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Pascal/Delphi Source File
1,681 lines
unit CabIntf;
* Copyright (c) Ravil Batyrshin, 2001-2002
* All Rights Reserved
* Version 1.20
* Aravil Software
* web site: aravilsoft.tripod.com
* e-mail: aravilsoft@bigfoot.com, wizeman@mail.ru
{$ALIGN 4}
Windows, SysUtils;
WIN_BOOL = Integer;
UINT1 = Byte;
UINT2 = Word;
UINT4 = Longword;
* FCI.H -- File Compression Interface
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1993-1997
* All Rights Reserved.
PVoid = Pointer;
USHORT = Word;
TUOFF = ULONG; { uoff - uncompressed offset }
TCOFF = ULONG; { coff - cabinet file offset }
(*** ERF - Error structure
* This structure returns error information from FCI/FDI. The caller should
* not modify this structure.
TERF = record
erfOper: Integer; // FCI/FDI error code -- see FDIERROR_XXX
// and FCIERR_XXX equates for details.
erfType: Integer; // Optional error value filled in by FCI/FDI.
// For FCI, this is usually the C run-time
// *errno* value.
fError: WIN_BOOL; // TRUE => error present
end; { erf }
PERF = ^TERF; { perf }
CB_MAX_CHUNK = 32768;
CB_MAX_DISK = $7fffffff; //Fixed!
(*** tcompXXX - Compression types
* These are passed to FCIAddFile(), and are also stored in the CFFOLDER
* structures in cabinet files.
* NOTE: We reserve bits for the TYPE, QUANTUM_LEVEL, and QUANTUM_MEM
* to provide room for future expansion. Since this value is stored
* in the CFDATA records in the cabinet file, we don't want to
* have to change the format for existing compression configurations
* if we add new ones in the future. This will allows us to read
* old cabinet files in the future.
TCOMP = USHORT; { tcomp }
tcompMASK_TYPE = $000F; // Mask for compression type
tcompTYPE_NONE = $0000; // No compression
tcompTYPE_MSZIP = $0001; // MSZIP
tcompTYPE_QUANTUM = $0002; // Quantum
tcompTYPE_LZX = $0003; // LZX
tcompBAD = $000F; // Unspecified compression type
tcompMASK_LZX_WINDOW = $1F00; // Mask for LZX Compression Memory
tcompLZX_WINDOW_LO = $0F00; // Lowest LZX Memory (15)
tcompLZX_WINDOW_HI = $1500; // Highest LZX Memory (21)
tcompSHIFT_LZX_WINDOW = 8; // Amount to shift over to get int
tcompMASK_QUANTUM_LEVEL = $00F0; // Mask for Quantum Compression Level
tcompQUANTUM_LEVEL_LO = $0010; // Lowest Quantum Level (1)
tcompQUANTUM_LEVEL_HI = $0070; // Highest Quantum Level (7)
tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_LEVEL = 4; // Amount to shift over to get int
tcompMASK_QUANTUM_MEM = $1F00; // Mask for Quantum Compression Memory
tcompQUANTUM_MEM_LO = $0A00; // Lowest Quantum Memory (10)
tcompQUANTUM_MEM_HI = $1500; // Highest Quantum Memory (21)
tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_MEM = 8; // Amount to shift over to get int
tcompMASK_RESERVED = $E000; // Reserved bits (high 3 bits)
(*** FCIERROR - Error codes returned in erf.erfOper field
FCIERR_NONE, // No error
FCIERR_OPEN_SRC, // Failure opening file to be stored in cabinet
// erf.erfTyp has C run-time *errno* value
FCIERR_READ_SRC, // Failure reading file to be stored in cabinet
// erf.erfTyp has C run-time *errno* value
FCIERR_ALLOC_FAIL, // Out of memory in FCI
FCIERR_TEMP_FILE, // Could not create a temporary file
// erf.erfTyp has C run-time *errno* value
FCIERR_BAD_COMPR_TYPE, // Unknown compression type
FCIERR_CAB_FILE, // Could not create cabinet file
// erf.erfTyp has C run-time *errno* value
FCIERR_USER_ABORT, // Client requested abort
FCIERR_MCI_FAIL // Failure compressing data
* FAT file attribute flag used by FCI/FDI to indicate that
* the filename in the CAB is a UTF string
_A_NAME_IS_UTF = $80;
* FAT file attribute flag used by FCI/FDI to indicate that
* the file should be executed after extraction
_A_EXEC = $40;
(*** HFCI - Handle to an FCI Context
HFCI = type PVoid;
(*** CCAB - Current Cabinet
* This structure is used for passing in the cabinet parameters to FCI,
* and is passed back on certain FCI callbacks to provide cabinet
* information to the client.
TCCAB = record
// longs first
cb: ULONG; // size available for cabinet on this media
cbFolderThresh: ULONG; // Thresshold for forcing a new Folder
// then ints
cbReserveCFHeader: UINT; // Space to reserve in CFHEADER
cbReserveCFFolder: UINT; // Space to reserve in CFFOLDER
cbReserveCFData: UINT; // Space to reserve in CFDATA
iCab: Integer; // sequential numbers for cabinets
iDisk: Integer; // Disk number
fFailOnIncompressible: Integer; // TRUE => Fail if a block is incompressible
// then shorts
setID: USHORT; // Cabinet set ID
// then chars
szDisk: array[0..CB_MAX_DISK_NAME - 1] of AnsiChar; // current disk name
szCab: array[0..CB_MAX_CABINET_NAME - 1] of AnsiChar; // current cabinet name
szCabPath: array[0..CB_MAX_CAB_PATH - 1] of AnsiChar; // path for creating cabinet
end; { ccab }
PCCAB = ^TCCAB; { pccab }
(*** FNFCIALLOC - Memory Allocation
* FNFCIFREE - Memory Free
* These are modeled after the C run-time routines malloc() and free()
* FCI expects error handling to be identical to these C run-time routines.
* As long as you faithfully copy the semantics of malloc() and free(),
* you can supply any functions you like!
* WARNING: You should never assume anything about the sequence of
* FNFCIALLOC and FNFCIFREE calls -- incremental releases of
* FCI may have radically different numbers of
* FNFCIALLOC calls and allocation sizes!
//** Memory functions for FCI
TFNFCIALLOC = function(cb: ULONG): PVoid; cdecl;
TFNFCIFREE = procedure(memory: PVoid); cdecl;
(*** PFNFCIOPEN - File I/O callbacks for FCI
* These are modeled after the C run-time routines _open, _read,
* _write, _close, and _lseek. The values for the PFNFCIOPEN oflag
* and pmode calls are those defined for _open. FCI expects error
* handling to be identical to these C run-time routines, except that
* the value of errno should be returned via *err.
* As long as you faithfully copy these aspects, you can supply
* any functions you like!
* WARNING: You should never assume you know what file is being
* opened at any one point in time! It is possible
* that in a future implementations it may open temporary
* files or cabinet files in a different order.
