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- {$A+,B-,C+,D+,E-,F-,G+,H+,I+,J+,K-,L+,M-,N+,O+,P+,Q-,R-,S-,T-,U-,V+,W-,X+,Y-,Z1}
- { Copyright (C) 1998-2000, written by Shkolnik Mike
- FIDOnet: 2:463/106.14
- E-Mail: mshkolnik@scalabium.com
- mshkolnik@yahoo.com
- WEB: http://www.scalabium.com
- http://www.geocities.com/mshkolnik
- tel: 380-/44/-552-10-29
- English:
- The successor TDBGrid with the extended features.
- Is able to display multiline wordwrap column titles,
- checkboxs for boolean fields, checkboxs for record selecting,
- fixing of columns, a convenient select of records from the keyboard,
- stretch drawing of the graphic fields in the cells,
- possibility to exclude insert and delete of records in the DBGrid,
- own standard PopupMenu, save/restore of a column states, processing of
- additional events etc.
- 1. movement from column to column by ENTER key (like TAB)
- 2. multiline wordwrap column titles (partly is transfered
- from TBitDBGrid - Ilya Andreev, ilya_andreev@geocities.com
- FIDONet: 2:5030/55.28 AKA 2:5030/402.17)
- 3. display opportunity of selected record mark (like checkbox)
- 4. editing of boolean fields like checkbox
- 5. a convenient select of records from keyboard (is transfered from TRXDBGrid, RXLibrary)
- 6. an opportunity to exclude insert and delete of records in the SMDBGrid
- 7. save and restore of the column order and column width in the INI-file
- 8. own PopUp-menu with standard items (Add/Edit/Delete record, Print/Export
- data, Save/Cancel changes, Refresh data, Select/UnSelect records,
- Save/Restore layout)
- 9. fixing of the few columns in horizontal scrolling
- 10. delete of the all selected records
- 11. Refresh of the data in SMDBGrid (useful for TQuery because Refresh
- correctly works only for TTable)
- 12. processing of events by pressing on column title (is transfered
- from TRXDBGrid, RXLibrary)
- 13. ability of display of the MEMO/BLOB/PICTURE-fields as Bitmap (is
- transfered from TRXDBGrid, RXLibrary)
- 14. display hints for each cells if cell text is cutted by column width
- (transfered from TBitDBGrid - Ilya Andreev, ilya_andreev@geocities.com
- FIDONet: 2:5030/55.28 AKA 2:5030/402.17)
- 15. opportunity to assign of events: OnAppendRecord, OnEditRecord,
- OnDeleteRecord, OnPrintData, OnExportData
- 16. lowered draw of the current selected column (like grid in
- 1C-accounting)
- 17. standard Popup menu like window system menu:
- "Add record",
- "Insert record",
- "Edit record",
- "Delete record",
- "-",
- "Print ...",
- "Export ...",
- "-",
- "Save changes",
- "Cancel changes",
- "Refresh data",
- "-",
- "Select/Unselect records",
- "-",
- "Save layout",
- "Restore layout",
- "-",
- "Setup..."
- PS: in archive there are English, French, German, Italian, Dutch,
- Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian and Japan resources
- (view a file SMCnst.PAS in Resourse directory).
- If anybody want to send a native resources, then I shall include it in next build.
- Thanks to native tranclators:
- - Remy (walloon@euronet.be) for French resources
- - Thomas Grimm (tgrimm@allegro-itc.de) for German resources
- - Naohiro Fukuda (nao@nagoya.terracom.co.jp) for Japan resources
- - Julian (gzorzi@misam.it) for Italian resources
- - Rodrigo Hjort (rodrigo_hjort@excite.com) for Brazilian Portuguese resources
- - sam francke (s.j.francke@hccnet.nl) for Dutch resources
- - Daniel Ramirez Jaime (rdaniel2000@hotmail.com) for Spanish Mexican resources
- I want to thank Naohiro Fukuda (nao@nagoya.terracom.co.jp)
- and Remy (walloon@euronet.be), due to which in TSMDBGrid
- there was much less errors and bugs and for their sentences
- on improverment a component.
- }
- unit SMDBGrid;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- Menus, Grids, DBGrids, DB, StdCtrls, SMCnst;
- type
- TExOptions = set of (eoBooleanAsCheckBox,
- eoCheckBoxSelect, eoCellHint,
- eoDisableDelete, eoDisableInsert, eoDrawGraphicField,
- eoENTERlikeTAB, eoFixedLikeColumn,
- eoKeepSelection, eoLayout,
- eoSelectedTitle, eoShowGlyphs, eoShowLookup, eoStandardPopup,
- eoTitleButtons);
- type
- {start cutting from TRxDBGrid}
- TCheckTitleBtnEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol: Longint; Field: TField; var Enabled: Boolean) of object;
- TGetCellParamsEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Field: TField; AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor; Highlight: Boolean) of object;
- TGetBtnParamsEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Field: TField; AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor; IsDown: Boolean) of object;
- {end cutting from TRxDBGrid}
- TGetGlyphEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; var Bitmap: TBitmap) of object;
- type
- TSMSortType = (stNone, stAscending, stDescending);
- TSMSortColumn = class
- FieldName: string;
- SortCaption: string;
- SortType: TSMSortType;
- end;
- TSMDBGrid = class;
- TSMListSortColumns = class(TList)
- private
- function GetColumn(Index: Integer): TSMSortColumn;
- procedure SetColumn(Index: Integer; Value: TSMSortColumn);
- public
- function Add: TSMSortColumn;
- procedure RebuildColumns(Grid: TSMDBGrid);
- property Items[Index: Integer]: TSMSortColumn read GetColumn write SetColumn; default;
- end;
- TSMDBGrid = class(TDBGrid)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FExOptions: TExOptions;
- {selection: from TRxDBGrid}
- FMultiSelect: Boolean;
- FSelecting: Boolean;
- FMsIndicators: TImageList;
- FSelectionAnchor: TBookmarkStr;
- FDisableCount: Integer;
- FFixedCols: Integer;
- FSwapButtons: Boolean;
- FOnCheckButton: TCheckTitleBtnEvent;
- FTracking: Boolean;
- FPressedCol: Longint;
- FPressed: Boolean;
- FOnGetCellParams: TGetCellParamsEvent;
- FOnGetBtnParams: TGetBtnParamsEvent;
- {Registry}
- FRegistryKey: string;
- FRegistrySection: string;
- {popup menu with standard operations}
- FDBPopUpMenu: TPopUpMenu;
- FOnAppendRecord: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnInsertRecord: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnEditRecord: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnDeleteRecord: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnPostData: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnCancelData: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnRefreshData: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnPrintData: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnExportData: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnSetupGrid: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnChangeSelection: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnDrawColumnTitle: TDrawColumnCellEvent;
- FOnGetGlyph: TGetGlyphEvent;
- FWidthOfIndicator: Integer;
- StartOfSelect: TBookmark;
- procedure SetIndicatorWidth(Value: Integer);
- procedure AppendClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure InsertClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure EditClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure DeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure PrintClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ExportClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure PostClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure CancelClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure RefreshClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure SetupGridClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure SaveLayoutClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure RestoreLayoutClick(Sender: TObject);
- {start cutting from TRxDBGrid}
- procedure SetFixedCols(Value: Integer);
- function GetFixedCols: Integer;
- function GetTitleOffset: Byte;
- procedure StopTracking;
- procedure TrackButton(X, Y: Integer);
- function AcquireFocus: Boolean;
- function ActiveRowSelected: Boolean;
- function GetOptions: TDBGridOptions;
- procedure SetOptions(Value: TDBGridOptions);
- {end cutting from TRxDBGrid}
- function GetImageIndex(Field: TField): Integer;
- procedure SetExOptions(Val: TExOptions);
- {partly is transfered from TBitDBGrid:
- Ilya Andreev, ilya_andreev@geocities.com
- FIDONet: 2:5030/55.28 AKA 2:5030/402.17}
- procedure SetTitlesHeight;
- procedure CMHintShow(var Msg: TMessage); message CM_HINTSHOW;
