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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <XML_DIZ_INFO> <MASTER_PAD_VERSION_INFO> <MASTER_PAD_VERSION>1.10</MASTER_PAD_VERSION> <MASTER_PAD_INFO>Portable Application Description, or PAD for short, is a data set that is used by shareware authors to disseminate information to anyone interested in their software products. To find out more go to http://www.asp-shareware.org/pad</MASTER_PAD_INFO> </MASTER_PAD_VERSION_INFO> <RoboSoft> <Company_UIN>CMP-001C055CAD1</Company_UIN> <Product_UIN>APP-001C0CEC4A9</Product_UIN> <Search_String>secure notes organizer</Search_String> <Regnow_Order_Page>https://www.regnow.com/softsell/nph-softsell.cgi?item=2528-1</Regnow_Order_Page> <Comments_For_Reviewer>registration code available on demand</Comments_For_Reviewer> <Regnow_Product_ID>2528-1</Regnow_Product_ID> <Regnow_Company_ID>2528</Regnow_Company_ID> </RoboSoft> <Company_Info> <Company_Name>SecureAction Research, Ltd</Company_Name> <Address_1>n/a</Address_1> <Address_2>n/a</Address_2> <City_Town>n/a</City_Town> <State_Province>n/a</State_Province> <Zip_Postal_Code>n/a</Zip_Postal_Code> <Country>USA</Country> <Company_WebSite_URL>http://www.secureaction.com/</Company_WebSite_URL> <Contact_Info> <Contact_First_Name>SecureAction</Contact_First_Name> <Contact_Last_Name>Research, Ltd</Contact_Last_Name> <Contact_Email>support@secureaction.com</Contact_Email> <Author_First_Name>SecureAction</Author_First_Name> <Author_Last_Name>Research</Author_Last_Name> <Author_Email>support@secureaction.com</Author_Email> </Contact_Info> <Support_Info> <Sales_Email>sales@secureaction.com</Sales_Email> <Support_Email>support@secureaction.com</Support_Email> <General_Email>support@secureaction.com</General_Email> <Sales_Phone>+1 (877) 353-7297</Sales_Phone> <Support_Phone>+1 (501) 421-3143</Support_Phone> <General_Phone>+1 (501) 421-3143</General_Phone> <Fax_Phone>+1 (501) 421-3143</Fax_Phone> </Support_Info> </Company_Info> <ASP> <ASP_FORM>Y</ASP_FORM> <ASP_Member>N</ASP_Member> </ASP> <Program_Info> <Program_Name>Secure Notes Organizer</Program_Name> <Program_Version>2.4.5</Program_Version> <Program_Release_Month>09</Program_Release_Month> <Program_Release_Day>23</Program_Release_Day> <Program_Release_Year>2002</Program_Release_Year> <Program_Cost_Dollars>29.95</Program_Cost_Dollars> <Program_Cost_Other>$39.95 - Business License</Program_Cost_Other> <Program_Type>Shareware</Program_Type> <Program_Release_Status>Major Update</Program_Release_Status> <Program_Install_Support>Install and Uninstall</Program_Install_Support> <Program_OS_Support>Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000</Program_OS_Support> <Program_Language>English,Spanish,French,German,Italian,ChineseSimplified,ChineseTraditional,Russian</Program_Language> <Program_Change_Info>Added new hot keys: Ctrl-Shift-Down to unsert item after selected item; Ctrl-Shift-Right to insert item as child of the selected tree item </Program_Change_Info> <Program_System_Requirements>IBM PC compatible computer, 2 mb of free HDD space</Program_System_Requirements> <Program_Specific_Category>Business</Program_Specific_Category> <Program_Categories>Personal Info Managers,Diary Keeping Tools,Business :: PIMs,PIMS,PIM,Organizers,Productivity,Diary</Program_Categories> <File_Info> <Filename_Versioned>notes.zip</Filename_Versioned> <Filename_Previous>notes.zip</Filename_Previous> <Filename_Generic>notes.zip</Filename_Generic> <Filename_Long>notes.zip</Filename_Long> <File_Size_Bytes>1512721</File_Size_Bytes> <File_Size_K>1500</File_Size_K> <File_Size_MB>1.5</File_Size_MB> </File_Info> <Expire_Info> <Has_Expire_Info>Y</Has_Expire_Info> <Expire_Count>31</Expire_Count> <Expire_Based_On>Days</Expire_Based_On> <Expire_Other_Info>100 uses</Expire_Other_Info> <Expire_Year> </Expire_Year> </Expire_Info> <Includes_JAVA_VM>N</Includes_JAVA_VM> <Includes_VB_Runtime>N</Includes_VB_Runtime> <Includes_DirectX>N</Includes_DirectX> <Limitations>30 days trial, find function is disabled</Limitations> <Awards>a lot of 5 star awards and editor's picks</Awards> </Program_Info> <Program_Descriptions> <English> <Keywords>pim,tree,outline,note,diary,notes,personal,information,manager,organize,organizer</Keywords> <Char_Desc_45>Organizing notes in an outline tree form</Char_Desc_45> <Char_Desc_80>Organizing notes in an outline tree form with document password protection</Char_Desc_80> <Char_Desc_250>This Organizer lets you store and arrange all your text-based information in a outline tree form. Also it can be used as your personal diary or personal information manager,</Char_Desc_250> <Char_Desc_450>SNO is an information organizer that allows you to build an outline of your information any way you like. You can use it to store any kind of hierarchical information, such as a to-do list, project notes, personal contacts, and so on. It includes powerful hierarchical diary planner and can minimize to the system tray and work as your notepad. You can use password to restrict access to your important data. Ability to print document.