//** File I/O functions for FCI
TFNFCIOPEN = function(pszFile: PAnsiChar; oflag: Integer; pmode: Integer;
err: PInteger; pv: PVoid): Integer; cdecl;
TFNFCIREAD = function(hf: Integer; memory: PVoid; cb: UINT;
err: PInteger; pv: PVoid): UINT; cdecl;
TFNFCIWRITE = function(hf: Integer; memory: PVoid; cb: UINT;
err: PInteger; pv: PVoid): UINT; cdecl;
TFNFCICLOSE = function(hf: Integer; err: PInteger; pv: PVoid): Integer; cdecl;
TFNFCISEEK = function(hf: Integer; dist: Longint; seektype: Integer;
err: PInteger; pv: PVoid): Longint; cdecl;
TFNFCIDELETE = function(pszFile: PAnsiChar; err: PInteger; pv: PVoid): Integer; cdecl;
(*** FNFCIGETNEXTCABINET - Callback used to request new cabinet info
* Entry:
* pccab - Points to copy of old ccab structure to modify
* cbPrevCab - Estimate of size of previous cabinet
* pv - Has the caller's context pointer
* Exit-Success:
* returns TRUE;
* Exit-Failure:
* returns FALSE;
TFNFCIGETNEXTCABINET = function(pccab: PCCAB; cbPrevCab: ULONG; pv: PVoid): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
(*** FNFCIFILEPLACED - Notify FCI client that file was placed
* Entry:
* pccab - cabinet structure to fill in, with copy of previous one
* pszFile - name of file, from cabinet
* cbFile - length of file
* fContinuation - true if this is a later segment of a continued file
* pv - the context of the client
* Exit-Success:
* return value anything but -1
* Exit-Failure:
* return value -1 means to abort
TFNFCIFILEPLACED = function(pccab: PCCAB; pszFile: PAnsiChar;
cbFile: Longint; fContinuation: WIN_BOOL; pv: PVoid): Integer; cdecl;
(*** FNCDIGETOPENINFO - Open source file, get date/time/attribs
* Entry:
* pszName -- complete path to filename
* pdate -- location to return FAT-style date code
* ptime -- location to return FAT-style time code
* pattribs -- location to return FAT-style attributes
* pv -- client's context
* Exit-Success:
* Return value is file handle of open file to read
* Exit-Failure:
* Return value is -1
TFNFCIGETOPENINFO = function(pszName: PAnsiChar; pdate: PUSHORT;
ptime: PUSHORT; pattribs: PUSHORT; err: PInteger; pv: PVoid): Integer; cdecl;
(*** FNFCISTATUS - Status/Cabinet Size callback
* Entry:
* typeStatus == statusFile if compressing a block into a folder
* cb1 = Size of compressed block
* cb2 = Size of uncompressed block
* typeStatus == statusFolder if adding a folder to a cabinet
* cb1 = Amount of folder copied to cabinet so far
* cb2 = Total size of folder
* typeStatus == statusCabinet if writing out a complete cabinet
* cb1 = Estimated cabinet size that was previously
* passed to fnfciGetNextCabinet().
* cb2 = Actual cabinet size
* NOTE: Return value is desired client size for cabinet
* file. FCI updates the maximum cabinet size
* remaining using this value. This allows a client
* to generate multiple cabinets per disk, and have
* FCI limit the size correctly -- the client can do
* cluster size rounding on the cabinet size!
* The client should either return cb2, or round cb2
* up to some larger value and return that.
* Exit-Success:
* Returns anything other than -1;
* NOTE: See statusCabinet for special return values!
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns -1 to signal that FCI should abort;
statusFile = 0; // Add File to Folder callback
statusFolder = 1; // Add Folder to Cabinet callback
statusCabinet = 2; // Write out a completed cabinet callback
TFNFCISTATUS = function(typeStatus: UINT; cb1: ULONG; cb2: ULONG; pv: PVoid): Longint; cdecl;
(*** FNFCIGETTEMPFILE - Callback, requests temporary file name
* Entry:
* pszTempName - Buffer to receive complete tempfile name
* cbTempName - Size of pszTempName buffer
* Exit-Success:
* return TRUE
* Exit-Failure:
* return FALSE; could not create tempfile, or buffer too small
* Note:
* It is conceivable that this function may return a filename
* that will already exist by the time it is opened. For this
* reason, the caller should make several attempts to create
* temporary files before giving up.
TFNFCIGETTEMPFILE = function(pszTempName: PAnsiChar; cbTempName: Integer;
pv: PVoid): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
(*** FCICreate -- create an FCI context (an open CAB, an open FOL)
* Entry:
* perf - structure where we return error codes
* pfnfcifp - callback to inform caller of eventual dest of files
* pfna - memory allocation function callback
* pfnf - memory free function callback
* pfnfcigtf - temp file name generator callback
* pccab - pointer to cabinet/disk name & size structure
* Notes:
* (1) The alloc/free callbacks must remain valid throughout
* the life of the context, up to and including the call to
* FCIDestroy.
* (2) The perf pointer is stored in the compression context (HCI),
* and any errors from subsequent FCI calls are stored in the
* erf that was passed in on *this* call.
* Exit-Success:
* Returns non-NULL handle to an FCI context.
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns NULL, perf filled in.
function FCICreate(perf: PERF; pfnfcifp: PFNFCIFILEPLACED;
pfnread: PFNFCIREAD; pfnwrite: PFNFCIWRITE; pfnclose: PFNFCICLOSE;
pfnseek: PFNFCISEEK; pfndelete: PFNFCIDELETE;
pfnfcigtf: PFNFCIGETTEMPFILE; pccab: PCCAB; pv: PVoid): HFCI; cdecl;
TFNFCICreate = function(perf: PERF; pfnfcifp: PFNFCIFILEPLACED;
pfnread: PFNFCIREAD; pfnwrite: PFNFCIWRITE; pfnclose: PFNFCICLOSE;
pfnseek: PFNFCISEEK; pfndelete: PFNFCIDELETE;
pfnfcigtf: PFNFCIGETTEMPFILE; pccab: PCCAB; pv: PVoid): HFCI; cdecl;
(*** FCIAddFile - Add a disk file to a folder/cabinet
* Entry:
* hfci - FCI context handle
* pszSourceFile - Name of file to add to folder
* pszFileName - Name to store into folder/cabinet
* fExecute - Flag indicating execute on extract
* pfn_progress - Progress callback
* pfnfcignc - GetNextCabinet callback
* pfnfcis - Status callback
* pfnfcigoi - OpenInfo callback
* typeCompress - Type of compression to use for this file
* pv - pointer to caller's internal context
* Exit-Success:
* returns TRUE
* Exit-Failure:
* returns FALSE, error filled in
* This is the main function used to add file(s) to a cabinet
* or series of cabinets. If the current file causes the current
* folder/cabinet to overflow the disk image currently being built,
* the cabinet will be terminated, and a new cabinet/disk name will
* be prompted for via a callback. The pending folder will be trimmed
* of the data which has already been generated in the finished cabinet.
function FCIAddFile(hfci: HFCI; pszSourceFile: PAnsiChar; pszFileName: PAnsiChar;
pfnfcigoi: PFNFCIGETOPENINFO; typeCompress: TCOMP): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
TFNFCIAddFile = function(hfci: HFCI; pszSourceFile: PAnsiChar; pszFileName: PAnsiChar;
pfnfcigoi: PFNFCIGETOPENINFO; typeCompress: TCOMP): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
(*** FCIFlushCabinet - Complete the current cabinet under construction
* This will cause the current cabinet (assuming it is not empty) to
* be gathered together and written to disk.
