3 To adjust the spacing between the page margins and the paragraph text=To adjust the spacing between the page margins and the paragraph text>proc4
3 To control the amount of space between paragraphs=To control the amount of space between paragraphs>proc4
2 Changing line spacing and height
2 Changing line spacing and height=Changing line spacing and height>main
3 To change the spacing between lines of text=To change the spacing between lines of text>proc4
3 To change the line height=To change the line height>proc4
2 Adding tab stops
2 Adding tab stops=Adding tab stops>main
3 To add a tab stop using exact measurements=To add a tab stop using exact measurements>proc4
3 To add a tab stop using the ruler=To add a tab stop using the ruler>proc4
3 To copy a tab stop using the ruler=To copy a tab stop using the ruler>proc4
3 To add tab stops at evenly spaced intervals=To add tab stops at evenly spaced intervals>proc4
2 Changing the alignment of tab stops
2 Changing the alignment of tab stops=Changing the alignment of tab stops>main
3 To change the alignment of a tab stop=To change the alignment of a tab stop>proc4
3 To specify a decimal alignment=To specify a decimal alignment>proc4
2 Moving tab stops
2 Moving tab stops=Moving tab stops>main
3 To move a tab stop=To move a tab stop>proc4
3 To move multiple tab stops=To move multiple tab stops>proc4
2 Removing and restoring tab stops
2 Removing and restoring tab stops=Removing and restoring tab stops>main
3 To remove a tab stop=To remove a tab stop>proc4
3 To restore the default tab settings=To restore the default tab settings>proc4
2 Inserting leaders and specifying leader characters
2 Inserting leaders and specifying leader characters=Inserting leaders and specifying leader characters>main
3 To set a tab stop with a leader character=To set a tab stop with a leader character>proc4
3 To specify a leader character=To specify a leader character>proc4
2 Inserting hard tabs using codes
2 Inserting hard tabs using codes=Inserting hard tabs using codes>main
3 To insert a hard tab=To insert a hard tab>proc4
3 To insert a hard tab with a dot leader=To insert a hard tab with a dot leader>proc4
2 Creating and deleting columns
2 Creating and deleting columns=Creating and deleting columns>main
3 To create columns=To create columns>proc4
3 To discontinue columns=To discontinue columns>proc4
3 To delete all columns=To delete all columns>proc4
3 To navigate columns=To navigate columns>proc4
2 Changing column spacing and gutter width
2 Changing column spacing and gutter width=Changing column spacing and gutter width>main
3 To specify column and gutter width using exact measurements=To specify column and gutter width using exact measurements>proc4
3 To change column width using column guidelines=To change column width using column guidelines>proc4
3 To change gutter width using the ruler=To change gutter width using the ruler>proc4
2 Inserting a vertical line between columns
2 Inserting a vertical line between columns=Inserting a vertical line between columns>main
3 To insert a vertical line between columns=To insert a vertical line between columns>proc4
2 Inserting and editing delay codes
2 Inserting and editing delay codes=Inserting and editing delay codes>main
3 To insert a delay code=To insert a delay code>proc4
3 To edit a delay code=To edit a delay code>proc4
1 Working with headers and footers
1 Working with headers and footers=Working with headers and footers>main
2 Creating and viewing headers and footers
2 Creating and viewing headers and footers=Creating and viewing headers and footers>main
3 To create a header or footer=To create a header or footer>proc4
3 To view a header or footer=To view a header or footer>proc4
2 Inserting items into headers and footers
2 Inserting items into headers and footers=Inserting items into headers and footers>main
3 To add a horizontal line to a header or footer=To add a horizontal line to a header or footer>proc4
3 To insert the filename of the active document into a header or footer=To insert the filename of the active document into a header or footer>proc4
3 To insert the date and time into a header or footer=To insert the date and time into a header or footer>proc4
3 To insert numbering into a header or footer=To insert numbering into a header or footer>proc4
2 Editing headers and footers
2 Editing headers and footers=Editing headers and footers>main
3 To edit the text in a header or footer=To edit the text in a header or footer>proc4
3 To adjust the distance below a header or above a footer=To adjust the distance below a header or above a footer>proc4
3 To suppress a header or footer=To suppress a header or footer>proc4
3 To discontinue a header or footer=To discontinue a header or footer>proc4
3 To place a header or footer on odd or even pages=To place a header or footer on odd or even pages>proc4
1 Formatting text
1 Formatting text=Formatting text>main
2 Modifying font settings
2 Modifying font settings=Modifying font settings>main
3 To change the font=To change the font>proc4
3 To change the font using Corel RealTime Preview=To change the font using Corel RealTime Preview>proc4
3 To disable Corel RealTime Preview=To disable Corel RealTime Preview>proc4
3 To reuse a recent font=To reuse a recent font>proc4
3 To change the default font and font size=To change the default font and font size>proc4
2 Copying the format of text
2 Copying the format of text=Copying the format of text>main
3 To copy the format of text=To copy the format of text>proc4
2 Using font mapping
2 Using font mapping=Using font mapping>main
3 To change printer font settings=To change printer font settings>proc4
3 To change replacement font settings=To change replacement font settings>proc4
