home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 2000-06-08 | 32.6 KB | 1,733 lines |
- [Colors]
- Background=161,161,161
- Select=255,255,0
- Grid=198,198,198
- ThickGrid=198,198,198
- GridXAxis=255,0,0
- GridYAxis=0,255,0
- Crosshairs=255,255,255
- DefaultLayer=0,0,0
- GhostLayer=124,124,124
- Feedback=0,0,0
- TrackingLine=255,255,255
- QrenderBackground=0,63,127
- QrenderColor=255,255,255
- CommandPromptBackground=161,161,161
- CommandPromptText=0,0,0
- WorldXAxisIcon=96,96,96
- WorldYAxisIcon=96,96,96
- WorldZAxisIcon=96,96,96
- DirectionHair=255,255,255
- [Main Window]
- Maximized=y
- Position=44,42,1276,952
- PositionResolution=1280,1024
- TitleBar=y
- Menu=y
- DockingToolbars=y
- FullPathInTitleBar=y
- [RecentFiles]
- [Auto Save]
- DoAutoSave=n
- Frequency=20
- File=C:\Rhino\Autosave.3dm
- AlwaysAutoSaveBeforeCommands=
- [Files]
- CustomDialog=n
- BitmapPreview=y
- SavePreviewBitmap=y
- ModelDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros
- TemplateDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros\Templates
- StartupTemplate=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros\Templates\4 Viewports.3dm
- OpenDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros
- ImportDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros
- SaveDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros
- ExportDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros
- BmpDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros
- RenderDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros
- TexturesDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros
- BumpDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros
- WorkspaceDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros
- CommandFileDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros
- RunDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros
- ReadFileDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros
- CommandAliasDirectory=C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros
- [Stuff]
- Workspace=C:\Rhino\default.ws
- DefaultIsoparmDensity=1
- ;___________________________________
- ; Shortcuts and Aliases
- [Command Aliases]
- s=Snap
- o=Ortho
- p=Planar
- [Shortcuts]
- F1=Help
- F2=CommandHistory
- F7=ShowGrid ShowGridAxes
- F8=Ortho
- F9=Snap
- F10=! PtOn
- F11=! PtOff
- F12=DigClick
- ctrl+A=SelAll
- ctrl+C=! CopyClip
- ctrl+M=ToggleMaxViewport
- ctrl+N=! New
- ctrl+O=! Open
- ctrl+P=! Print
- ctrl+S=! Save
- ctrl+V=! Paste
- ctrl+X=! Cut
- ctrl+Y=! Redo
- ctrl+Z=! Undo
- ctrl+F1=SetMaximizedViewport Top
- ctrl+F2=SetMaximizedViewport Front
- ctrl+F3=SetMaximizedViewport Right
- ctrl+F4=SetMaximizedViewport Perspective
- ;___________________________________
- ; Render and analysis settings
- [Render]
- 256Grays=n
- SkipBackfaces=n
- Shadows=1
- ViewportResolution=y
- XResolution=800
- YResolution=600
- AntiAlias=1
- ShadowMapSize=1000
- SelfShadowFactor=0.75
- Background=160,160,160
- Ambient=0,0,0
- UseLightsOnHiddenLayers=n
- DefaultSpotlightColor=255,255,255
- DefaultRenderColor=255,255,255
- DefaultShine=0
- DefaultTextureMap=none
- DefaultBumpMap=none
- DefaultTransparency=0
- QRenderInterruptDelay=800
- [Render Meshing]
- max_angle=20
- max_aspect_ratio=0
- min_edge_length=0
- max_edge_length=0
- max_dist_edge_to_srf=0
- min_initial_grid_quads=16
- refine=y
- jagged_seams=n
- simple_planes=n
- [Surface Analysis Meshing]
- max_angle=20
- max_aspect_ratio=0
- min_edge_length=0
- max_edge_length=0
- max_dist_edge_to_srf=0
- min_initial_grid_quads=16
- refine=y