* Entry:
* hfci - FCI context
* fGetNextCab - TRUE => Call GetNextCab to get continuation info;
* FALSE => Don't call GetNextCab unless this cabinet
* overflows.
* pfnfcignc - callback function to get continuation cabinets
* pfnfcis - callback function for progress reporting
* pv - caller's internal context for callbacks
* Exit-Success:
* return code TRUE
* Exit-Failure:
* return code FALSE, error structure filled in
function FCIFlushCabinet(hfci: HFCI; fGetNextCab: WIN_BOOL;
TFNFCIFlushCabinet = function(hfci: HFCI; fGetNextCab: WIN_BOOL;
(*** FCIFlushFolder - Complete the current folder under construction
* This will force the termination of the current folder, which may or
* may not cause one or more cabinet files to be completed.
* Entry:
* hfci - FCI context
* GetNextCab - callback function to get continuation cabinets
* pfnProgress - callback function for progress reporting
* pv - caller's internal context for callbacks
* Exit-Success:
* return code TRUE
* Exit-Failure:
* return code FALSE, error structure filled in
function FCIFlushFolder(hfci: HFCI; pfnfcignc: PFNFCIGETNEXTCABINET;
pfnfcis: PFNFCISTATUS): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
TFNFCIFlushFolder = function(hfci: HFCI; pfnfcignc: PFNFCIGETNEXTCABINET;
pfnfcis: PFNFCISTATUS): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
(*** FCIDestroy - Destroy a FCI context and delete temp files
* Entry:
* hfci - FCI context
* Exit-Success:
* return code TRUE
* Exit-Failure:
* return code FALSE, error structure filled in
function FCIDestroy(hfci: HFCI): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
TFNFCIDestroy = function(hfci: HFCI): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
* FDI.H -- File Decompression Interface
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1993-1997
* All Rights Reserved.
* Concepts:
* A *cabinet* file contains one or more *folders*. A folder contains
* one or more (pieces of) *files*. A folder is by definition a
* decompression unit, i.e., to extract a file from a folder, all of
* the data from the start of the folder up through and including the
* desired file must be read and decompressed.
* A folder can span one (or more) cabinet boundaries, and by implication
* a file can also span one (or more) cabinet boundaries. Indeed, more
* than one file can span a cabinet boundary, since FCI concatenates
* files together into a single data stream before compressing (actually,
* at most one file will span any one cabinet boundary, but FCI does
* not know which file this is, since the mapping from uncompressed bytes
* to compressed bytes is pretty obscure. Also, since FCI compresses
* in blocks of 32K (at present), any files with data in a 32K block that
* spans a cabinet boundary require FDI to read both cabinet files
* to get the two halves of the compressed block).
* Overview:
* The File Decompression Interface is used to simplify the reading of
* cabinet files. A setup program will proceed in a manner very
* similar to the pseudo code below. An FDI context is created, the
* setup program calls FDICopy() for each cabinet to be processed. For
* each file in the cabinet, FDICopy() calls a notification callback
* routine, asking the setup program if the file should be copied.
* This call-back approach is great because it allows the cabinet file
* to be read and decompressed in an optimal manner, and also makes FDI
* independent of the run-time environment -- FDI makes *no* C run-time
* calls whatsoever. All memory allocation and file I/O functions are
* passed into FDI by the client.
* main(...)
* {
* // Read INF file to construct list of desired files.
* // Ideally, these would be sorted in the same order as the
* // files appear in the cabinets, so that you can just walk
* // down the list in response to fdintCOPY_FILE notifications.
* // Construct list of required cabinets.
* hfdi = FDICreate(...); // Create FDI context
* For (cabinet in List of Cabinets) {
* FDICopy(hfdi,cabinet,fdiNotify,...); // Process each cabinet
* }
* FDIDestroy(hfdi);
* ...
* }
* // Notification callback function
* fdiNotify(fdint,...)
* {
* If (User Aborted) // Permit cancellation
* if (fdint == fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO)
* close open file
* return -1;
* switch (fdint) {
* case fdintCOPY_FILE: // File to copy, maybe
* // Check file against list of desired files
* if want to copy file
* open destination file and return handle
* else
* return NULL; // Skip file
* case fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO:
* close file
* set date, time, and attributes
* case fdintNEXT_CABINET:
* if not an error callback
* Tell FDI to use suggested directory name
* else
* Tell user what the problem was, and prompt
* for a new disk and/or path.
* if user aborts
* Tell FDI to abort
* else
* return to FDI to try another cabinet
* default:
* return 0; // more messages may be defined
* ...
* }
* Error Handling Suggestions:
* Since you the client have passed in *all* of the functions that
* FDI uses to interact with the "outside" world, you are in prime
* position to understand and deal with errors.
* The general philosophy of FDI is to pass all errors back up to
* the client. FDI returns fairly generic error codes in the case
* where one of the callback functions (PFNOPEN, PFNREAD, etc.) fail,
* since it assumes that the callback function will save enough
* information in a static/global so that when FDICopy() returns
* fail, the client can examine this information and report enough
* detail about the problem that the user can take corrective action.
* For very specific errors (CORRUPT_CABINET, for example), FDI returns
* very specific error codes.
* Examples:
* (1) If the disk is getting full, instead of returning an error
* from your PFNWRITE function, you should -- inside your
* PFNWRITE function -- put up a dialog telling the user to free
* some disk space.
* (2) When you get the fdintNEXT_CABINET notification, you should
* verify that the cabinet you return is the correct one (call
* FDIIsCabinet(), and make sure the setID matches the one for
* the current cabinet specified in the fdintCABINET_INFO, and
* that the disk number is one greater.
* NOTE: FDI will continue to call fdintNEXT_CABINET until it
* gets the cabinet it wants, or until you return -1
* to abort the FDICopy() call.
* The documentation below on the FDI error codes provides explicit
* guidance on how to avoid each error.
* If you find you must return a failure to FDI from one of your
* callback functions, then FDICopy() frees all resources it allocated
* and closes all files. If you can figure out how to overcome the
* problem, you can call FDICopy() again on the last cabinet, and
* skip any files that you already copied. But, note that FDI does
* *not* maintain any state between FDICopy() calls, other than possibly
* memory allocated for the decompressor.
* See FDIERROR for details on FDI error codes and recommended actions.
* Progress Indicator Suggestions:
* As above, all of the file I/O functions are supplied by you. So,
* updating a progress indicator is very simple. You keep track of
* the target files handles you have opened, along with the uncompressed
* size of the target file. When you see writes to the handle of a
* target file, you use the write count to update your status!