3 To change display font settings=To change display font settings>proc4
3 To change document and printer font substitutions=To change document and printer font substitutions>proc4
3 To use a non-Roman alphabet font=To use a nonRoman alphabet font>proc4
2 Using character maps for non-Roman languages
2 Using character maps for non-Roman languages=Using character maps for nonRoman languages>main
3 To choose a character map for the current document=To choose a character map for the current document>proc4
3 To choose a character map for all new documents created with the default template=To choose a character map for all new documents created with the default template>proc4
2 Creating subscript and superscript text
2 Creating subscript and superscript text=Creating subscript and superscript text>main
3 To create subscript or superscript text=To create subscript or superscript text>proc4
3 To disable QuickOrdinals=To disable QuickOrdinals>proc4
2 Using hidden text
2 Using hidden text=Using hidden text>main
3 To hide or display hidden text=To hide or display hidden text>proc4
3 To insert hidden text=To insert hidden text>proc4
3 To convert hidden text to document text=To convert hidden text to document text>proc4
2 Highlighting text
2 Highlighting text=Highlighting text>main
3 To highlight text=To highlight text>proc4
3 To remove highlighting from text=To remove highlighting from text>proc4
3 To change the highlight color=To change the highlight color>proc4
3 To hide highlighting=To hide highlighting>proc4
2 Reversing the color of text and background
2 Reversing the color of text and background=Reversing the color of text and background>main
3 To reverse the color of text and background=To reverse the color of text and background>proc4
2 Working with drop caps
2 Working with drop caps=Working with drop caps>main
3 To add or remove a drop cap=To add or remove a drop cap>proc4
3 To change the size of a drop cap=To change the size of a drop cap>proc4
3 To determine the space between a drop cap and the first line in the paragraph=To determine the space between a drop cap and the first line in the paragraph>proc4
3 To change the position of a drop cap=To change the position of a drop cap>proc4
3 To change the style of a drop cap=To change the style of a drop cap>proc4
2 Inserting characters and symbols
2 Inserting characters and symbols=Inserting characters and symbols>main
3 To insert a character or symbol=To insert a character or symbol>proc4
3 To insert a character or symbol quickly=To insert a character or symbol quickly>proc4
3 To create a custom overstrike symbol=To create a custom overstrike symbol>proc4
3 To edit a custom overstrike symbol=To edit a custom overstrike symbol>proc4
2 Importing objects
2 Importing objects=Importing objects>main
3 To import an object=To import an object>proc4
3 To import an object using a specific format=To import an object using a specific format>proc4
2 Indenting text
2 Indenting text=Indenting text>main
3 To apply a single indent to text=To apply a single indent to text>proc4
3 To apply a hanging or double indent=To apply a hanging or double indent>proc4
3 To remove an indent=To remove an indent>proc4
2 Justifying text
2 Justifying text=Justifying text>main
3 To justify text=To justify text>proc4
2 Centering text vertically
2 Centering text vertically=Centering text vertically>main
3 To center text vertically=To center text vertically>proc4
2 Keeping text together
2 Keeping text together=Keeping text together>main
3 To keep words together=To keep words together>proc4
3 To keep a paragraph together=To keep a paragraph together>proc4
3 To insert a line break=To insert a line break>proc4
3 To change the border space of a graphics box=To change the border space of a graphics box>proc4
3 To change the border space for a column border=To change the border space for a column border>proc4
3 To change the border space of a paragraph or page border=To change the border space of a paragraph or page border>proc4
2 Changing the drop shadow
2 Changing the drop shadow=Changing the drop shadow>main
3 To change the drop shadow of a graphics box border=To change the drop shadow of a graphics box border>proc4
3 To change the drop shadow for a column border=To change the drop shadow for a column border>proc4
3 To change the drop shadow of a paragraph or page border=To change the drop shadow of a paragraph or page border>proc4
2 Removing borders
2 Removing borders=Removing borders>main
3 To remove a border from a graphics box=To remove a border from a graphics box>proc4
3 To remove a border from a column=To remove a border from a column>proc4
3 To remove a border from a paragraph or page=To remove a border from a paragraph or page>proc4
2 Applying fills
2 Applying fills=Applying fills>main
3 To add or edit a fill=To add or edit a fill>proc4
3 To add gradient fills to a graphics box=To add gradient fills to a graphics box>proc4
3 To add gradient fills for a column=To add gradient fills for a column>proc4
3 To add gradient fills for a paragraph or page=To add gradient fills for a paragraph or page>proc4
1 Working with styles
1 Working with styles=Working with styles>main
2 Creating and editing styles for lists
2 Creating and editing styles for lists=Creating and editing styles for lists>main
3 To create a format for a list=To create a format for a list>proc4
3 To edit a format for a list=To edit a format for a list>proc4
3 To edit a heading, quotation, or definition outline style=To edit a heading quotation or definition outline style>proc4
2 Creating and saving text styles
2 Creating and saving text styles=Creating and saving text styles>main
3 To create a text style=To create a text style>proc4