- jagged_seams=n
- simple_planes=n
- [Zebra]
- DialogPosition=
- StripeDirection=0
- StripeSize=3
- StripeColor=0,0,0
- BitmapWideSize=1024
- BitmapNarrowSize=32
- [EMap]
- DialogPosition=
- Filename=%MAINDIR%\Sunset.jpg
- RecentFilename1=%MAINDIR%\brushed_silver.jpg
- RecentFilename2=%MAINDIR%\polished_silver.jpg
- RecentFilename3=%MAINDIR%\brushed_gold.jpg
- RecentFilename4=%MAINDIR%\polished_gold.jpg
- RecentFilename5=%MAINDIR%\fluorescent_tube.bmp
- RecentFilename6=%MAINDIR%\truesphere.jpg
- [CurvatureAnalysis]
- DialogPosition=
- Style=0
- GaussianAutoRange=y
- GaussianRange0=
- GaussianRange1=
- MeanAutoRange=y
- MeanRange0=
- MeanRange1=
- MinRadiusAutoRange=y
- MinRadiusRange0=
- MinRadiusRange1=
- MaxRadiusAutoRange=y
- MaxRadiusRange0=
- MaxRadiusRange1=
- ;___________________________________
- ; OpenGL settings
- [OpenGL]
- Lighting Model=Simple
- Show Curves=n
- Flat Shade=n
- Depth Cue=n
- Shade Curve Color Source=0
- Shade Surface Color Source=0
- Isoparams=n
- Seam Edges=n
- Joined Edges=n
- Naked Edges=n
- Mesh Edges=n
- UseWireFrameDecorations=n
- ShowGrid=n
- ShowGridAxes=n
- WorldAxes=y
- CustomTitle=y
- DefaultShadeMode=0
- OpenGLMultiViewFix=y
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;
- ; Lights are defined by [Light N] sections where N is a number
- ; greater than or equal to 1. The components of the "r,g,b"
- ; colors are from 0 to 255; i.e., 0,0,0 is black and 255,255,255
- ; is white.
- ;
- ;[Light N]
- ;
- ; There are nine light styles
- ;
- ;Style=view directional
- ;Style=view point
- ;Style=view spot
- ;Style=camera directional
- ;Style=camera point
- ;Style=camera spot
- ;Style=world directional
- ;Style=world point
- ;Style=world spot
- ; The "view" based lights are "attached" to the viewing box
- ; and are useful for positioning "point" lights that are always
- ; on a side.
- ; The "camera" based lights are "attached" to the camera (eye)
- ; and are useful for positioning "directional" lights that
- ; illuminate from a constant direction.
- ; The "world" based lights are "attached" to the model and are
- ; useful for position "point" and "spot" lights at specific
- ; locations in the model (like inside of a lamp object).
- ;
- ;Direction=x,y,z
- ; The direction is ignored for "point" lights
- ; For "view" and "camera" lights,
- ; +x points to the right
- ; +y points up
- ; +z points out of the screen
- ;
- ;Location=x,y,z
- ; The location is ignored for "directional" lights.
- ; For "view" style lights, the volume being rendered
- ; is in the box -1 <= x <= 1, -1 <= y <= 1, -1 <= z <= 1.
- ; Placing view point and view spot lights slightly outside
- ; of this box insures they always shine on the objects being
- ; rendered.
- ;
- ;Spot Angle=a 0.0 < a < 90.0
- ;Spot Exponent=e e >= 0.0 big e means "focused" light
- ; These spot settings are ignored for "directional" and "point"
- ; lights. The angle is the angle from the direction to the edge
- ; of the spot's cone. An exponent of 0 means the spot illumination
- ; is uniform across the entire cone. As the exponent grows towards
- ; 128 the the spot illumination becomes more and more "concentrated"
- ; at the center of the spot's cone. The default angle is 90 and the
- ; default exponent is 0.
- ;
- ;Attenuation=a,b,c
- ; You can use attenuation to have a light's illumination fade with
- ; distance. Basically the light's intensity is scaled by
- ; 1/(a + b*d + c*d*d) where "d" is the distance from the light
- ; to the point being illuminated.
- ; The default is 1,0,0 which means no attenuation.
