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- Shadow Company
- Release Demo v.1.0
- 5/9/99
- Publisher: Interactive Magic
- Developer: Sinister Games
- Platform: PC
- Release Date: see www.shadowcompany.com
- Welcome to Shadow Company by Sinister Games and Interactive Magic.
- This readme file contains basic information and a brief walk-through.
- -Requirements-
- The Shadow Company demo requires a D3D compatible 3D card,
- DirectX 6.0 or higher, and DirectMedia.
- -Recommended System-
- Pentium II class CPU
- 64 MB Ram
- TNT or Voodoo 2
- -To Begin Playing-
- After you have successfully installed the demo, you can run it by choosing
- Shadow Company Demo from your Start Menu. Once the game begins:
- 1. Select New Game. The Select Difficulty Level screen is
- displayed. Select Normal.
- 2. The Planning screen is displayed.
- 3. Select Secure Base Perimeter from the
- list on the left. This is the first
- objective of the Angolan mission. The
- map on the right gives a zoomed in
- view of the area. Study it carefully.
- Look at the other objectives by
- selecting them in turn.
- 4. The team has already been selected
- and equipped, so when you are done
- reviewing the objectives, click Launch.
- -The Mission-
- Select Launch to begin the mission. The mercenaries are
- in place just to the southwest of their first objective.
- The tutorial help screen informs you of the current
- situation.
- "Welcome Commander. After being overrun by the enemy your men
- are short on weapons and equipment. Up ahead, near the campfire,
- you should find several weapons and plenty of ammo.
- Watch out for the rebel guard, though. Try sneaking up and using a
- knife to kill him silently. If you shoot him, other rebels might hear the
- gun shot and be alerted to your presence."
- Click OK.
- -Navigation-
- Shadow Company uses a free floating camera view system.
- You may view the action from almost any position. The camera is controlled
- by the keys on the numberpad.
- For a list of control keys, press F1.
- The mouse can also be used to move the camera by moving the cursor
- to the edge of the screen in the direction you want to go. Holding the Right
- mouse button down and moving the mouse side to side will allow you
- to rotate the camera. Moving the mouse up and down while holding
- the right button will move the camera up and down,
- -Skill Assessment-
- The first thing to establish is which of the three mercenaries is best at
- sneaking up and knifing the rebel guard.
- Press F2 to open the Mercenary Stats screen.
- The mercenaries are listed along with their skills. Look at the rating for
- Melee Weapons and for Stealth. The former reflects how well they use close
- combat (melee) weapons. The latter how well the mercenary evades detection.
- They are all reasonably good with melee weapons, but John Emerson
- is much better at being stealthy, so he is the best to perform a sneak
- attack.
- Press F2 again to close the Mercenary Stats screen.
- -Position and Objectives-
- Look at the mini map. Your mercenaries are represented by the green
- crosses, the enemy by red crosses. The first objective is to secure the
- base perimeter. Press and hold 'Tab' to view the mission objectives.
- Secure the base is listed in green, the other three in gray.
- Grayed-out objectives become active when a prerequisite has been
- met. In this instance that is the completion of the first objective.
- -Movement and Attack-
- Double-click on John EmersonÆs portrait to select him and
- center the view on him.
- Press C on the keyboard to order him into a crouching
- stance. Crouching and Prone mercenaries are harder to
- detect than those standing tall. Move him to the top of the
- hill to the north by clicking there.
- John has a set of binoculars equiped, which he can use to look around
- and scope out the area. With John selected, press the 'Z' key to use
- his binoculars. The mouse will enter a 'freelook' mode, and you may
- look around in John's perspective. Letting go of the 'Z' key will return
- the camera to its previous position.
- Move the camera closer to the campfire where the rebel soldier is
- located, and pass the cursor over him. It tuns to a red target. Click to
- order John Emerson to attack.
- He glides across the ground, a killing machine in action and slits the
- soldierÆs throat. One down, several more to go. The tutorial help
- screen displays the following message:
- "Now that the rebel guard is dead, you can properly arm your men.
- Weapons, ammo and equipment can be picked up by selecting a mercenary
- and clicking on the object. Before you pick something up,
- make sure you have enough room in your inventory.
- Press the spacebar or right-click on a mercenaryÆs portrait to access
- his inventory. Good luck."
- -Overwatch-
- Before ordering John Emerson to start picking things up,
- move Jack Beecher and Lewis Underwood into position to
- provide some cover. Select Jack BeecherÆs portrait, then double-
- click on a position to the rear of one of the tents. Double-clicking
- orders him to run to that position.
- When he has arrived, press the "O" key or press the Overwatch button
- to place him in Overwatch mode. When in Overwatch mode, he will
- automatically open fire on enemies detected.
- Move Lewis up to the fire and place him in Overwatch mode.
- -Picking Up Bodies and Items-
- Select John Emerson and pass the cursor over the dead body
- of the rebel guard. The cursor changes. Click to pick up the
- body. Move John Emerson behind a tent and drop the body
- by pressing D or by clicking on the body icon on JohnÆs portrait.
- Pass the cursor over the area where the body was lying. There is an
- Uzi submachinegun waiting to be picked up. Look at the mercenariesÆ
- skill ratings to assess who is best to be given such a
- weapon.