3 To create a QuickStyle for text=To create a QuickStyle for text>proc4
3 To create a QuickStyle for a paragraph=To create a QuickStyle for a paragraph>proc4
3 To save a text style=To save a text style>proc4
3 To specify where to save text styles=To specify where to save text styles>proc4
2 Applying and editing text styles
2 Applying and editing text styles=Applying and editing text styles>main
3 To apply a text style=To apply a text style>proc4
3 To edit a text style=To edit a text style>proc4
3 To copy a text style to another template=To copy a text style to another template>proc4
3 To retrieve a text style=To retrieve a text style>proc4
3 To select which styles are available=To select which styles are available>proc4
2 Removing and restoring text styles
2 Removing and restoring text styles=Removing and restoring text styles>main
3 To delete a text style=To delete a text style>proc4
3 To restore a text style to its default appearance=To restore a text style to its default appearance>proc4
2 Using variables
2 Using variables=Using variables>main
3 To create a variable=To create a variable>proc4
3 To insert a variable=To insert a variable>proc4
3 To edit a variable=To edit a variable>proc4
3 To delete a variable=To delete a variable>proc4
3 To view variables=To view variables>proc4
2 Retrieving, copying, and finding variables
2 Retrieving, copying, and finding variables=Retrieving copying and finding variables>main
3 To retrieve a variable=To retrieve a variable>proc4
3 To copy a variable=To copy a variable>proc4
3 To find a variable=To find a variable>proc4
2 Saving variables
2 Saving variables=Saving variables>main
3 To save a variable=To save a variable>proc4
3 To specify where to save new variables=To specify where to save new variables>proc4
2 Using graphics styles
2 Using graphics styles=Using graphics styles>main
3 To create a graphics style=To create a graphics style>proc4
3 To save a graphics style=To save a graphics style>proc4
3 To delete a graphics style=To delete a graphics style>proc4
3 To view changes to border, fill, or line attributes by using Corel RealTime Preview=To view changes to border fill or line attributes by using Corel RealTime Preview>proc4
3 To edit a graphics line=To edit a graphics line>proc4
3 To edit a custom line style=To edit a custom line style>proc4
3 To move a graphics line=To move a graphics line>proc4
3 To size a graphics line=To size a graphics line>proc4
3 To copy a graphics line=To copy a graphics line>proc4
3 To delete a graphics line=To delete a graphics line>proc4
2 Reference: Working with styles
2 Reference: Working with styles=Reference Working with styles>main
1 Publishing to the Web
1 Publishing to the Web=Publishing to the Web>main
2 Publishing to HTML
2 Publishing to HTML=Publishing to HTML>main
3 To publish to HTML=To publish to HTML>proc4
3 To preview a Web document=To preview a Web document>proc4
3 To convert a graphic to GIF format=To convert a graphic to GIF format>proc4
3 To convert a graphic to JPEG format=To convert a graphic to JPEG format>proc4
2 Publishing to XML
2 Publishing to XML=Publishing to XML>main
3 To publish a file to XML=To publish a file to XML>proc4
2 Publishing to PDF
2 Publishing to PDF=Publishing to PDF>main
3 To install Adobe Acrobat Reader=To install Adobe Acrobat Reader>proc4
3 To publish the active document to PDF=To publish the active document to PDF>proc4
2 Saving documents as PDF files
2 Saving documents as PDF files=Saving documents as PDF files>main
3 To save a document as a PDF file=To save a document as a PDF file>proc4
3 To create a PDF style=To create a PDF style>proc4
3 To edit a PDF style=To edit a PDF style>proc4
2 Working with fonts in PDF files
2 Working with fonts in PDF files=Working with fonts in PDF files>main
3 To embed fonts in a PDF file=To embed fonts in a PDF file>proc4
3 To convert TrueType fonts to Type 1 fonts=To convert TrueType fonts to Type 1 fonts>proc4
3 To export text as curves=To export text as curves>proc4
2 Editing PDF files
2 Editing PDF files=Editing PDF files>main
3 To include hyperlinks and bookmarks in a PDF file=To include hyperlinks and bookmarks in a PDF file>proc4
3 To compress bitmaps in a PDF file=To compress bitmaps in a PDF file>proc4
3 To export a PDF file in an encoding format=To export a PDF file in an encoding format>proc4
3 To embed a file in a PDF file=To embed a file in a PDF file>proc4
3 To choose a color model=To choose a color model>proc4
2 Optimizing PDF files
2 Optimizing PDF files=Optimizing PDF files>main
3 To select a compatibility=To select a compatibility>proc4
3 To linearize a PDF file=To linearize a PDF file>proc4
2 Reference: Publishing to the Web
2 Reference: Publishing to the Web=Reference Publishing to the Web>main
3 Publishing documents to XML=Publishing documents to XML>proc4
3 General document notes=General document notes>proc4
3 Paragraph and text=Paragraph and text>proc4
3 Text attributes=Text attributes>proc4
3 Styles=Styles>proc4
3 Tables=Tables>proc4
3 Hyperlinks and bookmarks=Hyperlinks and bookmarks>proc4
3 Comments=Comments>proc4
3 Footnotes and endnotes=Footnotes and endnotes>proc4
3 Chapters=Chapters>proc4
3 Graphics=Graphics>proc4
3 Textboxes and legacy equations (Equation editor 5.1 to 7.0)=Textboxes and legacy equations Equation editor 51 to 70>proc4
3 Outlines=Outlines>proc4
3 Table of Contents=Table of Contents>proc4
3 Table of authorities=Table of authorities>proc4
3 Lists=Lists>proc4
3 Indexes=Indexes>proc4
3 Cross-References=CrossReferences>proc4
1 Working with hyperlinks
1 Working with hyperlinks=Working with hyperlinks>main
2 Creating hyperlinks
2 Creating hyperlinks=Creating hyperlinks>main
3 To create a hyperlink to a file=To create a hyperlink to a file>proc4