* Since this method is available, there is no separate callback from
* FDI just for progess indication.
(*** FDIERROR - Error codes returned in erf.erfOper field
* In general, FDI will only fail if one of the passed in memory or
* file I/O functions fails. Other errors are pretty unlikely, and are
* caused by corrupted cabinet files, passing in a file which is not a
* cabinet file, or cabinet files out of order.
* Description: Summary of error.
* Cause: List of possible causes of this error.
* Response: How client might respond to this error, or avoid it in
* the first place.
// Description: No error
// Cause: Function was successfull.
// Response: Keep going!
// Description: Cabinet not found
// Cause: Bad file name or path passed to FDICopy(), or returned
// to fdintNEXT_CABINET.
// Response: To prevent this error, validate the existence of the
// the cabinet *before* passing the path to FDI.
// Description: Cabinet file does not have the correct format
// Cause: File passed to to FDICopy(), or returned to
// fdintNEXT_CABINET, is too small to be a cabinet file,
// or does not have the cabinet signature in its first
// four bytes.
// Response: To prevent this error, call FDIIsCabinet() to check a
// cabinet before calling FDICopy() or returning the
// cabinet path to fdintNEXT_CABINET.
// Description: Cabinet file has an unknown version number.
// Cause: File passed to to FDICopy(), or returned to
// fdintNEXT_CABINET, has what looks like a cabinet file
// header, but the version of the cabinet file format
// is not one understood by this version of FDI. The
// erf.erfType field is filled in with the version number
// found in the cabinet file.
// Response: To prevent this error, call FDIIsCabinet() to check a
// cabinet before calling FDICopy() or returning the
// cabinet path to fdintNEXT_CABINET.
// Description: Cabinet file is corrupt
// Cause: FDI returns this error any time it finds a problem
// with the logical format of a cabinet file, and any
// time one of the passed-in file I/O calls fails when
// operating on a cabinet (PFNOPEN, PFNSEEK, PFNREAD,
// or PFNCLOSE). The client can distinguish these two
// cases based upon whether the last file I/O call
// failed or not.
// Response: Assuming this is not a real corruption problem in
// a cabinet file, the file I/O functions could attempt
// to do retries on failure (for example, if there is a
// temporary network connection problem). If this does
// not work, and the file I/O call has to fail, then the
// FDI client will have to clean up and call the
// FDICopy() function again.
// Description: Could not allocate enough memory
// Cause: FDI tried to allocate memory with the PFNALLOC
// function, but it failed.
// Response: If possible, PFNALLOC should take whatever steps
// are possible to allocate the memory requested. If
// memory is not immediately available, it might post a
// dialog asking the user to free memory, for example.
// Note that the bulk of FDI's memory allocations are
// made at FDICreate() time and when the first cabinet
// file is opened during FDICopy().
// Description: Unknown compression type in a cabinet folder
// Cause: [Should never happen.] A folder in a cabinet has an
// unknown compression type. This is probably caused by
// a mismatch between the version of FCI.LIB used to
// create the cabinet and the FDI.LIB used to read the
// cabinet.
// Response: Abort.
// Description: Failure decompressing data from a cabinet file
// Cause: The decompressor found an error in the data coming
// from the file cabinet. The cabinet file was corrupted.
// [11-Apr-1994 bens When checksuming is turned on, this
// error should never occur.]
// Response: Probably should abort; only other choice is to cleanup
// and call FDICopy() again, and hope there was some
// intermittent data error that will not reoccur.
// Description: Failure writing to target file
// Cause: FDI returns this error any time it gets an error back
// from one of the passed-in file I/O calls fails when
// writing to a file being extracted from a cabinet.
// Response: To avoid or minimize this error, the file I/O functions
// could attempt to avoid failing. A common cause might
// be disk full -- in this case, the PFNWRITE function
// could have a check for free space, and put up a dialog
// asking the user to free some disk space.
// Description: Cabinets in a set do not have the same RESERVE sizes
// Cause: [Should never happen]. FDI requires that the sizes of
// the per-cabinet, per-folder, and per-data block
// RESERVE sections be consistent across all the cabinets
// in a set.
// Response: Abort.
// Description: Cabinet returned on fdintNEXT_CABINET is incorrect
// Rather, FDICopy() keeps calling the fdintNEXT_CABINET
// callback until either the correct cabinet is specified,
// or you return ABORT.
// When FDICopy() is extracting a file that crosses a
// cabinet boundary, it calls fdintNEXT_CABINET to ask
// for the path to the next cabinet. Not being very
// trusting, FDI then checks to make sure that the
// correct continuation cabinet was supplied! It does
// this by checking the "setID" and "iCabinet" fields
// in the cabinet. When MAKECAB.EXE creates a set of
// cabinets, it constructs the "setID" using the sum
// of the bytes of all the destination file names in
// the cabinet set. FDI makes sure that the 16-bit
// setID of the continuation cabinet matches the
// cabinet file just processed. FDI then checks that
// the cabinet number (iCabinet) is one more than the
// cabinet number for the cabinet just processed.
// Response: You need code in your fdintNEXT_CABINET (see below)
// handler to do retries if you get recalled with this
// error. See the sample code (EXTRACT.C) to see how
// this should be handled.
// Description: FDI aborted.
// Cause: An FDI callback returnd -1 (usually).
// Response: Up to client.
(*** HFDI - Handle to an FDI context
* FDICreate() creates this, and it must be passed to all other FDI
* functions.
HFDI = type PVoid; { hfdi }
(*** FDICABINETINFO - Information about a cabinet
cbCabinet: Longint; // Total length of cabinet file
cFolders: USHORT; // Count of folders in cabinet
cFiles: USHORT; // Count of files in cabinet
setID: USHORT; // Cabinet set ID
iCabinet: USHORT; // Cabinet number in set (0 based)
fReserve: WIN_BOOL; // TRUE => RESERVE present in cabinet
hasprev: WIN_BOOL; // TRUE => Cabinet is chained prev
hasnext: WIN_BOOL; // TRUE => Cabinet is chained next
end; { fdici }
fdidtNEW_CABINET, // New cabinet
fdidtNEW_FOLDER, // New folder
fdidtDECRYPT // Decrypt a data block
); { fdidt }
(*** FDIDECRYPT - Data for PFNFDIDECRYPT function
fdidt: TFDIDECRYPTTYPE; // Command type (selects union below)
pvUser: PVoid; // Decryption context
case Integer of
1: (
cabinet: record // fdidtNEW_CABINET
pHeaderReserve: PVoid; // RESERVE section from CFHEADER
cbHeaderReserve: USHORT; // Size of pHeaderReserve
setID: USHORT; // Cabinet set ID
iCabinet: Integer; // Cabinet number in set (0 based)
2: (
folder: record // fdidtNEW_FOLDER
pFolderReserve: PVoid; // RESERVE section from CFFOLDER
cbFolderReserve: USHORT; // Size of pFolderReserve
iFolder: USHORT; // Folder number in cabinet (0 based)
3: (
decrypt: record // fdidtDECRYPT
pDataReserve: PVoid; // RESERVE section from CFDATA
cbDataReserve: USHORT; // Size of pDataReserve
pbData: PVoid; // Data buffer
cbData: USHORT; // Size of data buffer
fSplit: WIN_BOOL; // TRUE if this is a split data block
cbPartial: USHORT; // 0 if this is not a split block, or
// the first piece of a split block;
// Greater than 0 if this is the
// second piece of a split block.
end; { fdid }
(*** FNALLOC - Memory Allocation
* FNFREE - Memory Free
* These are modeled after the C run-time routines malloc() and free()
* FDI expects error handling to be identical to these C run-time routines.
