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- The purpose of this document is to inform Zittware customers how and
- where to receive answers to questions they may have concerning Zittware
- products. It also shows users how to reach the author by numerous OnLine
- service providers, such as America OnLine, Internet, CompuServe, etc.
- There are currently two methods available for support of this and
- other Zittware products. These methods are Electronic Mail (E-mail) and
- normal Mail. Please feel free to use these method, you will get a reply.
- Please feel free to use these methods for comments and suggestions. The
- best and most efficient means of support is by E-mail.
- The address for normal mail support is:
- Zittware Support
- 3965 SE Arbor Ct.
- Hillsboro, OR 97123
- In order to receive support via mail, you must include a self-addressed,
- stamped envelope with your support request.
- There is also a web site available to give you the latest information
- on Zittware products. Zittware can be reached at
- http://www.zittware.com
- E-mail support is the best method to obtain information concerning
- any Zittware product. At the moment of distribution, Zittware has
- numerous E-mail addresses. Please use the following addresses in the
- order shown to obtain a speedy response. Start with the first address, if
- a response is not received in 72 to 98 hr's (3 to 4 days), try the next
- address on the list. These E-mail addresses below are given in
- Internet-style addresses. To convert these addresses to your OnLine
- service see the instructions at the end of this document.
- The addresses for E-mail support are given in the order of most frequent
- use:
- Zittware@kagi.com
- Zitt@bigfoot.com
- Zitt@aol.com
- The instructions below are given to aid the user in obtaining support
- from Zittware. If you do not see your OnLine Service, check with your
- operator to see if internet e-mail is available.
- ------------------------------- CompuServe ---------------------------------
- To send mail to Internet addresses, enter at the Send prompt >INTERNET:
- followed by the Internet address. For example:
- Send to (name or user ID):>INTERNET:Zitt@bigfoot.com
- -------------------------------- MCI Mail ----------------------------------
- To send mail to Internet addresses, address the message by entering, at
- the To: prompt, the recipient's name followed by (EMS) in parenthesis.
- To: Zittware (EMS)
- MCI Mail will prompt you with EMS: At this prompt type INTERNET.
- Next you'll get an MBX: prompt. Type the recipient's Internet
- address here.
- MBX: Zitt@bigfoot.com
- -------------------------------- AT&T Mail --------------------------------
- To send mail to Internet addresses, address the message by entering, at
- the To: prompt
- To:internet!system.domain!username
- Instead of "system.domain" enter the information proceeding the @ in
- the Internet address, and instead of "username" enter the user's name
- the way it appears in the Internet address. The Internet address
- jdz1@Ra.MsState.edu would be entered as
- To:internet!bigfoot.com!Zitt
- ---------------------------------- GEnie ----------------------------------
- To reach the Internet menu on GEnie, type INTERNET<enter> or MOVE 207<enter>
- at any prompt.
- Choose option #3 from the menu. Enter the recipient's Internet address
- at the TO: prompt. Add to the end of the Internet address @inet#. The
- jdz1@Ra.MsState.Edu address would look something like this:
- To: Zitt@bigfoot.com@inet#
- To reach the GEMail menu, type MAIL at any prompt. Choose option #6 off
- the menu and enter the recipient's Internet address at the TO: prompt.
- Don't forget to append it with @inet#.
- ------------------------------ America Online -----------------------------
- To send mail to Zittware, it is better (and much faster) to send E-mail to
- the AOL addresses, which are the @aol.com addresses. To send to the
- Zitt@aol.com address, simply click on the Compose Mail Icon or selected it
- from the Mail menu at the top of your screen. In the To: box of Compose mail,
- place the AOL user name. For example:
- To: Zitt
- ---------------------------- Microsoft Network ---------------------------
- To send mail to Zittware from the Microsoft Network, you will need to mail
- out to an Internet address. Simply put the Zitt@bigfoot.com address in
- the To: line of the mail form.
- -------------------------------- WWIVnet ----------------------------------
- To send mail to Zittware from WWIVnet, you must send mail though a gateway
- provided by WWIV. Since this method goes though the gateway(s), it will take
- a long time. (I have seen delays up to a month.) This means the the 72 hour
- rule is not applicable. To send to Internet, you would replace the @ symbol
- in the Internet address with a pound sign (#) and append a @ symbol and the
- gateway number. The gateway number for wwiv.fred.com is 502.
- For example, the Zitt@bigfoot.com address would be:
- Zitt#bigfoot.com@502
- NOTE: If any of these instruction are in error, please let me know so I can
- update the documents.