Include1=MS Sans Serif,MS Serif*,Microsoft Sans Serif,Comic Sans MS,Arial*,Helv*,Times*,Courier*,Lucida*,Garamond,Georgia,Fixedsys,Terminal,System,Verdana,Tahoma,Trebuchet*,Bitstream*
HotkeyCannotLoad=Cannot activate hotkey support. Hotkey will been disabled. Please, contact to support for decision this problem.
PreparingTitle=%s Preparing
Description=Do You Know How to Capture Text from the Screen? from folder trees, file lists, database reports, messages and dialog boxes, menus, status lines? visible text of legacy systems? Answer: Kleptomania. Select text in any (even clipboard-unaware) application, and then copy-paste to your favorite editor, launch internet browser or email editor, sum numbers, count a number of words/characters. Based on the Direct Klepting technology.
AboutTitle=About %s
PropertiesTitle=%s Properties
UninstallReportTitle=Uninstall Report
BuildFontBaseTitle=%s - Build Font Base
BuildFontBaseText1=To recognize screen text, Kleptomania uses font pattern database. It is created automatically, using Windows installed fonts.
BuildFontBaseText3=The database is created when you run Kleptomania for the first time. If you install new fonts to the system or remove some fonts, you should rebuild the font database.
BuildFontBaseText5=Processing can require several minutes.
EInteractText1=Kleptomania is already running.
EInteractText3=Internal error.
EInteractText4=Cannot interact with running instance.
EAlreadyText=Kleptomania is already running.
ExpiredText1=This trial version has expired.
ExpiredText3=You could order commercial version of Kleptomania
ExpiredText4=to use it further.
ExpiredText6=Visit %s now?
EIBrokenText1=Internal integrity test failed.
EIBrokenText2=You have to reinstall the Kleptomania to continue using it.
EIBrokenText4=Visit %s now?
EEBrokenText1=Operational environment integrity test failed.
EEBrokenText3=You could order commercial version of Kleptomania
EEBrokenText4=to use it further.
EEBrokenText6=Visit %s now?
RegisterText1=Kleptomania generates email message to Structu Rise for registering purposes.
RegisterText2=Structu Rise holds your email address in a secret and uses it only to
RegisterText3= - count a number of installations,
RegisterText4= - notify you about new versions, once a month or less.
RegisterText5=Please decide would you send the message to Structu Rise.
RegisterText6=We are kindly ask you to send it to allow us to do our best for you.
QRegisterText1=Do you want to remind you about
QRegisterText2=registering later?
EUnknownCLineText1=Unknown command line option
ELoadPatText1=Font database loading failed.
QUpdateText1=Structu Rise releases new versions once a month or so.
QUpdateText2=Your version of Kleptomania has built on %s and is rather old.
QUpdateText4=You could download new free trial version of Kleptomania from
QUpdateText6=Download now?
ExpireComingText1=%d days remain to expire of this trial.
UninstTitle=Kleptomania Uninstaller
UninstQuestText1=Are you sure you want to completely remove
UninstQuestText2=Kleptomania and all of its components?
UninstUnloadText=Kleptomania is still running, unload it?
UninstUnableToUnloadText1=Unable to unload previous Kleptomania instance.
UninstUnableToUnloadText2=Please terminate it before uninstallation.
UninstExitText1=Kleptomania is still running.
UninstExitText2=You have to exit it before uninstalltion.
UninstErrorText=Kleptomania fatal error
LinkErrorText1=Cannot enable Auto start option
LinkErrorText3=Error creating %s
FontBaseReducedText1=There are many fonts encountered at your system.
FontBaseReducedText2=Not all of installed fonts will be used in the
FontBaseReducedText3=font pattern building process.
FontBaseReducedText5=See Kleptomania Help for further information.
1E=Request more tips by using Kleptomania
2E=One of a kind to grab text anywhere, you know
3E=Send Kleptomania trial anywhere
4E=Who of your friends is waiting for Kleptomania?
5E=Sure some your friends are waiting for Kleptomania
6E=Klepting everything!
7E=Font Exploring versus font guessing
8E=Put message box contents to email
9E=Copy file lists and folder trees from Explorer
10E=Copy messages from the dialog boxes
11E=Send menu choices of your favorite application