- ;
- ;Ambient Color=r,g,b
- ; The default is 0,0,0
- ;Diffuse Color=r,g,b
- ; The default is 255,255,255
- ;Specular Color=r,g,b
- ; The default is 255,255,255
- ;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;
- ; Lighting models are defined by [Lighting Model name] sections
- ; where "name" is the name of the lighting model. The components
- ; of the "r,g,b" colors are from 0 to 255; i.e., 0,0,0 is black
- ; and 255,255,255 is white.
- ;
- ; In order to get OpenGL to use a lighting model, you need to
- ; put a "Lighting Model=name" line in the [OpenGL] section.
- ;
- ;Style=fast
- ;Style=accurate
- ; "fast" is faster and "accurate" gives better specular highlights
- ;
- ;Exposure=1.0 (any number > 0.0 is ok)
- ; As a guideline, set exposure to 1/(number of lights). If
- ; your shaded views are too washed out, reduce exposure in
- ; steps of a 1/10th or so until things look darker. If your
- ; shaded views are too dark, increase exposure in steps of
- ; a 1/10th or so until things look brighter.
- ;
- ;Ambient Color=r,g,b
- ; Default is 0,0,0 which means there is no ambient light.
- ;
- ;Fill Diffuse Color=r,g,b
- ;Fill Specular Color=r,g,b
- ; The "fill" light is a "headlight". The default for both
- ; the diffuse and specular channels is 255,255,255. If you
- ; are using some "overhead" custom lights, you might want to
- ; try setting the specular fill to black and the diffuse fill
- ; to a bright grey like 160,160,160.
- ;
- ;Light List=...
- ; The "..." is a list of numbers like 1,2,3. Each number "N"
- ; should correspond to a [Light N] entry. The default is
- ; no light list. The number of lights you can use with OpenGL
- ; varies depending on the kind of OpenGL card you have but
- ; almost all OpenGL's can handle at least 8 lights.
- ;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- [Light 1]
- Style=camera directional
- Direction=1.0,-1.0,-1.0
- Specular Color=0,0,0
- [Light 2]
- Style=camera directional
- Direction=0.0,-1.0,-1.0
- Specular Color=0,0,0
- [Light 3]
- Style=camera directional
- Direction=-1.0,-1.0,-1.0
- Specular Color=0,0,0
- [Light 4]
- Style=camera directional
- Direction=1.0,-1.0,-3.0
- Specular Color=255,255,255
- [Light 5]
- Style=camera directional
- Direction=0.0,1.0,0.0
- Specular Color=0,0,0
- [Light 6]
- Style=camera directional
- Direction=1.0,-2.0,-1.0
- Specular Color=80,80,80
- [Light 7]
- Style=camera directional
- Direction=0.0,1.0,0.0
- Specular Color=0,0,0
- Diffuse Color=128,128,128
- [Lighting Model Simple]
- Style=fast
- Exposure=1.0
- Ambient Color=0,0,0
- Fill Diffuse Color=0,0,0
- Fill Specular Color=0,0,0
- Light List=4
- [Lighting Model Stadium]
- Style=fast
- Exposure=0.3
- Ambient Color=0,0,0
- Fill Diffuse Color=128,128,128
- Fill Specular Color=0,0,0
- Light List=1,2,3,7
- [Lighting Model LeftShoulder]
- Style=fast
- Exposure=0.8
- Ambient Color=0,0,0
- Fill Diffuse Color=0,0,0
- Fill Specular Color=0,0,0
- Light List=5,6
- ;___________________________________
- ;
- [InterpCrv]
- DefaultKnotSpacing=2
- [BlendSrf]
- Cubic=n
- [Smooth]
- DialogBoxLocation=-1,-1
- [Osnap]
- ShowDialog=n
- WideDialog=n
- Osnaps=none
- Suspended=n
- Project=n
- PixelRadius=15
- [Select]
- ;Rect=Crossing
- ;Rect=Window
- Rect=Combo
- ObjectDragDistance=8
- PointDragDistance=8
- [Control Polygons]
- Show=y
- Dash=4
- Highlight=y
- [Curvature Graph]
- Scale=106
- [Nudge]
- ArrowKeysNudge=n
- UseCplaneAxes=n
- Distance=0.2
- ControlDistance=0.05
- ShiftDistance=2.0
- [Undo]
- NumUndo=10
- NumRedo=10
- UndoMemSizeKB=512
- [Drawing Aids]
- GridSnap=n
- Ortho=n
- OrthoAngle=90
- Planar=n
- ExtendLines=n
- UseApparentIntersections=y
- Crosshairs=n
- ElevatorModeToggle=n
- [Annotation]
- DimScale=1.0
- DimExe=0.5
- DimExo=0.25
- Dimarrowlength=1.0
- TextHeight=1.0
- DimTextAlign=0
- DimResolution=2
- Font=Arial
- [MultipleDifference]
- DeleteInput=y
- ;___________________________________
- ; Appearance
- [Viewports]
- CustomTitle=y
- SingleClickMaximize=n
- ShowTitles=y
- DefinedViewSetCPlane=y
- DefinedViewSetProjection=y
- [Grid Defaults]
- SnapSize=1
- GridSize=1
- GridThick=5
- GridExtents=70
- PrintGrid=n
- ShowGrid=y
- ShowGridAxes=y
- ShowWorldAxes=y
- [Zoom]
- ZoomInFactor=0.9
- ZoomOutFactor=1.11111
- ZoomSymmetry=y
- ZoomExtentsBorder=1.1
- ZoomExtentsPerspectiveBorder=0.9
- [Pan]
- Relative=y
- Reverse=y
- AbsoluteSize=3
- RelativeFactor=0.25
- [Rotate]
- RotateCircle=y
- AroundWorldAxes=y
- Reverse=y
- StopAtPoles=n