- {end of transfered}
- function GetSortImageWidth: Integer;
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- // procedure Paint; override;
- {start cutting from TRxDBGrid}
- function HighlightCell(DataCol, DataRow: Integer; const Value: string;
- AState: TGridDrawState): Boolean; override;
- procedure Scroll(Distance: Integer); override;
- procedure LayoutChanged; override;
- procedure ColWidthsChanged; override;
- procedure SetColumnAttributes; override;
- procedure TopLeftChanged; override;
- function CanEditShow: Boolean; override;
- procedure CheckTitleButton(ACol: Longint; var Enabled: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure GetCellProps(Field: TField; AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor;
- Highlight: Boolean); dynamic;
- {end cutting from TRxDBGrid}
- procedure CellClick(Column: TColumn); override;
- function CellRectForDraw(R: TRect; ACol: Longint): TRect;
- procedure DrawColumnCell(const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer;
- Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); override;
- function GetGlyph: TBitmap; virtual;
- procedure DrawCheckBox(R: TRect; AState: TCheckBoxState; al: TAlignment); virtual;
- procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
- procedure DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState); override;
- procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- SortColumns: TSMListSortColumns;
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure DeleteData;
- procedure RefreshData;
- procedure SelectOneClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure SelectAllClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure UnSelectOneClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure UnSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure SaveLayoutToRegistry;
- procedure RestoreLayoutFromRegistry;
- procedure ToggleRowSelection;
- procedure GotoSelection(Index: Longint);
- procedure DisableScroll;
- procedure EnableScroll;
- function ScrollDisabled: Boolean;
- property IndicatorOffset;
- property TitleOffset: Byte read GetTitleOffset;
- published
- { Published declarations }
- property GridLineWidth;
- property ExOptions: TExOptions read FExOptions write SetExOptions;
- {selection}
- property Options: TDBGridOptions read GetOptions write SetOptions;
- property FixedCols: Integer read GetFixedCols write SetFixedCols default 0;
- property OnGetCellParams: TGetCellParamsEvent read FOnGetCellParams write FOnGetCellParams;
- {Registry}
- property RegistryKey: string read FRegistryKey write FRegistryKey;
- property RegistrySection: string read FRegistrySection write FRegistrySection;
- property OnAppendRecord: TNotifyEvent read FOnAppendRecord write FOnAppendRecord;
- property OnInsertRecord: TNotifyEvent read FOnInsertRecord write FOnInsertRecord;
- property OnEditRecord: TNotifyEvent read FOnEditRecord write FOnEditRecord;
- property OnDeleteRecord: TNotifyEvent read FOnDeleteRecord write FOnDeleteRecord;
- property OnPostData: TNotifyEvent read FOnPostData write FOnPostData;
- property OnCancelData: TNotifyEvent read FOnCancelData write FOnCancelData;
- property OnRefreshData: TNotifyEvent read FOnRefreshData write FOnRefreshData;
- property OnPrintData: TNotifyEvent read FOnPrintData write FOnPrintData;
- property OnExportData: TNotifyEvent read FOnExportData write FOnExportData;
- property OnCheckButton: TCheckTitleBtnEvent read FOnCheckButton write FOnCheckButton;
- property OnChangeSelection: TNotifyEvent read FOnChangeSelection write FOnChangeSelection;
- property OnSetupGrid: TNotifyEvent read FOnSetupGrid write FOnSetupGrid;
- property OnDrawColumnTitle: TDrawColumnCellEvent read FOnDrawColumnTitle write FOnDrawColumnTitle;
- property OnGetGlyph: TGetGlyphEvent read FOnGetGlyph write FOnGetGlyph;
- property WidthOfIndicator: Integer read FWidthOfIndicator write SetIndicatorWidth;
- property ScrollBars;
- property ColCount;
- property RowCount;
- property VisibleColCount;
- property VisibleRowCount;
- property Col;
- property Row;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnMouseMove;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- uses RXUtils {ex VCLUtils from RX-Lib}, TypInfo, Registry, DBTables
- {$IFDEF VER140} , Variants
- {$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF VER150} , Variants
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- ;
- {$R *.RES}
- var
- FCheckWidth, FCheckHeight: Integer;
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('SMComponents', [TSMDBGrid]);
- end;
- { TSMListSortColumns }
- function TSMListSortColumns.Add: TSMSortColumn;
- begin
- Result := TSMSortColumn.Create;
- inherited Add(Result);
- end;
- function TSMListSortColumns.GetColumn(Index: Integer): TSMSortColumn;
- begin
- Result := TSMSortColumn(inherited Items[Index]);
- end;
- procedure TSMListSortColumns.SetColumn(Index: Integer; Value: TSMSortColumn);
- begin
- Items[Index] := Value;
- end;
- procedure TSMListSortColumns.RebuildColumns(Grid: TSMDBGrid);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if Assigned(Grid) and Assigned(Grid.DataSource) and
- Assigned(Grid.DataSource.DataSet) then
- begin
- Grid.BeginLayout;
- try
- Clear;
- with Grid.DataSource.DataSet do
- for i := 0 to FieldCount-1 do
- Add.FieldName := Fields[i].FieldName
- finally
- Grid.EndLayout;
- end
- end
- else
- Clear;
- end;
- type
- TBookmarks = class(TBookmarkList);
- TGridPicture = (gpBlob, gpMemo, gpPicture, gpOle, gpSortAsc, gpSortDesc);
- const
- GridBmpNames: array[TGridPicture] of PChar = ('SM_BLOB', 'SM_MEMO', 'SM_PICT', 'SM_OLE',
- GridBitmaps: array[TGridPicture] of TBitmap = (nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil);
- bmMultiDot = 'SM_MSDOT';
- bmMultiArrow = 'SM_MSARROW';
- bmMultiCheckBox = 'SM_MSCHECKBOX';
- function GetGridBitmap(BmpType: TGridPicture): TBitmap;
- begin
- if GridBitmaps[BmpType] = nil then
- begin
- GridBitmaps[BmpType] := TBitmap.Create;
- GridBitmaps[BmpType].Handle := LoadBitmap(HInstance, GridBmpNames[BmpType]);
- end;
- Result := GridBitmaps[BmpType];
- end;
- procedure DestroyLocals; far;
- var I: TGridPicture;
- begin
- for I := Low(TGridPicture) to High(TGridPicture) do
- GridBitmaps[I].Free;
- end;
- procedure GridInvalidateRow(Grid: TSMDBGrid; Row: Longint);
- var I: Longint;
- begin
- for I := 0 to Grid.ColCount - 1 do Grid.InvalidateCell(I, Row);
- end;
- procedure GetCheckBoxSize;
- begin
- with TBitmap.Create do
- try
- Handle := LoadBitmap(0, PChar(32759));
- FCheckWidth := Width div 4;
- FCheckHeight := Height div 3;
- finally
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- constructor TSMDBGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- var NewItem: TMenuItem;
- j: Integer;
- Bmp: TBitmap;
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- SortColumns := TSMListSortColumns.Create;
- FRegistryKey := 'Software\MikeSoft';
- FRegistrySection := 'SMDBGrid';
- Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- Bmp.Handle := LoadBitmap(hInstance, bmMultiDot);
- FMsIndicators := TImageList.CreateSize(Bmp.Width, Bmp.Height);
- FMsIndicators.AddMasked(Bmp, clWhite);
- Bmp.Handle := LoadBitmap(hInstance, bmMultiArrow);
- FMsIndicators.AddMasked(Bmp, clWhite);
- Bmp.Handle := LoadBitmap(hInstance, bmMultiCheckBox);
- FMsIndicators.AddMasked(Bmp, clWhite);
- finally
- Bmp.Free;
- end;
- FPressedCol := -1;
- FDBPopUpMenu := TPopUpMenu.Create(Self {AOwner});
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- begin
- for j := 0 to High(PopUpCaption) do
- begin
- NewItem := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- NewItem.Caption := PopUpCaption[j];
- case j of
- 0: NewItem.OnClick := AppendClick;
- 1: NewItem.OnClick := InsertClick;
- 2: NewItem.OnClick := EditClick;
- 3: NewItem.OnClick := DeleteClick;
- 5: NewItem.OnClick := PrintClick;
- 6: NewItem.OnClick := ExportClick;
- 8: NewItem.OnClick := PostClick;
- 9: NewItem.OnClick := CancelClick;
- 10: NewItem.OnClick := RefreshClick;
- 13: NewItem.OnClick := SelectOneClick;
- 14: NewItem.OnClick := SelectAllClick;
- 16: NewItem.OnClick := UnSelectOneClick;
- 17: NewItem.OnClick := UnSelectAllClick;
- 19: NewItem.OnClick := SaveLayoutClick;
- 20: NewItem.OnClick := RestoreLayoutClick;
- 22: NewItem.OnClick := SetupGridClick;