3 To create a hyperlink to a bookmark=To create a hyperlink to a bookmark>proc4
3 To create a hyperlink that opens in a separate frame=To create a hyperlink that opens in a separate frame>proc4
2 Using hyperlinks
2 Using hyperlinks=Using hyperlinks>main
3 To activate hyperlinks in a document=To activate hyperlinks in a document>proc4
3 To jump to a hyperlink=To jump to a hyperlink>proc4
3 To navigate between hyperlinks=To navigate between hyperlinks>proc4
3 To change the color of hypertext=To change the color of hypertext>proc4
3 To reset hypertext color to the default settings=To reset hypertext color to the default settings>proc4
2 Editing hyperlinks
2 Editing hyperlinks=Editing hyperlinks>main
3 To edit a hyperlink=To edit a hyperlink>proc4
3 To edit hyperlink text=To edit hyperlink text>proc4
3 To delete a hyperlink=To delete a hyperlink>proc4
2 Using SpeedLink
2 Using SpeedLink=Using SpeedLink>main
3 To activate SpeedLink=To activate SpeedLink>proc4
3 To disable SpeedLink=To disable SpeedLink>proc4
3 To automatically create links in a document=To automatically create links in a document>proc4
3 To add a hyperlink using SpeedLink=To add a hyperlink using SpeedLink>proc4
3 To create a new SpeedLink entry=To create a new SpeedLink entry>proc4
3 To edit a SpeedLink entry=To edit a SpeedLink entry>proc4
3 To delete a SpeedLink entry=To delete a SpeedLink entry>proc4
1 Using bookmarks and QuickMarks
1 Using bookmarks and QuickMarks=Using bookmarks and QuickMarks>main
2 Inserting bookmarks and QuickMarks
2 Inserting bookmarks and QuickMarks=Inserting bookmarks and QuickMarks>main
3 To insert a bookmark=To insert a bookmark>proc4
3 To insert a bookmark using selected text=To insert a bookmark using selected text>proc4
3 To insert a QuickMark=To insert a QuickMark>proc4
3 To save your place in a document=To save your place in a document>proc4
2 Finding bookmarks and QuickMarks
2 Finding bookmarks and QuickMarks=Finding bookmarks and QuickMarks>main
3 To find a bookmark=To find a bookmark>proc4
3 To find a QuickMark=To find a QuickMark>proc4
2 Editing bookmarks and QuickMarks
2 Editing bookmarks and QuickMarks=Editing bookmarks and QuickMarks>main
3 To move a bookmark=To move a bookmark>proc4
3 To rename a bookmark=To rename a bookmark>proc4
3 To delete a bookmark or a QuickMark=To delete a bookmark or a QuickMark>proc4
1 Sorting text and data
1 Sorting text and data=Sorting text and data>main
2 Sorting
2 Sorting=Sorting>main
3 To sort text=To sort text>proc4
3 To sort text alphabetically or numerically=To sort text alphabetically or numerically>proc4
3 To set sort options=To set sort options>proc4
3 To sort dates=To sort dates>proc4
3 To sort by the last item in a list=To sort by the last item in a list>proc4
2 Working with records
2 Working with records=Working with records>main
3 To extract records without sorting=To extract records without sorting>proc4
3 To specify sort criteria=To specify sort criteria>proc4
2 Working with sort keys
2 Working with sort keys=Working with sort keys>main
3 To add a sort key=To add a sort key>proc4
3 To edit a sort key definition=To edit a sort key definition>proc4
3 To delete a sort key=To delete a sort key>proc4
2 Creating and modifying sort definitions
2 Creating and modifying sort definitions=Creating and modifying sort definitions>main
3 To create a sort definition=To create a sort definition>proc4
3 To edit a sort definition=To edit a sort definition>proc4
3 To copy a sort definition=To copy a sort definition>proc4
3 To delete a sort definition=To delete a sort definition>proc4
2 Reference: Sorting text and data
2 Reference: Sorting text and data=Reference Sorting text and data>main
3 Sort operators=Sort operators>proc4
1 Working with reference tools
1 Working with reference tools=Working with reference tools>main
2 Creating and editing styles for tables of contents
2 Creating and editing styles for tables of contents=Creating and editing styles for tables of contents>main
3 To create a style for a table of contents=To create a style for a table of contents>proc4
3 To edit a style for a table of contents=To edit a style for a table of contents>proc4
2 Marking entries for tables of contents
2 Marking entries for tables of contents=Marking entries for tables of contents>main
3 To mark entries for a table of contents=To mark entries for a table of contents>proc4
2 Defining tables of contents
2 Defining tables of contents=Defining tables of contents>main
3 To define a table of contents=To define a table of contents>proc4
2 Generating and updating tables of contents
2 Generating and updating tables of contents=Generating and updating tables of contents>main
3 To generate a table of contents=To generate a table of contents>proc4
2 Creating and formatting section definitions for tables of authorities
2 Creating and formatting section definitions for tables of authorities=Creating and formatting section definitions for tables of authorities>main
3 To create a section definition for a table of authorities=To create a section definition for a table of authorities>proc4
3 To edit a table of authorities section definition=To edit a table of authorities section definition>proc4
3 To retrieve a section definition=To retrieve a section definition>proc4
3 To delete a section definition=To delete a section definition>proc4
2 Creating and editing section definition styles for tables of authorities
2 Creating and editing section definition styles for tables of authorities=Creating and editing section definition styles for tables of authorities>main
3 To create a style for a table of authorities section definition=To create a style for a table of authorities section definition>proc4
