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Text File  |  2002-10-30  |  9.2 KB  |  253 lines

  1. object FolderFrame: TFolderFrame
  2.   Tag = -1
  3.   Left = 0
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  15.   object Panel1: TPanel
  16.     Left = 0
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  24.     object tvFolders: TxxxTreeView
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  41.       PopupMenu = pmFolder
  42.       RightClickSelect = True
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  45.       OnChange = tvFoldersChange
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  53.       OnGetImageIndex = tvFoldersGetImageIndex
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  56.       OnMouseDown = tvFoldersMouseDown
  57.       OnCreateWnd = tvFoldersCreateWnd
  58.       OnDestroyWnd = tvFoldersDestroyWnd
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  61.   object ActionList1: TActionList
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  64.     object acNewFolder: TAction
  65.       Caption = 'New Folder'
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  68.     end
  69.     object acCopyToFolder: TAction
  70.       Caption = 'Copy to Folder'
  71.     end
  72.     object acMoveToFolder: TAction
  73.       Caption = 'Move to Folder'
  74.     end
  75.     object acExport: TAction
  76.       Caption = 'Export'
  77.     end
  78.     object acImport: TAction
  79.       Caption = 'Import'
  80.     end
  81.     object acProperties: TAction
  82.       Caption = 'Properties'
  83.       ImageIndex = 5
  84.       OnExecute = acPropertiesExecute
  85.       OnUpdate = acPropertiesUpdate
  86.     end
  87.     object acHelp: TAction
  88.       Caption = 'Help'
  89.     end
  90.     object acExpandAll: TAction
  91.       Caption = 'Expand All'
  92.       OnExecute = acExpandAllExecute
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  94.     end
  95.     object acRename: TAction
  96.       Caption = 'Rename'
  97.       ShortCut = 113
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  99.       OnUpdate = acRenameUpdate
  100.     end
  101.     object acCut: TAction
  102.       Caption = 'Cut'
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  104.       OnUpdate = acCutUpdate
  105.     end
  106.     object acPaste: TAction
  107.       Caption = 'Paste'
  108.       OnExecute = acPasteExecute
  109.       OnUpdate = acPasteUpdate
  110.     end
  111.     object acDelete: TAction
  112.       Caption = 'Delete'
  113.       ImageIndex = 25
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  115.       OnUpdate = acDeleteUpdate
  116.     end
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  118.   object pmFolder: TxxxPopupMenu
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  120.     OnPopupClose = pmFolderPopupClose
  121.     Left = 60
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  123.     object Openproject1: TMenuItem
  124.       Action = acNewFolder
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  126.     object Edit1: TMenuItem
  127.       Action = acRename
  128.     end
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  132.     object N1: TMenuItem
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  150.     object acHelp1: TMenuItem
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