- end;
- if j in [13, 14, 15, 16, 17] then
- FDBPopUpMenu.Items[12].Add(NewItem)
- else
- FDBPopUpMenu.Items.Add(NewItem);
- end;
- end;
- // PopUpMenu := FDBPopUpMenu;
- GetCheckBoxSize;
- FWidthOfIndicator := IndicatorWidth;
- FExOptions := [eoENTERlikeTAB, eoKeepSelection, eoStandardPopup];
- // ScrollBars := ssBoth;
- // Color := clInfoBk;
- end;
- destructor TSMDBGrid.Destroy;
- begin
- if Assigned(StartOfSelect) then
- DataLink.DataSet.FreeBookmark(StartOfSelect);
- SortColumns.Free;
- FDBPopUpMenu.Free;
- FMsIndicators.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {procedure TSMDBGrid.Paint;
- begin
- if ScrollBars in [ssNone, ssHorizontal] then
- SetScrollRange(Self.Handle, SB_VERT, 0, 0, False);
- if ScrollBars in [ssNone, ssVertical] then
- SetScrollRange(Self.Handle, SB_HORZ, 0, 0, False);
- inherited Paint;
- end;
- }
- {Standard popup menu events}
- procedure TSMDBGrid.AppendClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnAppendRecord) then
- FOnAppendRecord(Sender)
- else
- Datalink.DataSet.Append;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.InsertClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnInsertRecord) then
- FOnInsertRecord(Self)
- else
- Datalink.DataSet.Insert;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.EditClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnEditRecord) then
- FOnEditRecord(Sender)
- else
- Datalink.DataSet.Edit;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.DeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnDeleteRecord) then
- FOnDeleteRecord(Sender)
- else
- DeleteData;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.PrintClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnPrintData) then
- FOnPrintData(Sender)
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.ExportClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnexportData) then
- FOnExportData(Sender)
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.PostClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnPostData) then
- FOnPostData(Sender)
- else
- Datalink.DataSet.Post;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.CancelClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnCancelData) then
- FOnCancelData(Sender)
- else
- Datalink.DataSet.Cancel;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.RefreshClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnRefreshData) then
- FOnRefreshData(Sender)
- else
- RefreshData;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.SetupGridClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnSetupGrid) then
- FOnSetupGrid(Sender)
- end;
- function TSMDBGrid.GetImageIndex(Field: TField): Integer;
- var
- AOnGetText: TFieldGetTextEvent;
- AOnSetText: TFieldSetTextEvent;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if (eoShowGlyphs in FExOptions) and Assigned(Field) then
- begin
- if (not ReadOnly) and Field.CanModify then
- begin
- { Allow editing of memo fields if OnSetText and OnGetText
- events are assigned }
- AOnGetText := Field.OnGetText;
- AOnSetText := Field.OnSetText;
- if Assigned(AOnSetText) and Assigned(AOnGetText) then Exit;
- end;
- case Field.DataType of
- ftBytes, ftVarBytes, ftBlob: Result := Integer(gpBlob);
- ftMemo: Result := Integer(gpMemo);
- ftGraphic: Result := Integer(gpPicture);
- ftTypedBinary: Result := Integer(gpBlob);
- ftFmtMemo: Result := Integer(gpMemo);
- ftParadoxOle, ftDBaseOle: Result := Integer(gpOle);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TSMDBGrid.ActiveRowSelected: Boolean;
- var Index: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (dgMultiSelect in Options) and Datalink.Active then
- Result := SelectedRows.Find(Datalink.DataSet.Bookmark, Index);
- end;
- function TSMDBGrid.HighlightCell(DataCol, DataRow: Integer;
- const Value: string; AState: TGridDrawState): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := ActiveRowSelected;
- if not Result then
- Result := inherited HighlightCell(DataCol, DataRow, Value, AState);
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.ToggleRowSelection;
- begin
- if (dgMultiSelect in Options) and Datalink.Active then
- begin
- with SelectedRows do
- CurrentRowSelected := not CurrentRowSelected;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeSelection) then
- FOnChangeSelection(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.GotoSelection(Index: Longint);
- begin
- if (dgMultiSelect in Options) and DataLink.Active and (Index < SelectedRows.Count) and (Index >= 0) then
- Datalink.DataSet.GotoBookmark(Pointer(SelectedRows[Index]));
- end;
- {partly is transfered from TBitDBGrid:
- Ilya Andreev, ilya_andreev@geocities.com
- FIDONet: 2:5030/55.28 AKA 2:5030/402.17}
- procedure TSMDBGrid.SetTitlesHeight;
- var
- i, MaxHeight: Integer;
- RRect: TRect;
- pt: Integer;
- s: string;
- begin
- if (dgTitles in Options) then
- begin
- {recalculate a title height}
- MaxHeight := 0;
- for i := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do
- begin
- RRect := CellRect(0, 0);
- RRect.Right := Columns[i].Width - 1;
- RRect.Left := 0;
- RRect := CellRectForDraw(RRect, i);
- Canvas.Font := Columns[i].Title.Font;
- s := Columns[i].Title.Caption;
- pt := Pos('|', s);
- if pt > 0 then
- begin
- while pt <> 0 do
- begin
- s[pt] := #13;
- pt := Pos('|', s);
- end;
- Columns[i].Title.Caption := s;
- end;
- MaxHeight := Max(MaxHeight, DrawText(Canvas.Handle,
- PChar(s),
- Length(s),
- RRect,
- end;
- if (MaxHeight <> 0) then
- begin
- if (dgRowLines in Options) then
- Inc(MaxHeight, 3)
- else
- Inc(MaxHeight, 2);
- if (eoTitleButtons in ExOptions) then
- Inc(MaxHeight, 2);
- RowHeights[0] := MaxHeight+4
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {end of transfered}
- procedure TSMDBGrid.LayoutChanged;
- var ACol: Longint;
- begin
- ACol := Col;
- inherited LayoutChanged;
- if Datalink.Active and (FixedCols > 0) then
- Col := Min(Max(inherited FixedCols, ACol), ColCount - 1);
- {recalculate a title height}
- SetTitlesHeight;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.ColWidthsChanged;
- var
- ACol: Longint;
- begin
- ACol := Col;
- inherited ColWidthsChanged;
- if Datalink.Active and (FixedCols > 0) then
- Col := Min(Max(inherited FixedCols, ACol), ColCount - 1);
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.SetIndicatorWidth(Value: Integer);
- var FrameOffs: Byte;
- begin
- if (Value <> FWidthOfIndicator) then
- begin
- if ([dgRowLines, dgColLines] * Options = [dgRowLines, dgColLines]) then
- FrameOffs := 1
- else
- FrameOffs := 2;
- if (eoCheckBoxSelect in ExOptions) and
- (Value < FCheckWidth + 4*FrameOffs + FMsIndicators.Width) then
- Value := FCheckWidth + 4*FrameOffs + FMsIndicators.Width;
- if Value < IndicatorWidth then
- Value := IndicatorWidth;
- FWidthOfIndicator := Value;
- SetColumnAttributes
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.SetColumnAttributes;
- begin
- inherited SetColumnAttributes;
- if (dgIndicator in Options) then
- ColWidths[0] := WidthOfIndicator;
- SetFixedCols(FFixedCols);
- end;
- function TSMDBGrid.GetTitleOffset: Byte;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if dgTitles in Options then
- Inc(Result);
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.SetFixedCols(Value: Integer);
- var FixCount, i: Integer;
- begin
- FixCount := Max(Value, 0) + IndicatorOffset;
- if DataLink.Active and not (csLoading in ComponentState) and
- (ColCount > IndicatorOffset + 1) then
- begin
- FixCount := Min(FixCount, ColCount - 1);
- inherited FixedCols := FixCount;
- for i := 1 to Min(FixedCols, ColCount - 1) do
- TabStops[i] := False;
- end;
- FFixedCols := FixCount - IndicatorOffset;
- end;
- function TSMDBGrid.GetFixedCols: Integer;
- begin
- if DataLink.Active then
- Result := inherited FixedCols - IndicatorOffset
- else
- Result := FFixedCols;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.SelectOneClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if (dgMultiSelect in Options) and Datalink.Active then
- begin
- SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeSelection) then
- FOnChangeSelection(Self);
- end
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.SelectAllClick(Sender: TObject);
- var ABookmark: TBookmark;
- begin
- if (dgMultiSelect in Options) and DataLink.Active then
