home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit DbugIntf;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Dialogs; // We need "Dialogs" for TMsgDlgType
- procedure SendBoolean(const Identifier: string; const Value: Boolean);
- procedure SendDateTime(const Identifier: string; const Value: TDateTime);
- procedure SendDebugEx(const Msg: string; MType: TMsgDlgType);
- procedure SendDebug(const Msg: string);
- procedure SendDebugClear;
- procedure SendInteger(const Identifier: string; const Value: Integer);
- procedure SendMethodEnter(const MethodName: string);
- procedure SendMethodExit(const MethodName: string);
- procedure SendSeparator;
- procedure SendDebugFmt(const Msg: string; const Args: array of const);
- procedure SendDebugFmtEx(const Msg: string; const Args: array of const; MType: TMsgDlgType);
- function StartDebugWin: hWnd;
- implementation
- uses
- Messages,
- SysUtils,
- Registry,
- Forms; // We need "Forms" for the Application object
- threadvar
- MsgPrefix: AnsiString;
- const
- chrClearCommand = #3;
- var
- PastFailedAttemptToStartDebugWin: Boolean = False;
- function StartDebugWin: hWnd;
- var
- DebugFilename: string;
- Buf: array[0..MAX_PATH + 1] of Char;
- si: TStartupInfo;
- pi: TProcessInformation;
- begin
- MsgPrefix := '';
- Result := 0;
- if PastFailedAttemptToStartDebugWin then
- Exit;
- with TRegIniFile.Create('\Software\GExperts') do
- try
- DebugFilename := ReadString('Debug', 'FilePath', '');
- finally
- Free;
- end;
- if Trim(DebugFileName) = '' then
- begin
- GetModuleFileName(HINSTANCE, Buf, SizeOf(Buf)-1);
- DebugFileName := ExtractFilePath(StrPas(Buf))+'GDebug.exe';
- end;
- if (Trim(DebugFilename) = '') or not FileExists(DebugFilename) then
- begin
- PastFailedAttemptToStartDebugWin := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- FillChar(si, SizeOf(si), #0);
- si.cb := SizeOf(si);
- si.wShowWindow := SW_SHOW;
- if not CreateProcess(PChar(DebugFilename), nil,
- nil, nil,
- False, 0, nil, nil,
- si, pi) then
- begin
- PastFailedAttemptToStartDebugWin := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- try
- WaitForInputIdle(pi.hProcess, 3 * 1000); // wait for 3 seconds to get idle
- finally
- CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
- CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
- end;
- Result := FindWindow('TfmDebug', nil);
- end;
- procedure SendDebugEx(const Msg: string; MType: TMsgDlgType);
- var
- CDS: TCopyDataStruct;
- DebugWin: hWnd;
- MessageString: string;
- const
- MTypeStr: array[TMsgDlgType] of string =
- ('Warning: ', 'Error: ', 'Information: ', 'Confirmation: ', 'Custom: ');
- begin
- Writeln('GX: ' + MTypeStr[MType] + Msg);
- DebugWin := FindWindow('TfmDebug', nil);
- if DebugWin = 0 then
- DebugWin := StartDebugWin;
- if DebugWin <> 0 then
- begin
- MessageString := MsgPrefix + Msg;
- CDS.cbData := Length(MessageString) + 4;
- CDS.dwData := 0;
- if Msg = chrClearCommand then
- CDS.lpData := PChar(chrClearCommand+Char(Ord(MType) + 1)+ MessageString +#0)
- else
- CDS.lpData := PChar(#1+Char(Ord(MType) + 1)+ MessageString +#0);
- SendMessage(DebugWin, WM_COPYDATA, WParam(Application.Handle), LParam(@CDS));
- end;
- {$ENDIF not LINUX}
- end;
- procedure SendDebug(const Msg: string);
- begin
- SendDebugEx(Msg, mtInformation);
- end;
- procedure SendDebugFmt(const Msg: string; const Args: array of const);
- begin
- SendDebugEx(Format(Msg, Args), mtInformation);
- end;
- procedure SendDebugFmtEx(const Msg: string; const Args: array of const; MType: TMsgDlgType);
- begin
- SendDebugEx(Format(Msg, Args), MType);
- end;
- procedure SendDebugClear;
- begin
- SendDebug(chrClearCommand);
- end;
- const
- Indentation = ' ';
- procedure SendMethodEnter(const MethodName: string);
- begin
- MsgPrefix := MsgPrefix + Indentation;
- SendDebugEx('Entering ' + MethodName, mtInformation);
- end;
- procedure SendMethodExit(const MethodName: string);
- begin
- SendDebugEx('Exiting ' + MethodName, mtInformation);
- Delete(MsgPrefix, 1, Length(Indentation));
- end;
- procedure SendSeparator;
- const
- SeparatorString = '------------------------------';
- begin
- SendDebugEx(SeparatorString, mtInformation);
- end;
- procedure SendBoolean(const Identifier: string; const Value: Boolean);
- begin
- // Note: We deliberately leave "True" and "False" as
- // hard-coded string constants, since these are
- // technical terminology which should not be localised.
- if Value then
- SendDebugEx(Identifier + '= True', mtInformation)
- else
- SendDebugEx(Identifier + '= False', mtInformation);
- end;
- procedure SendInteger(const Identifier: string; const Value: Integer);
- begin
- SendDebugEx(Format('%s = %d', [Identifier, Value]), mtInformation);
- end;
- procedure SendDateTime(const Identifier: string; const Value: TDateTime);
- begin
- SendDebugEx(Identifier + '=' + DateTimeToStr(Value), mtInformation);
- end;
- end.