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- 7 Out of memory
- 9 Subscript out of range
- 13 Type mismatch
- 380 Invalid property value
- 1001 DBRPR
- 3050 Arial
- 3051 8
- 3101 Text
- 3102 Label
- 3103 Picture
- 3104 Image
- 3105 Line
- 3106 Shape
- 3107 Section
- 3116 Function
- 4003 Not enough memory to complete the requested action
- 4100 Now printing page |1
- 4101 Now exporting page |1
- 4102 to |1
- 4103 of |1
- 4104 Exporting
- 4110 Export
- 4111 Print
- 4120 Fit
- 4200 (Unknown)
- 4201 (Empty)
- 4300 HTML (*.htm; *.html)
- 4301 *.htm;*.html
- 4302 Text (*.txt)
- 4303 *.txt
- 4304 Unicode Text (*.txt)
- 4305 *.txt
- 4306 Unicode HTML (UTF-8) (*.htm; *.html)
- 4307 *.htm;*.html
- 8500 Duplicate key value '|1'
- 8501 Key value '|1' not found
- 8502 General error
- 8503 Invalid name
- 8504 Invalid key
- 8505 Unexpected error
- 8506 ExportFormats collection is empty
- 8507 Invalid argument
- 8508 Duplicate name '|1'
- 8509 Invalid file format or corrupt file
- 8510 File I/O error, file '|1'
- 8511 Invalid file version
- 8512 File already exists: '|1'
- 8513 Access denied, file '|1'
- 8514 Path not found: '|1'
- 8515 Cannot access the file '|1' because it is being used by another process
- 8516 Invalid export template string
- 8517 Invalid file filter
- 8518 ExportFormat object's Key property is read-only when it is in an ExportFormats collection
- 8519 Invalid filename: '|1'
- 8520 Invalid Data Source
- 8521 Unable to initialize chapter
- 8522 Invalid Rowset
- 8523 Invalid column index
- 8524 Invalid rowset index
- 8526 DataField '|1' not found
- 8540 Left and right margins are wider than the paper width
- 8541 Top and bottom margins are higher than the paper height
- 8542 Report width is larger than the paper width
- 8550 Error generating temporary filename
- 8551 Control '|1' cannot be placed in this section
- 8552 Error creating or writing to temporary file
- 8553 Error wrapping lines of text in control '|1'
- 8554 Error opening or reading from temporary file
- 8555 Error obtaining printer information
- 8556 Error creating font
- 8557 Error initializing print job
- 8558 Error during printing
- 8570 Report sections do not match data source
- 8571 Sections do not fit vertically on the page
- 8572 Error creating window
- 8574 The object '|1' was not found
- 8576 This property or method cannot be accessed during the generation of the report.
- 8577 Failed getting Rowset(s) from current data source
- 8578 Data type mismatch in Function object '|1'
- 8579 Property is read-only at runtime
- 16784 Microsoft Data Report Designer v6.0
- 16786 BorderStyle property constants
- 16787 Solid
- 16788 Dashes
- 16789 Dots
- 16790 Dash Dot
- 16791 Dash Dot Dot
- 16792 BackStyle property constants
- 16793 Transparent
- 16794 Opaque
- 16795 Shape property constants
- 16796 Rectangle
- 16797 Square
- 16798 Oval
- 16799 Circle
- 16800 Rounded Rectangle
- 16801 Rounded Square
- 16802 Alignment property constants
- 16803 Left
- 16804 Right
- 16805 Center
- 16806 Slant property constants
- 16807 Northwest to Southeast
- 16808 Northeast to Southwest
- 16809 SizeMode property constants
- 16810 Clip
- 16811 Stretch
- 16812 Zoom
- 16813 PictureAlignment property constants
- 16814 Top Left
- 16815 Top
- 16816 Top Right
- 16817 Right
- 16818 Bottom Right
- 16819 Bottom
- 16820 Bottom Left
- 16821 Left
- 16822 Center
- 16823 Returns/sets the default font object for the report.
- 16824 Returns/sets the data source for the report.
- 16825 Returns/sets the top-level data member for the report.
- 16826 Specifies the horizontal divisions of the alignment grid at design time (ignored at runtime).
- 16827 Specifies the vertical divisions of the alignment grid at design time (ignored at runtime).
- 16828 The left margin of the report, in twips.
- 16829 The top margin of the report, in twips.
- 16830 The right margin of the report, in twips.
- 16831 The bottom margin of the report, in twips.
- 16832 The width of all sections of the report, in twips.
- 16833
- 16834 At run time, prints the data report created with the Data Report designer.
- 16835 Report Section
- 16836 The name used in code to identify an object.
- 16837 The height of an object, in twips.
- 16839 Label control (displays static text)
- 16840 The name used in code to identify an object.
- 16841 The distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container, in twips.
- 16842 The distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container, in twips.
- 16843 The width of an object, in twips.
- 16844 The height of an object, in twips.
- 16845 The color of an object's border.
- 16846 The border style of an object.
- 16847 Returns/sets a reference to the Font object.
- 16848 The foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object.
- 16849 Specifies the alignment or justification of the text in a control.
- 16850 The background color used to display text and graphics in an object.
- 16851 Specifies whether the background of a control is transparent or opaque.
- 16852 Specifies the text displayed in a Label control.
- 16853 Returns or sets a value that determines if the control can grow vertically when the returned text exceeds the preset size of the control.
- 16854 TextBox control (displays data from the data source)
- 16855 The name used in code to identify an object.
- 16856 The distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container, in twips.
- 16857 The distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container, in twips.
- 16858 The width of an object, in twips.