- begin
- with Datalink.Dataset do
- begin
- if (BOF and EOF) then Exit;
- DisableControls;
- try
- ABookmark := GetBookmark;
- try
- First;
- while not EOF do
- begin
- SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True;
- Next;
- end;
- finally
- try
- GotoBookmark(ABookmark);
- except
- end;
- FreeBookmark(ABookmark);
- end;
- finally
- if Assigned(FOnChangeSelection) then
- FOnChangeSelection(Self);
- EnableControls;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.UnSelectOneClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if (dgMultiSelect in Options) and Datalink.Active then
- begin
- SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := False;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeSelection) then
- FOnChangeSelection(Self);
- end
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.UnSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if (dgMultiSelect in Options) then
- begin
- SelectedRows.Clear;
- FSelecting := False;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeSelection) then
- FOnChangeSelection(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.SaveLayoutClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- SaveLayoutToRegistry;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.RestoreLayoutClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- RestoreLayoutFromRegistry;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.DeleteData;
- function DeletePrompt: Boolean;
- var S: string;
- begin
- if (SelectedRows.Count > 1) then
- S := SDeleteMultipleRecordsQuestion
- else
- S := SDeleteRecordQuestion;
- Result := not (dgConfirmDelete in Options) or
- (MessageDlg(S, mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes);
- end;
- begin
- if DeletePrompt then
- begin
- if SelectedRows.Count > 0 then
- SelectedRows.Delete
- else
- Datalink.DataSet.Delete;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.RefreshData;
- var bookPosition: TBookMark;
- boolContinue: Boolean;
- begin
- boolContinue := True;
- {if needs, save the changed data}
- if Assigned(Datalink.DataSet) then
- begin
- with Datalink.DataSet do
- begin
- if (State in [dsInsert, dsEdit]) and CanModify then Post;
- if (Datalink.DataSet is TBDEDataSet) then
- with (Datalink.DataSet as TBDEDataSet) do
- begin
- if CachedUpdates and UpdatesPending then
- try
- case MessageDlg(strSaveChanges, mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo, mbCancel], 0) of
- mrYes: ApplyUpdates;
- mrNo: CancelUpdates;
- else
- boolContinue := False;
- end;
- except
- MessageDlg(strErrSaveChanges, mtError, [mbOk], 0);
- boolContinue := False;
- end;
- end;
- if boolContinue then
- begin
- {save a current position}
- bookPosition := GetBookmark;
- {close and open a dataset}
- Active := False;
- Active := True;
- {restore a saved position}
- try
- GotoBookmark(bookPosition);
- except
- First;
- end;
- FreeBookmark(bookPosition);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.SetExOptions(Val: TExOptions);
- var FrameOffs: Byte;
- begin
- if (FExOptions <> Val) then
- begin
- FExOptions := Val;
- if ([dgRowLines, dgColLines] * Options = [dgRowLines, dgColLines]) then
- FrameOffs := 1
- else
- FrameOffs := 2;
- if (eoCheckBoxSelect in Val) then
- begin
- if (WidthOfIndicator = IndicatorWidth) then
- WidthOfIndicator := FCheckWidth + 4*FrameOffs + FMsIndicators.Width;
- end
- else
- begin
- if (WidthOfIndicator = FCheckWidth + 4*FrameOffs + FMsIndicators.Width) then
- WidthOfIndicator := IndicatorWidth;
- end;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- function TSMDBGrid.CanEditShow: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited CanEditShow;
- if Result and
- (Datalink <> nil) and
- Datalink.Active and
- (FieldCount > 0) and
- (SelectedIndex < FieldCount) and
- (SelectedIndex >= 0) and
- (FieldCount <= DataSource.DataSet.FieldCount) and
- (Fields[SelectedIndex] <> nil) then
- Result := GetImageIndex(Fields[SelectedIndex]) < 0;
- if Result and
- (eoBooleanAsCheckBox in FExOptions) and
- Assigned(Fields[SelectedIndex]) and
- (Fields[SelectedIndex].DataType = ftBoolean) then
- Result := False
- end;
- function TSMDBGrid.AcquireFocus: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if FAcquireFocus and CanFocus and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- begin
- SetFocus;
- Result := Focused or (InplaceEditor <> nil) and InplaceEditor.Focused;
- end;
- end;
- function TSMDBGrid.GetOptions: TDBGridOptions;
- begin
- Result := inherited Options;
- if FMultiSelect then
- Result := Result + [dgMultiSelect]
- else
- Result := Result - [dgMultiSelect];
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.SetOptions(Value: TDBGridOptions);
- begin
- inherited Options := Value - [dgMultiSelect];
- if FMultiSelect <> (dgMultiSelect in Value) then
- begin
- FMultiSelect := (dgMultiSelect in Value);
- if not FMultiSelect then
- SelectedRows.Clear;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.GetCellProps(Field: TField; AFont: TFont;
- var Background: TColor; Highlight: Boolean);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnGetCellParams) then
- FOnGetCellParams(Self, Field, AFont, Background, Highlight)
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.CheckTitleButton(ACol: Longint; var Enabled: Boolean);
- begin
- if (ACol >= 0) and (ACol < Columns.Count) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnCheckButton) then
- FOnCheckButton(Self, ACol, Columns[ACol].Field, Enabled);
- end
- else
- Enabled := False;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.DisableScroll;
- begin
- Inc(FDisableCount);
- end;
- type
- THackLink = class(TGridDataLink);
- procedure TSMDBGrid.EnableScroll;
- begin
- if FDisableCount <> 0 then
- begin
- Dec(FDisableCount);
- if FDisableCount = 0 then
- THackLink(DataLink).DataSetScrolled(0);
- end;
- end;
- function TSMDBGrid.ScrollDisabled: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FDisableCount <> 0;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.Scroll(Distance: Integer);
- var IndicatorRect: TRect;
- begin
- if FDisableCount = 0 then
- begin
- inherited Scroll(Distance);
- if (dgIndicator in Options) and
- HandleAllocated and
- (dgMultiSelect in Options) then
- begin
- IndicatorRect := BoxRect(0, 0, 0, RowCount - 1);
- InvalidateRect(Handle, @IndicatorRect, False);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- var
- KeyDownEvent: TKeyEvent;
- function ItAddLastRecord: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (eoDisableInsert in FExOptions) and
- (Datalink.ActiveRecord >= Datalink.RecordCount-1);
- end;
- procedure ClearSelections;
- begin
- if (dgMultiSelect in Options) then
- begin
- if not (eoKeepSelection in ExOptions) then
- begin
- SelectedRows.Clear;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeSelection) then
- FOnChangeSelection(Self);
- end;
- FSelecting := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DoSelection(Select: Boolean; Direction: Integer);
- var
- AddAfter: Boolean;
- begin
- AddAfter := False;
- BeginUpdate;
- try
- if (dgMultiSelect in Options) and DataLink.Active then
- if Select and (ssShift in Shift) then
- begin
- if not FSelecting then
- begin
- FSelectionAnchor := TBookmarks(SelectedRows).CurrentRow;
- SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeSelection) then
- FOnChangeSelection(Self);
- FSelecting := True;
- AddAfter := True;
- end
- else
- with TBookmarks(SelectedRows) do
- begin
- AddAfter := Compare(CurrentRow, FSelectionAnchor) <> -Direction;
- if not AddAfter then
- begin
- CurrentRowSelected := False;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeSelection) then
- FOnChangeSelection(Self);
- end
- end
- end
- else
- ClearSelections;
- if Direction <> 0 then
- Datalink.DataSet.MoveBy(Direction);
- if AddAfter then
- begin
- SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeSelection) then
- FOnChangeSelection(Self);
- end;
- finally
- EndUpdate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure NextRow(Select: Boolean);
- begin
- with Datalink.Dataset do begin
- DoSelection(Select, 1);
- if EOF and CanModify and (not ReadOnly) and (dgEditing in Options) and
- not ItAddLastRecord then
- AppendClick(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure PriorRow(Select: Boolean);
