# | Princess (daughter Cas) | of Princess (daughter Cas) | Andromeda | Andromedae | And | 900 | 2700
1 | the Twins | of the Twins | Gemini | Geminorum | Gem | 6600 | 1800 |
2 | the Great Bear | of the Great Bear | Ursa Major | Ursae Majoris | UMa | 9900 | 3000 |
3 | the Great Dog | of the Great Dog | Canis Major | Canis Majoris | CMa | 6450 | -780 |
4 | The Balance (Scales) | of The Balance (Scales) | Libra | Librae | Lib | 13950 | -1200 |
5 | the Water-Bearer | of the Water-Bearer | Aquarius | Aquarii | Aqr | 21150 | -720 |
6 | the Charioteer | of the Charioteer | Auriga | Aurigae | Aur | 6300 | 2400 |
7 | the Wolf | of the Wolf | Lupus | Lupi | Lup | 13950 | -1980 |
8 | the Herdsman | of the Herdsman | Bootes | Bootis | Boo | 13800 | 2640 |
9 | Berenice's Hair | of Berenice's Hair | Coma Berenices | Comae Berenicis | Com | 11700 | 1200 |
10 | the Sail (fr. Argo Navis) | of the Sail (fr. Argo Navis) | Corvus | Corvi | Crv | 11625 | -1200 |
11 | Hercules (son of Zeus) | of Hercules (son of Zeus) | Hercules | Herculis | Her | 16200 | 2400 |
12 | the Water Snake | of the Water Snake | Hydra | Hydrae | Hya | 11100 | -1680 |
13 | the Dove | of the Dove | Columba | Columbae | Col | 5700 | -2400 |
14 | the Hunting Dogs | of the Hunting Dogs | Canes Venatici | Canum Venaticorum | CVn | 12600 | 2400 |
15 | the Maiden | of the Maiden | Virgo | Virginis | Vir | 12900 | 0 |
16 | the Dolphin | of the Dolphin | Delphinus | Delphini | Del | 18900 | 1140 |
17 | the Dragon | of the Dragon | Draco | Draconis | Dra | 17100 | 3600 |
18 | the Unicorn | of the Unicorn | Monoceros | Monocerotis | Mon | 7200 | -300 |
19 | the Altar | of the Altar | Ara | Arae | Ara | 16050 | -3120 |
20 | the Painter | of the Painter | Pictor | Pictoris | Pic | 4500 | -3000 |
21 | the Giraffe | of the Giraffe | Camelopardalis | Camelopardalis | Cam | 5400 | 4200 |
22 | the Crane (bird) | of the Crane (bird) | Grus | Guis | Gru | 20550 | -3000 |
23 | the Hare | of the Hare | Lepus | Leporis | Lep | 5400 | -1320 |
24 | the Serpent-Bearer | of the Serpent-Bearer | Ophiuchus | Ophiuchi | Oph | 15750 | -240 |
25 | the Serpent | of the Serpent | Serpens | Serpentis | Ser1 | 14400 | 60 |
26 | the Serpent | of the Serpent | Serpens | Serpentis | Ser2 | 16400 | -800 |
27 | the Swordfish | of the Swordfish | Dorado | Doradus | Dor | 4650 | -3900 |
28 | the (American) Indian | of the (American) Indian | Indus | Indi | Ind | 18600 | -3120 |
29 | the Queen | of the Queen | Cassiopeia | Cassiopeiae | Cas | 1800 | 4200 |
30 | the Centaur | of the Centaur | Centaurus | Centauri | Cen | 11700 | -2460 |
31 | the Keel (fr. Argo Navis) | of the Keel (fr. Argo Navis) | Carina | Carinae | Car | 6300 | -3600 |
32 | the Whale | of the Whale | Cetus | Ceti | Cet | 1800 | -300 |
33 | the Sea Goat | of the Sea Goat | Capricornus | Capricorni | Cap | 19050 | -1320 |
34 | the Compass (Argo Navis) | of the Compass (Argo Navis) | Pyxis | Pyxidis | Pyx | 8250 | -1800 |
35 | the Stern (Argo Navis) | of the Stern (Argo Navis) | Puppis | Puppis | Pup | 6300 | -2700 |
36 | the Swan | of the Swan | Cygnus | Cygni | Cyg | 18900 | 3000 |
37 | the Lion | of the Lion | Leo | Leonis | Leo | 9900 | 720 |
38 | the Flying Fish | of the Flying Fish | Volans | Volantis | Vol | 6300 | -4020 |
39 | the Lyre (harp) | of the Lyre (harp) | Lyra | Lyrae | Lyr | 16950 | 2700 |
40 | the Fox | of the Fox | Vulpecula | Vulpeculae | Vul | 18900 | 1500 |
41 | the Little Bear | of the Little Bear | Ursa Minor | Ursae Minoris | UMi | 14400 | 4800 |
42 | the Little Horse | of the Little Horse | Equuleus | Equulei | Equ | 19200 | 300 |
43 | the Little Lion | of the Little Lion | Leo Minor | Leonis Minoris | LMi | 9900 | 1980 |
