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Comma Seperated Value File  |  2000-05-28  |  5.7 KB  |  89 rows

#Princess (daughter Cas)of Princess (daughter Cas)AndromedaAndromedaeAnd9002700
1the Twinsof the TwinsGeminiGeminorumGem66001800
2the Great Bearof the Great BearUrsa MajorUrsae MajorisUMa99003000
3the Great Dogof the Great DogCanis MajorCanis MajorisCMa6450-780
4The Balance (Scales)of The Balance (Scales)LibraLibraeLib13950-1200
5the Water-Bearerof the Water-BearerAquariusAquariiAqr21150-720
6the Charioteerof the CharioteerAurigaAurigaeAur63002400
7the Wolfof the WolfLupusLupiLup13950-1980
8the Herdsmanof the HerdsmanBootesBootisBoo138002640
9Berenice's Hairof Berenice's HairComa BerenicesComae BerenicisCom117001200
10the Sail (fr. Argo Navis)of the Sail (fr. Argo Navis)CorvusCorviCrv11625-1200
11Hercules (son of Zeus)of Hercules (son of Zeus)HerculesHerculisHer162002400
12the Water Snakeof the Water SnakeHydraHydraeHya11100-1680
13the Doveof the DoveColumbaColumbaeCol5700-2400
14the Hunting Dogsof the Hunting DogsCanes VenaticiCanum VenaticorumCVn126002400
15the Maidenof the MaidenVirgoVirginisVir129000
16the Dolphinof the DolphinDelphinusDelphiniDel189001140
17the Dragonof the DragonDracoDraconisDra171003600
18the Unicornof the UnicornMonocerosMonocerotisMon7200-300
19the Altarof the AltarAraAraeAra16050-3120
20the Painterof the PainterPictorPictorisPic4500-3000
21the Giraffeof the GiraffeCamelopardalisCamelopardalisCam54004200
22the Crane (bird)of the Crane (bird)GrusGuisGru20550-3000
23the Hareof the HareLepusLeporisLep5400-1320
24the Serpent-Bearerof the Serpent-BearerOphiuchusOphiuchiOph15750-240
25the Serpentof the SerpentSerpensSerpentisSer11440060
26the Serpentof the SerpentSerpensSerpentisSer216400-800
27the Swordfishof the SwordfishDoradoDoradusDor4650-3900
28the (American) Indianof the (American) IndianIndusIndiInd18600-3120
29the Queenof the QueenCassiopeiaCassiopeiaeCas18004200
30the Centaurof the CentaurCentaurusCentauriCen11700-2460
31the Keel (fr. Argo Navis)of the Keel (fr. Argo Navis)CarinaCarinaeCar6300-3600
32the Whaleof the WhaleCetusCetiCet1800-300
33the Sea Goatof the Sea GoatCapricornusCapricorniCap19050-1320
34the Compass (Argo Navis)of the Compass (Argo Navis)PyxisPyxidisPyx8250-1800
35the Stern (Argo Navis)of the Stern (Argo Navis)PuppisPuppisPup6300-2700
36the Swanof the SwanCygnusCygniCyg189003000
37the Lionof the LionLeoLeonisLeo9900720
38the Flying Fishof the Flying FishVolansVolantisVol6300-4020
39the Lyre (harp)of the Lyre (harp)LyraLyraeLyr169502700
40the Foxof the FoxVulpeculaVulpeculaeVul189001500
41the Little Bearof the Little BearUrsa MinorUrsae MinorisUMi144004800
42the Little Horseof the Little HorseEquuleusEquuleiEqu19200300
43the Little Lionof the Little LionLeo MinorLeonis MinorisLMi99001980
44the Little Dogof the Little DogCanis MinorCanis MinorisCMi7200180
45the Microscopeof the MicroscopeMicroscopiumMicroscopiiMic19050-2280
46the Flyof the FlyMuscaMuscaeMus10650-4320
47the Air Pumpof the Air PumpAntliaAntliaeAnt9600-2100
48the Carpenter's Squareof the Carpenter's SquareNormaNormaeNor14550-3300
49the Ramof the RamAriesArietisAri2700900
50the Octantof the OctantOctansOctantisOct18450-4920
51the Eagleof the EagleAquilaAquilaeAql18000-180
52the Hunterof the HunterOrionOrionisOri4800840
53the Peacockof the PeacockPavoPavonisPav16950-3900
54the Sails (Argo Navis)of the Sails (Argo Navis)VelaVelorumVel8550-2700
55the Winged Horseof the Winged HorsePegasusPegasiPeg204001020
56the Heroof the HeroPerseusPerseiPer40502700
57the Furnaceof the FurnaceFornaxFornacisFor2700-2100
58the Bird of Paradiseof the Bird of ParadiseApusApodisAps14400-4500
59the Crabof the CrabCancerCancriCnc7800900
60the Chiselof the ChiselCaelumCaeliCae4350-2340
61the Fishesof the FishesPiscesPisciumPsc900720
62the Lynxof the LynxLynxLyncisLyn76502520
63the Northern Crownof the Northern CrownCorona BorealisCoronae BorealisCrB145502340
64the Sextantof the SextantSextansSextantisSex9600-240
65the Reticle / the Netof the Reticle / the NetReticulumReticuliRet3600-3480
66the Scorpionof the ScorpionScorpiusScorpiiSco15600-1920
67the Sculptorof the SculptorSculptorSculptorisScl1200-1980
68the Table (mountain)of the Table (mountain)MensaMensaeMen5400-4620
69the Arrowof the ArrowSagittaSagittaeSge175501140
70the Archerof the ArcherSagittariusSagittariiSgr17850-1080
71the Telescopeof the TelescopeTelescopiumTelescopiiTel17100-3060
72the Bullof the BullTaurusTauriTau48001560
73the Triangleof the TriangleTriangulumTrianguliTri18001980
74the Toucan (bird)of the Toucan (bird)TucanaTucanaeTuc0-4080
75the Phoenixof the PhoenixPhoenixPhoehicisPhe0-3120
76the Chameleonof the ChameleonChamaeleonChamaeleontisCha9900-4800
77the Kingof the KingCepheusCepheiCep198004200
78the Compassesof the CompassesCircinusCirciniCir13500-3600
79the Clockof the ClockHorologiumHorologiiHor3600-2700
80the Cupof the CupCraterCraterisCrt10650-1320
81the Shieldof the ShieldScutumScutiSct16950-660
82the River Eridanusof the River EridanusEridanusEridaniEri3900-900
83the Little Water Snakeof the Little Water SnakeHydrusHydriHyi1200-4320
84the Southern Crownof the Southern CrownCorona AustralisCoronae AustralisCrA16950-2520
85the Southern Fishof the Southern FishPiscis AustrinusPiscis AustriniPsA20250-1920
86the (Southern) Crossof the (Southern) CrossCruxCrucisCru11550-3660
87the Southern Triangleof the Southern TriangleTriangulum AustralisTrianguli AustriniTrA14700-3720
88the Lizarof the LizarLacertaLacertaeLac205502400