- begin
- DoSelection(Select, -1);
- end;
- procedure CheckTab(GoForward: Boolean);
- var ACol, Original: Integer;
- begin
- ACol := Col;
- Original := ACol;
- if (dgMultiSelect in Options) and DataLink.Active then
- while True do
- begin
- if GoForward then
- Inc(ACol)
- else
- Dec(ACol);
- if ACol >= ColCount then
- begin
- ClearSelections;
- ACol := IndicatorOffset;
- end
- else
- if ACol < IndicatorOffset then
- begin
- ClearSelections;
- ACol := ColCount;
- end;
- if ACol = Original then Exit;
- if TabStops[ACol] then Exit;
- end;
- end;
- const
- begin
- KeyDownEvent := OnKeyDown;
- if Assigned(KeyDownEvent) then
- KeyDownEvent(Self, Key, Shift);
- if not Datalink.Active or not CanGridAcceptKey(Key, Shift) then Exit;
- with Datalink.DataSet do
- if ssCtrl in Shift then
- begin
- if (Key in RowMovementKeys) then
- ClearSelections;
- case Key of
- VK_LEFT: if FixedCols > 0 then
- begin
- SelectedIndex := FixedCols;
- Exit;
- end;
- VK_DELETE: begin
- if (eoDisableDelete in FExOptions) then Exit;
- if not ReadOnly and CanModify then
- begin
- DeleteClick(nil);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- case Key of
- VK_LEFT: if (FixedCols > 0) and not (dgRowSelect in Options) then
- begin
- if SelectedIndex <= FFixedCols then Exit;
- end;
- VK_HOME: if (FixedCols > 0) and (ColCount <> IndicatorOffset + 1) and
- not (dgRowSelect in Options) then
- begin
- SelectedIndex := FixedCols;
- Exit;
- end;
- VK_SPACE: if (eoBooleanAsCheckbox in FExOptions) and
- (Datalink <> nil) and Datalink.Active and
- (Columns[SelectedIndex].Field.DataType = ftBoolean) then
- CellClick(Columns[SelectedIndex]);
- end;
- case Key of
- VK_DOWN: begin
- NextRow(True);
- Exit;
- end;
- VK_INSERT: if (eoDisableInsert in FExOptions) then Exit;
- VK_UP: begin
- PriorRow(True);
- Exit;
- end;
- 13: if (eoENTERlikeTAB in FExOptions) then
- {going on next column}
- if (SelectedIndex < Columns.Count-1) then
- SelectedIndex := SelectedIndex + 1
- else
- SelectedIndex := 0;
- end;
- if ((Key in [VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT]) and (dgRowSelect in Options)) or
- ((Key in [VK_HOME, VK_END]) and ((ColCount = IndicatorOffset + 1)
- or (dgRowSelect in Options))) or (Key in [VK_ESCAPE, VK_NEXT,
- VK_PRIOR]) or ((Key = VK_INSERT) and (CanModify and
- (not ReadOnly) and (dgEditing in Options))) then
- ClearSelections
- else
- if ((Key = VK_TAB) and not (ssAlt in Shift)) then
- CheckTab(not (ssShift in Shift));
- end;
- OnKeyDown := nil;
- // try
- inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);
- // except
- // end;
- OnKeyDown := KeyDownEvent;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.TopLeftChanged;
- begin
- if (dgRowSelect in Options) and DefaultDrawing then
- GridInvalidateRow(Self, Self.Row);
- inherited TopLeftChanged;
- if FTracking then StopTracking;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.StopTracking;
- begin
- if FTracking then
- begin
- TrackButton(-1, -1);
- FTracking := False;
- MouseCapture := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.TrackButton(X, Y: Integer);
- var
- Cell: TGridCoord;
- NewPressed: Boolean;
- begin
- Cell := MouseCoord(X, Y);
- NewPressed := PtInRect(Rect(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight), Point(X, Y))
- and (FPressedCol = Cell.X) and (Cell.Y = 0);
- if FPressed <> NewPressed then
- begin
- FPressed := NewPressed;
- GridInvalidateRow(Self, 0);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- procedure SetEnabledItems;
- begin
- with FDBPopUpMenu do
- begin
- {Append}
- if Assigned(Datalink.DataSet) then
- Items[0].Enabled := not (eoDisableInsert in FExOptions) and
- (not ReadOnly) and
- Datalink.DataSet.CanModify and
- (Datalink.DataSet.State = dsBrowse)
- else
- Items[0].Enabled := False;
- {Insert}
- Items[1].Enabled := Items[0].Enabled;
- {Edit}
- if Assigned(Datalink.DataSet) then
- Items[2].Enabled := not ReadOnly and
- Datalink.DataSet.CanModify and
- (Datalink.DataSet.State = dsBrowse)
- // and (Datalink.DataSet.RecordCount > 0)
- else
- Items[2].Enabled := False;
- {Delete}
- if Assigned(Datalink.DataSet) then
- Items[3].Enabled := (not (eoDisableDelete in FExOptions)) and
- (not ReadOnly) and
- Datalink.DataSet.CanModify and
- (Datalink.DataSet.State = dsBrowse)
- // and (Datalink.DataSet.RecordCount > 0)
- else
- Items[3].Enabled := False;
- {Print}
- Items[5].Enabled := True;
- Items[5].Visible := Assigned(FOnPrintData);
- if Assigned(Datalink.DataSet) then
- Items[5].Enabled := (Datalink.DataSet.State = dsBrowse) and Assigned(FOnPrintData)
- else
- Items[5].Enabled := False;
- {Export}
- Items[6].Enabled := True;
- Items[6].Visible := Assigned(FOnExportData);
- if Assigned(Datalink.DataSet) then
- Items[6].Enabled := (Datalink.DataSet.State = dsBrowse) and Assigned(FOnExportData)
- else
- Items[6].Enabled := False;
- Items[7].Visible := Items[5].Visible or Items[6].Visible;
- {Post}
- if Assigned(Datalink.DataSet) then
- Items[8].Enabled := (not ReadOnly) and
- (Datalink.DataSet.State in [dsInsert, dsEdit]) and
- Datalink.DataSet.CanModify
- else
- Items[8].Enabled := False;
- {Cancel}
- if Assigned(Datalink.DataSet) then
- Items[9].Enabled := (not ReadOnly) and
- (Datalink.DataSet.State in [dsInsert, dsEdit])
- else
- Items[9].Enabled := False;
- {Refresh}
- if Assigned(Datalink.DataSet) then
- Items[10].Enabled := (Datalink.DataSet.State = dsBrowse)
- else
- Items[10].Enabled := False;
- {select/unselect}
- Items[12].Enabled := Assigned(Datalink.DataSet) and
- Datalink.DataSet.Active and
- (dgMultiSelect in Options);
- {save/restore layout}
- Items[14].Enabled := True;
- Items[15].Enabled := True;
- Items[13].Visible := (eoLayout in ExOptions);
- Items[14].Visible := (eoLayout in ExOptions);
- Items[15].Visible := (eoLayout in ExOptions);
- Items[14].Enabled := (eoLayout in ExOptions);
- Items[15].Enabled := (eoLayout in ExOptions);
- {setup of the grid}
- Items[17].Enabled := True;
- Items[17].Visible := Assigned(FOnSetupGrid);
- if Assigned(Datalink.DataSet) then
- Items[17].Enabled := Assigned(FOnSetupGrid)
- else
- Items[17].Enabled := False;
- Items[16].Visible := Items[17].Visible;
- end;
- end;
- var
- Cell: TGridCoord;
- MouseDownEvent: TMouseEvent;
- EnableClick: Boolean;
- PopCoord: TPoint;
- begin
- if not AcquireFocus then Exit;
- if (ssDouble in Shift) and (Button = mbLeft) then
- begin
- DblClick;
- Exit;
- end;
- if (dgMultiSelect in Options) then
- StartOfSelect := DataLink.DataSet.GetBookmark;
- if Sizing(X, Y) then
- inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y)
- else
- begin
- Cell := MouseCoord(X, Y);
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
- (eoStandardPopup in FExOptions) and
- ((dgIndicator in Options) and
- (Cell.Y < TitleOffset) and
- (Cell.X < IndicatorOffset) or
- ((Button = mbRight) and (Cell.X >= IndicatorOffset) and not Assigned(PopupMenu))) then
- begin
- SetEnabledItems;
- PopCoord := ClientToScreen(Point(X, Y));
- FDBPopUpMenu.Popup(PopCoord.X, PopCoord.Y);
- end
- else
- if (eoTitleButtons in ExOptions) and
- (Datalink <> nil) and Datalink.Active and
- (Cell.Y < TitleOffset) and (Cell.X >= IndicatorOffset) and
- not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- begin
- if (dgColumnResize in Options) and (Button = mbRight) then
- begin
- Button := mbLeft;
- FSwapButtons := True;
- MouseCapture := True;
- end
- else
- if (Button = mbLeft) then
- begin
- EnableClick := True;
- CheckTitleButton(Cell.X - IndicatorOffset, EnableClick);
- if EnableClick then
- begin
- MouseCapture := True;
- FTracking := True;
- FPressedCol := Cell.X;
- TrackButton(X, Y);
- end
- else
- Beep;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- if (Cell.X < FixedCols + IndicatorOffset) and Datalink.Active then
- begin
- if (dgIndicator in Options) then
- inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, 1, Y)
- else
- if Cell.Y >= TitleOffset then
- if Cell.Y - Row <> 0 then
- Datalink.Dataset.MoveBy(Cell.Y - Row);
- end
- else
- inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y);
- MouseDownEvent := OnMouseDown;
- if Assigned(MouseDownEvent) then
- MouseDownEvent(Self, Button, Shift, X, Y);
- if not (((csDesigning in ComponentState) or (dgColumnResize in Options)) and
- (Cell.Y < TitleOffset)) and (Button = mbLeft) then
- begin