44 | the Little Dog | of the Little Dog | Canis Minor | Canis Minoris | CMi | 7200 | 180 |
45 | the Microscope | of the Microscope | Microscopium | Microscopii | Mic | 19050 | -2280 |
46 | the Fly | of the Fly | Musca | Muscae | Mus | 10650 | -4320 |
47 | the Air Pump | of the Air Pump | Antlia | Antliae | Ant | 9600 | -2100 |
48 | the Carpenter's Square | of the Carpenter's Square | Norma | Normae | Nor | 14550 | -3300 |
49 | the Ram | of the Ram | Aries | Arietis | Ari | 2700 | 900 |
50 | the Octant | of the Octant | Octans | Octantis | Oct | 18450 | -4920 |
51 | the Eagle | of the Eagle | Aquila | Aquilae | Aql | 18000 | -180 |
52 | the Hunter | of the Hunter | Orion | Orionis | Ori | 4800 | 840 |
53 | the Peacock | of the Peacock | Pavo | Pavonis | Pav | 16950 | -3900 |
54 | the Sails (Argo Navis) | of the Sails (Argo Navis) | Vela | Velorum | Vel | 8550 | -2700 |
55 | the Winged Horse | of the Winged Horse | Pegasus | Pegasi | Peg | 20400 | 1020 |
56 | the Hero | of the Hero | Perseus | Persei | Per | 4050 | 2700 |
57 | the Furnace | of the Furnace | Fornax | Fornacis | For | 2700 | -2100 |
58 | the Bird of Paradise | of the Bird of Paradise | Apus | Apodis | Aps | 14400 | -4500 |
59 | the Crab | of the Crab | Cancer | Cancri | Cnc | 7800 | 900 |
60 | the Chisel | of the Chisel | Caelum | Caeli | Cae | 4350 | -2340 |
61 | the Fishes | of the Fishes | Pisces | Piscium | Psc | 900 | 720 |
62 | the Lynx | of the Lynx | Lynx | Lyncis | Lyn | 7650 | 2520 |
63 | the Northern Crown | of the Northern Crown | Corona Borealis | Coronae Borealis | CrB | 14550 | 2340 |
64 | the Sextant | of the Sextant | Sextans | Sextantis | Sex | 9600 | -240 |
65 | the Reticle / the Net | of the Reticle / the Net | Reticulum | Reticuli | Ret | 3600 | -3480 |
66 | the Scorpion | of the Scorpion | Scorpius | Scorpii | Sco | 15600 | -1920 |
67 | the Sculptor | of the Sculptor | Sculptor | Sculptoris | Scl | 1200 | -1980 |
68 | the Table (mountain) | of the Table (mountain) | Mensa | Mensae | Men | 5400 | -4620 |
69 | the Arrow | of the Arrow | Sagitta | Sagittae | Sge | 17550 | 1140 |
70 | the Archer | of the Archer | Sagittarius | Sagittarii | Sgr | 17850 | -1080 |
71 | the Telescope | of the Telescope | Telescopium | Telescopii | Tel | 17100 | -3060 |
72 | the Bull | of the Bull | Taurus | Tauri | Tau | 4800 | 1560 |
73 | the Triangle | of the Triangle | Triangulum | Trianguli | Tri | 1800 | 1980 |
74 | the Toucan (bird) | of the Toucan (bird) | Tucana | Tucanae | Tuc | 0 | -4080 |
75 | the Phoenix | of the Phoenix | Phoenix | Phoehicis | Phe | 0 | -3120 |
76 | the Chameleon | of the Chameleon | Chamaeleon | Chamaeleontis | Cha | 9900 | -4800 |
77 | the King | of the King | Cepheus | Cephei | Cep | 19800 | 4200 |
78 | the Compasses | of the Compasses | Circinus | Circini | Cir | 13500 | -3600 |
79 | the Clock | of the Clock | Horologium | Horologii | Hor | 3600 | -2700 |
80 | the Cup | of the Cup | Crater | Crateris | Crt | 10650 | -1320 |
81 | the Shield | of the Shield | Scutum | Scuti | Sct | 16950 | -660 |
82 | the River Eridanus | of the River Eridanus | Eridanus | Eridani | Eri | 3900 | -900 |
83 | the Little Water Snake | of the Little Water Snake | Hydrus | Hydri | Hyi | 1200 | -4320 |
84 | the Southern Crown | of the Southern Crown | Corona Australis | Coronae Australis | CrA | 16950 | -2520 |
85 | the Southern Fish | of the Southern Fish | Piscis Austrinus | Piscis Austrini | PsA | 20250 | -1920 |
86 | the (Southern) Cross | of the (Southern) Cross | Crux | Crucis | Cru | 11550 | -3660 |
87 | the Southern Triangle | of the Southern Triangle | Triangulum Australis | Trianguli Austrini | TrA | 14700 | -3720 |
88 | the Lizar | of the Lizar | Lacerta | Lacertae | Lac | 20550 | 2400