* As long as you faithfully copy the semantics of malloc() and free(),
* you can supply any functions you like!
* WARNING: You should never assume anything about the sequence of
* PFNALLOC and PFNFREE calls -- incremental releases of
* FDI may have radically different numbers of
* PFNALLOC calls and allocation sizes!
//** Memory functions for FDI
TFNALLOC = function(cb: ULONG): PVoid; cdecl;
TFNFREE = procedure(pv: PVoid); cdecl;
(*** PFNOPEN - File I/O callbacks for FDI
* These are modeled after the C run-time routines _open, _read,
* _write, _close, and _lseek. The values for the PFNOPEN oflag
* and pmode calls are those defined for _open. FDI expects error
* handling to be identical to these C run-time routines.
* As long as you faithfully copy these aspects, you can supply
* any functions you like!
* WARNING: You should never assume you know what file is being
* opened at any one point in time! FDI will usually
* stick to opening cabinet files, but it is possible
* that in a future implementation it may open temporary
* files or open cabinet files in a different order.
* Notes for Memory Mapped File fans:
* You can write wrapper routines to allow FDI to work on memory
* mapped files. You'll have to create your own "handle" type so that
* you can store the base memory address of the file and the current
* seek position, and then you'll allocate and fill in one of these
* structures and return a pointer to it in response to the PFNOPEN
* call and the fdintCOPY_FILE call. Your PFNREAD and PFNWRITE
* functions will do memcopy(), and update the seek position in your
* "handle" structure. PFNSEEK will just change the seek position
* in your "handle" structure.
//** File I/O functions for FDI
TFNOPEN = function(pszFile: PAnsiChar; oflag: Integer; pmode: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
TFNREAD = function(hf: Integer; pv: PVoid; cb: UINT): UINT; cdecl;
TFNWRITE = function(hf: Integer; pv: PVoid; cb: UINT): UINT; cdecl;
TFNCLOSE = function(hf: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
TFNSEEK = function(hf: Integer; dist: Longint; seektype: Integer): Longint; cdecl;
(*** PFNFDIDECRYPT - FDI Decryption callback
* If this function is passed on the FDICopy() call, then FDI calls it
* at various times to update the decryption state and to decrypt FCDATA
* blocks.
* Common Entry Conditions:
* pfdid->fdidt - Command type
* pfdid->pvUser - pvUser value from FDICopy() call
* fdidtNEW_CABINET: //** Notification of a new cabinet
* Entry:
* pfdid->cabinet.
* pHeaderReserve - RESERVE section from CFHEADER
* cbHeaderReserve - Size of pHeaderReserve
* setID - Cabinet set ID
* iCabinet - Cabinet number in set (0 based)
* Exit-Success:
* returns anything but -1;
* Exit-Failure:
* returns -1; FDICopy() is aborted.
* Notes:
* (1) This call allows the decryption code to pick out any information
* from the cabinet header reserved area (placed there by DIACRYPT)
* needed to perform decryption. If there is no such information,
* this call would presumably be ignored.
* (2) This call is made very soon after fdintCABINET_INFO.
* fdidtNEW_FOLDER: //** Notification of a new folder
* Entry:
* pfdid->folder.
* pFolderReserve - RESERVE section from CFFOLDER
* cbFolderReserve - Size of pFolderReserve
* iFolder - Folder number in cabinet (0 based)
* Exit-Success:
* returns anything but -1;
* Exit-Failure:
* returns -1; FDICopy() is aborted.
* Notes:
* This call allows the decryption code to pick out any information
* from the folder reserved area (placed there by DIACRYPT) needed
* to perform decryption. If there is no such information, this
* call would presumably be ignored.
* fdidtDECRYPT: //** Decrypt a data buffer
* Entry:
* pfdid->folder.
* pDataReserve - RESERVE section for this CFDATA block
* cbDataReserve - Size of pDataReserve
* pbData - Data buffer
* cbData - Size of data buffer
* fSplit - TRUE if this is a split data block
* cbPartial - 0 if this is not a split block, or the first
* piece of a split block; Greater than 0 if
* this is the second piece of a split block.
* Exit-Success:
* returns TRUE;
* Exit-Failure:
* returns FALSE; error during decrypt
* returns -1; FDICopy() is aborted.
* Notes:
* FCI will split CFDATA blocks across cabinet boundaries if
* necessary. To provide maximum flexibility, FDI will call the
* fdidtDECRYPT function twice on such split blocks, once when
* the first portion is read, and again when the second portion
* is read. And, of course, most data blocks will not be split.
* So, there are three cases:
* 1) fSplit == FALSE
* You have the entire data block, so decrypt it.
* 2) fSplit == TRUE, cbPartial == 0
* This is the first portion of a split data block, so cbData
* is the size of this portion. You can either choose to decrypt
* this piece, or ignore this call and decrypt the full CFDATA
* block on the next (second) fdidtDECRYPT call.
* 3) fSplit == TRUE, cbPartial > 0
* This is the second portion of a split data block (indeed,
* cbPartial will have the same value as cbData did on the
* immediately preceeding fdidtDECRYPT call!). If you decrypted
* the first portion on the first call, then you can decrypt the
* second portion now. If you ignored the first call, then you
* can decrypt the entire buffer.
* NOTE: pbData points to the second portion of the split data
* block in this case, *not* the entire data block. If
* you want to wait until the second piece to decrypt the
* *entire* block, pbData-cbPartial is the address of the
* start of the whole block, and cbData+cbPartial is its
* size.
TFNFDIDECRYPT = function(pfdid: PFDIDECRYPT): Integer; cdecl;
(*** FDINOTIFICATION - Notification structure for PFNFDINOTIFY
* See the FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE definition for information on usage and
* meaning of these fields.
// long fields
cb: Longint;
psz1: PAnsiChar;
psz2: PAnsiChar;
psz3: PAnsiChar; // Points to a 256 character buffer
pv: PVoid; // Value for client
// int fields
hf: Integer;
// short fields
date: USHORT;
time: USHORT;
attribs: USHORT;
setID: USHORT; // Cabinet set ID
iCabinet: USHORT; // Cabinet number (0-based)
iFolder: USHORT; // Folder number (0-based)
end; { fdin }
(*** FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE - FDICopy notification types
* The notification function for FDICopy can be called with the following
* values for the fdint parameter. In all cases, the pfdin->pv field is
* filled in with the value of the pvUser argument passed in to FDICopy().