- if (dgMultiSelect in Options) and Datalink.Active then
- with SelectedRows do
- begin
- FSelecting := False;
- if ssCtrl in Shift then
- begin
- CurrentRowSelected := not CurrentRowSelected;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeSelection) then
- FOnChangeSelection(Self);
- end
- else
- if not (eoKeepSelection in ExOptions) then
- begin
- Clear;
- CurrentRowSelected := True;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeSelection) then
- FOnChangeSelection(Self);
- end
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- var
- Cell: TGridCoord;
- ACol: Longint;
- DoClick: Boolean;
- EndOfSelect, Test: TBookmark;
- SelectForwards: Boolean;
- CompareStart: Integer;
- begin
- {for shoft+click selection
- Thanks to Roy Lambert [roy.lambert@ntlworld.com]}
- if (dgMultiSelect in Options) and
- (ssShift in Shift) and
- Assigned(StartOfSelect) then
- begin
- DataLink.DataSet.DisableControls;
- EndOfSelect := DataLink.DataSet.GetBookmark;
- DataLink.DataSet.GotoBookmark(StartOfSelect);
- CompareStart := DataLink.DataSet.CompareBookmarks(EndOfSelect, StartOfSelect);
- if CompareStart <> 0 then
- begin
- SelectForwards := CompareStart > 0;
- repeat
- SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True;
- Test := DataLink.DataSet.GetBookmark;
- if SelectForwards then
- DataLink.DataSet.Next
- else
- DataLink.DataSet.Prior;
- until (DataLink.DataSet.CompareBookmarks(EndOfSelect, Test) = 0) or DataLink.DataSet.Eof or DataLink.DataSet.Bof;
- end;
- DataLink.DataSet.GotoBookmark(EndOfSelect);
- if Assigned(EndOfSelect) then
- DataLink.DataSet.FreeBookmark(EndOfSelect);
- if Assigned(Test) then
- DataLink.DataSet.FreeBookmark(Test);
- DataLink.DataSet.EnableControls;
- end;
- Cell := MouseCoord(X, Y);
- ACol := Cell.X;
- if (dgIndicator in Options) then
- Dec(ACol);
- if FTracking and (FPressedCol >= 0) then
- begin
- DoClick := PtInRect(Rect(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight), Point(X, Y))
- and (Cell.Y = 0) and (Cell.X = FPressedCol);
- StopTracking;
- if DoClick then
- begin
- if (DataLink <> nil) and
- DataLink.Active and
- (ACol >= 0) and
- (ACol < Columns.Count) then
- else
- CellClick(Columns[ACol]);
- end;
- end
- else
- if FSwapButtons then
- begin
- FSwapButtons := False;
- MouseCapture := False;
- if Button = mbRight then
- Button := mbLeft;
- end;
- if (eoCheckBoxSelect in ExOptions) and
- (dgMultiSelect in Options) and
- (Cell.X < IndicatorOffset) and
- (Cell.Y >= 0) then
- ToggleRowSelection;
- if (Button = mbLeft) and
- (Cell.X >= IndicatorOffset) and
- (ACol <= FixedCols) and
- (Cell.Y > TitleOffset) then
- CellClick(Columns[ACol])
- else
- inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
- end;
- {from Borland sources}
- procedure WriteTitleText(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; DX, DY: Integer;
- const Text: string; Alignment: TAlignment);
- const
- AlignFlags: array [TAlignment] of Integer =
- var
- B, R, rect1: TRect;
- txth: Integer;
- {$IFDEF VER120}
- I: TColorRef;
- {$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF VER130}
- I: TColorRef;
- {$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF VER140}
- I: TColorRef;
- {$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF VER150}
- I: TColorRef;
- {$ELSE}
- I: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- lpDTP: TDrawTextParams;
- DrawBitmap: TBitmap;
- begin
- I := ColorToRGB(ACanvas.Brush.Color);
- if GetNearestColor(ACanvas.Handle, I) = I then
- begin
- ACanvas.FillRect(ARect);
- rect1.Left := 0;
- rect1.Top := 0;
- rect1.Right := 0;
- rect1.Bottom := 0;
- rect1 := ARect;
- lpDTP.cbSize := SizeOf(lpDTP);
- lpDTP.uiLengthDrawn := Length(Text);
- lpDTP.iLeftMargin := 0;
- lpDTP.iRightMargin := 0;
- InflateRect(rect1, -DX, -DY);
- txth := DrawTextEx(ACanvas.Handle,PChar(Text), Length(Text),
- rect1 := ARect;
- InflateRect(rect1, -DX, -DY);
- rect1.top := rect1.top + ((rect1.Bottom-rect1.top) div 2) - (txth div 2);
- DrawTextEx(ACanvas.Handle, PChar(Text), Length(Text),
- rect1, AlignFlags[Alignment], @lpDTP);
- end
- else
- begin
- DrawBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- DrawBitmap.Canvas.Lock;
- try
- with DrawBitmap, ARect do
- begin
- Width := Max(Width, Right - Left);
- Height := Max(Height, Bottom - Top);
- R := Rect(DX, DY, Right - Left - 1, Bottom - Top - 1);
- B := Rect(0, 0, Right - Left, Bottom - Top);
- end;
- with DrawBitmap.Canvas do
- begin
- Font := ACanvas.Font;
- Font.Color := ACanvas.Font.Color;
- Brush := ACanvas.Brush;
- Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- FillRect(B);
- SetBkMode(Handle, TRANSPARENT);
- DrawText(Handle, PChar(Text), Length(Text), R, AlignFlags[Alignment]);
- end;
- ACanvas.CopyRect(ARect, DrawBitmap.Canvas, B);
- finally
- DrawBitmap.Canvas.Unlock;
- DrawBitmap.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.CellClick(Column: TColumn);
- var R: TRect;
- BCol: Integer;
- begin
- inherited CellClick(Column);
- if (Datalink <> nil) and
- Datalink.Active and
- Assigned(Column.Field) and
- (Column.Field.DataType = ftBoolean) and
- (eoBooleanAsCheckBox in FExOptions) and
- CanEditModify then
- begin
- try
- Column.Field.AsBoolean := not Column.Field.AsBoolean;
- // Column.Field.Value := not Column.Field.Value;
- except
- Column.Field.Value := NULL;
- end;
- if (dgIndicator in Options) then
- BCol := Column.Index + 1
- else
- BCol := Column.Index;
- GetEditText(BCol, Row);
- R := CellRect(BCol, Row);
- DrawCell(BCol, Row, R, [{gdSelected, gdFocused}]);
- end
- else
- if (eoShowLookup in ExOptions) and
- (not ReadOnly) and
- (dgEditing in Options) and
- (not Column.ReadOnly) and
- Assigned(Column.Field) and
- (not Column.Field.ReadOnly) then
- begin
- if (Column.Field.FieldKind = fkLookup) or
- (Column.PickList.Count > 0) then
- begin {Open combobox quickly when lookup field}
- keybd_event(VK_F2, 0, 0, 0);
- keybd_event(VK_F2, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
- keybd_event(VK_MENU, 0, 0, 0);
- keybd_event(VK_DOWN, 0, 0, 0);
- keybd_event(VK_DOWN, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
- keybd_event(VK_MENU, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
- end
- else
- if (Column.ButtonStyle = cbsEllipsis) then
- begin {Click quickly when ButtonStyle property is cbsEllipsis}
- if not EditorMode then
- EditorMode := True;
- EditButtonClick;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TSMDBGrid.GetSortImageWidth: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Max(GetGridBitmap(gpSortAsc).Width, GetGridBitmap(gpSortDesc).Width);
- end;
- function TSMDBGrid.CellRectForDraw(R: TRect; ACol: Longint): TRect;
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- Result := R;
- j := GetSortImageWidth;
- if (Result.Right-Result.Left > j+4) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to SortColumns.Count-1 do
- if (SortColumns[i].FieldName = Columns[ACol].FieldName) and
- (SortColumns[i].SortType <> stNone) then
- break;
- if (i < SortColumns.Count) then
- Result.Right := Result.Right-j-4;
- end;
- i := 2*(GridLineWidth+1)+1;
- Result.Right := Result.Right-i
- end;
- function TSMDBGrid.GetGlyph: TBitmap;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- if Assigned(FOnGetGlyph) then
- FOnGetGlyph(Self, Result);
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.DrawCheckBox(R: TRect; AState: TCheckBoxState; al: TAlignment);
- var
- DrawState: Integer;
- DrawRect: TRect;
- begin
- {draw CheckBox instead Bitmap indicator}
- { Canvas.Brush.Color := FixedColor;
- Canvas.Font.Name := 'Symbol';
- Canvas.Font.Color := clWindowText;
- Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold];
- WriteTitleText(Canvas, FixRect, 0, 0, '╓', taCenter);
- }
- case AState of
- cbChecked: DrawState := DFCS_BUTTONCHECK or DFCS_CHECKED;
- cbUnchecked: DrawState := DFCS_BUTTONCHECK;
- else // cbGrayed
- end;
- case al of
- taRightJustify: begin
- DrawRect.Left := R.Right - FCheckWidth;
- DrawRect.Right := R.Right;
- end;
- taCenter: begin
- DrawRect.Left := R.Left + (R.Right - R.Left - FCheckWidth) div 2;
- DrawRect.Right := DrawRect.Left + FCheckWidth;
- end;
- else // taLeftJustify
- DrawRect.Left := R.Left;
- DrawRect.Right := DrawRect.Left + FCheckWidth;
- end;
- DrawRect.Top := R.Top + (R.Bottom - R.Top - FCheckWidth) div 2;
