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- object deletespecform: Tdeletespecform
- Left = 200
- Top = 108
- BorderIcons = []
- BorderStyle = bsSingle
- Caption = 'Delete Log Entries'
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- end
- object Label1: TLabel
- Left = 24
- Top = 16
- Width = 199
- Height = 26
- Caption =
- 'Please specify the range of log entries you would like to delete' +
- ':'
- WordWrap = True
- end
- object deleteall: TRadioButton
- Left = 24
- Top = 56
- Width = 169
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Delete All Entries'
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object thirtyentries: TRadioButton
- Left = 24
- Top = 128
- Width = 161
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Older Than One Month'
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- TabStop = True
- end
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- Left = 24
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- Width = 161
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- TabOrder = 1
- end
- object sevenentries: TRadioButton
- Left = 24
- Top = 104
- Width = 161
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Older Than One Week '
- TabOrder = 2
- end
- end