* A typical sequence of calls will be something like this:
* fdintCABINET_INFO // Info about the cabinet
* fdintENUMERATE // Starting enumeration
* fdintPARTIAL_FILE // Only if this is not the first cabinet, and
* // one or more files were continued from the
* // previous cabinet.
* ...
* fdintCOPY_FILE // The first file that starts in this cabinet
* ...
* fdintCOPY_FILE // Now let's assume you want this file...
* // PFNWRITE called multiple times to write to this file.
* fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO // File done, set date/time/attributes
* fdintCOPY_FILE // Now let's assume you want this file...
* // PFNWRITE called multiple times to write to this file.
* fdintNEXT_CABINET // File was continued to next cabinet!
* fdintCABINET_INFO // Info about the new cabinet
* // PFNWRITE called multiple times to write to this file.
* fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO // File done, set date/time/attributes
* ...
* fdintENUMERATE // Ending enumeration
* Called exactly once for each cabinet opened by FDICopy(), including
* continuation cabinets opened due to file(s) spanning cabinet
* boundaries. Primarily intended to permit EXTRACT.EXE to
* automatically select the next cabinet in a cabinet sequence even if
* not copying files that span cabinet boundaries.
* Entry:
* pfdin->psz1 = name of next cabinet
* pfdin->psz2 = name of next disk
* pfdin->psz3 = cabinet path name
* pfdin->setID = cabinet set ID (a random 16-bit number)
* pfdin->iCabinet = Cabinet number within cabinet set (0-based)
* Exit-Success:
* Return anything but -1
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns -1 => Abort FDICopy() call
* Notes:
* This call is made *every* time a new cabinet is examined by
* FDICopy(). So if "foo2.cab" is examined because a file is
* continued from "foo1.cab", and then you call FDICopy() again
* on "foo2.cab", you will get *two* fdintCABINET_INFO calls all
* told.
* fdintCOPY_FILE:
* Called for each file that *starts* in the current cabinet, giving
* the client the opportunity to request that the file be copied or
* skipped.
* Entry:
* pfdin->psz1 = file name in cabinet
* pfdin->cb = uncompressed size of file
* pfdin->date = file date
* pfdin->time = file time
* pfdin->attribs = file attributes
* pfdin->iFolder = file's folder index
* Exit-Success:
* Return non-zero file handle for destination file; FDI writes
* data to this file use the PFNWRITE function supplied to FDICreate,
* and then calls fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO to close the file and set
* the date, time, and attributes. NOTE: This file handle returned
* must also be closeable by the PFNCLOSE function supplied to
* FDICreate, since if an error occurs while writing to this handle,
* FDI will use the PFNCLOSE function to close the file so that the
* client may delete it.
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns 0 => Skip file, do not copy
* Returns -1 => Abort FDICopy() call
* Called after all of the data has been written to a target file.
* This function must close the file and set the file date, time,
* and attributes.
* Entry:
* pfdin->psz1 = file name in cabinet
* pfdin->hf = file handle
* pfdin->date = file date
* pfdin->time = file time
* pfdin->attribs = file attributes
* pfdin->iFolder = file's folder index
* pfdin->cb = Run After Extract (0 - don't run, 1 Run)
* Exit-Success:
* Returns TRUE
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns FALSE, or -1 to abort;
* pfdin->cb is overloaded to no longer be the size of
* the file but to be a binary indicated run or not
* FDI assumes that the target file was closed, even if this
* callback returns failure. FDI will NOT attempt to use
* the PFNCLOSE function supplied on FDICreate() to close
* the file!
* Called for files at the front of the cabinet that are CONTINUED
* from a previous cabinet. This callback occurs only when FDICopy is
* started on second or subsequent cabinet in a series that has files
* continued from a previous cabinet.
* Entry:
* pfdin->psz1 = file name of file CONTINUED from a PREVIOUS cabinet
* pfdin->psz2 = name of cabinet where file starts
* pfdin->psz3 = name of disk where file starts
* Exit-Success:
* Return anything other than -1; enumeration continues
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns -1 => Abort FDICopy() call
* Called once after a call to FDICopy() starts scanning a CAB's
* CFFILE entries, and again when there are no more CFFILE entries.
* If CAB spanning occurs, an additional call will occur after the
* first spanned file is completed. If the pfdin->iFolder value is
* changed from zero, additional calls will occur next time it reaches
* zero. If iFolder is changed to zero, FDICopy will terminate, as if
* there were no more CFFILE entries. Primarily intended to allow an
* application with it's own file list to help FDI advance quickly to
* a CFFILE entry of interest. Can also be used to allow an
* application to determine the cb values for each file in the CAB.
* Entry:
* pfdin->cb = current CFFILE position
* pfdin->iFolder = number of files remaining
* pfdin->setID = current CAB's setID value
* Exit-Don't Care:
* Don't change anything.
* Return anything but -1.
* Exit-Forcing a skip:
* pfdin->cb = desired CFFILE position
* pfdin->iFolder = desired # of files remaining
* Return anything but -1.
* Exit-Stop:
* pfdin->iFolder = set to 0
* Return anything but -1.
* Exit-Failure:
* Return -1 => Abort FDICopy call ("user aborted".)
* Notes:
* This call can be ignored by applications which want normal file
* searching. The application can adjust the supplied values to
* force FDICopy() to continue it's search at another location, or
* to force FDICopy() to terminate the search, by setting iFolder to 0.
* (FDICopy() will report no error when terminated this way.)
* FDI has no means to verify the supplied cb or iFolder values.
* Arbitrary values are likely to cause undesirable results. An
* application should cross-check pfdin->setID to be certain the
* external database is in sync with the CAB. Reverse-skips are OK
* (but may be inefficient) unless fdintNEXT_CABINET has been called.
* This function is *only* called when fdintCOPY_FILE was told to copy
* a file in the current cabinet that is continued to a subsequent
* cabinet file. It is important that the cabinet path name (psz3)
* be validated before returning! This function should ensure that
* the cabinet exists and is readable before returning. So, this
* is the function that should, for example, issue a disk change
* prompt and make sure the cabinet file exists.
* When this function returns to FDI, FDI will check that the setID
* and iCabinet match the expected values for the next cabinet.
* If not, FDI will continue to call this function until the correct
* cabinet file is specified, or until this function returns -1 to
* abort the FDICopy() function. pfdin->fdie is set to
* FDIERROR_WRONG_CABINET to indicate this case.
* If you *haven't* ensured that the cabinet file is present and
* readable, or the cabinet file has been damaged, pfdin->fdie will
* receive other appropriate error codes:
* Entry:
* pfdin->psz1 = name of next cabinet where current file is continued
* pfdin->psz2 = name of next disk where current file is continued
* pfdin->psz3 = cabinet path name; FDI concatenates psz3 with psz1
* to produce the fully-qualified path for the cabinet
* file. The 256-byte buffer pointed at by psz3 may
* be modified, but psz1 may not!
* pfdin->fdie = FDIERROR_WRONG_CABINET if the previous call to
* fdintNEXT_CABINET specified a cabinet file that
* did not match the setID/iCabinet that was expected.