3 To edit the style of a table of authorities section definition=To edit the style of a table of authorities section definition>proc4
2 Marking entries for tables of authorities
2 Marking entries for tables of authorities=Marking entries for tables of authorities>main
3 To create a full form entry=To create a full form entry>proc4
3 To edit a full form entry=To edit a full form entry>proc4
3 To insert a short form entry=To insert a short form entry>proc4
2 Defining tables of authorities
2 Defining tables of authorities=Defining tables of authorities>main
3 To create a table of authorities page=To create a table of authorities page>proc4
3 To define a table of authorities=To define a table of authorities>proc4
2 Generating and updating tables of authorities
2 Generating and updating tables of authorities=Generating and updating tables of authorities>main
3 To generate and update a table of authorities=To generate and update a table of authorities>proc4
2 Creating and formatting figure or table list definitions
2 Creating and formatting figure or table list definitions=Creating and formatting figure or table list definitions>main
3 To create a list definition=To create a list definition>proc4
3 To edit a list definition=To edit a list definition>proc4
3 To retrieve a list definition=To retrieve a list definition>proc4
3 To delete a list definition=To delete a list definition>proc4
2 Creating and editing styles for lists of figures or tables
2 Creating and editing styles for lists of figures or tables=Creating and editing styles for lists of figures or tables>main
3 To create a style for a list of figures or tables=To create a style for a list of figures or tables>proc4
3 To edit a list of figures or tables style=To edit a list of figures or tables style>proc4
2 Marking entries for lists of figures or tables
2 Marking entries for lists of figures or tables=Marking entries for lists of figures or tables>main
3 To mark entries for a list of figures or tables=To mark entries for a list of figures or tables>proc4
3 To mark a caption for a list of figures=To mark a caption for a list of figures>proc4
2 Defining lists of figures or tables
2 Defining lists of figures or tables=Defining lists of figures or tables>main
3 To define a list of figures or tables=To define a list of figures or tables>proc4
2 Generating and updating lists of figures or tables
2 Generating and updating lists of figures or tables=Generating and updating lists of figures or tables>main
3 To generate a list of figures or tables=To generate a list of figures or tables>proc4
2 Creating and editing index styles
2 Creating and editing index styles=Creating and editing index styles>main
3 To create an index style=To create an index style>proc4
3 To edit an index style=To edit an index style>proc4
2 Marking index entries
2 Marking index entries=Marking index entries>main
3 To create a concordance file=To create a concordance file>proc4
3 To mark a heading or a subheading in a concordance file=To mark a heading or a subheading in a concordance file>proc4
3 To mark an index entry manually=To mark an index entry manually>proc4
2 Defining indexes
2 Defining indexes=Defining indexes>main
3 To define an index=To define an index>proc4
3 To define the information in a concordance file=To define the information in a concordance file>proc4
2 Generating and updating indexes
2 Generating and updating indexes=Generating and updating indexes>main
3 To generate an index=To generate an index>proc4
2 Finding and removing index codes from documents
2 Finding and removing index codes from documents=Finding and removing index codes from documents>main
3 To find an index code in a document=To find an index code in a document>proc4
3 To delete an index code from a document=To delete an index code from a document>proc4
2 Marking targets and references for cross-references
2 Marking targets and references for cross-references=Marking targets and references for crossreferences>main
3 To mark a target=To mark a target>proc4
3 To mark a reference=To mark a reference>proc4
3 To mark multiple references with one target=To mark multiple references with one target>proc4
3 To change options for HTML-enabled references=To change options for HTMLenabled references>proc4
3 To cross-reference a graphic caption=To crossreference a graphic caption>proc4
3 To cross-reference only the number of a graphics box=To crossreference only the number of a graphics box>proc4
2 Generating and updating cross-references
2 Generating and updating cross-references=Generating and updating crossreferences>main
3 To generate cross-references=To generate crossreferences>proc4
1 Using master documents
1 Using master documents=Using master documents>main
2 Working with master documents and subdocuments
2 Working with master documents and subdocuments=Working with master documents and subdocuments>main
3 To create a master document=To create a master document>proc4
3 To link a subdocument to a master document=To link a subdocument to a master document>proc4
3 To expand selected subdocuments in a master document=To expand selected subdocuments in a master document>proc4
3 To expand all subdocuments in a master document, including disabled subdocuments=To expand all subdocuments in a master document including disabled subdocuments>proc4
3 To condense and save subdocuments in a master document=To condense and save subdocuments in a master document>proc4
3 To remove a subdocument link from a master document=To remove a subdocument link from a master document>proc4
1 Merging documents
1 Merging documents=Merging documents>main
2 Creating data for a merge
2 Creating data for a merge=Creating data for a merge>main