- DrawRect.Bottom := DrawRect.Top + FCheckHeight;
- DrawFrameControl(Canvas.Handle, DrawRect, DFC_BUTTON, DrawState);
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState);
- var
- TitleText: string;
- i, j, idxSort, BCol: LongInt;
- CheckState: TCheckBoxState;
- Down: Boolean;
- SavePen, BackColor: TColor;
- AField: TField;
- OldActive: Longint;
- FrameOffs: Byte;
- // Indicator: Integer;
- // MultiSelected: Boolean;
- BRect, FixRect: TRect;
- DrawColumn: TColumn;
- bmp: TBitmap;
- const
- EdgeFlag: array[Boolean] of UINT = (BDR_RAISEDINNER, BDR_SUNKENINNER);
- begin
- if (dgIndicator in Options) then
- BCol := ACol - 1
- else
- BCol := ACol;
- if (gdFixed in AState) and (ARow = 0) and (dgTitles in Options) and
- ((ACol <> 0) or ((ACol = 0) and (dgIndicator in Options) and (eoStandardPopup in FExOptions))) then
- begin
- // draw border
- if DefaultDrawing then
- begin
- if (ACol = 0) and (dgIndicator in Options) then
- begin
- Down := False;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := FixedColor
- end
- else
- begin
- Down := (eoSelectedTitle in FExOptions) and (BCol = SelectedIndex);
- if (BCol > -1) and Assigned(Columns[BCol]) then
- Canvas.Brush.Color := Columns[BCol].Title.Color;
- end;
- DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, ARect, EdgeFlag[Down], BF_BOTTOMLEFT);
- DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, ARect, EdgeFlag[Down], BF_TOPRIGHT);
- InflateRect(ARect, -1, -1);
- Canvas.FillRect(ARect);
- end;
- j := GetSortImageWidth;
- if (ACol = 0) and
- (dgIndicator in Options) and
- (eoStandardPopup in FExOptions) then
- begin
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack;
- i := (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top - 7) div 2;
- idxSort := (ARect.Right - ARect.Left - 7) div 2;
- Canvas.Polygon([Point(ARect.Left + idxSort, ARect.Top + i),
- Point(ARect.Left + idxSort + 7, ARect.Top + i),
- Point(ARect.Left + idxSort + (7 div 2), ARect.Bottom - i)]);
- end
- else
- if (BCol > -1) and Assigned(Columns[BCol]) then
- begin
- TitleText := Columns[BCol].Title.Caption;
- {draw a column sorted image}
- //look: whether there is a sorting according this column
- idxSort := -1;
- if (ARect.Right-ARect.Left > j) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to SortColumns.Count-1 do
- if (SortColumns[i].FieldName = Columns[BCol].FieldName) and
- (SortColumns[i].SortType <> stNone) then
- begin
- idxSort := i;
- break
- end;
- if idxSort > -1 then
- ARect.Right := ARect.Right-j;
- end;
- //draw title.caption
- if DefaultDrawing and (TitleText <> '') then
- begin
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- Canvas.Font := Columns[BCol].Title.Font;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := Columns[BCol].Title.Color;
- WriteTitleText(Canvas, ARect, 2, 2, TitleText, Columns[BCol].Title.Alignment);
- if idxSort > -1 then
- begin
- ARect.Right := ARect.Right+j;
- i := (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top - j) div 2;
- if (SortColumns[idxSort].SortType = stAscending) then
- begin
- Bmp := GetGridBitmap(gpSortAsc);
- { Canvas.Pen.Color := clBtnShadow;
- Canvas.MoveTo(ARect.Right - 4, ARect.Top + i);
- Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Right - 4 - j, ARect.Top + i);
- Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Right - 4 - (j div 2), ARect.Bottom - i);
- Canvas.Pen.Color := clBtnHighlight;
- Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Right - 4, ARect.Top + i);
- }
- end
- else
- begin
- Bmp := GetGridBitmap(gpSortDesc);
- { Canvas.Pen.Color := clBtnHighlight;
- Canvas.MoveTo(ARect.Right - 4 - (j div 2), ARect.Top + i);
- Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Right - 4, ARect.Bottom - i);
- Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Right - 4 - j, ARect.Bottom - i);
- Canvas.Pen.Color := clBtnShadow;
- Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Right - 4 - (j div 2), ARect.Top + i);
- }
- end;
- BRect := Bounds(ARect.Right - 4 - j, ARect.Top+i, j, j);
- Canvas.FillRect(BRect);
- DrawBitmapTransparent(Canvas, (BRect.Left + BRect.Right - Bmp.Width) div 2,
- (BRect.Top + BRect.Bottom - Bmp.Height) div 2, Bmp, clSilver);
- if (SortColumns[idxSort].SortCaption <> '') then
- begin
- BRect.Right := ARect.Right - 4;
- BRect.Left := BRect.Right - j;
- BRect.Top := ARect.Top + i;
- BRect.Bottom := ARect.Bottom;
- with Canvas.Font do
- begin
- Name := 'Small Fonts';
- Size := 5;
- Style := [];
- end;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- DrawText(Canvas.Handle,
- PChar(SortColumns[idxSort].SortCaption),
- Length(SortColumns[idxSort].SortCaption),
- BRect,
- end;
- end;
- end
- end;
- if (BCol > -1) and Assigned(FOnDrawColumnTitle) then
- FOnDrawColumnTitle(Self, ARect, ACol, Columns[BCol], AState);
- end
- else
- begin
- if (BCol > -1) and
- ((ACol > 0) or (not (dgIndicator in Options) and (ACol = 0))) and DefaultDrawing and
- (eoBooleanAsCheckBox in FExOptions) and
- (Datalink <> nil) and
- Datalink.Active and
- Assigned(Columns[BCol]) and
- Assigned(Columns[BCol].Field) and
- (Columns[BCol].Field.DataType = ftBoolean) and
- (((ARow > 0) and (dgTitles in Options)) or (not (dgTitles in Options))) then
- begin
- DrawColumn := Columns[BCol];
- if Assigned(DrawColumn.Field) then
- TitleText := DrawColumn.Field.DisplayText
- else
- TitleText := '';
- if (BCol <= FixedCols) and (FixedCols > 0) then
- Canvas.Brush.Color := FixedColor
- else
- if HighlightCell(ACol, ARow, TitleText, AState) then
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clHighlight
- else
- Canvas.Brush.Color := DrawColumn.Color;
- Canvas.FillRect(ARect);
- InflateRect(ARect, -2, -2);
- OldActive := DataLink.ActiveRecord;
- CheckState := cbUnChecked;
- try
- DataLink.ActiveRecord := ARow - TitleOffset;
- try
- if DrawColumn.Field.IsNull then
- CheckState := cbUnChecked
- else
- if DrawColumn.Field.Value then
- CheckState := cbChecked
- // TCheckBoxState(DrawColumn.Field.Value);
- except
- end
- finally
- DataLink.ActiveRecord := OldActive;
- end;
- DrawCheckBox(ARect, CheckState, taCenter);
- InflateRect(ARect, 2, 2);
- end
- else
- begin
- if (eoFixedLikeColumn in ExOptions) and
- (ACol > 0) and
- (ACol <= FixedCols) then
- AState := AState - [gdFixed];
- inherited DrawCell(ACol, ARow, ARect, AState)
- end;
- end;
- if (dgIndicator in Options) and (ACol = 0) and (ARow - TitleOffset >= 0) and
- (dgMultiSelect in Options) and (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active {and
- (Datalink.DataSet.State = dsBrowse) }then
- begin
- { draw multiselect indicators if needed }
- FixRect := ARect;
- if ([dgRowLines, dgColLines] * Options = [dgRowLines, dgColLines]) then
- begin
- InflateRect(FixRect, -1, -1);
- FrameOffs := 1;
- end
- else
- FrameOffs := 2;
- CheckState := cbUnChecked;
- OldActive := DataLink.ActiveRecord;
- try
- Datalink.ActiveRecord := ARow - TitleOffset;
- // MultiSelected := ActiveRowSelected;
- if ActiveRowSelected then
- CheckState := cbChecked;
- Bmp := GetGlyph;
- finally
- Datalink.ActiveRecord := OldActive;
- end;
- if (eoCheckBoxSelect in ExOptions) then
- begin
- BRect := FixRect;
- BRect.Right := BRect.Right - 2*FrameOffs - FMsIndicators.Width;
- DrawCheckBox(BRect, CheckState, taRightJustify);
- end;
- { if MultiSelected then
- begin
- if (ARow - TitleOffset <> Datalink.ActiveRecord) then
- Indicator := 0
- else //multiselected and current row
- Indicator := 1;
- FMsIndicators.BkColor := FixedColor;
- FMsIndicators.Draw(Self.Canvas, FixRect.Right - FMsIndicators.Width -
- FrameOffs, (FixRect.Top + FixRect.Bottom - FMsIndicators.Height)
- shr 1, Indicator);
- end;
- }
- if (Bmp <> nil) then
- begin
- BRect.Left := FixRect.Left + FrameOffs;
- BRect.Top := FixRect.Top + FrameOffs;
- if (bmp.Width < FixRect.Right - FixRect.Left) then
- BRect.Right := BRect.Left + bmp.Width
- else
- if (eoCheckBoxSelect in ExOptions) then
- BRect.Right := FixRect.Right - FCheckWidth - FrameOffs
- else
- BRect.Right := FixRect.Right - FMsIndicators.Width - FrameOffs;
- BRect.Bottom := FixRect.Bottom - FrameOffs;
- Canvas.StretchDraw(BRect, bmp);
- end;
- end;
- if (eoTitleButtons in ExOptions) and
- not (csLoading in ComponentState) and
- (gdFixed in AState) and
- (dgTitles in Options) and (ARow = 0) then
- begin
- SavePen := Canvas.Pen.Color;
- try
