Labels:book | bulletin board | earth | person | poster | reckoner | sky | vegetarianism OCR: S E E README BITTE UNB DMOKUME NTATION Creat ion: 13 04 2000 fm Last Update: 15 07 2001 fm Copyr i ght 2000. -2001 Frank Meyer <> This progr am is free software; you can redi str ibute t and/ for mod 1t under the terms of the OND Genera Pub1ic icense pub shed by the Free Software Foundat on; either vers ion of the License, or (at your opt ion) any later vers ion. General sett ings HOSTNAME 114 #name of f14] router PASSWORD= ma #211 !up$148 #password for telnetd ftpd, sshd, and samba MOUNT BOOT= rw #mount boot dev ce f oppy ro, rw, nc Ethernet card drivers uncomment your ethernet card ETH DRV N #number of ethernet dr ivers 04 load, usually #ETH DRV 505 ISA 3COM plus (3c505) ETH DRV c507 ISA 3COM Ether 16 3c507 #ETH _DRV c509 ISA 3COM Ether inkII 3c509 #ETH _DRV ISA 3COM EtherL ...