- 16859 The height of an object, in twips.
- 16860 The color of an object's border.
- 16861 The border style of an object.
- 16862 Returns/sets a reference to the Font object.
- 16863 The foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object.
- 16864 Specifies the alignment or justification of the text in a control.
- 16865 The background color used to display text and graphics in an object.
- 16866 Specifies whether the background of a control is transparent or opaque.
- 16867 Returns/sets the name of a field the object is bound to.
- 16868 Returns/sets a reference to the DataFormat object.
- 16869 Returns or sets a value that determines if the control can grow vertically when the returned text exceeds the preset size of the control.
- 16870 Line control (displays a static horizontal, vertical or angled line)
- 16871 The name used in code to identify an object.
- 16872 The distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container, in twips.
- 16873 The distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container, in twips.
- 16874 The width of an object, in twips.
- 16875 The height of an object, in twips.
- 16876 The color of the line itself.
- 16877 The border style of an object.
- 16878 Returns or sets the direction the line will slant.
- 16879 Shape control (displays a static rectangle or other shape)
- 16880 The name used in code to identify an object.
- 16881 The distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container, in twips.
- 16882 The distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container, in twips.
- 16883 The width of an object, in twips.
- 16884 The height of an object, in twips.
- 16885 The color of an object's border.
- 16886 The border style of an object.
- 16887 The background color used to display text and graphics in an object.
- 16888 Specifies whether the background of a control is transparent or opaque.
- 16889 Specifies the appearance of the Shape control.
- 16890 Image control (displays a static picture)
- 16891 The name used in code to identify an object.
- 16892 The distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container, in twips.
- 16893 The distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container, in twips.
- 16894 The width of an object, in twips.
- 16895 The height of an object, in twips.
- 16896 The color of an object's border.
- 16897 The border style of an object.
- 16898 The background color used to display text and graphics in an object.
- 16899 Specifies whether the background of a control is transparent or opaque.
- 16900 Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control.
- 16901 Specifies how to size a picture in an Image control.
- 16902 Specifies where a picture will appear in an Image control.
- 16903 Exports the text of a report to a file. Images and shapes cannot be exported.
- 16905 If current section does not fit on current page, start a new page
- 16906 Transparent
- 16907 The report title. This is used, for instance, in exporting to HTML and in printer dialogs.
- 16908 Constants for creating ExportFormat Templates
- 16909 Title of report
- 16910 Body of report
- 16911 Determines various attributes of text exported from the Microsoft Data Report.
- 16912 Returns/sets the index or key that identifies the ExportFormat object to use.
- 16913 Collection of ExportFormat objects.
- 16914 Adds a member to the collection.
- 16916 Returns a reference to the ExportFormats collection.
- 16917 Returns/sets the template of the ExportFormat object.
- 16918 Returns/sets the file format of the object.
- 16919 FormatType property constants
- 16920 HTML format
- 16921 Text format
- 16922 Unicode text format
- 16923 Removes a member from the collection.
- 16924 Returns the number of members in the collection.
- 16925 Returns/sets the string displayed in the Export dialog box's Save As Type box.
- 16928 Returns/sets the file filter of the object.
- 16929 Removes all members of the collection.
- 16930 Returns/sets a specific member of the collection.
- 16931 ExportReport method Key constants
- 16932 Default HTML ExportFormat object
- 16933 Default text ExportFormat object
- 16934 Default Unicode text ExportFormat object
- 16935 Force a new page before or after the section.
- 16936 No forced page breaks
- 16937 Force a page break before printing this section
- 16938 Force a page break after printing this section
- 16939 Force a page break before and after printing this section
- 16940 ForcePageBreak property constants
- 16941 PrintReport, ExportReport methods: Range constants
- 16942 Print all pages.
- 16943 Print specified range of pages.
- 16944 Reprocess and refresh report output.
- 16945 Runtime error constants
- 16953 Inserts a member into the collection.
- 16954 Displays figures calculated at run time using various built-in functions.
- 16955 Returns or sets the function to be used in calculating the value displayed by the Function control.
- 16956 Contains details about run-time errors.
- 16957 Returns the error description.
- 16958 Returns the error number.
- 16959 Returns/sets the fully qualified Help file path and name.
- 16960 Returns/sets the context ID for a topic in a Help file.
- 16961 Returns the source of an error.
- 16962 A collection of Section objects.
- 16963 Returns/sets a specific member of the collection.
- 16964 Returns the number of members in the collection.
- 16965 A collection of Control objects.
- 16966 Returns/sets a specific member of the collection.
- 16967 Returns the number of members in the collection.
- 16974 Constants to identify asynchronous operation
- 16975 Print preview operation (Show method)
- 16976 Print operation (PrintReport method)
- 16977 Export operation (ExportReport method)
- 16978 FunctionType property constants
- 16979 Sum a column
- 16980 Average a column
- 16981 Min value of a columns
- 16982 Max value of a columns
- 16983 Occurs when an error halts an asynchronous operation.
- 16984 Occurs during an asynchronous operation as each page of data is processed by the operation specified by the JobType argument.
- 16985 UTF-8 encoded HTML format
- 16986 Default UTF-8 encoded HTML ExportFormat object
- 16987 Determines whether the control will be visible at runtime.
- 16988 Determines whether the section will be visible at runtime.
- 16989 Give user a chance to cancel the report processing
- 16990 Returns/sets the data member for the control.
- 16994 Returns the number of asynchronous operations still executing.
- 16995 Count of rows
- 16996 Count of non-null values
- 16997 Standard deviation
- 16998 Standard error
- 17000
- 17001 Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system.