2066 The script file could not be saved because %s
2067 The script could not be loaded because %s
2068 This does not appear to be a valid script file
2069 Color: R:%ld G:%ld B:%ld
2070 Processing File %i of %i
2071 Reading File
2072 Executing Script Line %i of %i
2073 Writing File
2074 Batch Processing Complete
2075 Continue
2076 Batch Process Input Files
2077 Batch Process Output Options
2078 Scanning File %i of %i
2079 Next
2080 Finish
2081 Save &in:
2082 Save as &type:
2083 Scanning
2084 Generating Optimum Palette
2085 An invalid set of command line parameters was specified. Please refer to the printed or online documentation for assistance.
2086 The specified script does not include a "Set Output Options" command. This command is required for any script which is to be used in batch mode.
2087 Finished (%d files converted)
2088 Clipboard in use; unable to empty.
2089 Clipboard in use; try again later.
2090 Clipboard in use; unable to set contents.
2091 Clipboard in use; unable to get contents.
2092 Load Watermark
2500 Displays the list of all available script commands\nAll Commands
2501 Add the selected command to the current script\nAdd Command
2502 Choose an image to display in the preview window\nNew Preview Image
2503 Revert the preview image to its original contents\nRevert Preview Image
2504 Displays the list of commands in the current script\nCurrent Script
2505 Delete the selected command from the current script\nDelete Command
2506 Move the selected command toward the beginning of the current script\nMove Command Up
2507 Move the selected command toward the end of the current script\nMove Command Down
2508 Edit the parameters for the selected command in the current script\nEdit Command Parameters
2509 Execute the selected command in the current script on the preview image\nExecute Command
2510 Test the current script by running it on the preview image\nTest Script
2511 Start a batch process using the current script\nStart Batch Process
2512 Displays the preview image and shows effect of script commands\nPreview Image
2513 Displays the current parameters for the selected command in the current script\nCommand Parameters
2514 Displays the size and color depth of the (possibly changed) preview image\nPreview Image Info
2515 Open Preview Image
2516 Select Transparent Color
2517 Select Background Color
2518 Select Border Color
3000 DoCommand Returned Error:
3001 DoCommand returned an unknown error code: %i
5000 An invalid parameter was passed to a function
5001 The specified command has not yet been implemented
5002 An invalid handle was passed in and could not be locked
5003 Enlarge Canvas - The image was already larger than the specified size.
5004 A True Color or Greyscale image is required for this function
5005 The image must be 24bpp to save in this format
5006 The image must be 8bpp to save in this format
5007 The image must be 1bpp to save in this format
5008 The image must be 24bpp or 8bpp greyscale to save in this format
5009 The image must be 1,2,4, or 8bpp to save in this format
5010 The image must be 4 or 8bpp to save in this format
5011 The image must be 1bpp or 8bpp greyscaled to save in this format
5012 The image must be 576x720 and 1bpp to save in this format
5013 The image must be 1 or 4bpp to save in this format
5014 The image must be 8bpp greyscale to save in this format
5015 The image cannot be 4bpp to save in this format
5016 The image cannot be 1 or 4bpp to save in this format
5017 The image must be 256x192 or 128x96 and 1bpp to save in this format
5018 An unknown error (%i) has occurred
5019 You must specify at least one non-zero value
5020 This function can not be performed on a 2 color image.
5021 Jasc Image Robot Script File
5022 Open Script File
5023 Save Script File As
5024 This is not a valid script file or it was written by a newer version of Jasc Image Robot.
5025 You are missing the Jasc Image Robot help system and order forms. If reinstalling Jasc Image Robot does not correct the problem, please contact Jasc or your local distributor for a complete version.
5026 The image's dimensions are already less than the specified crop.
5027 There is no default printer installed.
5028 There is a problem with the printer.
5029 This is an evaluation copy of Jasc Image Robot. With this version, you cannot process more than five images at a time, open or save output to GIF format, and save output to TIF (LZW compressed).
