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- Advanced Dialer version 2.2 for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0
- (C) 1997-1999 PY Software, Inc.
- sales@pysoft.com
- http://www.pysoft.com
- Description:
- ------------
- The program helps you to get a connection to Internet easier
- and make Internet access a more simple process. It can re-dial
- multiple lines until a connection will be established. After that
- it monitors carrier, if a connection is dropped or lost it
- reconnects automatically. If any application requires a connection,
- Advanced Dialer will be loaded automatically and will dial
- a connection. Also you can create a script to automate the process
- of connecting.
- Advanced Dialer keeps track of how much time and money you have
- spent on each of your connections and can create a chart about it.
- You can schedule Internet connections by setting up date and time
- when connection must be established.
- To prevent any undesirable use of your connectivity you can set
- the password for using the program.
- With Advanced Dialer you can run a programs on connection or
- disconnection. For instance it allows you to run Microsoft
- Exchange or a Web browser when network connection is established.
- Main module of Advanced Dialer has very small size only 140 Kbytes
- and takes little amount of memory.
- Advanced Dialer can help you to setup parameters of an internet
- connection by reading them from a text file. You can receive
- this file from your Internet Service Provider or copy from
- another computer.
- For further information open the ADDIALER.HLP file.
- Changes in new 2.2 version:
- ---------------------------
- New features:
- Added a connection speed checking that you can set minimum
- connection speed. This is useful if you prefer to dial again
- rather than use a slower connection.
- Turns on/off the connection time logging to reduce hard drive
- space.
- Fixed bugs:
- Sometimes Advanced Dialer icon in the system tray turns into
- a blinking icon.
- The "Save Properties" feature writes plain (non cripted)
- connection password in the connection properties file. Fixed - the
- password is a cripted string in the connection properties file.
- Displays wrong icon in task tray when connection time more than
- 9 hours.
- System Requirements:
- --------------------
- 80386/486 based IBM PC compatible computer (or higher).
- 4MB of free memory;
- 2MB free disk space;
- Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0;
- A mouse;
- A color monitor with a VGA card is recommended.
- Microsoft TCP/IP Protocol. Other stacks are not supported.
- Microsoft Dial-Up networking.
- Protection:
- -----------
- Advanced Dialer is distributed as Shareware. This is not Freeware or
- Public Domain. You may use the shareware version for 30 days.
- If after 30 days you would like to continue using it, then You
- should purchase a license. After you pay, you receive Registration
- Name and Registration key from the author to tell Advanced Dialer that
- you have paid the shareware fee.
- Paying:
- -------
- Paying is fairly simple.
- Postal, e-mail and fax paying:
- Open the Register program, that accompanies Advanced Dialer, by starting
- the file REGISTER.EXE. Enter your name, your email address, and the
- license you desire to purchase. Save or Copy or Print the data from
- the Register program and send the data and payment to Kagi Shareware.
- Email: shareware@kagi.com
- FAX: +1 510 652 6589
- Postal address:
- Kagi Shareware
- 1442-A Walnut Street #392-PZ
- Berkeley, California, 94709-1405
- Telephone Orders:
- Kagi takes telephone orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Kagi phone number is:
- +1 (510) 658-5244
- The system provides answers to common questions and if you wish to place an order
- it will transfer your telephone call to an answering service.
- Online registration via Internet:
- Online registration is available at secure order form:
- http://www.pysoft.com/registration_fr.html
- For further information open the REGISTER.HLP file.
- The fee for registered version of Advanced Dialer is:
- single license for $29.00;
- site license $190.00; *
- world-wide license $990.00; **
- * Site license covers a single organization for an area of up to one
- hundred miles (160 km) in radius.
- ** World-wide license covers everyone in a single organization.
- Installation:
- -------------
- Run ADSETUP.EXE program and follow the instructions step by step.
- ***************************************************************************
- The program does not place any of parts in the Windows system directories
- and does not modified Windows libraries.
- ***************************************************************************
- Uninstallation:
- -------------
- Run "Advanced Dialer Uninstall" command from "Start|Programs|PY Software" menu or manually
- delete all files in the directory created for Advanced Dialer
- and delete the directory too.
- Delete shortcut of Advanced Dialer from your Startup group (folder).
- Run REGEDIT.EXE program and delete key
- from the registry.
- Starting:
- ---------
- Start ADDIALER.EXE from Windows environment (by double click in
- Windows Explorer for example).
- Distribution terms:
- -------------------
- Advanced Dialer may be distributed freely in its original unmodified and
- unregistered form. The distribution have to include all files of its
- original distribution.
- adsetup exe
- readme txt
- Distributors may not charge any money for it, while
- they may charge money for the medium (online-time, CD-ROM, etc.).
- If you like to bundle Advanced Dialer with other programs, goods, services,
- etc. you are selling in a registered form please feel free to contact us
- at: <sales@pysoft.com> to figure out the conditions.
- Disclaimer of warranty:
- -----------------------
- This software is sold "as is" and without warranties whether expressed or
- implied. Because of the various software and hardware environments into
- which this program may be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular
- purpose is offered.