- Down := (FPressedCol = ACol) and FPressed;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := clWindowFrame;
- if not (dgColLines in Options) then
- begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(ARect.Right - 1, ARect.Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Right - 1, ARect.Bottom);
- Dec(ARect.Right);
- end;
- if not (dgRowLines in Options) then
- begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - 1);
- Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom - 1);
- Dec(ARect.Bottom);
- end;
- if (dgIndicator in Options) then Dec(ACol);
- AField := nil;
- if (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active and (ACol >= 0) and
- (ACol < Columns.Count) then
- begin
- DrawColumn := Columns[ACol];
- AField := DrawColumn.Field;
- end
- else
- DrawColumn := nil;
- DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, ARect, EdgeFlag[Down], BF_BOTTOMRIGHT);
- DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, ARect, EdgeFlag[Down], BF_TOPLEFT);
- InflateRect(ARect, -1, -1);
- if Down then
- begin
- Inc(ARect.Left);
- Inc(ARect.Top);
- end;
- Canvas.Font := TitleFont;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := FixedColor;
- if (DrawColumn <> nil) then
- begin
- Canvas.Font := DrawColumn.Title.Font;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := DrawColumn.Title.Color;
- end;
- if (AField <> nil) and Assigned(FOnGetBtnParams) then
- begin
- BackColor := Canvas.Brush.Color;
- FOnGetBtnParams(Self, AField, Canvas.Font, BackColor, Down);
- Canvas.Brush.Color := BackColor;
- end;
- if (DataLink = nil) or not DataLink.Active then
- Canvas.FillRect(ARect)
- else
- if (BCol > -1) and (DrawColumn <> nil) then
- WriteTitleText(Canvas, ARect, 2, 2, DrawColumn.Title.Caption, Columns[BCol].Title.Alignment)
- else
- WriteTitleText(Canvas, ARect, 2, 2, '', taLeftJustify);
- finally
- Canvas.Pen.Color := SavePen;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.DrawColumnCell(const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer;
- Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState);
- var
- i: Integer;
- NewBackgrnd: TColor;
- Highlight: Boolean;
- Bmp: TBitmap;
- Field: TField;
- {the TRect for drawing simulated combobox}
- RectLookup: TRect;
- W, intMidX: Integer;
- begin
- with RectLookup do
- begin
- Left := Rect.Right - (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top)+1;
- Top := Rect.Top+1;
- Right := Rect.Right-1;
- Bottom := Rect.Bottom-1;
- end;
- Field := Column.Field;
- NewBackgrnd := Canvas.Brush.Color;
- Highlight := (gdSelected in State) and ((dgAlwaysShowSelection in Options) or Focused);
- GetCellProps(Field, Canvas.Font, NewBackgrnd, Highlight or ActiveRowSelected);
- Canvas.Brush.Color := NewBackgrnd;
- if DefaultDrawing then
- begin
- i := GetImageIndex(Field);
- if i >= 0 then
- begin
- Bmp := GetGridBitmap(TGridPicture(i));
- Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
- DrawBitmapTransparent(Canvas, (Rect.Left + Rect.Right - Bmp.Width) div 2,
- (Rect.Top + Rect.Bottom - Bmp.Height) div 2, Bmp, clOlive);
- end
- else
- DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State);
- if (eoDrawGraphicField in FExOptions) and
- (Column.Field is TBlobField) and
- (Column.Field.DataType = ftGraphic) then
- begin
- bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- bmp.Assign(Field);
- Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect, bmp);
- finally
- bmp.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if Columns.State = csDefault then
- inherited DrawDataCell(Rect, Field, State);
- inherited DrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State);
- if DefaultDrawing and Highlight and not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
- and not (dgRowSelect in Options)
- and (ValidParentForm(Self).ActiveControl = Self) then
- Canvas.DrawFocusRect(Rect);
- if (eoShowLookup in ExOptions) then
- begin
- if (Column.Field.FieldKind = fkLookup) or
- (Column.PickList.Count > 0) then
- begin //Drawing combobox if FieldKind is lookup
- Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
- DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State);
- {Drawing combobox-area }
- DrawFrameControl(Canvas.Handle, RectLookup, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLCOMBOBOX);
- end
- else
- if Column.ButtonStyle = cbsEllipsis then
- begin
- {Show "?" when ButtonStyle Property is cbsEllipsis }
- // DrawFrameControl(Canvas.Handle, RectLookup, DFC_CAPTION, DFCS_CAPTIONHELP)
- Canvas.FillRect(RectLookup);
- DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, RectLookup, EDGE_RAISED, BF_RECT or BF_MIDDLE);
- intMidX := (RectLookup.Right - RectLookup.Left) shr 1;
- W := (RectLookup.Bottom - RectLookup.Top) shr 3;
- if W = 0 then W := 1;
- PatBlt(Canvas.Handle, RectLookup.Left + intMidX, RectLookup.Top + intMidX, W, W, BLACKNESS);
- PatBlt(Canvas.Handle, RectLookup.Left + intMidX - (W * 2), RectLookup.Top + intMidX, W, W, BLACKNESS);
- PatBlt(Canvas.Handle, RectLookup.Left + intMidX + (W * 2), RectLookup.Top + intMidX, W, W, BLACKNESS);
- end
- else
- {Draw in default except above conditions}
- DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State);
- end;
- {draw title}
- // DrawCell(SelectedIndex+1, 0, Rect, [gdFixed]);
- end;
- {is transferred from TBitDBGrid:
- Ilya Andreev, ilya_andreev@geocities.com
- FIDONet: 2:5030/55.28 AKA 2:5030/402.17}
- procedure TSMDBGrid.CMHintShow(var Msg: TMessage);
- var ACol, ARow: Integer;
- OldActive: Integer;
- begin
- if eoCellHint in FExOptions then
- with PHintInfo(Msg.LParam)^ do
- try
- HintStr := Hint;
- Msg.Result := 1;
- if not DataLink.Active then Exit;
- TDrawGrid(Self).MouseToCell(CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y, ACol, ARow);
- CursorRect := CellRect(ACol, ARow);
- ACol := ACol - IndicatorOffset;
- if (ACol < 0) then Exit;
- ARow := ARow - TitleOffset;
- HintPos := ClientToScreen(CursorRect.TopLeft);
- InflateRect(CursorRect, 1, 1);
- if (ARow = -1) then
- begin
- HintStr := Columns[ACol].Title.Caption;
- if Canvas.TextWidth(HintStr) < Columns[ACol].Width then Exit;
- Msg.Result := 0;
- Exit;
- end;
- if ARow < 0 then exit;
- OldActive := DataLink.ActiveRecord;
- DataLink.ActiveRecord := ARow;
- if Columns[ACol].Field <> nil then
- if Columns[ACol].Field.IsBlob then
- HintStr := Columns[ACol].Field.AsString
- else
- HintStr := Columns[ACol].Field.DisplayText;
- DataLink.ActiveRecord := OldActive;
- if (((CursorRect.Right - CursorRect.Left) >= Columns[ACol].Width) and
- (Canvas.TextWidth(HintStr) < Columns[ACol].Width)) or
- ((Canvas.TextWidth(HintStr) < (CursorRect.Right - CursorRect.Left)) and
- (Columns[ACol].Alignment = taLeftJustify)) then exit;
- Msg.Result := 0;
- except
- Msg.Result := 1;
- end;
- end;
- {end of transfered}
- procedure TSMDBGrid.SaveLayoutToRegistry;
- var RegIniFile: TRegIniFile;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- RegIniFile := TRegIniFile.Create(FRegistryKey);
- RegIniFile.WriteInteger(FRegistrySection, 'Count', Columns.Count);
- for i := 0 to (Columns.Count-1) do
- begin
- with Columns.Items[i] do
- RegIniFile.WriteString(FRegistrySection, IntToStr(i),
- Format('%s,%d,%s', [FieldName, Width, Title.Caption]));
- end;
- RegIniFile.Free;
- end;
- procedure TSMDBGrid.RestoreLayoutFromRegistry;
- function GetValueFromKey(var strValues: string): string;
- var j: Integer;
- begin
- j := Pos(',', strValues);
- Result := Copy(strValues, 1, j-1);
- Delete(strValues, 1, j);
- end;
- var RegIniFile: TRegIniFile;
- i, Count: Integer;
- s: string;
- begin
- { disable DBGrid-repaint while not will executed EndLayout
- Because I donn't want to repaint of the grid after each
- addition and after Columns.Clear }
- BeginLayout;
- RegIniFile := TRegIniFile.Create(FRegistryKey);
- Count := RegIniFile.ReadInteger(FRegistrySection, 'Count', 0);
- if (Count > 0) then
- begin
- Columns.Clear;
- for i := 0 to (Count-1) do
- begin
- S := RegIniFile.ReadString(FRegistrySection, IntToStr(i), '');
- if (S <> '') then
- begin
- with Columns.Add do
- begin
- FieldName := GetValueFromKey(S);
- Width := StrToIntDef(GetValueFromKey(S), 64);
- Title.Caption := S;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- RegIniFile.Free;
- EndLayout;
- end;
- initialization
- finalization
- DestroyLocals;
- end.