- Lewis Underwood has the highest SMG rating. Right-click on his portrait
- and pass the cursor over his primary weapon. He is already carrying
- a submachinegun, a Mac 11. Look at his skill ratings
- again (F2).
- His ability with an Assault weapon is much greater than
- his ability with a submachine gun, so it is best to let John Emerson
- have the Uzi.
- -Primary Weapons-
- Once John Emerson has picked up the Uzi, it needs to be moved into
- the primary weapon position. Press the spacebar when he is selected
- to open his inventory. Drag and drop the Uzi from the backpack into
- the (top) primary weapon position.
- Continue looking for items to pick up around the campfire. There is
- another submachine gun, a Scorpion. The Uzi has a good range
- and the Scorpion is good at close quarters. Keep the Uzi in
- John EmersonÆs primary weapon slot and put the Scorpion in his
- backpack as a backup.
- There is also an AK-47 and some body armor. Lewis Underwood,
- being the assault weapon specialist, should be given the AK-47.
- With the Mac 11 in his primary weapon slot, press I to reveal the
- range of this weapon. The red line indicates the primary weaponÆs
- range; the blue one the secondary. Put the AK-47 in the primary
- weapon slot and check its range. It has a greater range than the Mac
- 11 so leave it in the primary slot. DonÆt forget to pick up the 7.62 mm
- ammo to reload the AK-47.
- Order Lewis Underwood to pick up the Kevlar armor. If he claims to
- be "Loaded" , rearrange his inventory so that a square of
- four slots is empty, and then try again. To gain the protection of the
- body armor, it needs to be place in the body slot.
- Order Jack Beecher to pick up the shotgun and shells. At any point
- that one mercenary is moving or picking something up, order the
- other two into overwatch mode.
- Select Lewis Underwood and order him to move towards the other
- campfire, where there are more enemies on watch. Press down the
- shift key and right-click between theses enemies. Lewis throws the
- grenade that is in his secondary weapon slot, and after a short delay it
- explodes, hopefully taking out at least one of the enemies. Should any
- of the soldiers still be standing, or reinforcements arrive, fire at them
- with the AK-47.
- Place Lewis in overwatch and move the other two up. Once all the
- enemy soldiers in the camp are dead, the objective has been achieved.
- Pick up any items that were carried by the enemy soldiers. The frag
- grenades in particular are extremely useful, and any weapons returned
- with the team can be sold or given to other mercenaries.
- -Healing-
- If a mercenary has been injured during this initial battle,
- heal them by using Jack BeecherÆs medical kit. Open his
- inventory then right-click on the medical kit. The cursor
- changes to the heal symbol. Select the injured mercenary
- (this may be himself). Jack moves if necessary, and
- applies a field dressing.
- -Moving On-
- Look at the objectives once again (Tab). The ones that were previously
- grayed out are now highlighted. Decide which one to attempt
- next and what your plan of action might be.
- Select all the mercenaries by pressing F11, and then move them
- towards their next objective.
- -Save & Reload-
- It is a good idea to save the game just before embarking on a new
- objective. Do this by pressing Esc, and then selecting Save Game.
- Enter a saved game name in one of the empty slots, then select Save
- Game or press Enter. If one of your mercenaries is killed, reload the
- last saved game by pressing F6. Should you want to start the entire
- mission over, select Esc, and then select Retry.
- -To End the Mission-
- Move your mercenaries to the Landing Zone. Click the Smoke Icon at the
- bottom of any mercenary's portrait.
- -Tech Support-
- This demo is released as is, and is not supported by Interactive Magic or
- Sinister Games. Please email compatibility problems to
- webmaster@sinistergames.com. By doing so, we can attempt to insure
- compatibility with your hardware in the final release.
- -Shadow Company Features-
- Look for Shadow Company at your nearest retailer. Shadow Company features:
- Nine campaigns with multiple objectives, taking place in diverse environments
- from South America to Arctic Russia on huge, richly detailed maps.
- Hire your team from a roster of 16 mercenaries, each with a unique personality
- and skill set. Track your mercs' combat history and watch their skills improve.
- Equip your team with dozens of weapons, explosives and inventory items. Buy
- and sell with an arms dealer.
- Use sniper rifles, timed C-4 explosives, and plant land mines. Use boats, rafts,
- cars, trucks, tanks, and snow mobiles to outmaneuver the enemy.
- Set your insertion time. Fight at night with silenced pistols, or at noon with
- assault rifles, and rocket launchers.
- Fight alongside your friends in cooperative multiplayer mode.
- Enjoy.
- -Sinister Games-
- Designer Paul Meegan
- Producer Paul Potera
- Programmer Ken Klopp
- Programmer Chris Stoy
- 3D Art John Loehrlein
- 3D Art Bryan Baldwin
- 2D/3D Art Scott Sprange
- 2D/3D Art Craig Vance
- Special Thanks
- Mike McCoy
- Jeff Kiel
- Dave Knox
- Chris Cottrell
- Ron Wagner
- Jeff Komar/MCP
- Stacy Nelson
- Chris Roby
- Carl Linke
- And all of I-Magic.
- -Legal-
- Shadow Company and all company names in this document are Trademarked and/or
- Copyrighted. All rights reserved.