- AbsoluteAngle=5
- CircleDivisions=60
- MouseTrackball=y
- [Interruption]
- InterruptMode=1
- FastRegenFramesPerSecond=5
- [LayerDialog]
- [Status Bar]
- Small=n
- OnTop=n
- ShowCPlaneCoordinates=n
- OnlyShowVisibleLayers=f
- Show=y
- AboveCommandLineAtBottom=n
- [MiddleMouseButton]
- macro=
- Action=2
- PopUpToolbar=Popup
- PopupButtonPressDelay=300
- [MRU Commands]
- Top Commands=
- Menu Items=20
- Menu Width=48
- [Command Prompt]
- Height=3
- OnTop=y
- Show=y
- [Commands]
- StartupCommands=
- DontRepeat=Delete Erase DeleteAll Undo U Qrender QrenderAll Shade ShadeAll Help CommandHistory SelAll Open PopupToolbar
- ;___________________________________
- ; Digitizing
- [Digitizer]
- DefaultDevice=0
- Scale=1
- [Faro]
- Port=1
- Baud=57600
- ;___________________________________
- ; File I/O
- [ACADWrite]
- Meshes=0
- Surfaces=0
- Curves=0
- CPDensity=1
- Flatten=n
- Simplify=y
- Simplify Tolerance=0.05
- Pline Angle Tolerance=10
- Pline Chord Height=100000
- Pline Segment Length=0
- Version=14
- [RAW]
- ExportLeftHandedCoordinates=n
- [POV]
- Default=Single
- [Adobe Illustrator]
- ImportPreserveUnits=n
- ImportAIScale=1
- ImportAIUnits=0
- ImportRhinoScale=1
- ExportPreserveUnits=n
- ExportRhinoScale=1
- ExportAIScale=1
- ExportAIUnits=0
- ExportRefitTolerance=0.1
- [WMF]
- Width=3.5
- Height=10
- DPI=600
- [STL]
- Default=Binary
- [VRML]
- Version=2
- Normals=y
- Textures=y
- EasyToRead=n
- [OBJ]
- LinearizeTrims=n
- PolylineAngleTol=3
- [ACIS Export]
- Current=SAT_SolidWorks 99
- ;ACIS SAT Flavored Export Options
- ;Version = 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 2.0 | 2.1 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 5.0
- ;UseToleranceEdges= Y | N
- ;SkipHiddenGeometry= Y | N
- ;ExportPoints= Y | N
- ;ExportCurves= Y | N
- ;ClampCurveKnots= Y | N
- ;ClampSurfaceKnots= Y | N
- ;ShrinkSurfaces= Y | N
- ;SingleEdgeWireCurves= Y | N
- ;SplitClosedSurfaces= Y | N
- ;SplitBiPolarSurfaces= Y | N
- ;SplitClosedEdges= Y | N
- ;
- ; Default Settings
- :
- ;Version=4.0
- ;UseToleranceEdges=N
- ;SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ;ExportPoints=N
- ;ExportCurves=N
- ;ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ;ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ;ShrinkSurfaces=N
- ;SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- ;SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- ;SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- ;SplitClosedEdges=N
- [SAT_ACIS 1.5]
- Version=1.5
- UseToleranceEdges=N
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportPoints=N
- ExportCurves=Y
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [SAT_ACIS 2.0]
- Version=2.0
- UseToleranceEdges=N
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportPoints=N
- ExportCurves=Y
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [SAT_ACIS 3.0]
- Version=3.0
- UseToleranceEdges=N
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportPoints=N
- ExportCurves=Y
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [SAT_ACIS 4.0]
- Version=4.0
- UseToleranceEdges=N
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportPoints=N
- ExportCurves=Y
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [SAT_AutoCAD R13]
- Version=1.5
- UseToleranceEdges=N
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportPoints=N
- ExportCurves=Y
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [SAT_AutoCAD R14]
- Version=1.5
- UseToleranceEdges=N
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportPoints=N
- ExportCurves=Y
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [SAT_AutoCAD 2000]
- Version=4.0
- UseToleranceEdges=N
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportPoints=N
- ExportCurves=Y
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [SAT_Mechanical Desktop]
- Version=4.0
- UseToleranceEdges=N
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportPoints=N
- ExportCurves=Y
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [SAT_Inventor]
- Version=4.0
- UseToleranceEdges=N
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportPoints=N
- ExportCurves=N
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [SAT_SolidWorks 98]
- Version=1.6
- UseToleranceEdges=N
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportPoints=N
- ExportCurves=N
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [SAT_SolidWorks 98Plus]
- Version=1.6
- UseToleranceEdges=N
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportPoints=N