3 To create a data file for a merge=To create a data file for a merge>proc4
2 Working with form documents for a merge
2 Working with form documents for a merge=Working with form documents for a merge>main
3 To create a form document for a merge=To create a form document for a merge>proc4
3 To insert a field in a form document for a merge=To insert a field in a form document for a merge>proc4
3 To create labels for a merge=To create labels for a merge>proc4
3 To create sideways text for a merge=To create sideways text for a merge>proc4
3 To create a form document for a keyboard merge=To create a form document for a keyboard merge>proc4
3 To create a table for a merge=To create a table for a merge>proc4
2 Working with levels, loops, and merge variables=Working with levels loops and merge variables>main
2 Working with merge expressions
2 Working with merge expressions=Working with merge expressions>main
2 Expression terms
2 Expression terms=Expression terms>main
1 Linking and embedding
1 Linking and embedding=Linking and embedding>main
2 Linking and embedding objects
2 Linking and embedding objects=Linking and embedding objects>main
3 To link or embed a file as an object=To link or embed a file as an object>proc4
3 To link or embed selected information as an object=To link or embed selected information as an object>proc4
3 To embed an object by dragging=To embed an object by dragging>proc4
3 To embed a new object=To embed a new object>proc4
3 To embed a scrap file=To embed a scrap file>proc4
3 To embed Internet documents=To embed Internet documents>proc4
2 Linking and embedding data created in other formats as regular text
2 Linking and embedding data created in other formats as regular text=Linking and embedding data created in other formats as regular text>main
3 To link or embed spreadsheet data as regular text=To link or embed spreadsheet data as regular text>proc4
3 To link or embed a database as regular text=To link or embed a database as regular text>proc4
3 To link or embed a delimited text file=To link or embed a delimited text file>proc4
2 Linking and embedding TextArt images
2 Linking and embedding TextArt images=Linking and embedding TextArt images>main
3 To link or embed a TextArt image=To link or embed a TextArt image>proc4
3 To create an embedded TextArt image=To create an embedded TextArt image>proc4
2 Linking and embedding video
2 Linking and embedding video=Linking and embedding video>main
3 To link or embed a video clip=To link or embed a video clip>proc4
2 Linking, embedding, and using sound
2 Linking, embedding, and using sound=Linking embedding and using sound>main
3 To link or embed a sound clip=To link or embed a sound clip>proc4
3 To play a sound clip=To play a sound clip>proc4
3 To edit the description of a linked or embedded sound clip=To edit the description of a linked or embedded sound clip>proc4
3 To transcribe a sound clip=To transcribe a sound clip>proc4
3 To record a sound clip=To record a sound clip>proc4
2 Changing links
2 Changing links=Changing links>main
3 To change the source of a linked object=To change the source of a linked object>proc4
3 To change the source of a spreadsheet or database linked as regular text=To change the source of a spreadsheet or database linked as regular text>proc4
3 To break a link and keep the information in a document=To break a link and keep the information in a document>proc4
3 To delete a link and the linked information=To delete a link and the linked information>proc4
2 Updating links and editing OLE objects
2 Updating links and editing OLE objects=Updating links and editing OLE objects>main
3 To manually update a spreadsheet or database linked as regular text=To manually update a spreadsheet or database linked as regular text>proc4
3 To update a spreadsheet or database linked as regular text when you open the document=To update a spreadsheet or database linked as regular text when you open the document>proc4
3 To update a linked object manually=To update a linked object manually>proc4
3 To update a linked object when you open a document=To update a linked object when you open a document>proc4
3 To edit a linked or embedded OLE object=To edit a linked or embedded OLE object>proc4
2 Changing and hiding link icons
2 Changing and hiding link icons=Changing and hiding link icons>main
3 To choose the icon or label displayed for a linked or embedded object=To choose the icon or label displayed for a linked or embedded object>proc4
3 To hide link icons for a spreadsheet or database linked as regular text=To hide link icons for a spreadsheet or database linked as regular text>proc4
1 Recordings, macros, and automation features
1 Recordings, macros, and automation features=Recordings macros and automation features>main
2 Using QuickMacros
2 Using QuickMacros=Using QuickMacros>main
3 To record a QuickMacro=To record a QuickMacro>proc4
3 To play a QuickMacro=To play a QuickMacro>proc4
2 Recording, saving, and storing macros
2 Recording, saving, and storing macros=Recording saving and storing macros>main
3 To record a macro=To record a macro>proc4
3 To change the default macros folder=To change the default macros folder>proc4
2 Playing macros
2 Playing macros=Playing macros>main
3 To play a macro=To play a macro>proc4
3 To play a macro multiple times=To play a macro multiple times>proc4
2 Using macros included with WordPerfect
2 Using macros included with WordPerfect=Using macros included with WordPerfect>main
3 Macros included with WordPerfect=Macros included with WordPerfect>proc4
2 Using toolbars for macros
2 Using toolbars for macros=Using toolbars for macros>main
3 To view a macro toolbar=To view a macro toolbar>proc4