* Exit-Success:
* Return anything but -1
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns -1 => Abort FDICopy() call
* Notes:
* This call is almost always made when a target file is open and
* being written to, and the next cabinet is needed to get more
* data for the file.
fdintCABINET_INFO, // General information about cabinet
fdintPARTIAL_FILE, // First file in cabinet is continuation
fdintCOPY_FILE, // File to be copied
fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO, // close the file, set relevant info
fdintNEXT_CABINET, // File continued to next cabinet
fdintENUMERATE // Enumeration status
); { fdint }
(*** cpuType values for FDICreate()
* (Ignored by 32-bit FDI.)
cpuUNKNOWN = -1;
cpu80286 = 0;
cpu80386 = 1;
(*** FDICreate - Create an FDI context
* Entry:
* pfnalloc
* pfnfree
* pfnopen
* pfnread
* pfnwrite
* pfnclose
* pfnlseek
* cpuType - Select CPU type (auto-detect, 286, or 386+)
* NOTE: For the 32-bit FDI.LIB, this parameter is ignored!
* perf
* Exit-Success:
* Returns non-NULL FDI context handle.
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns NULL; perf filled in with error code
function FDICreate(pfnalloc: PFNALLOC; pfnfree: PFNFREE; pfnopen: PFNOPEN;
pfnread: PFNREAD; pfnwrite: PFNWRITE; pfnclose: PFNCLOSE;
pfnseek: PFNSEEK; cpuType: Integer; perf: PERF): HFDI; cdecl;
TFNFDICreate = function(pfnalloc: PFNALLOC; pfnfree: PFNFREE; pfnopen: PFNOPEN;
pfnread: PFNREAD; pfnwrite: PFNWRITE; pfnclose: PFNCLOSE;
pfnseek: PFNSEEK; cpuType: Integer; perf: PERF): HFDI; cdecl;
(*** FDIIsCabinet - Determines if file is a cabinet, returns info if it is
* Entry:
* hfdi - Handle to FDI context (created by FDICreate())
* hf - File handle suitable for PFNREAD/PFNSEEK, positioned
* at offset 0 in the file to test.
* pfdici - Buffer to receive info about cabinet if it is one.
* Exit-Success:
* Returns TRUE; file is a cabinet, pfdici filled in.
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns FALSE, file is not a cabinet; If an error occurred,
* perf (passed on FDICreate call!) filled in with error.
function FDIIsCabinet(hfdi: HFDI; hf: Integer; pfdici: PFDICABINETINFO): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
TFNFDIIsCabinet = function(hfdi: HFDI; hf: Integer; pfdici: PFDICABINETINFO): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
(*** FDICopy - extracts files from a cabinet
* Entry:
* hfdi - handle to FDI context (created by FDICreate())
* pszCabinet - main name of cabinet file
* pszCabPath - Path to cabinet file(s)
* flags - Flags to modify behavior
* pfnfdin - Notification function
* pfnfdid - Decryption function (pass NULL if not used)
* pvUser - User specified value to pass to notification function
* Exit-Success:
* Returns TRUE;
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns FALSE, perf (passed on FDICreate call!) filled in with
* error.
* Notes:
* (1) If FDICopy() fails while a target file is being written out, then
* FDI will use the PFNCLOSE function to close the file handle for that
* target file that was returned from the fdintCOPY_FILE notification.
* The client application is then free to delete the target file, since
* it will not be in a valid state (since there was an error while
* writing it out).
function FDICopy(hfdi: HFDI; pszCabinet: PAnsiChar; pszCabPath: PAnsiChar;
flags: Integer; pfnfdin: PFNFDINOTIFY; pfnfdid: PFNFDIDECRYPT;
pvUser: PVoid): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
TFNFDICopy = function(hfdi: HFDI; pszCabinet: PAnsiChar; pszCabPath: PAnsiChar;
flags: Integer; pfnfdin: PFNFDINOTIFY; pfnfdid: PFNFDIDECRYPT;
pvUser: PVoid): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
(*** FDIDestroy - Destroy an FDI context
* Entry:
* hfdi - handle to FDI context (created by FDICreate())
* Exit-Success:
* Returns TRUE;
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns FALSE;
function FDIDestroy(hfdi: HFDI): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
TFNFDIDestroy = function(hfdi: HFDI): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
function CompressionTypeFromTCOMP(tc: TCOMP): TCOMP;
function CompressionLevelFromTCOMP(tc: TCOMP): TCOMP;
function CompressionMemoryFromTCOMP(tc: TCOMP): TCOMP;
function TCOMPfromTypeLevelMemory(t, l, m: TCOMP): TCOMP;
function LZXCompressionWindowFromTCOMP(tc: TCOMP): TCOMP;
function TCOMPfromLZXWindow(w: TCOMP): TCOMP;
BooleanToWinBool: array[Boolean] of WIN_BOOL = (WIN_FALSE, WIN_TRUE);
// Truncated!
TCFHEADER = packed record
signature: UINT4; // cabinet file signature
reserved1: UINT4; // reserved
cbCabinet: UINT4; // size of this cabinet file in bytes
reserved2: UINT4; // reserved
coffFiles: UINT4; // offset of the first CFFILE entry
reserved3: UINT4; // reserved
versionMinor: UINT1; // cabinet file format version, minor
versionMajor: UINT1; // cabinet file format version, major
cFolders: UINT2; // number of CFFOLDER entries in this cabinet
cFiles: UINT2; // number of CFFILE entries in this cabinet
flags: UINT2; // cabinet file option indicators
setID: UINT2; // must be the same for all cabinets in a set
iCabinet: UINT2; // number of this cabinet file in a set
{ cbCFHeader: UINT2; // (optional) size of per-cabinet reserved area
cbCFFolder: UINT1; // (optional) size of per-folder reserved area
cbCFData: UINT1; // (optional) size of per-datablock reserved area
abReserve: UINT1[]; // (optional) per-cabinet reserved area
szCabinetPrev: AnsiChar[]; // (optional) name of previous cabinet file
szDiskPrev: AnsiChar[]; // (optional) name of previous disk
szCabinetNext: AnsiChar[]; // (optional) name of next cabinet file
szDiskNext: AnsiChar[]; // (optional) name of next disk }
cfhdrSIGNATURE: UINT4 = $4643534D;
cfhdrPREV_CABINET: UINT2 = $0001;
cfhdrNEXT_CABINET: UINT2 = $0002;
cfhdrRESERVE_PRESENT: UINT2 = $0004;
// Truncated!
TCFFOLDER = packed record
coffCabStart: UINT4; // offset of the first CFDATA block in this folder
cCFData: UINT2; // number of CFDATA blocks in this folder
typeCompress: UINT2; // compression type indicator
{ abReserve: UINT1[]; // (optional) per-folder reserved area }
// Truncated!
TCFFILE = packed record
cbFile: UINT4; // uncompressed size of this file in bytes
uoffFolderStart: UINT4; // uncompressed offset of this file in the folder
iFolder: UINT2; // index into the CFFOLDER area
date: UINT2; // date stamp for this file
time: UINT2; // time stamp for this file
attribs: UINT2; // attribute flags for this file
{ szName: AnsiChar[]; // name of this file }
// Truncated!