- ExportCurves=N
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [SAT_SolidWorks 99]
- Version=4.0
- UseToleranceEdges=N
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportPoints=N
- ExportCurves=N
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [PARASOLID Export]
- Current=X_T_SolidWorks 99
- ;PARASOLID X_T file flavored export settings:
- ;SkipHiddenGeometry= Y | N
- ;ExportCurves= Y | N
- ;ClampCurveKnots= Y | N
- ;ClampSurfaceKnots= Y | N
- ;ShrinkSurfaces= Y | N
- ;SingleEdgeWireCurves= Y | N
- ;SplitClosedSurfaces= Y | N
- ;SplitBiPolarSurfaces= Y | N
- ;SplitClosedEdges= Y | N
- ;
- ; Default Settings
- :
- ;SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ;ExportCurves=Y
- ;ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ;ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ;ShrinkSurfaces=N
- ;SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- ;SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- ;SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- ;SplitClosedEdges=N
- ;NoPlanarRationalEdges=N
- [X_T_MasterCAM]
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportCurves=Y
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [X_T_Solid Edge 6]
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportCurves=N
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- NoPlanarRationalEdges=Y
- [X_T_Solid Edge 7]
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportCurves=N
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- NoPlanarRationalEdges=Y
- [X_T_SolidWorks 98Plus]
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportCurves=N
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [X_T_SolidWorks 99]
- SkipHiddenGeometry=Y
- ExportCurves=N
- ClampCurveKnots=Y
- ClampSurfaceKnots=Y
- ShrinkSurfaces=N
- SingleEdgeWireCurves=N
- SplitClosedSurfaces=Y
- SplitBiPolarSurfaces=N
- SplitClosedEdges=N
- [IGES]
- ; IGES Import Options
- CreateImportLog=n
- Import3dTrimmingCurves=n
- ; IGES Export Options
- Current=IGES_Default
- Author=
- Organization=
- NotesInStartSection=y
- RenderColorAsIgesColor=n
- ;IGES flavored export settings:
- ;IgesVersion = 5.2 | 5.3
- ;EOL = CRLF | LF | CR
- ;Scale = 1.0
- ;HideDependentObjects=N
- ;Points = 106 | 116
- ;MaxCurveDegree = 0 | 3 | 5
- ;CurvesAsSingleBspline = n | y
- ;SimplifyCurves = n | y
- ;FitRationalCurves = n | y
- ;ClampCurveEndKnots = n | y
- ;Surfaces = 143 | 144 | 128
- ;PolySurfaces = 0 | 402
- ;Solids = 0 | 184 | 186 | 402
- ;Meshes = skip | 106-12 | 106-13
- ;MaxSurfaceDegree = 0 | 3 | 5
- ;SimplifySurfaces = n | y
- ;FitRationalSurfaces = n | y
- ;ClampSurfaceEndKnots = n | y
- ;DoublesUseE = N
- ;UseParentLabelOnCurves = Y
- ;ForceBezierKnotsOnCurves = N
- ;FlagDependentCurvesAs03 = N
- ;UseParentLabelOnSurfaces = Y
- ;ForceBezierKnotsOnSurfaces = N
- ;FlagDependentSurfacesAs03 = N
- [IGES_IGES 143]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=n
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_IGES 144]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=n
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_3DS MAX 3.0]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.000000
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=N
- SimplifyCurves=N
- FitRationalCurves=N
- ClampCurveEndKnots=N
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- Meshes=skip
- SimplifySurfaces=N
- FitRationalSurfaces=N
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=N
- [IGES_Alias V8.x]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=y
- SimplifyCurves=y
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=n
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=n
- [IGES_Ashlar Vellum]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=3
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=y
- FitRationalCurves=y
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=y
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.000000
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=N
- SimplifyCurves=N
- FitRationalCurves=N
- ClampCurveEndKnots=Y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- Meshes=skip
- SimplifySurfaces=N
- FitRationalSurfaces=N
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=Y
- [IGES_Autoship]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=y
- SimplifyCurves=n
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_Breault Research's ASAP]
- IgesVersion=5.3
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=y