3 To view the Macro toolbar=To view the Macro toolbar>proc4
3 To view the Template macro toolbar=To view the Template macro toolbar>proc4
3 To use the Macro toolbar=To use the Macro toolbar>proc4
2 Using template macros
2 Using template macros=Using template macros>main
3 To add a template macro from another template=To add a template macro from another template>proc4
3 To record a template macro from scratch=To record a template macro from scratch>proc4
3 To play a template macro=To play a template macro>proc4
2 Editing and deleting template macros
2 Editing and deleting template macros=Editing and deleting template macros>main
3 To edit a template macro=To edit a template macro>proc4
3 To delete a template macro=To delete a template macro>proc4
2 Triggering macros from templates
2 Triggering macros from templates=Triggering macros from templates>main
3 To insert a macro trigger in a template=To insert a macro trigger in a template>proc4
3 To add the TemplateFill macro command=To add the TemplateFill macro command>proc4
3 To assign a macro to a keystroke=To assign a macro to a keystroke>proc4
3 To assign a macro to a menu=To assign a macro to a menu>proc4
3 To assign a macro to a toolbar button=To assign a macro to a toolbar button>proc4
3 To edit the name and QuickTips of a button=To edit the name and QuickTips of a button>proc4
3 To edit the image of a macro button=To edit the image of a macro button>proc4
3 To assign a macro to the property bar=To assign a macro to the property bar>proc4
2 Assigning template macros to keystrokes, menus, and toolbars
2 Assigning template macros to keystrokes, menus, and toolbars=Assigning template macros to keystrokes menus and toolbars>main
3 To assign a template macro to a keystroke=To assign a template macro to a keystroke>proc4
3 To create a keyboard with the same initial settings as an existing keyboard=To create a keyboard with the same initial settings as an existing keyboard>proc4
3 To assign a template macro to a menu=To assign a template macro to a menu>proc4
3 To edit the current template menu=To edit the current template menu>proc4
3 To create a template menu with the same initial settings as an existing menu=To create a template menu with the same initial settings as an existing menu>proc4
3 To assign a template macro to a toolbar button=To assign a template macro to a toolbar button>proc4
3 To edit a toolbar button=To edit a toolbar button>proc4
3 To edit the image of a toolbar button=To edit the image of a toolbar button>proc4
2 Associating toolbars with template features
2 Associating toolbars with template features=Associating toolbars with template features>main
3 To use the Associate button with a template macro=To use the Associate button with a template macro>proc4
2 Writing and editing macros using PerfectScript
2 Writing and editing macros using PerfectScript=Writing and editing macros using PerfectScript>main
2 Understanding macro commands and syntax
2 Understanding macro commands and syntax=Understanding macro commands and syntax>main
2 Using macro conventions and formatting macros
2 Using macro conventions and formatting macros=Using macro conventions and formatting macros>main
2 Recording macro commands into macros
2 Recording macro commands into macros=Recording macro commands into macros>main
3 To record macro commands in a macro=To record macro commands in a macro>proc4
2 Inserting codes in macros
2 Inserting codes in macros=Inserting codes in macros>main
3 To insert a code in a macro=To insert a code in a macro>proc4
2 Using macros from earlier versions of WordPerfect
2 Using macros from earlier versions of WordPerfect=Using macros from earlier versions of WordPerfect>main
3 To update macros from earlier versions of WordPerfect=To update macros from earlier versions of WordPerfect>proc4
2 Using programming commands in macros
2 Using programming commands in macros=Using programming commands in macros>main
2 Using parameters in macros
2 Using parameters in macros=Using parameters in macros>main
2 Using variables in PerfectScript
2 Using variables in PerfectScript=Using variables in PerfectScript>main
3 To assign a variable in PerfectScript=To assign a variable in PerfectScript>proc4
2 Using the macro command browser
2 Using the macro command browser=Using the macro command browser>main
3 To access macro commands=To access macro commands>proc4
3 To insert commands with the macro command browser=To insert commands with the macro command browser>proc4
2 Using macro commands to retrieve information
2 Using macro commands to retrieve information=Using macro commands to retrieve information>main
2 Using OLE object commands in macros
2 Using OLE object commands in macros=Using OLE object commands in macros>main
2 Compiling macros
2 Compiling macros=Compiling macros>main
3 To compile a macro=To compile a macro>proc4
3 To set PerfectScript to generate a listing file when you compile a macro=To set PerfectScript to generate a listing file when you compile a macro>proc4
3 To find macro errors using the PerfectScript debugger=To find macro errors using the PerfectScript debugger>proc4
2 Working from the PerfectScript utility
2 Working from the PerfectScript utility=Working from the PerfectScript utility>main
3 To start PerfectScript from the Windows Start menu=To start PerfectScript from the Windows Start menu>proc4
3 To set the default macro folder in PerfectScript=To set the default macro folder in PerfectScript>proc4
3 To set the PerfectScript editor=To set the PerfectScript editor>proc4
2 Testing for errors from PerfectScript
2 Testing for errors from PerfectScript=Testing for errors from PerfectScript>main
3 To debug a macro step-by-step from PerfectScript=To debug a macro stepbystep from PerfectScript>proc4
