end else if (vType = varDate) then begin
- case FLastRoot.FDataType of
- ftDate: Result := DtoS(VarToDateTime(FValue));
- ftTime: Result := TtoS(VarToDateTime(FValue));
- ftDateTime: Result := DTtoS(VarToDateTime(FValue));
- else
- Result := DtoS(VarToDateTime(FValue))
- end;
- end else if ((vType = varEmpty) or (vType = varNull)) then begin
- Result := StringOfChar(FFC, FLastRoot.FDataLen);
- end else
- Result := VarToStr(FValue);
- FKey := Result;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.SuiteFieldList(fl: String; out m: Integer): Integer;
- var
- fs, fn: String;
- fc: Integer;
- q: boolean;
- procedure SuiteFieldListInternal(ANode: PDBFExprNode);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- case ANode^.FKind of
- enField:
- begin
- Inc(m);
- if not q then begin
- fn := UpperCase((ANode^.FField).FieldName);
- if Pos(fn, fs) <> 0 then
- Inc(fc)
- else
- q := true;
- end;
- end;
- enOperator, enFunc:
- begin
- if ANode^.FLeft <> nil then
- SuiteFieldListInternal(ANode^.FLeft);
- if ANode^.FRight <> nil then
- SuiteFieldListInternal(ANode^.FRight);
- if ANode^.FArgs <> nil then
- for i := 0 to ANode^.FArgs.Count - 1 do
- if ANode^.FArgs.Items[i] <> nil then
- SuiteFieldListInternal(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[i]));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- fs := UpperCase(fl);
- fc := 0;
- m := 0;
- q := false;
- if FLastRoot <> nil then SuiteFieldListInternal(FLastRoot);
- Result := fc;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.EvaluteKey(const KeyFields: string;
- const KeyValues: Variant; const CF: Char = #$20): String;
- begin
- if CF <> #$20 then FFC := CF;
- FFields := TList.Create;
- FKeyValues := KeyValues;
- FKeyFromValues := true;
- try
- FDataSet.GetFieldList(FFields, KeyFields);
- Result := EvaluteKey;
- finally
- FKeyFromValues := false;
- FFC := #$20;
- FFields.Free;
- FFields := nil;
- end;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.GetDataLen: Integer;
- begin
- Result := FLastRoot.FDataLen;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.GetDataPrec: Integer;
- begin
- Result := FLastRoot.FDataPrec;
- end;
- function TVKDBFExprParser.GetFieldList: String;
- var
- lResult: String;
- procedure GetFieldListInternal(ANode: PDBFExprNode);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- case ANode^.FKind of
- enField: lResult := lResult + UpperCase((ANode^.FField).FieldName) + ';';
- enOperator, enFunc:
- begin
- if ANode^.FLeft <> nil then
- GetFieldListInternal(ANode^.FLeft);
- if ANode^.FRight <> nil then
- GetFieldListInternal(ANode^.FRight);
- if ANode^.FArgs <> nil then
- for i := 0 to ANode^.FArgs.Count - 1 do
- if ANode^.FArgs.Items[i] <> nil then
- GetFieldListInternal(PDBFExprNode(ANode^.FArgs.Items[i]));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- lResult := '';
- if FLastRoot <> nil then GetFieldListInternal(FLastRoot);
- Result := lResult;
- end;
- end.