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- /* Copyrighted Pixar 1989 */
- /* From the RenderMan Companion p.351 */
- /* Listing 16.15 Surface shader providing wood-grain texture */
- /*
- * wood(): calculate a solid wood texture using noise()
- *
- */
- surface
- wood (
- float ringscale = 10;
- color lightwood = color (0.3, 0.12, 0.03),
- darkwood = color (0.05, 0.01, 0.005);
- float Ka = 0.2,
- Kd = 0.4,
- Ks = 0.6,
- roughness = 0.1)
- {
- point NN, V;
- point PP;
- float y, z, r;
- /*
- * Compute the forward-facing normal NN and the vector
- * toward the ray orgigin V, both normalized.
- * These vectors are used by "specular" and "diffuse". */
- NN = faceforward(normalize (N), I);
- V = -normalize(I);
- PP = transform("shader", P);
- PP += noise(PP);
- /* compute radial distance r from PP to axis of "tree" */
- y = ycomp (PP);
- z = zcomp (PP);
- r = sqrt (y*y + z*z);
- /* map radial distance r nto ring position [0, 1] */
- r *= ringscale;
- r += abs (noise(r));
- r -= floor (r); /* == mod (r, 1) */
- /* use ring poisition r to select wood color */
- r = smoothstep (0, 0.8, r) - smoothstep (0.83, 1.0, r);
- Ci = mix(lightwood, darkwood, r);
- /* shade using r to vary shininess */
- Oi = Os;
- Ci = Oi * Ci * (Ka * ambient() + Kd * diffuse(NN))
- + (0.3 * r + 0.7) * Ks * specular (NN, V, roughness);
- }