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Microsoft Windows Help File Content | 2002-06-17 | 5.7 KB | 129 lines |
- :Base PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 1 The Basics of Digital Photography
- 2 Introduction=Introduction1@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Equipment=Equipment@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Digital Pictures 101=DigitalPictures101@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Organizing your Collection=OrganizingyourCollection@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 1 How to Use PhotoMeister
- 2 What This Software Helps You Accomplish=WhatThisSoftwareHelpsYouAccomplish@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 How It's Organized
- 3 How It's Organized=HowIt.sOrganized@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Import=Import@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Improve=Improve@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Impress=Impress@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 1 Installation
- 2 System Requirements=SystemRequirements@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Setup=Setup@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Uninstalling=Uninstalling@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 1 Using PhotoMeister
- 2 Introduction=Introduction2@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 To Manage your Collection=ToManageyourCollection@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 To Improve Your Photos=ToImproveYourPhotos@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 To Export Albums via the Printer or Electronically=ToExportAlbumsviathePrinterorElectronically@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Important Features
- 3 Important Features=ImportantFeatures@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Multiple vs. Individual Photos=Multiplevs.IndividualPhotos@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Accepting and Cancelling Changes=AcceptingandCancellingChanges@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Using Your Mouse=UsingYourMouse@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Configuration
- 3 Configuration=Configuration@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Thumbnails=Thumbnails@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Album Settings=AlbumSettings@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Configuration "User Interface"=Configuration.UserInterface.@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 FTP settings=FTPsettings@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 File Extension Settings=FileExtensionSettings@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Updates
- 3 Updates=Updates@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 1 Step 1: Your Photo Collection
- 2 Importing Photos into PhotoMeister Albums
- 3 Importing Photos into PhotoMeister Albums=ImportingPhotosintoPhotoMeisterAlbums@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Where to Import=WheretoImport@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 How to Import=HowtoImport@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Managing Your Collection
- 3 Managing Your Collection=ManagingYourCollection@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Albums
- 4 Albums=Albums@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 4 Creating Albums=CreatingAlbums@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 4 Renaming Albums=RenamingAlbums@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 4 Opening Albums in Microsoft
- Windows
- Explorer
- =OpeningAlbumsinMicrosoftTWindows.Explorer.@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Photos
- 4 Photos=Photos@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 4 Moving and Copying Photos=MovingandCopyingPhotos@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 4 Dumping Photos and Restoring Dumped Photos=DumpingPhotosandRestoringDumpedPhotos@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 4 Deleting Photos or Albums=DeletingPhotosorAlbums@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 4 Duplicating Photos=DuplicatingPhotos@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 4 Backing up Photos and Restoring Photos from Backup=BackingupPhotosandRestoringPhotosfromBackup@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 1 Step 2: Working with Your Photos
- 2 Introduction=Introduction3@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 The Basics
- 3 The Basics=TheBasics@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Rotating=Rotating@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Cropping=Cropping@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Adding Frames
- 4 Adding Frames=AddingFrames@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 4 Frame Borders=FrameBorders@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Titles and Texts
- 4 Titles and Texts=TitlesandTexts@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Removing "red eye"
- 4 Removing "red eye"=Removing.redeye.@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Optimizing
- 4 Optimizing=Optimizing@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Advanced - Filter
- 3 Advanced - Filter=Advanced.Filter@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Sharpen and Sharpen Fine=SharpenandSharpenFine@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Blur=Blur@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Noise Removal and More Noise Removal=NoiseRemovalandMoreNoiseRemoval@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Emboss=Emboss@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Find Edges=FindEdges@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Advanced - Adjust
- 3 Advanced - Adjust=Advanced.Adjust@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Rotation and Mirroring=RotationandMirroring@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Hue/Saturation/Lightness=Hue.Saturation.Lightness@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Histogram=Histogram@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 RGB=RGB@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 External Editors
- 3 External Editors=ExternalEditors@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 1 Step 3: Exporting your Photos
- 2 Introduction=Introduction4@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Printing
- 3 Printing=Printing@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Color Prints=ColorPrints@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Photo Album=PhotoAlbum@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Previewing and Printing=PreviewingandPrinting@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 The Web
- 3 The Web=TheWeb@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 HTML Template Editing=HTMLTemplateEditing@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Screensaver
- 3 Screensaver=Screensaver@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Slideshow
- 3 Slideshow=Slideshow@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Palm-Powered
- Handheld
- 3 Palm-Powered
- Handheld=Palm.PoweredTHandheld@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Email
- 3 Email=Email@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 CD-ROM
- 3 CD-ROM=CD.ROM@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 PDF-Album
- 3 PDF-Album=PDF.Album@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Batch
- 3 Batch=Batch@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 1 Troubleshooting
- 2 PhotoMeister Support Website=PhotoMeisterSupportWebsite@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 1 Software License and Contact Information
- 2 Ordering=Ordering@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Support=Support@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Copyright
- 3 Copyright=Copyright@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 3 Postal address:=Postaladdress.@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Consulting and Custom Software
- 3 Consulting and Custom Software=ConsultingandCustomSoftware@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 License/Usage Terms
- 3 License/Usage Terms=License.UsageTerms@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main
- 2 Disclaimer of Warranty
- 3 Disclaimer of Warranty=DisclaimerofWarranty@PhotoMeister.hlp>Main