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=n
- UseParentLabelOnCurves=Y
- ForceBezierKnotsOnCurves=Y
- FlagDependentCurvesAs03=N
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=402
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=402
- SimplifySurfaces=y
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=n
- UseParentLabelOnSurfaces=Y
- ForceBezierKnotsOnSurfaces=Y
- FlagDependentSurfacesAs03=N
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.000000
- HideDependentObjects=N
- DoublesUseE=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=Y
- SimplifyCurves=N
- FitRationalCurves=Y
- ClampCurveEndKnots=Y
- UseParentLabelOnCurves=Y
- ForceBezierKnotsOnCurves=N
- FlagDependentCurvesAs03=N
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- Meshes=skip
- SimplifySurfaces=N
- FitRationalSurfaces=Y
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=Y
- UseParentLabelOnSurfaces=Y
- ForceBezierKnotsOnSurfaces=N
- FlagDependentSurfacesAs03=N
- [IGES_CamSoft]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=y
- SimplifyCurves=n
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=Y
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=y
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- UseParentLabelOnCurves=Y
- ForceBezierKnotsOnCurves=N
- FlagDependentCurvesAs03=N
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=y
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- UseParentLabelOnSurfaces=Y
- ForceBezierKnotsOnSurfaces=N
- FlagDependentSurfacesAs03=Y
- [IGES_Cosmos/M]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=n
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_Delcam]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=n
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_FastShip]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.000000
- HideDependentObjects=N
- DoublesUseE=Y
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=N
- SimplifyCurves=N
- FitRationalCurves=N
- ClampCurveEndKnots=N
- UseParentLabelOnCurves=Y
- ForceBezierKnotsOnCurves=N
- FlagDependentCurvesAs03=N
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- Meshes=skip
- SimplifySurfaces=N
- FitRationalSurfaces=N
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=N
- UseParentLabelOnSurfaces=Y
- ForceBezierKnotsOnSurfaces=N
- FlagDependentSurfacesAs03=N
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=n
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=n
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=n
- [IGES_IronCAD]
- IgesVersion=5.3
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=Y
- SimplifyCurves=Y
- FitRationalCurves=Y
- ClampCurveEndKnots=Y
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=186
- SimplifySurfaces=Y
- FitRationalSurfaces=N
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=Y
- [IGES_Integrity Ware]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=y
- SimplifyCurves=n
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=N
- SimplifyCurves=N
- FitRationalCurves=N
- ClampCurveEndKnots=Y
- Surfaces=128
- PolySurfaces=0
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- Meshes=skip
- SimplifySurfaces=N
- FitRationalSurfaces=N
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=Y
- [IGES_Mastercam]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=y
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=y
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_Maya]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=y
- SimplifyCurves=y
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=n
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=n
- [IGES_ME30]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=y
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=y
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_Mechanical Desktop]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=y
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=186
- SimplifySurfaces=y
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_Microstation]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=y
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=y
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_Multisurf 3.1]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=y
- SimplifyCurves=n
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=128
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_MultiSurf 4.5]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.000000
