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- /**************************************************************************
- * patterns.h - various "helper" routines for making patterns, including
- * antialiased versions of some useful functions.
- *
- * Author: Larry Gritz (gritzl@acm.org), though most are obvious to any
- * experienced shader writer.
- *
- * $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 1998/09/18 02:31:32 $
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- #ifndef PATTERNS_H
- #define PATTERNS_H 1
- /*
- * Define metrics for estimating filter widths, if none has already
- * been defined. This is crucial for antialiasing.
- */
- # define MINFILTWIDTH 1.0e-6
- #endif
- #ifndef filterwidth
- # define filterwidth(x) max (abs(Du(x)*du) + abs(Dv(x)*dv), MINFILTWIDTH)
- #endif
- #ifndef filterwidthp
- # define filterwidthp(p) max (sqrt(area(p)), MINFILTWIDTH)
- #endif
- /* A 1-D pulse pattern: return 1 if edge0 <= x <= edge1, otherwise 0 */
- float pulse (float edge0, edge1, x)
- {
- return step(edge0,x) - step(edge1,x);
- }
- /* A filtered version of pulse: this is just an analytic solution to
- * the convolution of pulse, above, with a box filter of a particular
- * width. Derivation is left to the reader.
- */
- float filteredpulse (float edge0, edge1, x, width)
- {
- float x0 = x - width*0.5;
- float x1 = x0 + width;
- return max (0, (min(x1,edge1)-max(x0,edge0)) / width);
- }
- /* A pulse train: a signal that repeats with a given period, and is
- * 0 when 0 <= mod(x,period) < edge, and 1 when mod(x,period) > edge.
- */
- float pulsetrain (float period, duty, x)
- {
- return pulse (duty*period, 1, mod(x,period));
- }
- /* Filtered pulse train: it's not as simple as just returning the mod
- * of filteredpulse -- you have to take into account that the filter may
- * cover multiple pulses in the train.
- * Strategy: consider the function INTFPT, which is the integral of the
- * train from 0 to x. Just subtract!
- */
- float filteredpulsetrain (float period, duty, x, width)
- {
- /* First, normalize so period == 1 and our domain of interest is > 0 */
- float w = width/period;
- float x0 = x/period - w/2;
- float x1 = x0+w;
- /* Now we want to integrate the normalized pulsetrain over [x0,x1] where
- * 0 <= x0 < 1 and x0 < x1.
- */
- #define INTFPT(x) ((1-duty)*floor(x) + max(0,x-floor(x)-duty))
- return (INTFPT(x1) - INTFPT(x0)) / (x1-x0);
- #undef INTFPT
- }
- /* basic tiling pattern --
- * inputs:
- * x, y positions on a 2-D surface
- * tilewidth, tileheight dimensions of each tile
- * rowstagger how much does each row stagger relative to
- * the previous row
- * rowstaggervary how much should rowstagger randomly vary
- * jaggedfreq, jaggedamp adds noise to the edge between the tiles
- * outputs:
- * row, column index which tile the sample is in
- * xtile, ytile position within this tile (0-1)
- */
- void basictile (float x, y;
- uniform float tilewidth, tileheight;
- uniform float rowstagger, rowstaggervary;
- uniform float jaggedfreq, jaggedamp;
- output float column, row;
- output float xtile, ytile;
- )
- {
- point PP;
- float scoord = x, tcoord = y;
- if (jaggedamp != 0.0) {
- /* Make the shapes of the bricks vary just a bit */
- PP = point noise (x*jaggedfreq/tilewidth, y*jaggedfreq/tileheight);
- scoord += jaggedamp * xcomp (PP);
- tcoord += jaggedamp * ycomp (PP);
- }
- xtile = scoord / tilewidth;
- ytile = tcoord / tileheight;
- row = floor (ytile); /* which brick row? */
- /* Shift the columns randomly by row */
- xtile += mod (rowstagger * row, 1);
- xtile += rowstaggervary * (noise (row+0.5) - 0.5);
- column = floor (xtile);
- xtile -= column;
- ytile -= row;
- }
- #endif /* defined(PATTERNS_H) */