TCFDATA = packed record
csum: UINT4; // checksum of this CFDATA entry
cbData: UINT2; // number of compressed bytes in this block
cbUncomp: UINT2; // number of uncompressed bytes in this block
{ abReserve: UINT1[]; // (optional) per-datablock reserved area
ab: UINT1[cbData]; // compressed data bytes }
function CompressionTypeFromTCOMP(tc: TCOMP): TCOMP;
Result := tc and tcompMASK_TYPE;
function CompressionLevelFromTCOMP(tc: TCOMP): TCOMP;
Result := (tc and tcompMASK_QUANTUM_LEVEL) shr tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_LEVEL;
function CompressionMemoryFromTCOMP(tc: TCOMP): TCOMP;
Result := (tc and tcompMASK_QUANTUM_MEM) shr tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_MEM;
function TCOMPfromTypeLevelMemory(t, l, m: TCOMP): TCOMP;
Result := (m shl tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_MEM) or (l shl tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_LEVEL) or t;
function LZXCompressionWindowFromTCOMP(tc: TCOMP): TCOMP;
Result := (tc and tcompMASK_LZX_WINDOW) shr tcompSHIFT_LZX_WINDOW;
function TCOMPfromLZXWindow(w: TCOMP): TCOMP;
Result := (w shl tcompSHIFT_LZX_WINDOW) or tcompTYPE_LZX;
CabinetDll = 'cabinet.dll';
function FCICreate; external CabinetDll name 'FCICreate';
function FCIAddFile; external CabinetDll name 'FCIAddFile';
function FCIFlushCabinet; external CabinetDll name 'FCIFlushCabinet';
function FCIFlushFolder; external CabinetDll name 'FCIFlushFolder';
function FCIDestroy; external CabinetDll name 'FCIDestroy';
function FDICreate; external CabinetDll name 'FDICreate';
function FDIIsCabinet; external CabinetDll name 'FDIIsCabinet';
function FDICopy; external CabinetDll name 'FDICopy';
function FDIDestroy; external CabinetDll name 'FDIDestroy';
hCabModule: HModule = 0;
pFCICreate: TFNFCICreate = nil;
pFCIAddFile: TFNFCIAddFile = nil;
pFCIFlushCabinet: TFNFCIFlushCabinet = nil;
pFCIFlushFolder: TFNFCIFlushFolder = nil;
pFCIDestroy: TFNFCIDestroy = nil;
pFDICreate: TFNFDICreate = nil;
pFDIIsCabinet: TFNFDIIsCabinet = nil;
pFDICopy: TFNFDICopy = nil;
pFDIDestroy: TFNFDIDestroy = nil;
procedure InitCabinet;
hCabModule := LoadLibrary(CabinetDll);
Win32Check(hCabModule <> 0);
@pFCICreate := GetProcAddress(hCabModule, 'FCICreate');
Win32Check(@pFCICreate <> nil);
@pFCIAddFile := GetProcAddress(hCabModule, 'FCIAddFile');
Win32Check(@pFCIAddFile <> nil);
@pFCIFlushCabinet := GetProcAddress(hCabModule, 'FCIFlushCabinet');
Win32Check(@pFCIFlushCabinet <> nil);
@pFCIFlushFolder := GetProcAddress(hCabModule, 'FCIFlushFolder');
Win32Check(@pFCIFlushFolder <> nil);
@pFCIDestroy := GetProcAddress(hCabModule, 'FCIDestroy');
Win32Check(@pFCIDestroy <> nil);
@pFDICreate := GetProcAddress(hCabModule, 'FDICreate');
Win32Check(@pFDICreate <> nil);
@pFDIIsCabinet := GetProcAddress(hCabModule, 'FDIIsCabinet');
Win32Check(@pFDIIsCabinet <> nil);
@pFDICopy := GetProcAddress(hCabModule, 'FDICopy');
Win32Check(@pFDICopy <> nil);
@pFDIDestroy := GetProcAddress(hCabModule, 'FDIDestroy');
Win32Check(@pFDIDestroy <> nil);
hCabModule := 0;
function FCICreate(perf: PERF; pfnfcifp: PFNFCIFILEPLACED;
pfnread: PFNFCIREAD; pfnwrite: PFNFCIWRITE; pfnclose: PFNFCICLOSE;
pfnseek: PFNFCISEEK; pfndelete: PFNFCIDELETE;
pfnfcigtf: PFNFCIGETTEMPFILE; pccab: PCCAB; pv: PVoid): HFCI; cdecl;
if hCabModule = 0 then
Result := pFCICreate(perf, pfnfcifp, pfna, pfnf, pfnopen, pfnread, pfnwrite,
pfnclose, pfnseek, pfndelete, pfnfcigtf, pccab, pv);
function FCIAddFile(hfci: HFCI; pszSourceFile: PAnsiChar; pszFileName: PAnsiChar;
pfnfcigoi: PFNFCIGETOPENINFO; typeCompress: TCOMP): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
Result := pFCIAddFile(hfci, pszSourceFile, pszFileName, fExecute,
pfnfcignc, pfnfcis, pfnfcigoi, typeCompress);
function FCIFlushCabinet(hfci: HFCI; fGetNextCab: WIN_BOOL;
Result := pFCIFlushCabinet(hfci, fGetNextCab, pfnfcignc, pfnfcis);
function FCIFlushFolder(hfci: HFCI; pfnfcignc: PFNFCIGETNEXTCABINET;
pfnfcis: PFNFCISTATUS): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
Result := pFCIFlushFolder(hfci, pfnfcignc, pfnfcis);
function FCIDestroy(hfci: HFCI): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
Result := pFCIDestroy(hfci);
function FDICreate(pfnalloc: PFNALLOC; pfnfree: PFNFREE; pfnopen: PFNOPEN;
pfnread: PFNREAD; pfnwrite: PFNWRITE; pfnclose: PFNCLOSE;
pfnseek: PFNSEEK; cpuType: Integer; perf: PERF): HFDI; cdecl;
if hCabModule = 0 then
Result := pFDICreate(pfnalloc, pfnfree, pfnopen, pfnread, pfnwrite,
pfnclose, pfnseek, cpuType, perf);
function FDIIsCabinet(hfdi: HFDI; hf: Integer; pfdici: PFDICABINETINFO): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
Result := pFDIIsCabinet(hfdi, hf, pfdici);
function FDICopy(hfdi: HFDI; pszCabinet: PAnsiChar; pszCabPath: PAnsiChar;
flags: Integer; pfnfdin: PFNFDINOTIFY; pfnfdid: PFNFDIDECRYPT;
pvUser: PVoid): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
Result := pFDICopy(hfdi, pszCabinet, pszCabPath, flags, pfnfdin,
pfnfdid, pvUser);
function FDIDestroy(hfdi: HFDI): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
Result := pFDIDestroy(hfdi);
if hCabModule <> 0 then