3 To set a macro breakpoint=To set a macro breakpoint>proc4
3 To animate a macro=To animate a macro>proc4
3 To view the meaning of commands from the PerfectScript Debugger=To view the meaning of commands from the PerfectScript Debugger>proc4
2 Editing and deleting macros
2 Editing and deleting macros=Editing and deleting macros>main
3 To edit a macro=To edit a macro>proc4
3 To delete a macro=To delete a macro>proc4
2 Searching in macros
2 Searching in macros=Searching in macros>main
3 To record a search in a macro=To record a search in a macro>proc4
2 Integrating with Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
2 Integrating with Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications=Integrating with Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications>main
3 To start VBA from WordPerfect=To start VBA from WordPerfect>proc4
3 To display the VBA toolbar=To display the VBA toolbar>proc4
3 To create a VBA project macro in WordPerfect=To create a VBA project macro in WordPerfect>proc4
3 To create a VBA global macro in WordPerfect=To create a VBA global macro in WordPerfect>proc4
3 To play a VBA macro in WordPerfect=To play a VBA macro in WordPerfect>proc4
3 To edit a VBA macro=To edit a VBA macro>proc4
3 To debug a macro created in VBA=To debug a macro created in VBA>proc4
2 Using the PerfectScript class to change WordPerfect documents
2 Using the PerfectScript class to change WordPerfect documents=Using the PerfectScript class to change WordPerfect documents>main
3 To create a VBA macro that uses the PerfectScript class=To create a VBA macro that uses the PerfectScript class>proc4
2 Working with VBA methods
2 Working with VBA methods=Working with VBA methods>main
3 To access the system's date and time values=To access the systems date and time values>proc4
2 Accessing and manipulating applications from other applications
2 Accessing and manipulating applications from other applications=Accessing and manipulating applications from other applications>main
3 To create a WordPerfect VBA Macro that will manipulate a Quattro Pro document=To create a WordPerfect VBA Macro that will manipulate a Quattro Pro document>proc4
2 Using OLE Automation
2 Using OLE Automation=Using OLE Automation>main
2 Understanding OLE Automation
2 Understanding OLE Automation=Understanding OLE Automation>main
2 Using files with DDE Execute from previous versions of WordPerfect
2 Using files with DDE Execute from previous versions of WordPerfect=Using files with DDE Execute from previous versions of WordPerfect>main
2 Getting online Help for macros
2 Getting online Help for macros=Getting online Help for macros>main
3 To start WordPerfect Macros Help=To start WordPerfect Macros Help>proc4
3 To get more information about PerfectScript Commands=To get more information about PerfectScript Commands>proc4
3 To display Help while editing a macro=To display Help while editing a macro>proc4
3 To get Help in the macro command browser=To get Help in the macro command browser>proc4
2 Getting the most out of the PerfectExpert=!EF("UAWP11EN.HLP")
2 Using WordPerfect shortcut keys
2 Using WordPerfect shortcut keys=Using WordPerfect shortcut keys>main
3 To use File menu shortcut keys=To use File menu shortcut keys>proc4
3 To use Edit menu shortcut keys=To use Edit menu shortcut keys>proc4
3 To use View menu shortcut keys=To use View menu shortcut keys>proc4
3 To use Insert menu shortcut keys=To use Insert menu shortcut keys>proc4
3 To use Format menu shortcut keys=To use Format menu shortcut keys>proc4
3 To use Table menu shortcut keys=To use Table menu shortcut keys>proc4
3 To use Tools menu shortcut keys=To use Tools menu shortcut keys>proc4
3 To use Help menu shortcut keys=To use Help menu shortcut keys>proc4
3 To use property bar shortcut keys=To use property bar shortcut keys>proc4
3 To use navigation shortcut keys=To use navigation shortcut keys>proc4
3 To use other shortcut keys=To use other shortcut keys>proc4
3 To move the cursor using CUA (WPWin10) and DOS keystrokes=To move the cursor using CUA WPWin10 and DOS keystrokes>proc4
3 To insert using CUA (WPWin10) and DOS keystrokes=To insert using CUA WPWin10 and DOS keystrokes>proc4
3 To delete using CUA (WPWin10) and DOS keystrokes=To delete using CUA WPWin10 and DOS keystrokes>proc4
3 To enable other editing keystrokes using CUA (WPWin10) and DOS keystrokes=To enable other editing keystrokes using CUA WPWin10 and DOS keystrokes>proc4
3 To perform functions in a column using CUA (WPWin10) and DOS keystrokes=To perform functions in a column using CUA WPWin10 and DOS keystrokes>proc4
3 To perform functions in a dialog box using CUA (WPWin10) and DOS keystrokes=To perform functions in a dialog box using CUA WPWin10 and DOS keystrokes>proc4
3 To perform functions in a table using CUA (WPWin10) and DOS keystrokes=To perform functions in a table using CUA WPWin10 and DOS keystrokes>proc4
3 To select text using CUA (WPWin10) and DOS keystrokes=To select text using CUA WPWin10 and DOS keystrokes>proc4
2 Startup switches for WordPerfect
2 Startup switches for WordPerfect=Startup switches for WordPerfect>main
3 To use WordPerfect startup switches=To use WordPerfect startup switches>proc4
3 To start WordPerfect using a startup switch=To start WordPerfect using a startup switch>proc4
3 To set a permanent startup switch for WordPerfect=To set a permanent startup switch for WordPerfect>proc4
2 Import and export file formats for WordPerfect
2 Import and export file formats for WordPerfect=Import and export file formats for WordPerfect>main
3 Word-processor and text import formats
3 Word-processor and text import formats=Wordprocessor and text import formats>proc4