</Char_Desc_450> <Char_Desc_2000>Secure Notes Organizer is an information organizer that allows you to build an outline of your information any way you like. You can use it to store any kind of hierarchical information, such as a to-do list, project notes, personal contacts, and so on. It includes powerful hierarchical diary planner and can minimize to the system tray and work as your notepad. This program is able to keep important private data like bank accounts info and credit cards' numbers, because document can be protected with password (strong military grade document encryption is used). Instant search will save lots of your time. Program has automatic URL recogintion in the document, multilingual user-friendly customizable interface and includes ability to export data into different formats. One of major features is ability to print document with table of contents and all hierarchical structure. AutoSave and AutoBackup features. Customizable program interface with ability to make own menu(s), toolbar(s), context menu(s)</Char_Desc_2000> </English> <Russian> <Keywords>pim,tree,outline,note,diary,notes,personal,information,manager,organize,organizer</Keywords> <Char_Desc_45>Древовидная записная книжка</Char_Desc_45> <Char_Desc_80>Хранение записок в иерархической форме дерева</Char_Desc_80> <Char_Desc_450>SNO будет помнить все телефоны и адреса ваших партнеров и друзей, а номера банковских счетов и кредитных карт будут храниться недежнее чем в самом лучшем сейфе! Любые сведения будут храниться в иерархической форме, а мгновенный поиск ее сэкономит вам много времени. Программа поможет разложить все ваши записки в календарном порядке и будьте уверены, что вы больше никогда ничего не потеряете и не забудете!</Char_Desc_450> <Char_Desc_2000>Ваш рабочий стол часто завален разными записками и вы никак не можете найти нужную, хотя это нужно очень срочно? Вы хотели бы помнить телефоны всех своих друзей и партнеров, но у вас их так много, что вы не можете найти нужный? Вы хотели бы вести ежедневный отчет (да хоть мемуары!), но панически боитесь что кто-то краем глаза узнает что-то лишнее о вас? Тогда Secure Notes Organizer это программа, которая создана для вас! Она будет помнить все телефоны и адреса ваших партнеров и друзей, а номера банковских счетов и кредитных карт будут храниться недежнее чем в самом лучшем сейфе! Любые сведения будут храниться в иерархической форме, а мгновенный поиск ее сэкономит вам много времени. Программа поможет разложить все ваши записки в календарном порядке и будьте уверены, что вы больше никогда ничего не потеряете и не забудете!</Char_Desc_2000> <Keywords_1>pim</Keywords_1> <Keywords_2>tree</Keywords_2> <Keywords_3>outline</Keywords_3> <Keywords_4>note</Keywords_4> <Keywords_5>diary</Keywords_5> <Keywords_6>notes</Keywords_6> <Keywords_7>personal</Keywords_7> <Keywords_8>information</Keywords_8> <Keywords_Space>pim tree outline note diary notes personal information manager organize organizer</Keywords_Space> </Russian> </Program_Descriptions> <Web_Info> <Application_URLs> <Application_Info_URL>http://www.notesorganizer.com</Application_Info_URL> <Application_Order_URL>https://www.regnow.com/softsell/nph-softsell.cgi?item=2528-1&vreferrer=web</Application_Order_URL> <Application_Screenshot_URL>http://www.secureaction.com/notes/graphics/screenshot.gif</Application_Screenshot_URL> <Application_Icon_URL>http://www.notesorganizer.com/favicon.gif</Application_Icon_URL> <Application_XML_File_URL>http://www.secureaction.com/notes/pad_file.xml</Application_XML_File_URL> </Application_URLs> <Download_URLs> <Primary_Download_URL>http://www.secureaction.com/notes/download/notes_setup.exe</Primary_Download_URL> <Secondary_Download_URL>http://www.secureaction.com/notes/download/notes.zip</Secondary_Download_URL> <Additional_Download_URL_1>http://www.secureaction.com/notes/download/notes_setup.exe</Additional_Download_URL_1> </Download_URLs> </Web_Info> <Permissions> <Distribution_Permissions>Freely distributable without changes</Distribution_Permissions> <EULA>Copyright and License The Secure Notes Organizer is a trial program. This means: All copyrights to Secure Notes Organizer are exclusively owned by SecureAction Research. Anyone may use this software during a test period of 30 days. Following this test period of 30 days or less, if you wish to continue to use Secure Notes Organizer, you MUST register. Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use Secure Notes Organizer Pro on one computer (i.e. a single CPU), for any legal purpose, at a time. The registered Secure Notes Organizer Pro software may not be rented or leased but may be permanently transferred, if the person receiving it agrees to the terms of this license. If the software is an update, the transfer must include the update and all previous versions. The Secure Notes Organizer Pro unregistered trial version may be freely distributed provided the distribution package is not modified. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of Secure Notes Organizer Pro without written permission from the copyright holder. Secure Notes Organizer Pro IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by SecureAction Research. Installing and using Secure Notes Organizer Pro signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove Secure Notes Organizer Pro files from your storage devices and cease to use the product.</EULA> </Permissions> <Simtel> <Simtel_FORM>Y</Simtel_FORM> <SIMTEL_FORM_VER>1.3 8/01/2002</SIMTEL_FORM_VER> </Simtel> <Delphi> <D1>FALSE</D1> <D2>FALSE</D2> <D3>FALSE</D3> <D4>FALSE</D4> <D5>FALSE</D5> <D6>FALSE</D6> <BCB1>FALSE</BCB1> <BCB3>FALSE</BCB3> <BCB4>FALSE</BCB4> <BCB5>FALSE</BCB5> <K1>FALSE</K1> </Delphi> </XML_DIZ_INFO>