5030 Please enter a % Difference value in the range (-100 to -3) or the range (3 to 100)
5031 An 8bpp or or 24bpp image is required for this function
5032 Jasc Image Robot Image List
5033 Resize/Resample Image - The image is too small to be reduced to the specified size.
5034 Resize/Resample Image - The image is too big to be enlarged to the specified size.
15018 Version
15032 Jasc Image Robot Build Information
15033 Build Date:
15034 Build Mode:
15035 Debug
15036 Release
15037 Target Processor
15038 Memory / Drive Status:
15039 Memory Load Index %lu pcnt.
15040 MB
15041 KB
15042 Total Physical Memory %lu%s
15043 Available Physical Memory %lu%s
15044 Total Paging Memory %lu%s
15045 Available Paging Memory %lu%s
15046 Temp Drive Free Space %lu%s
15047 Video Driver Information:
15048 Bits Per Pixel %i
15049 Number of Colors %lu
15050 Palette Size Non-Paletted
15051 Palette Size %i
15052 Resolution %i x %i
15053 Operating System Information:
15054 Operating System
15055 Windows 3.x & Win32s
15056 Windows 95
15057 Windows NT
15058 Version %i.%i
15059 Additional Info %s
15060 DIB Output %iBPP
15061 Windows 98
15062 Windows 2000
15063 Loading Watermarks
15064 Script Line Progress
15065 Loading Watermak %s
15066 An error occurred. The file was not read successfully.
15067 %d file(s), %d folder(s)
15068 %d of %d file(s) selected
15069 An image processing function is currently in progress.\nPlease wait for it to complete before closing.\n
15070 Preparing verification process...
15071 Verifying '%s'
15072 OK
15073 Verifying folders
15074 Verifying files
15075 Verification complete
15076 %d error(s) found
15077 The folder '%s' has been moved, renamed or cannot be accessed.
15078 Verification aborted
15079 The image list file '%s' is too large. Please reduce the number of images to process so that the file is less than %dKB.
15080 Choose a new source folder
15081 Select Folder
15082 The folder '%s' does not exist.
15083 The following Directory does not exist:\n\n%s\n\nDo you want to create it?
15084 Version %i.%i
20253 267 331 361 357 (Rectangle of order button on eval splash screen)
20254 145 331 239 357 (Rectangle of start button on eval splash screen)
20255 187 12 487 37 (Rectangle for major version text string on splash screen)
20256 187 36 487 52 (Rectangle for minor version text string on splash screen, alpha/beta version only)
20257 152 55 452 128 (Rectangle for the eval version text on the splash screen)
20258 132 139 474 200 (Rectangle for the eval message about 5-batch limit on the splash screen)
23743 This is a 30 day evaluation version of Image Robot.\nIf after the 30 day period you would like to continue\nto use it, you must purchase the licensed version.\nYou are on day %i of your 30 day evaluation period.
23744 You have exceeded the 30 day trial period of this \nsoftware. After 60 days this program will not run.\nPlease click the Order button to purchase a\nlicensed version. You are on day %i of your 30 day\nevaluation period.
23745 With this evaluation copy of Image Robot, you can only\nprocess up to five images at a time. You can process\nunlimited files by ordering a licensed copy. Order now by\nvisiting us at www.jasc.com or by calling (800) 622-2793.
32779 Displays the table of contents for the online documentation
32782 Display the copyright information for this program
32784 Change settings that affect the file formats
32785 Edit an Image List\nEdit Image List
57344 Jasc Image Robot
57345 Ready
57346 Add
57347 The image list has been modified. Would you like to save the changes?
57348 This does not appear to be a valid image list file.
57349 Unable to open requested file.
57350 Image List (*.irl)|*.irl|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
57354 Outputs to same directory as the\n input image.
57355 The image list file '%s' could not be opened.
57356 CMX - Corel Clipart|*.CMX|,cmx.flt
57357 Unable to open the image list file.
57358 File(s) successfully printed.
57359 %s
57360 With this evaluation copy of Jasc Image Robot, you can only process up to five images at a time. You can process unlimited files by ordering a licensed copy of Jasc Image Robot. Order now by visiting us at www.jasc.com or by calling (800) 622-2793. \n
57361 The image list has changed, but there are no items to save. Would you like to continue and discard all modification to the image list?