- HideDependentObjects=N
- DoublesUseE=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=N
- SimplifyCurves=N
- FitRationalCurves=N
- ClampCurveEndKnots=Y
- UseParentLabelOnCurves=Y
- ForceBezierKnotsOnCurves=N
- FlagDependentCurvesAs03=N
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- Meshes=skip
- SimplifySurfaces=N
- FitRationalSurfaces=N
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=Y
- UseParentLabelOnSurfaces=Y
- ForceBezierKnotsOnSurfaces=N
- FlagDependentSurfacesAs03=N
- [IGES_Okino NuGraf/PolyTrans]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.000000
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=N
- SimplifyCurves=N
- FitRationalCurves=N
- ClampCurveEndKnots=Y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=402
- Meshes=106-13
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=402
- SimplifySurfaces=N
- FitRationalSurfaces=N
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=Y
- [IGES_OptiCAD]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=y
- SimplifyCurves=n
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_Pro/E NT]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=3
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=y
- FitRationalCurves=y
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=3
- Solids=184
- SimplifySurfaces=y
- FitRationalSurfaces=y
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=3
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=y
- FitRationalCurves=y
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=3
- Solids=184
- SimplifySurfaces=y
- FitRationalSurfaces=y
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=n
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=n
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=186
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=n
- [IGES_Softimage]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=n
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_Solid Edge]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=y
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=y
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_SolidDesigner 6]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.000000
- HideDependentObjects=N
- DoublesUseE=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=N
- SimplifyCurves=N
- FitRationalCurves=N
- ClampCurveEndKnots=N
- UseParentLabelOnCurves=Y
- ForceBezierKnotsOnCurves=N
- FlagDependentCurvesAs03=N
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- Meshes=skip
- SimplifySurfaces=N
- FitRationalSurfaces=N
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=N
- UseParentLabelOnSurfaces=Y
- ForceBezierKnotsOnSurfaces=N
- FlagDependentSurfacesAs03=N
- [IGES_SolidDesigner 7]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.000000
- HideDependentObjects=N
- DoublesUseE=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=N
- SimplifyCurves=N
- FitRationalCurves=N
- ClampCurveEndKnots=N
- UseParentLabelOnCurves=Y
- ForceBezierKnotsOnCurves=N
- FlagDependentCurvesAs03=N
- Surfaces=143
- PolySurfaces=0
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=402
- Meshes=skip
- SimplifySurfaces=N
- FitRationalSurfaces=N
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=N
- UseParentLabelOnSurfaces=Y
- ForceBezierKnotsOnSurfaces=N
- FlagDependentSurfacesAs03=N
- [IGES_SolidWorks]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=n
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_TekSoft]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=n
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=n
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- [IGES_Unigraphics]
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=y
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=y
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.000000
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=N
- SimplifyCurves=N
- FitRationalCurves=N
- ClampCurveEndKnots=N
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- Meshes=skip
- SimplifySurfaces=N
- FitRationalSurfaces=N
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=N
- IgesVersion=5.2
- Scale=1.0
- HideDependentObjects=N
- Points=116
- MaxCurveDegree=0
- CurvesAsSingleBspline=n
- SimplifyCurves=y
- FitRationalCurves=n
- ClampCurveEndKnots=y
- Surfaces=144
- PolySurfaces=0
- Meshes=skip
- MaxSurfaceDegree=0
- Solids=0
- SimplifySurfaces=y
- FitRationalSurfaces=n
- ClampSurfaceEndKnots=y